Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. (I Chronicles 16:11)
Thought for today – Allow God to amaze you with what He can do for your situation.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! How often do you seek God’s face? For some, seeking God’s face is done on a daily basis and for others seeking God’s face is done on an as needed basis. What does it really mean to seek God’s face? Well, I believe seeking God’s face simply means to seek God’s presence in your life. Presence is a common translation of the Hebrew word “face”. Literally, we are to seek his face throughout our lives.
Here’s some ways for us to seek God’s face throughout our lives:
• Read God’s Word, study it and meditate on it
• Fasting and praying regularly
• Confessing your sins and repenting to God regularly
• Reading daily devotions
• Singing praise and worship songs
• Attending church services regularly
When you think that everything is against you remember God is always with you.

Journal Prompts – Time for Reflection
Let’s spend some quality time seeking God’s face while writing in our journals.
• What is on my mind right now?
• What do I need to meditate and/or pray about?
• What feels like a struggle in my life right now?
• What advice do I need to receive from God?
• Am I prepared to receive God’s advice?
• How can I strengthen my relationship and faith in God?
• How much time do you spending reading God’s Word, praying or meditating?
As you travel throughout your spiritual journey, there are always obstacles that we encounter while living our lives on Earth, but we must work around them in order to seek God’s face and see him clearly. It is always important to stay away from anything and anyone who blocks us from being in the presence of God. Through this spiritual process, remember to seek God’s face by calling and pleading for Him to fill your presence with His anointing from on high. Only then will you receive the necessary peace, comfort, security and healing from God. Be peaceful, be happy, be whole.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
How much time do you spend seeking God’s face? Challenge yourself and spend some quality time reflecting on the answers to the journal prompt questions noted above. Please share your thoughts and comments.
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