How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety
Renew Inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything; it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to learn how to lessen worry and anxiety for good.

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of the things that trigger these emotions.

Here’s a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re in certain places?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious during a particular time of the day?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re around certain people?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have started the process to identify possible triggers that may cause you to worry or experience anxiety throughout your life.


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown Author

Before we go any further, let’s take a moment to define anxiety and worry. Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body, such as tightness in chest, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, headaches, trembling or trouble sleeping. It’s important to note that anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”. In addition, chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger many health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, irritability, muscle aches/tension, nausea, rapid breathing, dry mouth, dizziness, and nervous energy.

Here’s some common causes for anxiety and worry:

  • Stress that can result from work, school, personal relationship
  • Emotional trauma
  • Financial concerns
  • Stress caused by a chronic or serious medical condition
  • A major event or performance
  • Side effect of certain medications
  • Alcohol or drugs consumption
  • Lack of oxygen

As you can see, experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety


Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. – Unknown Author

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some lifestyle changes that can help lessen worry and anxiety in your life:

  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when you worry or when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments when you worry the most or experience high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Be open, honest, and willing to express how you truly feel.
  • Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to share your experiences. Listen to others and give/receive feedback.
  • Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.
  • Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

Finally, it’s important to get a clear understanding of what your triggers are and establish healthy ways to respond to them. Live in the moment and begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what you’re doing in the present. Like any change you pursue in life, remember that it takes time to change your way of thinking and feeling. Be patient with yourself while you lessen worry and anxiety in your life.



Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.



 Get Started (

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

17 Simple Ways to Relieve Worry, Stress, and Anxiety » Hope For Healing (

10 Crucial Differences Between Worry and Anxiety | Psychology Today


Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life

9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life

Renew Inspiration, 9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life
Renew Inspiration

One small positive thought in the morning can change your day. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, let’s talk about how affirmations can improve your life. To begin with, the word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, which means “to strengthen and make steady.” Affirmations are meant to help change your thoughts and move your attention to more empowering ideas that will ultimately create an improved result. Affirmations can be another form of positive self-talk that can:

• Help set the tone for your day.
• Be used to target and improve any area of your life.
• Help you overcome any negative thinking patterns.
• Provide a reflection of the kind of life you want to live.
• Offer ways to improve your mood and emotions.
• Increase your self-confidence and uplift your spirit.
• Help you set realistic goals and create a plan to reach them.

Simply put, when used consistently, affirmations have the power to transform lives despite what you’re going through.


Talk to yourself like someone you love. – Brene Brown

In order to receive the most benefits of reciting affirmations, it’s important for you to read and recite them aloud. Then, state them in the present tense as if they have already been accomplished. This process will make your mind believe that it’s already happening. Repetition is key. The more you say it, the more you may believe it. Affirmations can improve your life by:

1. Increasing self-awareness so you can acknowledge your daily thoughts and feelings.
2. Allowing you to become more grateful in any situation you are faced with.
3. Keeping you encouraged and more motivated to accomplish personal goals.
4. Helping you be in the present moment not worrying about the past or the future.
5. Teaching you how to be more open to new possibilities; not afraid to take risks.
6. Helping you to manage your feelings and emotions under stressful situations.
7. Reminding you to pay attention to your thought patterns.
8. Keeping you calm and at peace.
9. Helping you become more aware of what you want and your mind helps you get it.

During this process, focus on finding solutions and learning how to make positive changes in all areas of your life. After all, taking the time to recite affirmations daily can be the start of transforming your life.

If you want to want to get started with using affirmations, CLICK HERE to get my FREE Positive Affirmations Guide.


Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing. – John C. Maxwell

Next, in order for you to embrace this new way of thinking and living, it is important for you to feed your spirit with positive vibes on a daily basis. For example, I choose to feel good about myself and life’s journey each day. Even when I am feeling sad or depressed, deep inside I aspire to be a giver. A giver of life, a giver of good vibes, and a giver of strength. This kind of thinking will help you overcome life’s challenges and improve life’s journey.

Here’s a few positive affirmations to help you get started:

• I am blessed and in charge of my life.
• I am beautiful, brave, and ready to learn.
• I am fearless and capable of so much more.
• I am bold, strong, and free to make my own choices.
• I am enough and perfect just the way I am.

Repeat your daily affirmations 1 to 2 times per day so it will be a constant reminder of what you are aiming for. Shift your focus and attention towards thoughts and feelings that are both positive and constructive. Start using daily affirmations along with journal prompts today, and watch the quality of your life improve throughout your journey. Focus on positive changes and you will get positive results.


