And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience, and experience, hope. (Romans 5:3-4)
Thought for Today
Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Welcome to Renew Inspiration! I am so glad you decided to read my blog on today. I want to spend some time talking about patience. Unfortunately, patience in life is not spread evenly amongst people. Some of us have it, and some of us don’t. According to the Webster Dictionary, patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset; to wait or to do something despite difficulties or to suffer without complaining.
Everything comes to you. In the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful. – Unknown
Well, what does patience mean to you? As we go through life, we often take a lot of things for granted. For example, do you have patience with yourself when you are dieting or exercising? Do you have patience with your family as it relates to doing household chores, doing school work, going to various appointments during the week, participating in school events or running errands on the weekend? How about your co-workers helping you meet important deadlines for projects at work? Now, let’s take a moment to think about your personal behavior. Do you find yourself screaming a lot, losing your temper, or always stressed out about something? The real question should be, do you have patience hidden within?
Let’s Get Personal
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. (Hebrews 10:36)
Honestly, I consider myself to have lots of patience, but lately I find myself wondering how much patience I really do have. Well, my husband and I adopted 2 boys with the hopes of giving them lots of love, positive support, and helping them become more independent in life. Yes, we want the same dreams for our boys as you have for your children. We want them to be successful in school, play sports, learn karate, play video games, and enjoy their favorite hobby. Both of our adopted sons have a hearing impairment, but we do not allow it to define our children. Both boys attend speech therapy and behavioral therapy regularly.
When we adopted our children, I knew it would be a struggle because of the adoption itself, the unknown factors involved with their history of abuse, the boys being developmentally delayed, and the hearing impairment. After years of therapy and the cochlear implant in 2016, we came to realize that these factors help define our children. I truly understand that. However, I was not prepared for all the negative energy that the oldest child is bringing into our household. Unfortunately, he is defiant (disrespects, lies, don’t follow directions, sneaky, failing grades). I don’t think you can ever prepare yourself wholeheartedly. After all, you have opened your home and your hearts to strangers. You have sacrificed so much to provide things for these children that they probably would have never had in their young lives. You are willing to love them despite their past trauma and living situations. In most cases, you don’t even know what the children really went through in their young lives. It takes a lot of patience to parent children I am sure you already know, but it takes even more patience when you have negative factors playing a huge role in the dynamics of your family unit.
I wanted to provide you with a real life example because I am living with this lack of patience every single day. To take it a step further, I noticed that I began struggling with patience especially after my mother passed away in 2015. She was my ROCK, my strongest supporter, my EVERYTHING. She encouraged me and always complimented how well I worked with our boys through their personal struggles. So, as I write this blog today, I ask myself the very same question that I asked you earlier, do I have patience hidden within?
Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. – Unknown
When I decided to blog, I wanted my blogs to be different. I want to impact your lives in a unique way. I want you to think about your life and how you can make positive changes as you read my blog. I want to impact your life in a positive way. Remember, to grow from within, sometimes you press yourself to move out of your comfort zone and be willing to feel awkward. Yes, you may feel uncomfortable when evaluating your current living situation or when trying to change something for the better, but that’s when you know the best is yet to come. Don’t be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid to be alone. You are not alone while going through this process. Well, it’s time for you to get your journal or notebook out so you can start the necessary work.
Symptoms When You’re Impatient
How do you know when you’re being impatient? You will probably experience one or more of the following symptoms:
• Shallow breathing (short breaths)
• Muscle tension
• Hand clenching/Tightening
• Restless feet
• Irritability/Anger
• Rushing /Quick decisions
Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind. – David G. Allen
Ways to Manage the Symptoms
Here’s some strategies to help you manage symptoms for patience:
• Take deep slow breaths, and count to 10.
• Focus on relaxing your body.
• Learn to manage your emotions.
• Force yourself to slow down.
• Practice active listening and empathetic listening.
Patience is a form of wisdom. It demonstrates that we understand and accept the fact that sometimes things must unfold in their own time. – Jon Kabat-Zinn
Journal Prompts – Ways to Work on Patience in your Life
• What does patience mean to you?
• What gives you patience and why?
• Do you believe in something most people don’t? If so, what keeps you believing?
• What future challenge are you most looking forward to and why?
• What is the best way to show patience to family? friends? strangers?
Prayer for When You Are Waiting and Feel Impatient
Heavenly Father, I know I am impatient, so prone to worry, to give up, to lose hope. Please help me to rest in your promises on today. In this season of waiting, renew my joy in this moment so that I do not miss your presence in this place. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for love, your guidance, and your glory even when I cannot see. In Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN.
So, what’s your story as it relates to patience? Think about your life right now where you are. Describe a situation or a person in which you wish you showed more patience? Don’t be afraid to comment or ask a question. WE all learn from other people’s struggles and life experiences. Help can be found if you take the first step today. I will be waiting patiently for your comments and/or any questions you have. Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!
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