The moment of surrender is not when life is over, it’s when it begins. – Unknown Author
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Thought for today – Have patience and wait for the things you want most. Don’t chase it. Don’t run after it. If God wants you to have it, He will give it to you. Amen.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today I want to discuss a topic that truly impacts your mind, body, and spirit. Your total well-being depends on the decision for you to surrender your life to God. Every thought, every choice, and every move we make throughout our journey is based on how we build our spiritual foundation. Do we believe in a Higher Power? Do we trust God enough to allow Him to guide our every step? I don’t know about you, but I always think about this topic. At what point do you feel comfortable enough to surrender your all and all to God?
Before you can attempt to answer any of these questions, it is important to understand what the word “surrender” means. The word “surrender” is defined as to yield, give up or over, submit, abandon, relinquish, cede, waive, or capitulate. Unfortunately, in some Bible translations, the word “surrender” is not found, but the concepts of “yielding” (Romans 6:16-19) or “submitting” (James 4:7) are used instead.
Take a moment and answer these questions:
• Does something in your life seem out of control?
• Do you have more problems than solutions?
• Do you feel like you’re stuck or at a standstill in life?
• Are you overwhelmed no matter how hard you try?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time for you to surrender your life to God. No excuses, no exceptions, just do it!
God says, remember these four things while living your best life:
• I will make a way for you.
• I’m fighting your battles.
• Prayer is the best medicine.
• Trust my timing.
I realize that God has given me a choice to believe and receive His blessings each and every day, but it all depends on when I make the decision to surrender my life to Him. Just like anything else in life, this decision may not be an easy one to make. However, it is a necessary one.
Life is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. I am learning to live between effort and surrender. – Danielle Orner
Here’s some creative ways to surrender my life to God:
• Believe and Obey God – First, I must believe in God. God’s direction isn’t always the easiest way, but God does make it clear that sometimes we only need to be still and let Him handle the rest. Remember, obedience is key.
• Stop Striving and Start Abiding – We don’t have to strive to make our life turn out a certain way. Instead, we need to abide in God and allow Him to work miracles in our lives.
• Confess and Surrender Your Need for Control – Go to God in prayer and confession. Ask God to help you surrender control each and every day. Focus on trusting in God and not being afraid to surrender your life.
• Be Still and Know – God delivers us, protects us, fights for us, and expects us to trust Him throughout life experiences. Be still and know this to be true.
• Trust God – It’s important to know that trusting in God is a lifelong process. We must learn how to submit our thoughts, trials, and emotions to God. This will not only lighten your burden, but God will make your path straight.
• Seek God – If we diligently seek God in all we do, He will direct your steps.
Remember God knows your every thought and he knows what your heart is really feeling. No matter how hard we may try to act a certain way, if our actions are not sincere, God will know it. Be true to yourself, to others, and most importantly, be true to God who should be the head of your life.
• Wait Patiently – Psalm 27:14
• Have Faith – II Corinthians 5:7
• Pray – Philippians 4:6
• Think of Others – Philippians 2:4
• Trust in the Lord – Proverbs 3:5
• Read God’s Word – Psalm 119:12
• Give Thanks – Psalm 136
Writing is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself. – Pat Conroy
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:
Here’s some journal prompts to help you throughout this transition:
• When I wake up in the morning, how do I most want to feel?
• What do I need more of in my life?
• What do I need to let go of?
• What do I most need to heal right now?
• What problem can you surrender today?
• What beliefs are holding me back from living my dream life?
Let’s talk. Do you find it difficult to surrender your life to God? If so, why do you think this decision is difficult to make? Please share in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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