It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


• What thought patterns do you have and how do they impact your life?
• What did you do today that brought you closer to your dream?
• What is your life’s vision for the next 3 years?
• What is happening in your mind right now in this very moment?


• How can you love yourself today?
• What is one of life’s little pleasures that you appreciate?
• Who/What brings the most joy to your life?
• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?


• What do you need more of in your life?
• What is something you would love to learn in your lifetime?
• What are the best choices you have made in life so far?
• How do you keep your thoughts in check throughout the day?


How do you plan to use affirmations to improve your life? How often to you recite affirmations? Do you plan to add affirmations and writing in your journal to your daily routine? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Living in Fear

Living in Fear

Living in Fear, Renew Inspiration, Anxiety, Worry, Flower

Never let your fear decide your fate. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and a sound mind. – II Timothy 1:7 KJV

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Just like all feelings and emotions we experience in our daily lives, there’s a portion of fear that is also necessary. Unfortunately, we have to be careful not to get caught up in all of the fears, negative feelings, and emotions. Often times living in constant fear can cause you to experience unhealthy feelings and physical consequences, such as:

• Chronic worrying

• A high level of anxiety

• Harmful sleep habits

• Issues with your appetite

• Digestive disorders

• Muscle tension

• Short-term memory loss

• Increase stress levels

• Depression

• Suicidal thoughts

As you can see, living in fear has a negative impact on your total well-being – mind, body, and spirit.


Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. – Unknown Author

It’s important to also note that living in fear will cause an increase in anxiety and worry as well. Below you will find the definitions for fear, anxiety, and worry:

Fear – an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Anxiety – a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Worry – a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.

So, I know you’re wondering how you can turn your life around, right? Well, let’s start with focusing on basic lifestyle changes.


Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it. – Unknown Author

Although living in fear can cause an imbalance in your body, there are many options you have that can re-establish harmony of your total well-being – mind, body, and spirt.

Here’s some lifestyle changes to include in your daily journey:

• Exercise daily.

• Eat a healthy, balanced diet.

• Focus on what you appreciate.

• Write your thoughts in a journal or notebook.

• Be conscious of your worries.

• Learn to relax.

• Pray and meditate.

• Establish a strong social network.

• Talk to a professional therapist or counselor.

Now, remember you’re not going to change overnight. It’s going to take time, commitment, and consistency to find what works best for you. Be careful not to rush the process.


Worrying will never change the outcome. – Unknown Author

As you may already know, overcoming fear, anxiety, and worry may not be easy, but it is possible. As you take the necessary steps to overcome these emotional challenges, you will allow yourself to focus on the more important things in life. It takes effort and commitment, but just imagine the number of rewards that will follow. Please keep these important tips in mind throughout the process:

Tip 1 – Honesty is key so always speak your truth.

Tip 2 – Focus on your breathing techniques, slowly breathing in and out.

Tip 3 – Trust the Universe, but don’t question your personal beliefs and values.

Tip 4 – Don’t fight the feeling, just let go and let God direct your path.

Tip 5 – Always make time for personal reflection.

My hope for you today is to find a way to balance fear, anxiety, and worry in your life. Remember, a little of anything will be alright, but it’s when you allow stuff like fear to consume your life, is when you will experience stress and heartache.


May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. – Nelson Mandela

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:

• Who or what are you afraid of? Why?

• What fear is holding you back?

• What causes you anxiety and/or worry?

• What helps you conquer the fear in your life?

• What brings peace and comfort into your life?

• What gives you courage to move forward?

• How were you courageous today?

• What is your biggest fear in life?

• What is holding you back from improving your lifestyle?


I allow love to fill my mind, body, and soul all day today. I am love. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Do you find yourself living in fear? How do you cope with fear, anxiety, and worry? Can you list at least 5 ways you’ve become stronger and more courageous this month? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

My Inner Voice

My Inner Voice


Don’t shush your inner voice, it’s who you really are. – Unknown

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever been sitting still and thoughts begin to run through your mind? Whether positive or negative, you begin to listen to your thoughts and maybe even recognize how you’re feeling in this moment. I call this process listening to my inner voice. I define inner voice as the wisdom of your entire being – mind, body and spirit. Your inner voice may come in the form of random thoughts, feelings within your body, or guidance coming to you from a higher power.

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Believe it or not, your inner voice can be destructive thoughts sent to cause you harm or often times your inner voice may discourage you from making bad decisions in life. Take a moment and think about this. All your life there has been an inner voice offering a sense of direction, gently and sometimes urgently. Sometimes you listened and other times you ignored it.


