Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience. – Unknown
Thought for today – Great things never came from comfort zones.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Can you believe it has been 7 months since I launched my Renew Inspiration blog? I am proud of where I am today, but I realize there is always something new to learn about the blogging industry. There is so much information swirling around on the web that it becomes overwhelming to the average person thinking about jumping into the blogging game. It can be a scary experience throughout the entire blog launching process so to succeed it’s important for new bloggers to keep learning, be flexible, ask for help and be willing to adjust with the blogging industry.
Here’s some tips for new bloggers to think about before launching their new blog:
• Tip 1: Determine your niche – What is your passion? What do you want to share with the world? What is your specialty or your expertise?
• Tip 2: Identify your target audience – Who is your ideal reader? Write directly to them. Keep your readers wanting more from you with a strong headline and intro.
• Tip 3: Create clear and precise goals for your blog – Why are you blogging? For fun, a hobby, a business, to sell product or to monetize using affiliates? Write down your goals and make sure to reflect on them when preparing blog posts.
• Tip 4: Come up with a catchy blog title and tag line to get your readers attention. Then, create the perfect logo for your blog.
• Tip 5: Determine if you want to launch your blog using a free website or if you want to invest money in a company like WordPress, then a hosting company like Blue Host.
• Tip 6: Establish one or two social media platforms to focus on when you first launch your new blog. Remember, to share your new blog posts on all your social media platforms. Once you are comfortable, add more as you have the time.
• Tip 7: Have 2 or 3 really in-depth blog posts complete before you decide to launch your new blog. In addition, have more blog posts in various stages, such as drafts to be edited, outlines and topic ideas ready to write.
Once you have launched your blog, it is important for you to stay engaged with your readers. I am going to be honest, engaged will mean different things for different people. For example, if you are selling product or a service, you need to respond to your customers on a regularly basis. However, some people are blogging just as a hobby, so your engagement may be less involved.
Here’s some tips to keep in mind once you have launched your blog:
Tip 1: Post consistently – Plan to post 2 to 3 times per week to stay engaged with your readers.
Tip 2: Use quality photos – Whether you take your own photos or pull photos from a free site, such as Pixabay or Pexels, make sure to use quality photos that are relevant to your blog post.
Tip 3: Discover your writing style – Start with a catchy lead, have a conversational tone through out your blog and ask questions at the end to get your readers engaged.
Tip 4: Write down your thoughts – When inspiration swirls in your head, write it down so you can reflect on it later. It is important to keep all your thoughts and ideas in one place for easy access during the writing process.
Tip 5: Social Media connections – Give your readers three or more ways to follow you. For example, Facebook, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Tip 6: Comment on other blogs – Don’t be shy and be sure to write encouraging comments on other blogs. In most cases, the other bloggers will show your blog some love too.
Tip 7: Facebook Groups – Join some Facebook Groups to network, share your blog content, learn from other bloggers and to offer support to others who may just be starting out.
Be creative and always look for new ways to connect to your readers, but at the same time take it slow. Remember, you do not need to understand everything about the blogging process before you launch. I hope these tips give you something to think about from one new blogger to another. Good luck and happy blogging!
What inspired you to start blogging? Do you sometimes get frustrated with the blogging process? If so, how do you handle it? Please share some of your advice related to your personal blogging experience.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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