Each day, there is a new beginning, a new chance, a new hope, a new light! – Unknown Author
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Special Thought – And sometimes against all odds, against all logic, we still hope.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Before I get into today’s topic, I want to discuss what’s going on in my life. Now, that I am back working full-time during the week, it’s important that I create a new writing and blogging schedule for 2020. After thinking about this in great detail, I decided to share inspirational posts with you twice per week based on a normal work/family week (no workshops, long therapy sessions, school activities, etc.) My goal is to encourage you based on topics related to improving your MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
When the world says, “give up.” Hope whispers “try it one more time.” – Unknown Author
There’s so much darkness in the world today! For example, our televisions are filled with negative news stories about racism, murders, kidnappings, corrupt politics, violence in our schools, etc. With that in mind, let’s talk about hope to help improve our way of thinking. Hope is another one of those words that can be defined on a personal level and may change from situation to situation; or person to person.
Here’s some questions to think about:
• How do you relate to the concept of hope?
• What does hope mean to you?
• Do you hope for anything great on today or in the near future?
When I think of hope, I think of beauty and positive vibes. Hope is like a beautiful flower that thrives on sunlight and water. In a spiritual sense, hope relies on your daily commitment to God’s Word, meditation, and prayer.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. – Desmond Tutu
According to the Oxford Dictionary, here’s the definitions of hope and hopeful:
• Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen; a feeling of trust. (noun)
• Hopeful is a feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event. (adjective)
Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God sends you a miracle. – Unknown Author
To begin with, hope is a portion or part of faith. Often times hope is defined in the spiritual sense when God has promised that something is going to happen in our lives and you put your trust in that promise. You find confidence deep down within that something will come to pass because God promised it will come to pass. Remember, hope comes from the promises of God rooted in the work of Christ.
Here’s some steps to help you build a solid foundation of hope that will carry you through the storms of life:
• Step 1 – Submit yourself to God. God is the source of our hope. Come to God in humility and He will restore you.
• Step 2 – Strengthen your faith. Allow God’s previously fulfilled promises from the Holy Bible to renew your hope.
• Step 3 – Trust God’s timing. Remember, sometimes God answers prayers quickly and at other times God allows us to wait.
• Step 4 – Thank God today. Every day set time aside to thank God, read God’s Word, pray, and meditate.
I am not an optimist, but a great believer of hope. – Nelson Mandela
Did you know that having hope will give you courage in the midst of a storm? Hope is seeing light in spite of being surrounded by darkness. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. Hope is the ability to hear the melody of the future. Despite what you may be experiencing in your life right now, never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.
Here’s some ways to restore your hope:
• Be kind to yourself and others.
• Listen to another person’s story.
• Treat each day like a precious gift.
• Look for meaning in the most challenging moments.
• Reconnect with nature.
• Focus on your spirit and shift your expectations.
• Listen to music and channel your energy into productive change.
• Show gratitude and compassion.
• Think about the essential goodness of humanity and volunteer.
The importance of hope is immeasurable. Continue to seek out positivity and recognize you can change your life at any point. Many of us need to look forward to the future. Hope is what helps us deal with grief, find positives in our current situation, help us continue searching for something better, and to have faith that everything will work out. Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow may bring. Until next time, peace, love, and hope to you and your family!
A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. – Unknown Author
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
• How do you define hope?
• What do you hope for each day?
• What keeps you from being hopeful?
• Have you lost hope on today? If so, why do you feel this way?
• I feel hopeful/hopeless because…
• Name at least 5 things you are hopeful for and reflect upon each thing listed.
Let’s talk. Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).
Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved
This is such a beautifully written and inspirational post! I will definitely be taking the time to think about and journal my thoughts on the prompts you included today, as well. Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a great week!
Melissa, thank you for taking the time and reading my latest blog post. I hope you enjoy journaling and through the process you will remain hopeful.
It’s so important to have hope and not give up! This is really a great post, and I enjoyed reading it! Your list on how to restore hope is so important, I try to practice showing gratitude and compassion, and will be taking into account the rest! Happy blogging!
Bedia, thanks so much for taking time to read my latest blog post. Stay encouraged and remain hopeful throughout your journey!
Thanks for this reminder. Hope is very important to have in our lives but it’s also easy to lose hope from time to time. I think it’s something we have to work at.
Nicola, your comment is aligned with my thinking as well. I strive every day to be hopeful and to remain hopeful despite what I am going through in life. It’s a struggle, but remain hopeful gives you strength to hold on and move forward.
What an inspirational post and so well written. You are so right about all the negativity on the news, it really can bring you down. Thank you for sharing your tips to avoid that! xx
Thank you so much for your on-going blogging support and much needed feedback. Happy Blogging!
This was such an encouraging post! I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and discouraged. I also know, that the advice and guidance you share in this post is true and effective. I am no longer in that hopeless place. I am walking in hope and faith, and it’s because I’ve done all these things you’ve mentioned.
Monica, to God be the glory! It’s so refreshing to hear that you have overcome obstacles. Remain hopeful and look forward to your productive future.
Dear Latisha. Firstly, thank you for sharing your post at B.O.S.S. This is truly an inspirational post and I trust that many of our blogging friends read and commented here. I place my hope in our Lord and Saviour, have always and will always do so. At present I pray and hope for a good outcome to my upcoming medical procedure for a 2nd opinion for some issues I have at present. I can only remain positive and place my hope in my ultimate Healer and loving Father for his mercy and wishes to be done now and going forward. Whatever the outcome I will go on and remain positive with Him by my side
Esme, where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name…I pray that God will heal your body in the powerful name of JESUS. There’s no problem too big for our God. I appreciate your support throughout this blogging journey and I look forward to reading your future blogs as well.
You have built up a very good write-up on “Hope”. Every line in the post is so profound that it made me pause for a second to take it in. I love the structure of it and the whole essence that it transmits.
Ankita, thank you so much for the time spent reading my blog and for providing your feedback. It really means a lot to me. Happy blogging!