There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them. – Unknown Author
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Guess who’s going on vacation tomorrow. Yes, you guessed it – I am! I wanted to spend some time writing a blog post that will capture ways to handle traveling with anxiety. I have to be honest with you, this week was full of excitement and anxiety while preparing to travel with my family. My husband is driving our family down to Alabama to see my niece, her husband, and her grandmother. We are so excited! This will be our first family vacation since 2015 and we desperately need it.
Despite the excitement of traveling and being with my family, I am struggling with anxiety. I’ll be the first to admit, that traveling with anxiety is very difficult while you’re trying to handle the day-to-day activities, such as planning, shopping, packing, etc. but I am determined not to let it overwhelm me this time.
Anxiety isn’t weakness. Living with anxiety, turning up and doing stuff with anxiety, takes a strength most will never know. – Unknown Author
Traveling should be a fun experience for everyone. Unfortunately, some people like myself struggle with traveling with anxiety. The thoughts of planning and making every memory a lasting one. I’ve found it is important to be aware of your anxiety, feelings, and emotions throughout this process. Acknowledge everything and be honest with yourself.
Here’s some ways to cope with anxiety when traveling:
• Embrace the positive in your life and practice self-care.
• Plan your vacation, get organized and pack smart.
• Plan your itinerary and include fun activities.
• Make time to reflect and write in a journal.
• Read an inspirational book while on the road.
• Develop calming rituals, such as breathing exercises, yoga, or meditation.
• Distract yourself from all of the stress and take a break.
• Reach out to your support team which can be family or friends.
• Identify sources of anxiety and triggers. Then, visualize yourself being happy and full of life.
• Don’t be afraid to seek counseling from a licensed therapist.
With proper planning and encouragement from loved ones, your next traveling experience will not only be fun, but will be full of positive memories with less anxiety.
Take time to make your soul happy. – Unknown Author
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:
• Do you experience anxiety when traveling?
• Do you like to travel with family, friends, or alone?
• Where are you going for your next traveling adventure?
• When did you start planning for your vacation?
• Do you prefer flying, driving, or taking a train when planning a vacation?
• Who are you traveling with on your next vacation?
• What will you miss most when you get home?
Travel is an investment in yourself. – Unknown Author
Whether you travel alone or with family, it’s important to capture the moments in a travel journal. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get creative and choose from the following travel journals via Amazon:
Travel Journal Option #1:
Travel Journal Option #2:
Travel Journal Option #3:
Let’s talk. How often do you get to travel? When you travel, do you experience anxiety? If so, how do you cope with it. Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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