Here and Now

Here and Now

Renew Inspiration, Here and Now, Magnolia, Pink Flower, Spring, Nature, Petals

The past is your lesson. The future is your motivation. The present is your gift.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for the weekBe where you are, not where you think you should be.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s welcome April with a positive blog post detailing tips to help you work through and overcome your past challenges, strive to reach a successful future, and learn how to live in the present. Take a moment, look around you today and see all of the natural abundance in life. Feel the richness and see the beauty. Be grateful for here and now. I don’t know about you, but I am blessed. Today, I will focus on all that is right in my life.

The secret of health for mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.


Never be defined by your past. It was just a life lesson, not a life sentence. – Unknown Author

As we go through life’s journey, we tend to hold on to past mistakes and failures long after they have occurred in our lives. In most cases, it is difficult to begin and conquer the forgiveness process that will help us reach a healthier and more successful future.

Here’s some tips to assist you along the way:

• Tip 1 – Realize that the past is the past. It’s important to realize that the past is done and already behind us. If we can do this, we will work to acceptance and emotional healing a lot faster.

• Tip 2 – Become clear on your morals and values. Be honest with yourself. Our guilt and shame come from our actions in life not aligning with our morals and values. Identify these and work through them one at a time.

• Tip 3 – Create a re-do to affirm that you have learned from your past mistake(s). Take a moment to write down how you would have done things differently if you could go back and do it again. This is how you make it a learning moment so you can move forward.

• Tip 4 – Realize you did the best you could at the time. Don’t dwell on the negative impact of your mistake(s). You probably did the best you could and now you’re in a position to learn from your mistake(s).

• Tip 5 – Identify your biggest regrets. Take time to list your regrets into categories and tackle each one separately.

• Tip 6 – Accept your past as part of your story. Own it and live it. It’s your own personal story. Make this a learning moment. What’s done is done and you cannot change the past.

Remember, you are more than your past mistakes, and I promise you, you are so worth it to move out of the past and into a promising future.


When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future. – Unknown Author

There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s important to improve your future and the quality of your life. I don’t care how you look at it. It’s never okay to live in the past and not be willing to strive for a better future.

Here’s some tips to help you improve your future and strive for a healthier lifestyle:

• Tip 1 – Put your life on hold and write a better story for your day. Take a moment throughout your day to pause and consider what you would like to accomplish. It’s all about a clear mindset and uplifting a positive attitude.

• Tip 2 – Learn and identify what’s keeping you stuck in the same place. It’s important to learn what is keeping you stuck in the same place. Is it fear? Is it hurt? Is it confusion? Use your inner thoughts and feelings to help you work through the process.

• Tip 3 – Believe in yourself and focus on right now. It takes a lot of work and commitment to ensure that you are fully present despite what is going on all around you.

• Tip 4 – Set a realistic and attainable goal. Setting goals is the first step in personal accomplishments, but keep in mind that your goals should be realistic and attainable. You can do this by breaking the goals down in smaller steps.

• Tip 5 – Relinquish what you can’t control. Empower yourself to change what you can in life and let go of the rest. Focus on yourself and less time on trying to change or control others.

• Tip 6 – Be grateful and pass it on to others. Be grateful for what you have and you will attract positivity, opportunity and success.

Despite how difficult it may be, don’t obsess or worry about the future. Stay focused and just keep moving forward.


Life is available only in the present moment. – Thich Nhat Hanh

I am open to receive what I’ve been asking for. Believe it or not, life is more manageable when you are grounded in the present. Achieve clarity through mindfulness practices such as deep breathing and meditation.

Here’s some tips to help you live in the present:

• Tip 1 – Sit still and focus on your breath. Take a moment each day to breathe deeply through your nose for about 3 seconds. Hold your breath for 2 seconds. Then, exhale for about 4 seconds. You can use this breathing technique to bring yourself back to the present if you ever experience stress or anxiety.

• Tip 2 – Practice savoring with all 5 senses. Use your 5 senses to fully take in the environment around you. Spend time being awareness to what you see, hear, smell, touch, and taste.

• Tip 3 – Eliminate distractions that prevent you from fully connecting with others. Don’t hesitate to make changes in your environment to help you stay present with those around you.

• Tip 4 – View mistakes as learning opportunities. Always strive to learn from your mistakes. Dwelling on past mistakes can prevent you from living in the present. It’s simple. Don’t allow yourself to be stuck in the same place for a long period of time.

