Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. – Unknown Author
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So, how has your January been? Honestly, it feels like forever since I’ve written a blog post. Well, I don’t know about you, but 2019 has started off busy for me, but in a positive way. For starters, on the writing front, I have decided to:
• Continue my Renew Inspiration blog.
• Plan to write my first Renew Inspiration book.
• Strive to keep journaling, reading, writing, and meditating.
• Continue to write articles via Hub Garden.
• Pursue other freelance writing opportunities.
I have really enjoyed this blogging experience while connecting with you and have met so many awesome bloggers along the way as well. I felt it necessary to document my writing goals in a blog post to keep me grounded on what’s important in my life, right now, in this very moment. In addition, I want to be accountable to my overall writing career and make plans to reach all of these goals this year. Why now you ask? Because I feel it is my time and my season to enjoy my passion which is writing.
In addition to following after my writing dreams, shortly after the new year, I started a new part-time secretary job in an educational setting. If you know me, I have another passion which is doing administrative type work, such as typing, organizing/doing projects in an office setting, answering calls and resulting customer complaints, managing paperwork and/or online files, etc. This specific job proves that it is my time and my season as well. I was offered a full-time job after months of testing and interviewing, but I had to decline the offer due to family conflicts. Unfortunately, I have to drop off and pick up my children from school so I cannot work full-time hours at this time. Then, they offered me the part-time position right after I declined the full-time offer which was a total blessing for me and my family. This job opportunity allows me to work in an office environment (which I love), offers me an opportunity to work in an educational setting (which I have a passion for learning), gives me an opportunity to contribute to my retirement (which is a bonus) and offers me a flexible work schedule which is a WIN – WIN any way you look at it!

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. – Unknown Author
Well, as you probably already know, I have been pulled in so many directions in the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling to balance my work, family obligations and writing projects which are all dear to my heart. There’s so much information to learn when starting a new job. Quite frankly, it is totally stressful and difficult to find a healthy work-life balance that works for me while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Work-life balance can be defined as the balance that an individual need between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. Areas of life other than work-life can be, but not limited to personal interests, family, social or leisure activities.
• Set realistic schedules and do not strive for perfection.
• Prioritize your health by eating healthier options, meditating and exercising.
• Build downtime into your schedule to relax, read, and update your planner.
• Make time for yourself. For example, schedule a spa da or day out with your friends.
• Rethink your errands and household chores. Don’t be afraid to delegate duties to others.
• Count my blessings and take nothing for granted.
• Practice kindness to everyone I come into contact with.
• Let go of what I cannot control, seen and unseen.
• Listen to my heart in every situation.
• Be productive throughout your day yet calm in your spirit.
Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow. – Unknown Author
Anxiety can be defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about something with an uncertain outcome. Often times, if not properly treated, a person could be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder which involves compulsive behavior or panic attacks. I realize that transition and change are sometimes difficult for us to handle throughout life. As you experience these type of situations, please remember, you are not alone throughout this process.
• Get enough sleep.
• Eat well and exercise.
• Organize life as much as possible. Example – plan meals, get clothes ready at night, etc.
• Ask for help when necessary.
• Avoid masking how you feel. Honesty is key.
• Make self-care a priority during the transition.
• Remember your strengths.
• Know that you are in control.

The most important person to keep your promises to, is yourself. – Unknown Author
• What makes you proud of yourself right now in this very moment?
• What is your vision for the next 6 months? year?
• What fear is holding you back?
• How do you respond to setbacks and failure?
• What is one behavior you need to let go this year?
• What did you do today that brought you closer to your goal/dream?
• How can I love myself on today?
Do you feel it is your time and your season? How do you handle anxiety and the fear of the unknown? What are some of your goals and dreams? Do you have passions that you plan to pursue or are pursuing?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved
Good morning Latisha,
I really enjoyed reading this blog. It allowed me to sit back, and to think about ME!! Thank you for bringing insight & awareness to a very important topic.
Alicia, thank you for taking the time and reading today’s blog. It’s very personal to me and I want to inspire others to do whatever it is they desire to do in life. Take the leap of faith and never turn back! Peace and blessings.
very informative and insightful post.
Godwin, thanks so much for your kind words and support.
I so love this write up!!!! Thanks for sharing
I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.
Very insightful, congrats on your new adventure! Thank you for sharing so many great tips that will help me be more accountable to myself!
Thank you Tammy for your encouraging words! I truly appreciate your support!
Excellent reminders!!!
I love this kind of to do list. More like a to be list. Just relax and breathe. Ahhhhhhhhh I can just feel the tension going out of my shoulders.
Katherine, thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement.
Thanks for the inspiration. Good luck getting your book together. I wrote a YA book about a decade ago, but never really put it out there. I convinced a professor to let me write it in lieu of a thesis because I was so sick of writing papers at that point.
Josh, I appreciate your kind words related to my first book. There’s just not enough time in a day to fit all of my writing projects in. I have to plan each project throughout the week to see if that helps me manage my time better. We’ll see!
I love your My To-Do List for Today!! The journal prompts are a great way to take some time to reflect on your life.
I’m glad the part-time job opened up for you! Sounds like things really worked out well. Best wishes settling into a good balance! Thanks for sharing!
Julie, I’m so glad you enjoyed the To-Do List for Today and the Journal Prompts. Peace and blessings!
Great post! Loved your tips to manage work and family. I try to write in my planner every day and it really does help me.
Mary, I love using my planner as well. Sometimes we just have so much going on, it’s nice to see a snapshot of your day, week and month. Happy planning!
This is such a great post! I often times struggle with doing too much. I definitely need to schedule some relaxation time for myself! I know it will make everything so much better!
Alexx | https://aestheticsbyalexx.com
Alexx, good luck to you my friend! Planning and scheduling the time is half the battle.