Motivation for Weight Loss

Motivation for Weight Loss

Despite your personal commitment and determination to succeed, it is hard to stay motivated when you commit to weight loss. There are so many barriers, such as family obligations, tight budget, crazy work schedule, no time to exercise, fail to preplan meals, etc. We can find excuse after excuse to not stay on track. Well, I have some suggestions to get you motivated today, tomorrow, and forever more.

First, change your way of thinking and know that motivation begins with you. Believe in yourself and become your own cheerleader throughout your journey.

Second, create a Weight Loss Journal and write down your personal weight loss goals, both short-term and long-term. Also, include your starting weight, exercises, motivational pictures, and inspirational quotes.

Third, find time for prayer and meditation throughout your journey. It is important for you to have a clear mind in order for you to focus on the total weight loss experience from head to toe. Now, I am not saying that this journey will be an easy one, but with your personal commitment, a changed mindset, and planning, you can set your self up for quite the experience.

Fourth, give yourself a pep talk and/or compliment yourself at least once a day. For example, look in the mirror and say “I believe in the person I’m becoming” or “I am beautiful, inside and out so I will eat write and exercise today”.

Fifth, surround yourself with supportive and like minded individuals. For example, join a local gym, take a class at your local recreation center, schedule workouts with family or friends, join groups on social media, and read uplifting blogs like this one everyday.

Finally, remember that your weight loss success is found in your daily routine, not in excuses.

Here’s a few quotes to help renew inspiration within you on today.

MIND: Rule your mind or it will rule you. ~Buddha

BODY: Embrace & love your body. It’s the most amazing thing you will ever own.

SPIRIT: Water your roots, so your soul can blossom.