Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity. – Thich Nhat Hanh
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Thought for the week – Sometimes, its really ok if the only thing you did today was breathe.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Easter to you and your family! Well, I really feel the need to discuss an issue that I struggle with often – finding the calmness within. I honestly feel that you will find the calmness within when you love yourself and truly believe in yourself. Would you agree? Finding the calmness within means that you’re at peace with yourself and you’re at peace with those around you.
Today I choose: calm over chaos, serenity over stress, peace over perfection, grace over grit, faith over fear. – Mary Davis
In order to find ways to calm your spirit, it’s important to make your life a priority. Make time now to care for yourself. Remember, stress and anxiety can form major health concerns, such as depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and all the other stress related illnesses that can form in your body. Don’t hesitate to calm your spirit and find peace within yourself.
There are many ways to calm your spirit, such as:
• Meditation
• Reading the Bible
• Practicing Yoga or Exercise
• Journaling
• Reading inspirational books
• Praying
• Finding a hobby
• Taking a walk outdoors
Now, for the truth to be told. How do you find the calmness within? Throughout life it’s important to allow yourself to grow and change. After all, your future self is waiting. Striving for personal and spiritual growth is a must. For example, I spend time writing and journaling to find my calmness within. Everyone needs to find a moment where there is no one else around judging you or adding his or her opinion to the situation that will only impact your life.
Sure sign of spiritual growth: you want more freedom, and less stuff. – Lisa Villa Prosen
Growth in general is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you weren’t expecting. But it’s necessary for you to go through the growth process. However, spirituality is less about doing and more about being our truest most authentic self everywhere we go.
Here’s some suggestions to help you improve spiritual growth:
• Read your Bible daily. For some people it’s as simple as just picking up the Bible and start reading it from cover to cover. For others, it’s a difficult process and you must develop a reading plan that’s right for you. Keep in mind that the easiest way to truly experience spiritual growth is to make Bible reading a priority.
• Meet together with other believers regularly. Attending church regularly or gathering with other believers is fundamental to spiritual growth. According to Acts 2:42-47, being in the presence of other believers is for teaching, fellowship, worship, communion, prayer, and to build one another up in the faith.
• Get involved in a ministry group. The best way to stay in church, is to participate often. Most churches offer small groups and many ministry opportunities. Pray and ask God for guidance in this area. In addition, some churches offer classes or counseling to help you find the appropriate place that’s right for you.
• Pray daily. Did you know that prayer is simply talking to God? There are no right or wrong words to say. Just be honest and be yourself. Give God thanks for your salvation. Pray for others in need. Pray for direction. Pray and ask God to fill you daily with His Holy Spirit. Simply put, there is no limit to prayer. Remember, pray often anytime and anywhere.
Holy Spirit, please encircle me, come hold me safe and secure in your loving arms.
Wrap my mind up with your truth. Guide my thoughts and calm my fears.
Steady my emotions, Holy Spirit that you would guide my feelings.
May I not be overcome with anger. Please Holy Spirit sustain my soul, with vision for the future, and hope for tomorrow. I need you in my life today and forever more. Amen.
Be kind. Be calm. Be joyful. Be humble. Be thankful. – Mary Davis
Our lives are always so busy with work, school, sports, hobbies, etc. Learning how to remove yourself from the madness of busyness can often times be very difficult, but necessary. You become more confident and you learn how to calm your spirit.
Here’s some helpful suggestions to assist you with calming your spirit:
• Address the root of your stress or discomfort.
• Take time to be alone to analyze your thoughts and feelings.
• Learn how to find stability in life by regulating your breath during stressful situations.
• Don’t be afraid to see a health professional or therapist to discuss issues in a safe place and no judgement zone.
• Establish a reward system to pamper yourself from stress to a more calming spirit. For example, read a book, do some journaling/writing, go for a walk or just sit and do nothing.
You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. – Timber Hawkeye
As always, I want to give you some journal prompts that will help you find the calmness within. Believe in yourself and choose to shine while journaling your way to happiness. If you’re honest with yourself, you will achieve what ever you set your heart and mind to.
• What do I need to mute or remove from my life in order to hear God’s voice?
• How can I have peace and calmness in my life in the midst of chaos?
• When was the last time I felt truly calm and at peace?
• How does gratitude bring me peace?
• How can I simplify my life in little ways?
• What are some ways in which God’s presence is felt in my life?
• I cannot get enough of God’s presence because __________________.
• When I meditate on God’s goodness I __________________.
My prayer for you today is that you will find the right way to embrace the calmness within during any stressful moment in life. Now, are you ready to find your calmness within? If so, please share how you plan to find your calmness within along your journey. Remember, to stay patient and trust and your journey.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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