Be still. The quieter you become, the more you can hear. – Ram Dass

Finding your inner voice is a way to connect with your intuition so you can live your purpose. At times we may hear something in our thoughts or just simply feel a certain kind of way. Nevertheless, it is important to allow yourself to capture these thoughts and/or feelings. Here’s some effective ways to find your inner voice:

• Take time to quiet the mind through meditation.
• Listen to your emotions and feelings.
• Be more confident and stop asking others for their opinions.
• Make it personal and pay attention to your hopes and dreams.
• Follow what your intuition is telling you.


Your thoughts and feelings are a mirror of your soul. – Sydney Banks

You must be still to hear your inner voice so it is important to allow yourself quiet time on a regular basis. Once quiet with no distractions, look for some of these advantages of listening to your inner voice:

• Start a habit of looking inward every day. Empty your mind of all thoughts and let your heart be at peace.
• Let go of your ego and give your inner voice a chance to be heard.
• Trust your gut feeling, slow down, and allow your inner voice to direct your attention to what’s more important in your life.
• You will greatly reduce your stress levels and improve your health.
• Your trust levels will increase, which leads to improved relationships with yourself and others.


Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track.

Morning Journaling Prompts

• What’s on your daily To-Do List?
• What am I grateful for this morning?
• What do I give permission for myself to do today?
• What do I want to get out of today?
• How will I practice self-kindness today?

My Inner Voice Journaling Prompts

• What can I hear right now in this very moment?
• What feelings did I experience today?
• What kinds of thoughts or feelings drains my energy?
• What kinds of thoughts or feelings leaves me feeling fulfilled?
• What am I feeling today and what thoughts are creating that feeling?
• What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?
• What makes your inner voice unique?

Evening Journaling Prompts

• What went well today?
• What am I proud of today?
• What strengths have I used today?
• What was challenging today?
• How can I better face these challenges next time?
Journaling Challenge
Journaling holds all of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in one sacred place. Journaling has a way to uncover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Journaling can be fun, but also can be a serious process to help you cope with many life’s challenges, such as depression, grief, or loneliness. The most important fact about journaling is you have total control throughout the experience. You can keep it secret or share it with others.

Now, this Journaling Challenge is simple. Be open, honest, and willing to write in your journal.

• How does journaling help you?
• Where do you feel out of alignment with the things that bring you peace and joy?
• Write your own list of journaling prompts to explore and share a few of them in the comment section.

Always remember, your inner voice will bring about self-confidence. Speak life into your situation and spread positive vibes to those around you. You have total control of your inner voice, whether they are thoughts or feelings. Change how you receive, interpret, and react. Then, your outcome will be different and more effective. After all, your inner voice will help increase self-confidence, help you become more efficient, and you will notice much needed improvement within your life.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Moving Forward, Renew Inspiration, Swans, Water

You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward…just take the next step.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for the weekMoving forward means it’s time to write a new story.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! This week I have been in a very difficult place. It’s been hard to focus on writing so I had to step away to get my mind, body and spirit reconnected again. Have you ever been there or felt this way? Sometimes it helps to know that you’re not alone and you find comfort in knowing that others may be experiencing this same kind of feeling from time to time. Now, I realize it’s so important to be honest with yourself and with those closest to you so that’s where today’s topic originated from – Moving Forward.


The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Today, I wanted to write a few words about moving forward. Whether you’re stuck in a rut from a recent break up or going through the grieving process from the loss of a loved one, many people struggle with moving forward. Now, speaking from experience, I do realize that moving forward is not always easy. However, it’s important for people to be honest with themselves and with those around them when choosing to shake it off and take the first step to move forward.

Here’s some common ways to help you move forward in various life situations:

• Change your attitude. Believe it or not, to manifest is to create exactly what you want in your life by choosing to consciously vibrate in alignment with that feeling now. So, don’t put off changing your negative attitude. Choose to shine and a leave a little sparkle wherever you go.

• Block out negativity. Let’s face it, negative vibes bring about negative vibes. I AM – two of the most powerful words. For what you put after them shapes your reality. So, why not make it a positive life, right?

• Take ownership. Be the first to own up to what you didn’t do or to any mistake you may have made in life. That’s how you learn and earn respect.

• Let go of the past. It’s not healthy to relive your painful past. If you continue to look at today through the eyes of the past, you can never see what the present moment has to offer you in life. Remember, you can’t change what happened, but you can change your mindset and actions in the present.

