Something to Think About – When you’re too caught up on what happened in the past you miss what’s in front of you.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Do you sometimes feel caught up in the busyness of life or in an activity that you did not intend to be involved in? It could be family requirements, career related, your education, traveling, hobbies, health issues, or relationships. Remember, to take life day by day and be grateful for the small things. Don’t get caught up in what you cannot control by identifying the priorities in life and finding ways to restore balance.
In a way, you kind of get caught up in whatever image of yourself you think is out there. – James Van Der Beek

People don’t change, their priorities do. – Unknown Author
It’s important to focus on what’s important in your life. Do yourself a favor. Take back ownership and responsibility for yourself. If the demands of life make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed or deeply concerned about the future, then begin to evaluate what is happening in your life every day, determine how essential it is to you, and make the necessary changes that best accommodate your needs, interests, and desires. Time is precious. We need to use this time wisely and with those that matter most.
• Determine what things you value the most about your life. Choose at least five things you value as a starting point to structure the life you are trying to create. For example, my spiritual well-being, my health, family time, peace of mind, my blog and journaling.
• Decide what commitments are most important to you. Commitments are obligations that you enter into and represent your promise to steadfastly see a relationship or project to its conclusion. Focus on your current commitments before you agree to take on new ones.
• Assess the way you use your time. Do you have a daily routine to include fixed activities and chores? Evaluate which things are absolutely necessary in your life right now. How much time do you spend communicating online or watching television? How can you cut back on the amount of time you spend doing these activities?
• Get rid of clutter in every area of your life. Do you really need everything you have? Take time to evaluate your surroundings. Give anything away you have not used in the last two years. Certainly, someone else can use what you no longer need. Also, periodically get rid of emotional and psychological clutter as well. It’s important to let go of old memories, relationships, thoughts, etc. to make room for the new and refreshing things or people.
• Spend more time with the people that matter to you. Take a moment to assess how much quality time you actually spend with family and close friends. It’s important to sort out how we interact with various people we come into contact with and assess these relationships.
• Make time to be alone. How much time do you regularly make for yourself? Give yourself more time and the permission to express your creativity. Then, do what you enjoy while taking care of your mind, body, and spirit. For example, find a hobby, take a walk, read a good book, write in your journal, spend time learning something new, or just sit quietly listening to your thoughts.
I know that life sometimes just happen. But all too often we forget what people, events, and things have shaped and continue to shape our lives. They mold us into the beautiful beings we want to become. They support and encourage us in every possible way.

A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it. – Suze Ormon
Restoring balance in life is an on-going process. Believe it or not, restoring balance in life is becoming increasingly more important for personal health and well-being. Begin to take control of your thoughts, body movements and spiritual well-being by doing the following:
• Take a risk. Restoring balance in life requires a leap of faith. Remove all doubts and go for it.
• Slow down. Establish control over your time by slowing down. You’ll actually accomplish more in less time and in a more pleasant way. Stop, take a deep breath, go ahead and try it.
• Live in the now. Fewer thoughts about your past or future, then you’ll be able to focus on your present self. Take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest, reading God’s Word, meditate, exercise and eating healthier food options.
• Set goals for your life, then plan to achieve them. Set both short term and long term goals for yourself. Make sure your goals are realistic, attainable, but yet challenging. For example, I plan to lose 10 pounds by Christmas (short term) and I plan to lose 60 pounds by April (long term). My plan to achieve these goals includes exercising daily and eating healthier food options. This process will allow you to have a more positive outlook on life.
• Use all your senses. Become aware of what you’re touching, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting in order to bring you back to the present. The more you concentrate on using all of your senses, the more natural it will become.
• Break old patterns/bad habits. Plan to break rigid and thoughtless habits one by one. Focus on the old pattern or bad habit that you want to remove, remove it from your life, then re-evaluate your progress. Repeat this process with another bad habit.
My fellow readers, it’s important to allow things to progress at their own pace so that you develop trust in the flow of life. Don’t block miracles and blessings to enter your life by holding on to the past. Keep in mind that living a well-balanced lifestyle has a lot of positive benefits. For example, your overall general health and well-being will be improved, you will live a life with less stress, you will improve your mood, you will experience a boost of energy, and your mental state of mind will be improved throughout this process.

I can’t get caught up in the negative because that destroys you. – Jenni Rivera
• Today, I plan to enjoy…
• What do I value most in my life?
• What does a healthy and balanced lifestyle mean to you?
• Identify some bad habits that you want to remove from your life. Make a plan to remove them and write about it.
• How do you plan to restore balance in your life?
I don’t get caught up in the moment. – Ray Dalio
Don’t get caught up. Enjoy life. Enjoy family and your close friends. Do you feel caught up in the busyness of life? For example, family requirements, career, health issues, etc. Do you ever get caught up in your past? For example, mistakes, failures, bad choices, etc. How do you protect yourself from falling victim?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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Thank you Latisha for an excellent reminder of what I’m guilty of too often. You always seem to say or write, just what I need to read. Thank you again for all you do for us…
Stay Blessed my friend,
Carpe Diem,
Dwayne, you’re welcome my friend! Reading comments like yours gives me inspiration to write even more. Peace and blessings!
I’m a perfectionist, and it can really be draining when I have multiple responsibilities. I have to constantly remind myself to re-prioritize to make sure the time I’m devoting to a task is worth it.
Thank you so much for sharing! This is right on time, especially with the holidays coming up. I’ve already stretched myself too thin this week but will be more mindful moving forward.