For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. (Psalm 48:14)
Something to Think About – Rest in the assurance that God has everything worked out for you.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! God, please order my steps on today! Give me direction. Guide my mind (thoughts), body (movement) and spirit (soul) each day. Open my spiritual eyes so that I can see the plans you have for me. Open my heart so that I can forgive those who have hurt me in the past. I know that God have an interest in my life. Despite what I may be going through right now, I know that God always have my best interest at heart as He order my steps from day to day. We have to make our requests known to God and build our relationship with Him. As we read and study God’s Word we are reminded of God’s guidance throughout our lives. God is our Heavenly Father and God is our Shepherd who leads us daily. God wants his children to follow the path that leads to joy and contentment. When we pray for God’s guidance and for discernment through the Holy Spirit, we can be rest assured that God will provide wisdom to his children.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalm 37:23)
Here’s some spiritual ways to find genuine Godly guidance within our lives:
• Cleansing – It is important to examine our own lives. What in my life will hinder me from seeing or receiving God’s guidance?
• Surrendering – You have to surrender your will to God and you must bring your will under submission to His.
• Asking – Understand that you can ask anything according to God’s will and he hears your request(s).
• Meditating on God’s Word – God often times use His word to reveal things to His children.
• Believing – Have faith in God and believe that God will answer your prayer. Then, give you the necessary guidance to make it through your situation.
• Waiting – Be patient and remember that it is not our timing, but God’s timing.
• Receiving – God has our best interest at heart so always be prayerful and listen for His response.
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As you can see, there is no need to worry about our next step or about what tomorrow will bring because we know who guides our every step. Remember, don’t rush your day without going into your quiet place to seek guidance from God for every step, every choice, and every decision.
Here’s 5 things to watch for when seeking God’s guidance throughout life:
• Strong fleshly desires – We must ask ourselves, “what’s the will of my Heavenly Father?”
• Wrong counsel – Everyone can offer advice, but they don’t have to suffer the consequences. Go directly to God with your problems asking Him to guide your next step(s).
• Impatience – It’s important to wait patiently for further instructions from God. Don’t rush to move ahead throughout the process.
• Doubt – Don’t never doubt God or think you are not worthy enough to hear from God.
• Pressures of life – There’s external pressures from family and friends. These people don’t know God’s will for your life so be careful not to get trapped. There’s also time pressure. Don’t allow yourself to make quick decisions that may impact your life in negative ways.

Now, we know as long as we live, troubles will come. Instead of sinking in the sand, let’s prepare ourselves instead. Follow these steps the next time you face a challenge in life or a difficult decision for which you seek God’s guidance.
• Step 1 – Spend time in a quiet place where you can be alone with no distractions.
• Step 2 – Light a candle to set the mood.
• Step 3 – Quiet yourself before God for a few minutes and then thank God for being present with you.
• Step 4 – Then, thank God for blessings in your life. This practice builds confidence that no matter what challenges you face in life, there are still blessings to celebrate.
• Step 5 – Now, make your request known to God. State your challenge and what you need.
• Step 6 – Ask God how you can honor Him in this situation. Pause. Be still and see what comes to you.
• Step 7 – Don’t try to process the thoughts. Just write them down and reflect on them later.
Repeat these steps over a week or so and see what repeating themes or actions emerge. Ask God to show you the next step. Remember, don’t rush to the end result in your mind, just wait for the next step.

If you meditate on God’s promises and picture them in your life, you won’t settle for anything less than God’s best. – Leon Fontaine
• Write a letter to God thanking Him for ordering your steps and giving you direction.
• Have you ever felt forsaken by God? If so, write about it and reflect on it.
• When have you felt you deserved something you wanted and couldn’t get it?
• The area where I need to put more trust in God is ___________________.
• One lesson I learned from scripture this week is _____________________.
• An act of obedience God is prompting me to take is __________________.
• The most significant area of my life that is not finding its way into my journal is __________________.
Our Father, I want to thank you for your daily guidance. Forgive me for getting ahead of your plans and trying to figure my life out on my own. Teach me how to slow down, stop and listen for your direction. I understand that your ways are perfect. I need you dear God. Thank you for offering gentle grace and mercy throughout this journey called life. You know every decision I need to make and every challenge I face. I need your Holy Spirit to give me strength, wisdom and direction forever. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
God is always ready to listen, to guide, to direct, to protect, and to love His children. How can God order your steps on today? Do you find time to sit in your quiet place to listen for God’s direction and guidance? Do you pray to God often and wait patiently to receive God’s response?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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