Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be -Unknown
Even though Michigan weather is in the 30’s today, the first day of spring is March 20th. Spring is one of the four conventional temperate seasons, following winter and preceding summer. Spring is the season of new beginnings for many people. Take time and look around you when the flowers, plants, and trees begin to bloom, days become longer, and the weather is warmer.
No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow -Unknown

So, here’s the life lesson I want to discuss with you on today. Just like the seasons change, so do our mind, body, and spirit.
He health the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. -Psalm 147:3
Life Lesson – Mind
As spring starts to surface and the trees begin to bloom, we can see God’s reminder to align our hearts to the new thing He’s doing all around us. Keep in mind that everything changes except God. People change, circumstances change, our bodies change, and our desires and passions change. There is certainty in life…change!
Our thoughts are the first things we need to deal with during change because thoughts directly affect our emotions and determine our behavior. When circumstances change, make the transition mentally and your emotions will be a lot easier to manage. The next time sudden change happens in your life, act on God’s Word and not merely reacting to the situation, you will be able to manage your emotions instead of allowing them to manage you. Now, repeat after me…I don’t resist and dread change, and I adapt when I need to.
Life Lesson – Body & Spirit

Moving right along to the next life lesson. Unfortunately, the change in seasons will affect some people in ways that most cannot explain. Many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a depression related to the change in seasons.
Some of the symptoms are as follows:
• Moodiness
• Low Energy
• Difficulty Sleeping
• A Lack of Interest in Activities
• A Lack of Interest in Relationships
• Feeling Hopeless
To help you prepare for the change in seasons, ask yourself the following questions:
• Do you find yourself sleeping more?
• Are you struggling to get out of bed?
• Is it harder or easier to exercise now?
• Do you feel less patient?
• Are you easily annoyed or irritated?
• Do you feel more energized and productive?
• Has there been a shift or change in any of your relationships?
• Are you actively involved in activities?
Answering these questions will give you some insight about how the change of seasons may or may not affect you personally. Regardless of whether you are affected by SAD, there are three important points that will help you navigate and manage this process.
First, you need to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per day. Moving your body on a regular basis has a positive effect on your physical and emotional health. Keep in mind, you don’t have to spend countless hours in the gym to satisfy this requirement. You can walk around your neighborhood, run and play with your children, or do an at home workout.
Second, you need to get more sunlight. People need to be exposed to sunlight on a daily basis. Our bodies absorb vitamin D, important to our health, from sunlight. And the energy and emotional boost that we get from a few minutes in the sun is well worth it.
Third, you need to talk it out. It’s always easier when you’re sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone, such as your spouse, friend, coworker, or therapist. This process not only strengthens your relationships, but also it provides you with positive support during this difficult time.

Journal Prompts – Mind in Bloom
April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Why do you think so?
Write about the perfect spring day and include details, such as smells, sights, sounds, touch, tastes.
Spring is thought to be a time of new beginnings. Write about a time when you started something new.

Journal Prompts – Body Moving
Write about how you plan to move forward physically in 2018.
Set some realistic exercise goals for yourself and write them down.
Write about one way you would like to grow physically in the next year.

Journal Prompts – Spirit Renewed
Write a personal poem about spring. What does spring time inspire in you. Write about it.
Write about how God has blessed you. Be specific and give examples.
Write about something you feel strongly about.
What’s on your mind?
Don’t be shy. Please share your thoughts and/or feelings concerning this blog by leaving a comment so we can have an open dialogue. I would love to hear from you!