• Tip 5 – Practice forgiveness. Now, here’s a good one. Holding onto grudges and life hurts can keep you from living a healthy life in the present. Identify people, including yourself, that need forgiving and work to make peace with them. Keep in mind that forgiveness is not about the other person, but it’s personal. It’s all about allowing yourself to move forward in peace.

• Tip 6 – Strengthen your spiritual well-being. Strive to feel connected with God or a greater power to help you stay grounded in the present. Read spiritual books and quotes. Meditate or do yoga to train your mind to become more still and present-focused.

My prayer for you today is that you can relate to some or all of my tips in some way or another. It’s so important to learn how to let go of the past, move forward to the future, and live in the present moment. For some, it may come as an easy task and for others it may be a struggle. Never hesitate to reach out for help from family and friends. There are a ton of professional therapists available to help you work through this process. Remember, you are not alone.

journaling, book, flowers, writing, Renew Inspiration, Here and Now


With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


• What don’t you like about your life right now?

• Why haven’t you dealt with your past before?

• Why do you want to deal with your past now?

• What are your favorite moments from the past?

• What’s your biggest learning lesson from the past?


• What does your dream life look like?

• Where do you see yourself in 6 months? A year? 5 years? 10 years?

• What distractions are hindering your productivity?

• What actions can you take today to simplify your life?

• What do you need more of in your life?


• What do you love about your life?

• How do you have abundance today?

• What makes today better than yesterday?

• What’s something that keeps you grounded you can practice daily?

• How can you accept and embrace your emotions no matter what they are?


Thank you for taking the time to read my Renew Inspiration blog. It really means a lot to me and I hope you continue this journey with me. I would love to hear from you. Strive to be in the here and now. Honor the past, learn from it, accept it and let it go. Do you consider yourself living in the past, moving to a better future, or living in the present moment?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Spring Time Renewal

Spring Time Renewal

Spring Time Renewal, Flowers, Mind, Body, Spirit

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. – Charles Dickens

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! If you could describe March in one word, what would your one word be? My word would be renewal. I always like to think of spring as a time for renewal and growth. Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling. March is a good time to let go of the old and make room for the new. We’ve been stuck inside during the winter months and now it feels right to get organized, physically active, and create positive change all around us.

Renewal is what happens when you realize that some of this stuff you’ve been carrying around doesn’t matter. – Rob Bell


Time for renewal offers:

• Personal growth and expansion from the inside out.

• A fresh start to something that will be much better, and in most cases, greater than what you were previously experiencing.

• The ability to make necessary plans and allows your mind to think of resolutions that need to take place.

• You rest from the day to day hustle and bustle of life, which can interpret to self-reflection.

• An opportunity to transform one’s mind and body to a more refreshed state.


To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. – Lao Tzu

It’s important to make a mental connection with your body and spirit. First, make sure to be realistic and put your thoughts into perspective honoring your personal beliefs. Second, don’t be afraid to prioritize things that matter most to you in your life right now and remove all negativity, both people and things.


Your body loves you. Love it back. – Unknown Author

First, it’s important to treat your body well and with respect. Second, our bodies are built to move so make sure you plan some kind of exercise daily (cardio, strength training, stretching). Third, make sure to eat a well-balanced diet to include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Remember, move more, eat less. No more excuses. Fourth, set realistic goals and a create a plan to reach your goals. Fifth, track your food and exercise. Sixth, join an online Wellness or Health Program, such as Weight Watchers or Spark People for additional support.


Everything has a spirit – honor that. – Unknown Author

First, it’s important for you to connect with your inner being or your spirit throughout the day. For example, spend time in prayer, meditation, and reading God’s Word to receive the proper guidance in your life. Second, you can attend religious services often to get your spirit renewed or find scriptures to meditate on throughout the day. Third, take time to write down a spiritual quote or your favorite scripture to have it hidden in your heart. Fourth, you can get engaged with your spiritual self by reading inspirational books, writing personal reflections in your journal, or listening to spiritual music. Remember, your spirit drives your thought process, your emotions, and your mood so we have to keep it grounded with a strong and positive foundation.

Come to the water. Live in the moment and be. Refresh your mind. Rest your body. Renew your spirit. Regain a gentle heart and peaceful soul. Reclaim yourself. Restore in the power that is greater than you. – Bonnie L. Mohr

flowers, notebook, pen, coffee, goals


And suddenly you know, it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. – Meister Eckhart

• What are your priorities in life?

• What do you love about yourself?

• How do you feel when you look at the sky?

• What are ten things you love about spring?

