Be the greatness God intended you to be. -Unknown

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Despite what is happening in your life, right now in this very moment, you are destined for greatness. Do you believe that? I’ll give you a moment to think about it, but as you are thinking, why don’t we start our journey.
Let’s depart from this place and begin to visualize our journey to greatness. When it seems like you will not make it, take some time to reflect on positive thoughts and some of your personal accomplishments. Always remembering that storms may come in your life, but what matters most is that you make it through the storm without wavering your faith. Similarly, negative thoughts may come, but you must believe in your heart that you are destined for greatness no matter what.
Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things. You are greatness. -Unknown

Since you had a moment to think about where you are right now, do you believe you are destined for greatness? Remembering that we are human and when negative thoughts show up make sure that you tell yourself that negative thoughts have no place in your mind and believe it. We have to start conditioning our thought patterns differently so we can regain control of our inner being. Because our inner being defines who we really are.
Surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it in yourself. -Unknown
Here’s another thought to think about while on your journey to greatness. People may come and go throughout your life time, but always remember that you are destined for greatness no matter how that person or people may treat you.
Don’t allow the world to define your greatness because most of this world is blind. -Unknown
Unfortunately, we live in a mean and cruel world these days. People can be harsh and say unkind words to you, but you have to shake it off and keep it moving in order to make it to that special place called acceptance. Yes, to be destined for greatness is to not only accept yourself, but to believe in yourself no if ands or buts about it.
The most defining moment in a woman’s life is when she discovers her own greatness! -Unknown

If you are struggling in this area along your journey, just begin to write down your thoughts (positive or negative) in your journal or in a notebook. It’s important to be honest and to focus on what matters most to you in your life right now, in this very moment. Keeping in mind that the enemy always fight the hardest when he knows God has something great in store for you. Before you know it, you will begin to take charge of your life again and know in your heart that I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS!
Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character. -Unknown

Did you know that journaling can help you along your journey to greatness? Journaling is a positive way to help release what’s held captive inside you. Journaling allows you to say things that you would probably never say out loud. People cannot define journaling the same way because it is a personal written journey. You are the author who writes the beginning, the middle, and the ending.
Positive benefits of journaling:
• Helps us make space for our hearts
• Turns memories into reality
• Gives us time to process our personal experiences
• Helps to create an energetic and visual level of comfort
• We are allowed to fully express ourselves
• There are no boundaries and no limits set to what we can write
• There is no set format, just write, write, write
• We are able to be creative with no set criteria or instructions
• We are free to write until our mind, body, and spirit are one

• Define your biggest dream.
• Share a vivid dream.
• How do you see the world?
• What is your vision for the next year?
• Discuss one way you would like to grow in the next year.
• What is your goal/goals for next week?
• What were your highs and lows this week?
• What did you do today that brought you closer to your dream?
• Discuss at least one lesson you learned today.
• What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
• What behavior you need to let go?
• What makes you proud?
• What is my proudest accomplishment?
• What is my biggest failure?
• What do I do to show myself self-compassion and self-care?
• What new activities am I interested in or willing to try?
Great blog! Thanks for sharing the journal prompts!
Lisa, thank you for your kind comment. Please subscribe and keep the positive vibes flowing!
I totally agree about the positive benefits of journaling. It has helped me figure out problems, how to deal problems, define goals, increase my self-awareness and self-esteem, find gratitude and joy (just to name a few benefits I have encountered).
I wish everyone would embrace journaling!
I journal every day. Some days I’m quite the ‘speech writer’, other days not so much. But we do learn, especially when we go back and re-read what we wrote yesterday, last week or last year.
Thank you for your always inspiring thoughts…
Carpe Diem
Dwayne, thanks so much for your valuable input concerning journaling. I appreciate your kind words and your on-going support!