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  1. Thank you Latisha for these uplifting and edifying posts. I am doing the 7 day self love journaling exercise and getting to know myself better. No one is more critical of me than I am, so I had a head-start on knowing myself (at least the bad aspects). However, I also realize that a lot of personality traits are good and bad, depending on the perspective. Determination and stubbornness are actually the same trait which is good and bad depending on the situation. Self-esteem and Pride are both good and bad, also. I have given this paradox a lot of thought over the years. The pride thing has given me a lot of grief, just knowing that Pride caused the fall of Satan. My Christianity is a large part of my life and the Bible is my guide. I know that excessive pride is comparable with elevated self-esteem — self-esteem being necessary for life and excessive pride being an enemy to God. Stubbornness is likened by God to the sin of rebellion. These things are hard for me to reconcile.
    I truly value your insight and thank you for this marvelous blog. You are gifted and inspired. Thank you

    1. Judy, I first want to thank you for your comment and your willingness to open up with yourself. Once you do exercises like this, you begin to have a better understanding of yourself and learn how to be kind to yourself. Then, you are able to treat others better as well. Blessings to you!

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