• Start small. Set small goals for yourself and write them down. Each morning, look at your goals and make a plan to do something productive that will help you reach your goals.

• Stick to a schedule. Make a plan and stick to it. I know life happens from time to time, but also remember your success is found in your daily routine. Create a daily To-Do List with 3 to 5 items on it and check your tasks off throughout the day.

• Be willing to forgive. In order to be kind to yourself, it’s important to commit to talking with yourself in a way that’s helpful, rather than harmful. Speak life into your situation, not death and destruction.

• Live in a moment of gratitude. Start every day with an attitude of gratitude. Afterall, gratitude makes sweet miracles of small moments. Breathe in beauty, exhale gratitude.

Don’t be afraid to find your own happiness throughout this process as well. Remember, achieving success and personal growth is not going to happen overnight. To be able to move forward in life, you may have to let some people and thoughts go in order to live a more fulfilled life with purpose.

Moving Forward, Renew Inspiration, Journaling, Reflection, Writing, Notebook, Journal


Do not give your past the power to define your future.

As always, I want to give you some journal prompts that will help you throughout the moving forward process. Believe in yourself and choose to shine while journaling your way to happiness. If you’re honest with yourself, you will achieve what ever you set your heart and mind to.

• What would make you happy right now?

• What is standing in the way of that happiness?

• What is draining your energy from day to day?

• What do I need to give up, say no to or let go of?

• How can I re-prioritize my to-do list?

• What would I be doing if money or other people’s opinions didn’t hold you back?

• What are you afraid of?

• How can you confront those fears head on?

• What is a short-term goal that you’re confident you can achieve?

• What is an important lesson you’ve learned recently?
Thank you for reading my latest blog post. I really look forward to inspiring all of you with written word. When I write my Renew Inspiration blog posts, I strive to grow within myself with every word that I type. Believe it or not, my Renew Inspiration blog is the key to my very being. It gives me strength and power to reach so many people, both near and far. I would love to hear your thoughts about moving forward so please leave a comment. Peace and blessings!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

From Journaling to Blogging

From Journaling to Blogging

Journaling, Blogging, Pink Flower, Reflection, Journal Prompts

The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I want to discuss the process from journaling to blogging. As a start, it’s important to know that journaling is whatever you want it to be. You are in control and can define what journaling means to you. For example, I chose journaling to express myself while grieving the death of my mother. Simply put, journaling can be your creative way to record life in general and all its amazing experiences.


Journaling can be done online or using a journal notebook. Journaling is a form of expression and is always a personal journey to help cleanse one’s soul. For example, when you choose to write in your journal, you can begin the healing process to release various emotions, such as pain, hurt, or guilt; feelings, such as sadness, happiness, or loneliness; practicing self-reflection by designing your journal pages using colorful markers, stickers to add a personal touch, or including pictures and quotes.

Remember, journaling holds all of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in one sacred place. Journaling has a way to uncover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Journaling can be fun, but also can be a serious process to help you cope with many life’s challenges, such as depression, grief, or loneliness. The most important fact about journaling is you have total control throughout the experience. You can keep it secret or share it with others.


Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow. – Unknown Author

Now, let’s take the journaling process to the next level. How about using the journaling process to find yourself? Journaling is a way to capture ideas and keep your dreams alive until you can put them in motion. We have to be ready and willing to do what’s necessary to grow, to learn, and most importantly, to find yourself.

1. To ponder and pen your big dreams – Your journal is an ideal place to write out all of your desires and dreams. If there were no limits, what would you want to become? Who would you want to meet? What would you have? Where would you go? Write it all down, describing in detail what your success would look like. By doing this, you can begin to put the laws of success attraction into motion.

2. To get clarity and solve problems faster – When you are unable to see a clear path in your life, it’s better to jot down all those thoughts swirling around in your head. Writing things out gives you the accurate perspective necessary to attract the right solutions. Take a moment to write down questions related to your problems. In fact, you should have an attitude of expectancy that you will find the right answers.

3. To chart what works – Journaling about your ideas, successes, and even failures empowers you to backtrack to see what’s working in your life and what’s not. It’s important to be honest with yourself and be willing to make the necessary adjustments where needed to live a rewarding life.

4. To track your past victories – Take a moment to celebrate your victories and write when and where you have excelled in life. It’s easy to remember your every mishap, but also make an effort to note what’s going right in your life as well.

5. To plan and strategize – Use your journal for both short-term and long-term planning. This process will allow you to work through specific strategies on how you will accomplish your goals. Plan everything from the week ahead to the entire year in your journal.

