You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page. – Jodi Picoult
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Now, that September is behind us, I want to do something a little different with my Renew Inspiration blog during the month of October. I’ve decided to participate in the Blogtober Writing Challenge that begins today and goes through the 31st of October. I am excited to see how I will continue to inspire you by sharing content that will not only move your spirit, but also make you smile, make you think, and encourage you to celebrate and enjoy life.
Serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration. – Ralph Keyes
Today, Blogtober starts in the writing and blogging community. If you’re like me and never heard of Blogtober before, no need to worry. Blogtober is a writing challenge where bloggers from all over the world publish new and exciting content every day during the month of October or as often as they want. From my knowledge, there are no official rules to follow, but some bloggers take this opportunity to:
• Be more creative with their writing style and content.
• Write and publish content outside of their niche.
• Write and publish Halloween type content.
• Write and publish seasonal type content.
• Mix Halloween, the fall season, and their niche.
• Share encouraging and helpful content more often.
As you can see, there is no right or wrong way to do this writing challenge.
I plan to use this opportunity to focus my writing on AUTUMN related topics.
Here’s a few AUTUMN related topics that will be coming your way very soon:
• Reflections of autumn
• Fall self-care routines
• Favorite autumn books
• Favorite autumn activities
The main objective is to challenge yourself doing what you love – encouraging, inspiring, teaching, helping, writing and blogging! Instead of focusing on writing and publishing blog posts daily, I prefer to set other goals for myself. I plan to write and publish 10 to 15 inspirational blog posts related to AUTUMN which would challenge me on so many levels, such as home/work balance, time management, and writing quality content at a faster pace than I am used to. I am up for the challenge and I hope you enjoy reading my future blog posts.
Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes. – Unknown Author
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Then, use these helpful journal prompts to help you cope with grief and pet loss:
• What is your favorite season and why?
• What are some of your thoughts when you think about autumn?
• What kind of activities do you enjoy during autumn?
• Do you look forward to changing the time during this time of the year? Why or why not?
• Do you like challenging yourself throughout life? If so, what kind of challenges have you done?
Let’s talk. Do you enjoy spending time inside or outside during autumn? How do you handle change from one season to another? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).
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