I am letting go of all negative thoughts and know everything will work out for me.
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Thought for the week – A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever been standing on your own two feet, but feel like you’re standing on a shaky foundation? You look all around you and everything seems to be still and not moving. Then, you realize it’s only your thoughts. Your thoughts in so many ways define who you are. I am stuck in my own negative thoughts at times as it relates to my life, my relationships, my finances, my career, etc. I have to admit, last week was a ROUGH week for me. Here’s just a snapshot of my week:
• Emotional eating took control when I was upset and/or stressing out (oldest son, work)
• My oldest son got in trouble at school 3 times this week (stress level through the roof)
• Very busy at work, but I only work part-time hours (more stress)
• Sadness and depression slipped in and I did not feel like exercising or writing
Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.
Yes, even I have bad days and/or weeks from time to time. Remember, that’s why I turned to writing. I honestly feel like my Renew Inspiration blog is a safe place to gather my thoughts and feelings. Even though we know negative thoughts are not good for us, we struggle with letting go of them. But why? More importantly, we have to remember how important it is to not stay in that negative place, but we must push through those difficult times. Only then will we find our strength and blessings in life.
I am going to take my week of challenges and turn it into a learning moment. I love owning up to my life’s temporary setbacks and those important learning moments. It really shows my growth and potential when I can be honest and live up to my truth. It’s a personal journey so why not make it your best one. Instead of just holding all of my negative thoughts inside, I chose to create this blog post so that I can help someone else who may be going through the same situation.
Negative thoughts can be defined as intrusive thoughts that are unwelcome, involuntary, images or unpleasant ideas that may become obsessions, are upsetting or distressing, and can be difficult to free of and manage.
There is no way around it. Negative thoughts have an immediate and destructive impact on your life. Let’s face it, the moment you have a negative thought, it’s already:
• Hindering you from achieving something you are striving for (goals, dreams, projects)
• Making you feel worse than before (pity party, anxiety, depression)
• Adding negative value to your life in some way (self-esteem, bad relationships)
With that said, make a commitment to your own life on today. Believe in yourself. Choose to shine. Be your own inspiration and choose positive thoughts instead of negative ones. Then, watch your results change. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
Simply put, we need to let go of negative thoughts because they prevent us from enjoying all the benefits of positive thinking.
Here’s a few effects of negative thoughts:
• Less confidence
• Lower self-esteem
• Less happiness
• Less feelings of strength
• Less peace of mind
• Less success
• Less health benefits
Your negative thoughts, if not careful, can destroy your sense of worth, make you feel lost, lonely, and depressed. Also, you may lose healthy relationships and careers throughout this process if you do not make positive changes. Negative thoughts can put you in a negative place in life that will cause you to lose everything that you’ve worked so hard for in life. I am writing this blog post to give you hope again and to let you know that you are not alone. We all experience negative thoughts from time to time, but they do not have to control us.
Well, believe it or not, negative thoughts are normal and are part of the human experience. Honestly, it’s how we deal with negative thoughts as they appear in our lives. Let’s learn a new and healthy way to overcome negative thoughts once and for all.
Here’s some simple ways to help overcome negative thoughts:
• Be conscious of your thoughts. As soon as you find yourself thinking a negative thought, stop yourself from thinking it.
• Stop comparing yourself to others. Remind yourself of your positive attributes. There is only one you so make the best of it.
• Communicate with family and friends often. It is important for everyone to have a positive human connection.
• Digital detox. It’s okay to unfollow, mute, ignore, and delete negative people from your social media accounts.
• Is this thought helpful to me or others? Be honest about your negative feelings.
• Don’t take things personally. Try to play devil’s advocate with your own feelings.
• Avoid triggers. Minimizing contact negative people and avoiding negative triggers can help keep you sane and positive.
My hope for you today is that you now know that negative thoughts really don’t benefit you at all and have no positive value for your life. It’s important for you to get your mind moving in a new direction because dwelling on negative thoughts will keep you from becoming all God has for you. Love yourself fully, deeply, honestly, faithfully, and gloriously. Until next time, be safe and surrounded by love, light, peace, and joy.

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
Writing in a journal can be a positive way for self-reflection and to turn your negative thoughts to positive ones. Be honest and open to your own personal truths throughout your journey.
Here’s some journal prompts to help you get started:
• Have you spent more time today focused on the past, present, or future?
• Have you forgiven yourself?
• What learned beliefs are you holding onto which aren’t true to your authentic self?
• How are you denying your own role in fall-outs you’ve had with other people?
• How does it feel to be the age you currently are?
• In what ways do you lessen others to feel better about yourself?
• What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned and how did you learn it?
• What is your greatest quest in life?
• What do you think is God’s dream for your life?

Thank you for taking the time to read my Renew Inspiration blog. It really means a lot to me and I hope you continue this journey with me.
I would love to hear from you. What is the impact of negative thinking in your life? How do you stay focused and grounded in positive thinking?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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Love the thought of the week
This is truly an inspiring post today. Thank you so much Latisha…I guess it’s what God felt I needed to read and ‘hear’ the message. You had a rough week, you’ve come through it, and moved forward. I read what others have done and it shows me where my ‘issues’ aren’t that bad, and I can move forward with a positive thought. It’s the learning to ‘love myself without feeling egotistical’ that I have a hard time with. Thanks for all the work and thought that you put into this blog each week…
Carpe Diem,
Love this post! I’ve always struggled with negative things. I’m working to overcome every day.
Latisha~This has been spot on for me this weekend. Things have just been turbulent with the kids and life in general. Thank you!!!
Awesome post! I think we all have been there. We need to hear the way to bounce back strong! Thank you.
I’m not a parent, so I can’t offer any thoughts from that perspective. But as a former teacher, who had the tough weeks because of a student’s choices or behaviors, I can appreciate the stress that those “incidents” relating to your son added to your life. I hope you, your son, and the school personnel are able to all communicate and focus on guiding your son in positive ways as well. Prayers.
You put such thought into your blogs, Latisha! This one was a real gem! You are absolutely right about all you said about negative thoughts and feelings. They are part of life and perfectly natural to have, but it takes work to not dwell in them for all the reasons you mentioned. It’s best to be aware of them and then work through them. You have the perfect tools. Writing or talking them out helps so much!