6. To create a success action routine – Your success action routine should consist of time for meditation and visualization, speaking positive affirmations and reviewing your goals. Visualize yourself completing your goals and feeling the benefits and rewards of doing so.

7. To take control over your future – Journaling about your ideal life and begin to act as if you have that life right now. Be descriptive and detailed in your writing. This will help you prepare for an opportunity that doesn’t exist yet, and ready yourself for the victory to come.

8. For self-improvement – Your journal is a safe place where you can truly be honest with yourself. This is your book, your story, your journey. You have no limitations or boundaries. Your journal is private so you can express yourself and get to know who you really are and what you truly desire.

9. To help you through the decision-making process – In your journal, you can list pros and cons when you are faced with having to make a difficult decision. Write out every possible outcome and use this to guide you through the decision-making process.

10. To keep you in a state of gratefulness – As you go through the process to find yourself, stay grateful throughout your journey. Express gratitude in your journal. Slowing down to make note of what you’re thankful for can relieve you of anxiety, stress, and help you to enjoy life to the fullest. In addition, the act of gratefulness also draws more positivity your way, helping you to create a cycle of success.

Then, after a few months, I decided to move from journaling to blogging. Remember, you may go through this same process, but for different reasons.


There are many reasons why people start blogging. Some people start blogging as a hobby and for some people it’s a career. Blogging can be defined as a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites, a single entry or post on such a website.

For example, setting up my Renew Inspiration blog was a challenging experience, but yet rewarding at the same time. Through this experience, I found my true passion, inspiring my supportive audience (that’s you) through writing in the form of blogging. So, thank you for believing in me and taking the time to visit my blog often. Remember, this experience is not complete without you.

The blogging experience improves your life in the following ways:

• Help you become a better writer and thinker

• Lead you to a healthier lifestyle and choices

• Inspire other people with encouraging words

• Allow you to network and meet new like-minded people

• Create awareness or getting your voice heard

• Satisfy your creative side and gaining knowledge through research


Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. – Unknown Author

Blogging is popular because it is a great marketing tool and helps you make money, but it also has a downside.

• Blogging requires a commitment and takes a great deal of time to manage. For blogs to be effective at SEO and engaging readers, it needs to be updated regularly.

• Blogging involves creativity and you having a passion to write about things you enjoy. To keep the content flowing, you have to keep the readers engaged with awesome ideas, tips or suggestions.

• Blogging can provide income for some people, but the payoff is not immediate. One of the biggest frustrations with blogging is that it is time-consuming with little payoff in the beginning. It takes time to build up a readership and momentum.

Whether you are journaling or blogging, it is important to remember, ideas to write about can be found all around you. Take a moment and look around you right where you are. Inspiration is not required to knock at your door twice so enjoy the process as you help find yourself through the experience and inspire others at the same time.

Journaling, Blogging, Writing, Pink Flower, Life Experiences, Reflections


I am blessed. I am beautiful. I am brave. I am bold. I am strong. I am enough. – Unknown Author

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely about your life and to help you find yourself.

• What does a successful life look like to you?

• What do I want to accomplish in my life today?

• How can I create more acceptance in my life?

• What feels like a struggle at the moment?

• What is your biggest regret?

• How have I been holding myself back?

• What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?

• How can I take a step forward?


I aspire to be a giver. A giver of love, a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength. – Unknown Author

Do you enjoy journaling and/or blogging? Please share your journaling and blogging experiences. We can learn from one another and grow through one another’s learning experiences.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Change Is Coming

Change Is Coming

butterfly, orange flowers, change

All great changes are preceded by chaos. – Unknown

Something to Think About – When it comes to making a big change in your life you have to want it more than you fear it.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I want to dedicate this blog post to Mental Health Awareness. Today, I want to focus on “change” as it relates to our total life experience – MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. I don’t know about you, but I honestly feel a positive change is coming in my life. I can feel it in my mind (positive thoughts), body (feeling relaxed) and my spirit (spiritually grounded). I can see it all around me each day. How about you? Can you see and feel the change that is meant to be in your life right now in this very moment?

