Journaling Through Anxiety

Journaling Through Anxiety

Journaling, Anxiety, Renew Inspiration, Purple Flower, Depression

I’m not lazy. I’m just exhausted from fighting my way through every single day. – Mimi Love

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So, how is your summer going so far? I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday with your family and friends. Unfortunately, I am exhausted some days from trying to be stronger than I feel. I even overthink my overthinking. Lately, I have been experiencing a high level of anxiety. I normally feel this way during holidays. Of course, this holiday was no different. I thought about my mom a lot.

Believe it or not, everyone experiences fear and anxiety from time to time. Anxiety disorders can develop after a person experience trauma in childhood or adulthood. However, coping with anxiety on a regular basis can be quite difficult at any age level. Did you know that anxiety is a healthy response to help you cope with real threats to your life and well-being? Yes, anxiety is supposed to be a quick response that will motivate you to take action, and then fade away so you can feel safe again.


Unfortunately, high levels of anxiety can cause various health conditions, such as:

• Panic attacks

• Depression

• Constant and excessive worrying

• Feeling exhausted and fatigue

• Increase stress

• Restlessness

• Insomnia and non-restorative sleep

• Irritability

• Lack of concentration

• Irrational fears and phobias

• Avoiding social situations

It’s important to analyze these symptoms very closely. If you feel the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with daily life activities and continues for at least 6 months, you may want to consider seeing a licensed health professional.


Many people deal with anxiety on so many levels, and in some cases, they deal with this condition alone. Unfortunately, anxiety often times manipulates you by showing the following:

• Self-doubt – Anxiety makes us question ourselves and our beliefs.

• Fear – Anxiety takes what is dear to you and makes you afraid of losing it.

• Worries – Anxiety can take a thought and turn it into excessive worries.

• Control – We don’t need our fears to manifest. Then, we strive to control everything.

Similar to the symptoms as noted above, it’s important to analyze how you’re feeling and request help from a licensed health professional so you can cope with life better.


Here’s some ways to reduce anxiety:

• Eating a healthy diet

• Limiting caffeine

• Abstaining from drinking alcohol

• Quitting smoking

• Exercising often

• Trying medication to calm you

• Practicing yoga routines


Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul. – Unknown Author

I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of an anxiety attack. So, if you’ve done that today or any day, I’m proud of you. Repeat these positive affirmations daily as you look into a mirror:

• I am beautiful, flaws and all.

• I am worthy of my dreams.

• I am strong and I have a purpose.

• I am my own hero.

• I am worthy of real love and affection.

As you speak into your life using positive affirmations, you must believe the words in your heart. I don’t know about you, but I deserve to hold my head up high throughout my journey. As you can see, my self-worth isn’t determined by others, but it comes from within. Now, I hope you feel the same.


Anxiety isn’t something that goes away; it’s something you learn to control. – Unknown Author

Now, it is time to put your journaling efforts to work. Put all previous mistakes and misfortunes behind you so you’re moving forward with a clear mind. Believe in yourself and stand in your new experience. After a while this new experience and lifestyle will become priority. Nothing else will matter.

Here’s some thought-provoking journal prompts that I want you to focus on:

• Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, how do you work through it.

• What are some of life challenges that increase your anxiety?

• What are some of your fears or phobias?

• How do you plan to overcome your fears or phobias?

• What are your strengths?

• What are your weaknesses?

• Write a letter to someone and never send it.

• Interview your past & future self by asking questions that you need answers to.

• Use colorful markers or pens to write out all the things that make you happy.


If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Journaling through anxiety takes hard work and commitment. Whether it is alone time, reading a good book, or binge-watching your favorite show, what does your mind really need? Please share your answer in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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