He who loves purity of heart and has grace on his lips, the king will be his friend. Proverbs 22:11
Grace changes everything. Grace has been defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings”. Simply put, grace is “undeserved favor from God.” God’s grace is adequate for anything and everything that you experience in this life. Despite what prompted the hurt you’ve experienced in life, know that God’s grace can bring peace, hope, and healing. One beautiful thing about grace is that God does not withdraw His grace when you stumble or fall. Now, let’s pause here and give God some praise for His sincere love for us. Instead, acting with grace, God gently picks you up and enables you to take the next step. You can always find at God’s throne of grace whatever help you need whenever you need it. You can run to the Lord in times of trouble, when your heart is breaking, at life’s crossroads, and during the darkest and loneliest nights. Remember, God is waiting for you with open arms.
By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
God offers us an extravagant gift: His grace. The best thing about that, it cost Him everything, but it costs us nothing. The only payback God asks is that we reach out and take the gift and then rest in it with guilt-free comfort knowing that you are saved through faith. If you find yourself in a small place, God knows you’re there. He’s with you, and He can do something mighty big. Trust his amazing grace. One thought I often meditate on is that when you trust in the Lord, you will never be disappointed.
I don’t know exactly what’s next but I’m stepping forward with grit, anchored in grace. -Julie Graham

Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father, Master Grace Giver, thank you for giving me grace each and every day. Help me to become an extender of grace to others even when they don’t deserve it. I will never forget the price you paid to set me free, and for this I want to say thank you. Amen
Here are some Prayer Prompts to encourage, strengthen, and inspire you as you journal your prayers.
• Heavenly Father, you are…
• Heavenly Father, I thank you for…
• Prayer for peace when it comes to…
• Prayer for moments when I am….
• Heavenly Father, please give me patience to…
• Heavenly Father, I pray healing over…
• Heavenly Father, I love you because…