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I believe in the person I want to become.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! This is the time of the year when everyone is trying to make New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of doing what seems to fail year after year, let’s plan to get healthy and fit by Journaling for Fitness. Keeping a fitness journal can be very helpful to most people. Studies show this easy tool helps reduce stress, builds positive thoughts and feelings, and helps us better understand what may be holding each of us back.
Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.
• Reduce stress – Expressive writing has been shown to lower stress levels.
• Improve your memory – Regular journal writing can improve your short-term memory.
• Stay organized – Keeping a journal such as a weight loss diary or fitness journal lets you maintain an organized record of your progress and journey.
• Keep a regular writing schedule with few distractions so journaling becomes a habit.
• Don’t over think your written entries, just write honestly.
• Be creative. Add photos and positive quotes to enhance your written entries.
• Keep your journal private so you will not begin to write for others instead of yourself.
• Do not try to write perfect words, but instead just write what you think and feel.
• Reread your journal entry throughout your journey to see if you spot any patterns you want to change.
Fitness means so much more than having a nice body. It means having a much better life.
Keeping a fitness journal can help you plan ahead to achieve your health and fitness goals, look back to see what’s working and what’s not, and gives you a clear idea of what you’re going to do for the day.
Here’s some additional reasons to keep a fitness journal:
• To clarify and focus your fitness goals.
• To break down goals into smaller, more manageable goals.
• To track progress towards goals.
• To plan future workouts.
• To record workouts done and progress.
• To plan exercise rest days.
• To gain a better understanding of exercise habits.
• To provide a factual record of successes.
As you can see, journaling is my safe place, my time to just write how I feel and scream on paper and no one will ever know. Let’s take a moment to define journal. A journal is a personal reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all the things that interest and inspire you. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts. So, with that said, let’s start 2019 healthier and more organized. Plan to focus on your health and fitness goals by including a fitness journal in your daily routine. After all, your health and well-being must take priority, so you will be able to provide the necessary support to your family and friends.

When you feel like giving up, think about why you started.
• Today, I can honor my body by ___________________________.
• I am taking ___________________ actions to reach _____________________ goal.
• What are my fitness goals for the new year?
• What am I feeling today and what thoughts are creating that feeling?
• How can I love myself on today?
• What can I do to take better care of myself?
• What is one thing I know I really need to change?
• What is my vision for the next 3 months?
• List 5 to 7 new habits you’d like to adapt in the new year.
You’ve always been beautiful. Now you’re just deciding to be healthier, fitter, faster and stronger. Remember that as you continue your healthier journey. Do you prefer setting goals or New Year’s Resolutions? What kinds of goals are you setting for yourself? What would be your New Year’s Resolution(s)? Do you plan to include a fitness journal in your daily routine? Why or why not?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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