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A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks, others have thrown at her. – Unknown Author
Thought for today – Be focused. Be persistent. Never quit. One day or day one. You decide.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So glad you have returned for more uplifting inspiration that comes from within. Always remember you have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. Do you believe this on today? Sometimes you have to be your own hero. Just because you are struggling throughout your journey does not mean you are failing. Keep believing and the good things will happen. The one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell at all.
She believed she could, so she did. – Unknown Author
Today, many of us celebrated International Women’s Day! International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year. It is a day set aside to honor the achievements of women throughout history and all across the globe.
Theme for 2020 – I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights
2020 is a pivotal year for:
• Women from all different backgrounds and cultures to unite as one.
• Women to fight for gender parity and women’s rights.
• Advancing gender equality worldwide so women’s voices can be heard.
As we go through life fulfilling our dreams and aspirations, remember a satisfied life is better than a successful life. Because our success is measured by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind and heart.
You are a unique combination of strength and beauty. – Unknown Author
It’s time to focus on what really matters, right? Life, family, careers, households, hobbies, women rights, etc. Whether you are trying to focus on some personal goals for yourself or trying to pursue higher achievements, it’s important to re-evaluate your focus from time to time.
Set Goals
• Evaluate your current situation – What do you want to change?
• Determine your goals – What do you want to improve?
• Write down your goals and revisit your goals daily
• Write down a plan to reach your goals
• Establish a reward system when you reach milestones
• Check your progress and readjust your goals as necessary
Stay Motivated
• Recite positive affirmations and quotes
• Read inspirational and motivational books
• Pick a healthy habit to work on daily
• Join a supportive group to receive encouragement and feedback
• Determine weaknesses and strengths
• Think positive and remind yourself of your goals
• Track your progress throughout the week
Be Productive
• Strive for consistency while working on projects
• Observe how you plan your days – Use a daily To-Do List
• Define your priorities – What’s important to you?
• Have a positive mindset daily
• Define your focus
Change Your Mindset
• Positive thoughts equal positive outcomes
• Admit that your thinking needs to be adjusted
• Seek positive support from family, friends, support groups
• Immerse yourself in personal growth – Read inspirational books or listen to positive speakers
• Forward thinking will move your focus away from where you don’t want to be to where could be
Remember to take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup. – Unknown Author
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
• What is your favorite memory or life experience?
• When was the last time you listened to your intuition, and what was the outcome?
• What is your priority in life at the moment?
• What are you proud of yourself for today?
• How do you respond to setbacks and failure? Why?
• Write down 5 ways to relax and commit to doing at least 1 each day.
• What is your ultimate goal in life?
• What is a habit you want to develop? How will it help your long-term goals?
• What are your 3 biggest distractions and how do you plan to reduce them in your life?
• What are 3 areas of your life where you are the weakest?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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