When you hear the word “change” what is the first thing that come to mind? For me, I think of the weather. This week Michigan’s weather has been in the low 80s, but by the weekend it will be in the low 50s. Talk about change, right? On a personal level when I think about change I cannot help but think about my life and how my thoughts are constantly changing from day to day. One day I can be positive and upbeat then the next day I may feel anxious or depressed. One day I may be enjoying my writing experiences then the next day I may just sit on the couch just looking out the window. Let’s face it, feeling anxious and depressed are all so real for many people. There are many people who continue to live their lives alone and broken without any help to work through these most difficult moments. To be honest, it may not be no one’s fought at all. Some people are born with mental health issues and other people experience life changing situations, such death of a loved one, divorce, foster care, adoption, bullying, rape, unemployment, financial hardship, etc. Our internal emotions are very strong forces that sometimes have a mind of their own.

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong. – Unknown

When my mother passed away in December 2015, it changed my life completely. I have not been the same since. I am still going through the grieving process but realized throughout the early stages that I needed help. I could not handle all of my emotional feelings and I felt my mental state was all over the place. At that time, I did not realize I was experiencing depression. Sometimes it creeps up on you and if you are not careful, it will cripple your inner being. It is important to share your personal story so that others who may be experiencing similar situations will know that it is possible to endure, go through and overcome.

Today I plan to close the door to the past, hold my head up high so I can open the door to the future, then take a deep breath, step out on faith to go through the open door and start a new chapter in my life. Are you with me? I know it feels scary sometimes and you may feel like you are all alone. It takes courage to let go of the familiar and embrace the new. Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to relocate us to the place we’re meant to be. Always remember, YOU are allowed to change, but you must decide to take the first step.

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are. – Unknown

sunrise, giraffes, birds, tree

Positive Affirmations

Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you. I will allow change to take place in my life on today. No exceptions. No excuses. I plan to water my roots, so my soul can blossom. Now, repeat after me:

• I plan to trust and believe in God.
• I will love myself and believe in myself.
• I plan to encourage myself and others each day.
• I plan to inspire others by using one of my gifts.
• I will speak positive vibes each day.
• I will embrace change in my life.
• I will step out on faith throughout my journey.
• I plan to endure and overcome heartache, pain, suffering, sadness and loneliness.
• I plan to show courage and boost my own confidence.
• I am powerful enough to be that change in someone else’s life.
• I will commit to improving my personal well-being (MIND, BODY & SPIRIT).

Repeat these positive affirmations each day. Feel free to add your own to the list or change some of the words to make it personal. The idea here is to speak positive words in your spirit each day and eventually you will believe, then become what you are speaking.

Ways to Help you Adjust to Change

Here’s some ways to help you adjust to change:

• Read and study God’s Word. Plant the scriptures in your heart.

• Seek God’s face each day through prayer and meditation. Make your requests known.

• Pray a specific prayer for positive change in and around your life.

• Set personal goals and a plan to achieve them. Put it in writing and look at it often.

• Journaling practice helps to get your thoughts on to paper and out of your head.

• Make time for self-reflection. Go for a walk, spend time journaling, reading, drawing, meditating or coloring. Do what makes your soul happy and keeps your mind relaxed.

• If you feel that your mental stability is getting worse, seek Professional help in the form of therapy from a licensed therapist or social worker, medication to treat depression or anxiety, or support groups to help share your feelings with like-minded individuals.

journaling, writing, coffee, expression, change

Time for Reflection – Journal Prompts


You must learn to master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. – Marianne Williamson

• Write about personal beliefs or things that held you back in the past? How do you plan to avoid them in the future?

• How can you create a space to help clear your mind?

• What are some of your mental obstacles in life that are holding you back?

• Our passion is typically something that brings us pleasure. What are some of your most passionate thoughts and how do you nurture them?


These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb. – Najwa Zebian

• Imagine what a new beginning would look like or how it would feel. Write about it.

• Sit or stand very still. What are you feeling right now in this very moment?

• What are you having a hard time accepting in your life?

• What are your strengths and weaknesses?


Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24)

• What steps do I need to take to become spiritually grounded in God’s Word?

• What is holding you back from trusting and believing in God?

• Does my life reflect what my heart desire? If not, what changes can I make?

• Stand in the rain and let it wash you clean. Feel grounded in the Earth. Write about all of your senses (sight, smell, sound, touch, taste).

pink flower, patience, hidden, within

Time for Reflection – Quotes

Change is coming. Embrace every bud, every bloom, every moment. – Unknown

If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. – Unknown

Life will only change when you become committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. – Billy Cox

The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. – Socrates

Don’t let the concept of change scare you as much as the prospect of remaining unhappy. – Timber Hawkeye

Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. – Unknown

The 3 C’s in Life:
Choice, Chance, Change.
You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to change.

Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section

Remember, change is a powerful and necessary process that happens in life. It is important to know how to react to your personal experiences and to realize when life’s changes may cause anxiety or depression. At that time, don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek help from a Professional therapist or social worker. What are your thoughts or feelings about this blog post? Do you know anyone who suffers from anxiety or depression? Are you willing to do the necessary work in order to change your life or bad habits?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participate in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Shake Off Worry and Anxiety

Shake Off Worry and Anxiety

flower, worry, anxiety, renew, inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything, it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown

Thought for today – Not once does the Bible say, “Worry about it” or “Stress over it” or “Figure it out.” But over and over the Bible clearly says, “TRUST GOD.”

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Lately, I have found it very difficult to shake off worry and anxiety. I have promised myself, that I would write about topics that I personally experience so I can help others who may be going through similar life changing situations. If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to SHAKE OFF worry and anxiety for good. Are you with me?

What’s my story related to worry and anxiety? I’m going to be honest, I never really worried a lot or felt anxiety to the point where I would not do certain things until my mother passed away in 2015. It was at this point that I felt like a total failure because I could not help my mother fight her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It was so difficult just watching her breathing get worse and worse. My mother was a small woman with strength of a lion, but COPD broke her body down quickly right before my eyes.

Even writing these words stirred up emotions inside of me, but I continued so I can help someone else who may be experiencing the same thing. The grieving process has been very difficult for me, but I turned to writing as a way to release my pain and emptiness inside. In addition, I found a great therapist as well to help me cope with my emotions, thoughts and feelings. I am glad to say that I no longer blame myself for my mother’s death. I realize I had no control of her chronic illness and God’s timing. This process has shown me that you can learn different ways to handle worry and anxiety, but it’s fair to say that it may never leave your body for good, it’s just resting inside waiting for an opportunity to arise.

Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown

Did you know that worry and anxiety often times goes hand in hand? Let’s define both.

Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body. Anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”.

Experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

water, worry, anxiety, renew, inspiration

Worry Triggers

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of which things trigger our anxiety.

• Is it when we’re in certain places?

• Particular times of the day?

• When we’re around certain people?

Many different things can trigger worry and understanding your particular triggers can help you process and establish ways to respond to your anxious feelings. Keep in mind that anxiety can trick you into believing your thoughts are reality. When you’re feeling anxious, you struggle to distinguish what you’re actually experiencing and what your thoughts are projecting. Begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what is real around you. Pay attention to what you’re doing right now in this very moment, not on your worries or anxiety.

Feeling Overwhelmed

• Take slow, deep breaths, as many as you need to in order to feel calm.

• While breathing slowly and deeply, visualize a peaceful, soothing place. Examples may include walking on the beach, taking a hike in the woods, reading a good book, sitting in a meditation pose, doing yoga, etc.

• You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.

• Drink a soothing, noncaffeinated tea. Great herbs for reducing anxiety include lavender, chamomile, passionflower, hawthorn, kava, ginseng and lemon balm.

• Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.

• Notice negative thoughts and replace them with simple positive ones. For example, I can’t handle this becomes I am handling this right now and I know this anxiety will soon pass.

Finding What Works for You

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

• Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?

• Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments of high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.

• Schedule therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Be open and honest.

• Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences, listen to others and give/receive feedback.

• Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

• Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.

• Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.

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Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations help to change your current mindset and boost your self-confidence.

• May I live peacefully alongside all of my emotions and worry.

• May I accept what is happening in my life, moment by moment.

• May my acceptance give me courage to face situations and people.

• May I live my life fully and freely, enjoying my life even when I feel anxious.

• May my loved ones enjoy this acceptance and freedom, too.

water, worry, anxiety, renew, inspiration

Time for Reflection – Journal Prompts

Find time for reflection and write answers to the journal prompts in your journal or notebook.

• What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?

• What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?

• What are some of your worry triggers?

• When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?

• Where are you when this worry is at its peak?

• What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

Prayer for Worry and Anxiety

Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participate in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Back to School Anxiety

Back to School Anxiety

school, books, apple, anxiety

Together may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly – Unknown

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Where did the summer go? I cannot believe my boys return to school tomorrow. In preparation for my boys returning to school, I could not help but think about back to school anxiety that some children experience. Some children may feel anxious about going back to school after a long summer break or others may be nervous about starting school for the very first time. Nevertheless, it is our responsibility as parents to comfort our children as much as possible during this difficult time.

girl, crying, sadness, lonely, anxiety, school

Here’s some tips to ease back to school anxiety:

Tip 1: Organize your home for back to school and allow your children to decorate the space. For example, you can create a comfortable homework area to make them feel more in control and relieve some of their anxious feelings.