• What are three specific goals for March?

• Where would you like to travel during the spring?

• What books are you reading?

• What good habit do you want to develop?

• What is the hardest challenge you have overcome?

• What is one thing you can do tonight to prepare you for tomorrow?

• Find a poem, verse or quote to inspire you for the month ahead.

• Identify one way you would like to grow in the next year.

Spring is a great time to envision endless possibilities, and to use our creative gifts to reach new levels of achievement, wellness, happiness, and success. If we just be still and listen, we will hear the sigh of relief inside our hollow bodies…we will hear the quiet and slow beats of our hearts and the pleasant thoughts surrounding our busy minds! I encourage you today to really think about your personal journey and how important it is to make time for renewal. You will experience life awakening experiences that will allow for personal growth as well as an expansion of your creativity that only you can explore and enjoy. Peace and blessings!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award, Renew Inspiration,
The Versatile Blogger Award – Renew Inspiration

Face your rejections and use them as stepping stones for success. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

The Versatile Blogger Award

Melissa Snyder nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can read her blog post about her nomination here.

Melissa, thank you for the nomination. I am honored to receive this nomination from a fellow blogger. I truly appreciate you for including me in your selection. I started my Renew Inspiration blog to inspire and encourage others. After my mother passed away in December 2015, I began writing to comfort my soul. I started off writing letters to my mother, then journaling how I was feeling and what I was thinking, then in January 2018 I decided to start blogging. I have not turned back since. I love to have the ability to write positive and uplifting posts, then share them with all of you. Also, I love the blogging community as a whole. I’ve met so many encouraging bloggers and authors that inspire me to continue writing.

Water your roots, so your soul can blossom. – Unknown Author

Award Rules:

• Thank the person who nominated you.
• Link to the blog of the person who nominated you.
• Say 7 facts about yourself.
• Nominate 15 more bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

Well, here’s 7 facts about myself:

1. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 15 years. We met one another online, and it was love at first site. We dated for about 6 months and decided to get married. We did not want to have a traditional wedding (to save money), so we went to the courthouse to get married instead. We left the courthouse and drove to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon.

2. We have two adopted sons with hearing loss. I spend most of my time advocating for my boys so they can be successful in life.

3. I love animals. We have two dogs and one cat. My oldest dog is 16 years old. His name is Sampson and he is a Sharpei/Boxer mix. My other dog’s name is Max, he is a Pug, and is 15 years old. Our cat’s name is Morris and he is 17 years old. All of our pets are very spoiled and demand attention every day.

4. Currently, I work part-time as a sub secretary in an educational environment. I really enjoy this job and the flexibility it provides for me and my family. Education is very important to me and I’ve always loved administrative type work. For example, growing up I would volunteer as a secretary at church and at school.

5. I have a passion for writing, journaling, and blogging. I am working on my first inspirational book/journal as a way to follow my dreams and to inspire others to do the same.

6. I also enjoy reading, coloring, and doing Word Search puzzles in my spare time.

7. I love to do Leslie Sansone’s walk workouts. It’s a great way to get fit, increase your daily step count, and have fun all at the same time. You can check her out on YouTube or just purchase her walk workout DVDs from – Happy Walking!

Here’s my 15 Nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. @TLMblogger –
2. @rollingonblog –
3. @leaveittomema –
4. @femenish –
5. @catchingkimnow –
6. @JeffrisTerry –
7. @simplykatricia –
8. @sugisayz –
9. @TheSparkMomma –
10. @BestieTalksBlog –
11. @hanmwill –
12. @LydiaBlogs_ –
13. @faithnturtles –
14. @MommyPurposeful –
15. @SimplyMtastic –

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

My Present Place

My Present Place

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. This is my happy place. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Wow, I cannot believe it has been a whole week already! Time really flies when you’re having fun, right? Before I dive into my topic today, I want to express appreciation for ALL OF YOU who have subscribed/followed Renew Inspiration. It really means a lot to me. My prayer each and every day is to find the right words to say to help you along this journey called life. I look forward to reading your personal thoughts in the blog comment section for each post. It’s not only refreshing to hear your point of view, but it is also healthy to have on-going dialogue with others.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my present place. Am I happy or sad? Am I willing to make the necessary changes that are needed to excel in all aspects of my life? Am I content right now or willing to step out of my comfort zone to explore new endeavors? These are just a few questions that I have found myself thinking about this week. Have you ever just sat down in a quiet place and allowed yourself to think without interruption? This process is called self-reflection. It’s really important to spend quality time in self-reflection mode whether you have all your stuff together (you think) or you’re still trying to find your way (most of us).


Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things…then better yourself. – Unknown Author

Before moving forward, I think it is important to understand what self-reflection is before you can commit to practicing it on a regular basis. Self-reflection can be defined as meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions, and motives. To take it a step further, you must be willing to learn more about your fundamental nature, purpose, and essence of life. Take a moment and look in a mirror. What do you see? You see a reflection of who you are on the outside. For example, you notice your physical facial features, the color of your skin, your hair color and style, etc. However, self-reflection is not only your outward appearance, but it is a way of assessing yourself deep within – mind, body, and spirit.

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts


As you begin to practice self-reflection in your life, you will notice a shift in your mindset, an increase of positivity in your life, and discover a deeper connection within. Here’s some healthy ways to practice self-reflection throughout your journey:

• Prayer and meditation – Take a moment to quiet your mind, read a scripture, pray, and meditate. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to only connect with God so you can hear His voice.

• Yoga and exercise – Every day is important to do some form of yoga and exercise. Movement gives you more energy and helps keep you healthy.

• Reading inspirational books – Reading keeps your brain healthy, but reading inspirational books also keeps you in a positive mood.

• Reciting positive affirmations – Reciting positive affirmations will give you hope and encourage you to focus on your goals/dreams.

• Writing or journaling – Writing is a form of self-expression. Capture every moment of your life in a journal so you can pause to reflect on the good times and make changes to avoid bad situations.

• Drawing and painting – Showing your creative side will help to open your mind to different aspects of life. You become calm and relaxed as if you have no care in the world.

• Vision board – Create a vision board so you can have a road map to success. Be creative and use pictures from magazines or from online, quotes, goals, etc.


Self-reflection is a personal way for you to learn more about yourself. It’s important to find your zone and comfort level so you can reap the positive benefits of self-reflection. Here’s some helpful tips to help you find your zone for self-reflection:

Tip 1 – Be honest with yourself. Honesty is key to success. Be honest with the process and with yourself. It’s important to remind yourself how things are going and how you are behaving throughout the process.

Tip 2 – Notice behavior patterns. Be aware of your behavior patterns so you can strengthen the positive/healthy ones and remove the negative/unhealthy ones from your life.

Tip 3 – Be able to articulate your core values. Take time to identify what’s most important to you so you can evaluate if you’re living those values throughout life. Your lifestyle has to shift at some point, and you should notice the change from the inside out.

Tip 4 – Be forgiving. Be gentle with yourself when you don’t seem to get it right along the journey. Remember, we’re all human and we all make mistakes.

Tip 5 – Keep track of your self-reflection. Start a journal where you record your observations and monitor your personal growth throughout this process.

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Meditation, Journal Prompts


My body is healthy, my mind is focused, my soul is calm. – Unknown Author

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely about your life and to improve yourself. Take time to think about your thoughts, to acknowledge how you feel, and to strive to be spiritually grounded throughout your personal journey. You have to dig deep inside yourself and do the serious work to truly understand your present place. Keep in mind, this is an on-going process because life is always changing.


• What am I thinking right now in this very moment?

• What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?

• How does meditation guide me through my day?

• Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present or future?

• How do I deal with difficult thoughts or failures?


• How do I feel right now in this very moment?

• What is one old habit you want to eliminate in your life?

• What do you consider to be your most challenging flaw?

• How often do you exercise during the week?

• How do relax your body?


• Am I spiritually grounded right now in this very moment?

• What is something I need to be free from and surrender to God today?

• What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

• Are there areas of my life where I need to learn to trust in God?

• How has journaling helped me get closer to being spiritually grounded?


• What is the number one problem you would like to solve (or see solved) in the world?

• What is the number one thing missing from your life right now?

• What is one of life’s little pleasures that I appreciate?

• When was the last time you felt fully alive?

• What can I do to nurture my mind, body, and spirit?

• In what ways are you different from the person you were 2 years ago? 1 year ago?

Instead of sadness, anxiety, and depression, choose to practice self-reflection to help you cope with life challenges. You will think differently, feel better, and strengthen your spiritual being. Your whole being will thank you and those people surrounding you each day will thank you as well. Peace and blessings!


As I stated before, I look forward to hearing from you. Please take a moment to reflect on this blog and answer these questions in the comment section. You’ll be surprised how much we learn from one another. What are your thoughts related to self-reflection? How often do you practice self-reflection? How has self-reflection changed your life?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and

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