Overcome by Grief / Faith Explosion

Flower, water, grief

When I first started the Renew Inspiration blog, my thought process was to write inspirational pieces that would not only inspire you, but also would keep you thinking of ways to overcome life changing events, such as the death of a loved one. Honestly, I would love to have a real dialogue with you concerning this topic. Do you think that it is possible to overcome grief in your life time? Now, I know that’s a deep question and I am sure that everyone reading this blog would probably give a different answer. For me, I often ask myself if I would ever overcome the grief that I feel each and every day. I do realize that everyone handles grief differently, but the pain of losing someone you dearly love can be overwhelming for most people. Would you agree?

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalm 18:2

When you are broken in pieces and experiencing so much pain, God can seem distant and even uncaring while you are in this vulnerable, yet lonely place. But before you throw in the towel or choose to give up on living life to the fullest, know that God promises in His Word to be with you always and to give you comfort in the midst of your storm, so whatever your feelings are suggesting to you in this very dark moment, know that God is with you always.

For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death. Psalm 48:14

cross, sunshine, sky

Here’s another twist to an already complicated situation, but it is something for you to think about. While you are trying to overcome grief and wondering if God still loves you, then comes the faith concept to help put everything in total perspective. As we venture through our lives on Earth, we have faith in a God that we cannot see. I have always been taught to have faith in God, to read my Bible, and to say my faith-based prayers, but deep down inside I have always wondered how strong my faith really was in a God that I could not see. When my mom passed away in December 2015, my faith in God was tested to the fullest! I read my Bible, prayed and meditated until I received my break through. Then, I started writing in my journal constantly and that’s how Renew Inspiration was created.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

So, what is faith and how do you define it?

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Faith can be defined as confidence, trust, assurance, conviction, and belief. Faith means trusting that God is in control, even when our faith is put to the test. In other words, faith is not just what we believe in our hearts, our religious doctrine or denominational creed, but also and more importantly, faith is a solid conviction within that what we believe and whom we believe in are worth staking our lives on. Would you agree?

For we walk by faith, not by sight. II Corinthians 5:7

Along this journey called life, we have to open our hearts and minds to a true understanding of life’s many challenges and faith, of what it is and what it is not, in our lives and abroad. It’s important to know that faith is something to be experienced and exercised, not defined, categorized, and neatly packaged on a shelf. Faith rests on a solid foundation. The evidence is everywhere before our eyes. Go ahead, look around you right now, in this very moment. God is able to persuade our hearts and our minds to put our trust in Him. When we find faith, we will know it because God will open our spiritual eyes to see that faith is our loyalty and devotion to God. So, when you are wondering how strong your faith is, just look up, smile, and say that I have faith in God that everything will be okay!

I choose faith over anxiety hope over worry love over fear -Mary Davis

God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Trust Him and don’t give up -Dave Willis

Let your faith be bigger than your fear -Unknown

Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear -Kay Berry

Journal Prompts:
• The area where I need to put more trust in God is …
• I find I feel God’s presence most when …
• God is leading me to make the following changes …
• Sometimes I get angry with God about …
• I feel most distant from God when …

4 Comments|Add your own comment below

  1. I believe the grief lessens with time, but there are still moments where I cry or miss my mom so much. She died 22 years ago. I remember she told me once that she did the same as her mom had died when she was a teen.

  2. They say that grief is a selfish act. We greave for what WE have lost; what is gone from OUR life. We should rejoice! Our loved one is now in a better place and no longer needs to deal with the troubles of this earth.

    As far as faith goes, I like the verse you quoted:
    “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1”
    I search for most of my life trying to find faith. Faith cannot be found. It is always within us. When we stop looking and questioning, but simply accept it, that is when we fill find it. Faith is a mystery that we will never fully understand. I think this world needs to stop blaming God for everything in our lives and this world, whether good or bad, for we will never fully understand His purpose.

    Choose to BELIEVE!

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