Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “There are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word. (Isaiah 66:2 NIV)
Something to Think About – A flood of favor is coming your way – Do your best, God will do the rest.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I want to talk about God’s favor. Take a moment and think about this question – Do you recognize God’s favor in your life? God’s favor can be described as “tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord.” In other words, God’s favor is the undeserved kindness of God. Nothing you have is because of luck or chance. It’s all due to God’s grace and favor. You receive God’s favor in your life when your heart, words, and actions line up with the Word of God. God shows favor to the people who delight in, connect with, and give honor to Him. God seeks out those who love Him and love His commandments so that He can bless, guide, and protect them at all times. Whether you realize it or not, God’s favor is on your life.
Here’s the truths about God’s favor:
• God’s favor is God’s grace. God’s favor is the reason you and I are saved. We are saved by God’s favor and His grace.
• God’s favor affects every area of life. Every part of your life is impacted by the grace and favor of God. This means you are delivered, protected, preserved, healed and made whole.
• God began showing you His favor even before you were born again. Salvation is the greatest expression of God’s favor in our lives. God continues to pour out grace and more favor to us every moment of our lives, if we only receive it.
• God’s favor surrounds you continually. As a born again Christian, you have been made righteous by Jesus and that righteousness came with God’s favor which surrounds you continually.
• You must realize and accept God’s favor to experience it fully. Before you can receive the benefits from God’s favor, you must know that they are yours to begin with. Just as with every other spiritual benefit, you must receive them by faith.
In addition, you can identify God’s favor when we see three spiritual things happening:
• God has sovereignly chosen a recipient of His grace.
• God has blessed that recipient in one way or another.
• God has intentions that His blessing be shared with others.
God’s gracious kindness is His to give, and He gives it when, to whom, and how he chooses. However, the Word of God invites all of us to come by faith and receive the gift of Jesus Christ, freely offered for all of us.

Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless. Your health is wealth. Your time is gold. – Zig Ziglar
• What takes your mind away from God, thus robbing you from God’s favor?
• What is your biggest dream and/or goal?
• What has prevented you from going after your dream and/or goal?
• List 5 ways you’ve become stronger and more courageous this week.
• Lord, please strengthen my heart when it comes to ________________.
• When I’m in pain, physical and emotional, I find strength in ________________.
• Where do you see the unmistakable mark of the creator? Thank and praise God for it.
• When have you seen God use something small to produce a big outcome?
• What can I do to nurture my spirit more throughout the week?

One touch of God’s favor can change everything in your life. Stay faithful and trust in His timing. God’s favor is yours now and forever. Have you experienced God’s favor in your life lately? Do you sometimes block God’s favor in your life? What are you thankful for during this holiday season?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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Wonderful post to read this morning as I start my day. I have definitely felt God’s favor in my life and I would not be where I am today without Him. Thank you for sharing this encouraging post. Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
Miranda, so glad to hear that you have felt God’s favor in your life. Often times, we don’t recognize God’s favor because of our daily routines. Take a moment each day to thank God for waking you up and ask God to guide your every step. Won’t God do it in your life! Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday as well. Peace and blessings!
This is a lovely post, written so nicely. Thank you for sharing. It can be important to stop and think about these things sometimes, the days go by so quickly and sometimes it’s good to stop and reflect and think about why all these good things have come our way
Chloe xx
Chloe, thanks so much for your continued support! It means a lot to me. Peace and blessings!
I have grown up with this exact word! It was good for me to revisit, thank you! I love the devotional prompts at the end of your post!
I believe and receive it!
Meagan, thanks so much for reading and writing such a lovely comment! Peace and blessings!