Tip 2: Get your children involved in the back to school process. For example, allow your children to make their own lunch, choose their own snacks, pack their own backpacks or choose their own school clothes.

Tip 3: Help your child feel more comfortable about his new school environment and routines. For example, plan to take your children to visit the school and talk about the basics, such as teacher name, room number, lunch time, recess, etc.

Tips for Anxiety Relief – FREE TIPS

Tip 4: Highlight the things that make school great. For example, making new friends, scheduling playdates, becoming more independent, getting new school supplies and clothes. Most importantly, allow your children to talk about their feelings. Remember, don’t talk, just listen.

Tip 5: Try to be home more during back to school time. Plan to spend some quality time talking with your children about their school day. Discuss any concerns and answer any questions that they may have.

Tip 6: Make sure your children gets enough sleep and eats a balanced diet. Getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet is important for brain function, mood, and the ability to focus and pay attention during school hours.

girl, meditate, breathing, anxiety, school

Panic/Anxiety Attack

Use this breathing exercise if you or your child experience a panic/anxiety attack:

• Breathe in for 4 seconds
• Hold your breath for 7 seconds
• Exhale breath for 8 seconds
• Repeat once or twice more

Remember, back to school anxiety is real, normal and understandable. Try to remind yourself that any anxiety your children may be feeling is only temporary. Before you know it, your family will be back in the groove and planning for a successful school year. If for some reason parents cannot help their children cope with back to school anxiety, make sure to seek the help from a health professional or a local support group.

Back-to-school deals. Valid 8/26-9/1.

How do you help your child cope with anxiety? How will your family’s routine change during back to school time?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participate in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Writing to Escape

Writing to Escape

You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page. – Jodi Picoult

writing, escape, bubble, lonely

Thought for today – There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I want to express the passion I have for writing. There are many reasons why I write. Sometimes I write because I am happy, and I also write when I am sad. However, the main reason why I have a passion for writing is to escape. When you hear the word “ESCAPE” what is the first thing you think about? For me, when I think about the word “ESCAPE”, I think about breaking free from something. When I write, I like to escape from life as I know it each day. I like to escape the pain and misery of losing both my dad and mom. Losing your parents leaves a hole in your heart that can never be filled. I like to escape the frustration of parenting adopted children with disabilities and behavior problems. I like to escape the racism of this wicked world for not only having black skin, but also for being a woman. I like to escape from mental illness both depression and anxiety. I like to escape from those sleepless nights when I just listen to my thoughts go on and on. Writing allows me to be honest with my feelings and help me cope with challenges that I face throughout my journey.

escape, break, free

Journal Prompts – Time for Reflection

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on. – Louis L’Amour

Keep Calm and Write On

Let’s use our Journal to escape from negative thoughts, pain, hurt, sadness, and bad memories. Remember, journaling should be a safe place for you to write how you feel and to reflect on your heart felt thoughts. This is your personal journey so make sure you are honest throughout the process.

MIND – Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)
• Meditate on escaping from something from within and write about it.
• What takes your mind away from God?
• What brings you the most joy in life? Describe it in detail.
• What qualities do you think others admire about you?
• How much do you truly love yourself? How do you show it?

BODY – No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it. (I Corinthians 10:13)
• What do you feel right now in this very moment? Listen to your body and write about it.
• Do you feel courageous on today? If so, take time and write about it. If not, how can you build courage in your life?
• Where do you struggle with pride, dishonesty, or being discontent?
• In what area of your life do you need to improve self-discipline?
• How do you de-stress during the week?

SPIRIT – The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)
• How do you cope with pain, misery, sadness, being alone, etc.? Write about it.
• How is God your strength and protector? Write about it.
• When do you feel God’s presence most in your life? How do you respond?
• What is one way that you can improve your spiritual walk?
• How can you improve your prayer and meditation routine?

As you can see, writing to escape is real and takes little effort on your part. If you don’t currently write in a journal today, take a moment and think about how journaling could help you cope with the daily challenges of life. Believe it or not, sometimes I just pick up my pen and just start writing words, not sentences. Before I even realize it, I am writing paragraphs. Writing to escape can help you clear your mind and offer you an opportunity to break free from internal bondage. Writing to escape can help you lose yourself on paper and forget about time. Most of all, writing to escape can bring about a peace that is more powerful than the stress in your life right now. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get our journals and write to escape!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Please share what you escape from as you write, think or just meditate. How do you plan to escape the challenges of life? What is holding you back from journaling? I look forward to reading your comments and feedback!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved