Journaling Through Anxiety

Journaling Through Anxiety

Journaling, Anxiety, Renew Inspiration, Purple Flower, Depression

I’m not lazy. I’m just exhausted from fighting my way through every single day. – Mimi Love

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So, how is your summer going so far? I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday with your family and friends. Unfortunately, I am exhausted some days from trying to be stronger than I feel. I even overthink my overthinking. Lately, I have been experiencing a high level of anxiety. I normally feel this way during holidays. Of course, this holiday was no different. I thought about my mom a lot.

Believe it or not, everyone experiences fear and anxiety from time to time. Anxiety disorders can develop after a person experience trauma in childhood or adulthood. However, coping with anxiety on a regular basis can be quite difficult at any age level. Did you know that anxiety is a healthy response to help you cope with real threats to your life and well-being? Yes, anxiety is supposed to be a quick response that will motivate you to take action, and then fade away so you can feel safe again.


Unfortunately, high levels of anxiety can cause various health conditions, such as:

• Panic attacks

• Depression

• Constant and excessive worrying

• Feeling exhausted and fatigue

• Increase stress

• Restlessness

• Insomnia and non-restorative sleep

• Irritability

• Lack of concentration

• Irrational fears and phobias

• Avoiding social situations

It’s important to analyze these symptoms very closely. If you feel the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with daily life activities and continues for at least 6 months, you may want to consider seeing a licensed health professional.


Many people deal with anxiety on so many levels, and in some cases, they deal with this condition alone. Unfortunately, anxiety often times manipulates you by showing the following:

• Self-doubt – Anxiety makes us question ourselves and our beliefs.

• Fear – Anxiety takes what is dear to you and makes you afraid of losing it.

• Worries – Anxiety can take a thought and turn it into excessive worries.

• Control – We don’t need our fears to manifest. Then, we strive to control everything.

Similar to the symptoms as noted above, it’s important to analyze how you’re feeling and request help from a licensed health professional so you can cope with life better.


Here’s some ways to reduce anxiety:

• Eating a healthy diet

• Limiting caffeine

• Abstaining from drinking alcohol

• Quitting smoking

• Exercising often

• Trying medication to calm you

• Practicing yoga routines


Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul. – Unknown Author

I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of an anxiety attack. So, if you’ve done that today or any day, I’m proud of you. Repeat these positive affirmations daily as you look into a mirror:

• I am beautiful, flaws and all.

• I am worthy of my dreams.

• I am strong and I have a purpose.

• I am my own hero.

• I am worthy of real love and affection.

As you speak into your life using positive affirmations, you must believe the words in your heart. I don’t know about you, but I deserve to hold my head up high throughout my journey. As you can see, my self-worth isn’t determined by others, but it comes from within. Now, I hope you feel the same.


Anxiety isn’t something that goes away; it’s something you learn to control. – Unknown Author

Now, it is time to put your journaling efforts to work. Put all previous mistakes and misfortunes behind you so you’re moving forward with a clear mind. Believe in yourself and stand in your new experience. After a while this new experience and lifestyle will become priority. Nothing else will matter.

Here’s some thought-provoking journal prompts that I want you to focus on:

• Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, how do you work through it.

• What are some of life challenges that increase your anxiety?

• What are some of your fears or phobias?

• How do you plan to overcome your fears or phobias?

• What are your strengths?

• What are your weaknesses?

• Write a letter to someone and never send it.

• Interview your past & future self by asking questions that you need answers to.

• Use colorful markers or pens to write out all the things that make you happy.


If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Journaling through anxiety takes hard work and commitment. Whether it is alone time, reading a good book, or binge-watching your favorite show, what does your mind really need? Please share your answer in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Summer Time Blues

Summer Time Blues

Blue Flower, Sadness, Depression, Mental Illness, Summer Time

Sometime you need time alone to unplug and reconnect yourself again. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s face it, even though most people look forward to summer time, there are others who experience summer time blues. Summer time blues can also be known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In other words, SAD can be defined as a person experiencing sadness during the change of seasons. Unfortunately, some people never overcome these sad emotions and then fall into a deep depression.


Here’s a few reasons why people look forward to summer time:

• People enjoy the warm weather.

• Children are out of school for summer break.

• Families look forward to going on fun vacations.

• People plan many outdoor parties and cookouts.

• People can enjoy more sunshine because the days are longer.

• Going to outdoor carnivals and festivals.

• Eating frozen treats more often.


Take a deep breath. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life. – Unknown Author

Believe it or not, you may be suffering from summer time blues if you’re experiencing any of these triggers:

• Disruption of Routine – No matter how busy you are, it is important to maintain a consistent sleeping, eating, and exercising schedule.

• Not Sleeping – Staying up later than usual or tossing and turning during the night.

• Bad Moods – Constant mood swings and sadness.

• Body Shaming or Insecurities – Not happy with your body because you’ve gained weight over the winter months.

Anxiety Issues – Worrying about finances due to paying for summer vacations, hosting parties, shopping, or summer camp.

• Dislike Heat – If you simply just don’t like the summer heat may cause you to go into a dark place.

Remember, these are just some of the triggers that comes to mind when I think about summer time blues.

Welcome in summer with a bright, poppy doormat perfect for your space.


Can you think of any other triggers? Please share your answer in the comment section.


Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect. – Unknown Author

Since everyone’s coping skills may vary, you may cope with your summer time blues differently. However, everyone would need to analyze in one way or another the following items:

• Daily Schedule or Routine

Exercise Habits

• Adequate Sleep

Planing Ahead

• Delegating Duties

Don’t be Hard on Yourself

Once you’ve analyzed the items noted above, it’s time to be creative with your coping mechanisms. Here’s some simple, but fun ways to help everyone cope with summer time blues:

• Host a “ME” Party so you can pamper yourself and focus on your own needs.

• Visit your local library so you can read a good book or join a summer book club.

• Take a nature walk and be mindful of the things that you see, smell, and hear.

• Find a hobby or something you are passionate about.

• Write your way to happiness (poetry, short stories, lists, recipes, letters, journals).

• Take time to volunteer and help your community.


This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before. – Maya Angelou

Today I give up freely what is no longer serving me, I release it to create space for what inspires me. I feel healthy and strong today. I have all I need to make today a great day. Today everything will work out. I will move through my day appreciating all things I have. Amazing opportunities will come my way. I have it within me to solve any challenges that may come my way. I am happy and content with my life. I am patient and calm while enjoying my journey. I am grateful for another day to make a positive contribution to the lives of others.


How do you feel after reading this affirmation? Please share your answer in the comment section.


What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. – Buddha

Now, it is time to put your journaling efforts to work. Put all previous mistakes and misfortunes behind you so you’re moving forward with a clear mind. Believe in yourself and stand in your new experience. After a while this new experience and lifestyle will become priority. Nothing else will matter.

Here’s some inspirational and thought-provoking journal prompts that I want you to focus on:

• Today, I can honor my body by …
• One thing I need to work on is …
• One lesson I learned today is …
• One thing I need to let go is …
• Today, I am thankful for …
• One old habit I want to eliminate from my life is …
• One thing that makes me sad and feel all alone is …
• One thing that brings peace in my life is …

If you or someone you know have symptoms of summer time blues, it’s important for you to take your summer back. If it’s someone else, help them throughout this difficult process. After all, everyone can create his or her own sunshine and start defining summer the way you want it.

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If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Coping with summer time blues can be difficult for most people. Have you ever experienced the summer time blues? How did you handle them? Do you socialize more or do you prefer to stay alone?

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Journaling to Overcome

Journaling to Overcome

Journaling, Overcome, Lighthouse, Water, Rocks, Mental Health, Reflection

In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself. – Susan Sontag

Something to Think About – There is no wrong or right way, just write!

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I sure hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. Today, I want to talk about journaling to overcome anything and everything that may happen in your life. Journaling allows you to gain clarity inside and out. Journaling also helps you to make positive changes in your life. If you allow it, journaling will offer up a glimpse into your soul in its purest form. Also, journaling can provide an outlet for your personal thoughts and feelings to be expressed freely without criticism. From my experience, it’s important to have your guard down when making the decision to start journaling to overcome. After all, journaling helps you to gain better control of your emotions and thought process, which improves your overall mental health.


• Less stress, feel calmer

• Increased happiness in life and improves your mood

• Developing self-awareness and empathy

• Ability to heal past or present traumas

• Gain clarity in your life, better memory

• Increased creativity


• Makes you more aware – Helps you get to know yourself better; Brings your thoughts and feelings to the surface

• Let you take control – Minimize the chaos in your life; Journaling helps get things into perspective

• Shifts your viewpoint – Offers a safe place to practice positive self-talk; Retraining the brain to think positively

• Let you notice patterns – Helps you see how you’re doing over time


• Create a safe place – Declutter your space; You should feel good, happy and calm in your space

• Let it all out – Allow your thoughts to flow freely and write about anything

• Dedicate time and write regularly – Try to write in your journal on a regular basis; Every day is ideal

• Try new things – Write letters to yourself or to loved ones (past or present)

• Don’t get too negative – Shift your writing in another direction; Avoid rereading your negative writing

• Make it easy – Set yourself up for success; Keep your pen and paper handy at all times.

Journaling, Overcome, Flowers, Mental Health, Reflection


• What did you achieve today?

• What can you do right now to lift your mood?

• Define 3 things you can do to improve yourself.

• Describe a time when you had to make a really hard choice.

• Right now, my greatest challenge is _______________.

• My greatest qualities are _________________.


It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos. – Donna Karan

Journaling can help you overcome any problem or obstacle that you face in life. Have you already tried journaling to overcome challenges in life? If so, please share your experience(s). Do you like to journal? If so, how often do you write in your journal?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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