In life, many things don’t go according to plan. If you fall, get back up. If you stumble, regain your balance. – Unknown Author
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s face it. Living in a chaotic and negative environment takes a lot out of you. In some ways, your life will seem out of balance and disconnected. You may even feel like you are out of control or just simply worn out with day-to-day activities.
When we find ourselves out of balance, our lives may include challenges, such as burnout, health problems, financial distress, emotional eating, isolation, and relationship issues just to name a few. Don’t worry, take a deep breath, and know that it happens to the best of us. It’s important for you to know that regaining balance in life is the key to your peace and happiness.
Life is a balance between holding on and letting go. – Rumi
While you’re traveling along your journey in life, it is important to understand the basic characteristics of maintaining emotional balance. After all, the characteristics of emotional balance allows you to participate in life to the fullest extent possible.
Here’s a list of the characteristics of emotional balance:
• A sense of contentment.
• A passion for living and enjoying life to the fullest.
• The ability to deal with stressful situations.
• The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change.
• The ability to bounce back from adversity.
• A healthy level of self-confidence and self-respect.
• The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships.
To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life. – Elizabeth Gilbert
To overcome this difficult challenge in life, you must first acknowledge that your life is out of balance. Don’t be afraid to address anything in your life that do not align with your lifestyle and beliefs.
Here’s some examples you may encounter when your life is out of balance:
• You find yourself reacting to everything in a negative way.
• You have unidentified and reoccurring health issues, such as fatigue or stress.
• You feel like every little thing is an emergency in your mind.
• You may be too tired to recognize or enforce your own emotional, personal, and professional boundaries.
Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power. – Joyce Meyer
Once you’ve identified that there is an issue with your life, it is important to regain balance in your life by any means necessary.
Here’s some ways you can help regain balance in your life:
• Slow down. It is important to establish control over your time by slowing down.
• Live in the now. The fewer thoughts you have about your past or future, the more you’ll be present to your own inner spirit.
• Let go of control. Allow things to progress at their own pace so that you develop trust in the flow of life.
• Break old patterns. Simply breaking old habits one by one will begin to erode negative thought patterns and beliefs.
• Explore triggers to emotional highs and lows. It is important to avoid problems by identifying the root cause of your emotional challenges.
• Nurture yourself. Find time to be relaxed and happy throughout your day. For example, try meditation, getting a massage, reading a book, spending time in nature.
Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself. – Nishan Panwar
As you can see, journaling holds all of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in one sacred place. Journaling has a way to uncover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Journaling can be fun, but also can be a serious process to help you cope with many life’s challenges, such as depression, grief, or loneliness. The most important fact about journaling is you have total control throughout the experience. You can keep it secret or share it with others. No matter what you decide, always be open, honest, and willing to write from the heart.
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:
It all begins in your mind. What you think, you become. – Unknown Author
• How does journaling help to improve your mental state?
• What is the biggest life lesson you’ve learned to date?
• What quote(s) inspires you on a difficult day?
• What do you love about life?
• List 5 positive thoughts that you have. Ready, set, write.
I am strong, fit, and well-balanced. – Unknown Author
• Describe a difficult situation you’ve encountered. How did it make you feel?
• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change and why?
• How can you incorporate self-care into your daily routine?
• What is something that you’ve overcome in life?
• List ways that you can relax each day.
You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved. – Unknown Author
• How has journaling helped to improve your spiritual well-being?
• What do I need to mute in my life in order to hear God’s voice?
• What can you do today to help yourself get better aligned spiritually?
• What does God’s presence feel like in my life?
• List a Bible verse about God’s love.
When you have made the decision to embrace life and regain balance, you will focus on making your own happiness and peace of mind a priority. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t wait. Start today.
Stay patient and trust your journey. – Unknown Author
Let’s talk. When was the last time you lost your life balance? How do you regain balance? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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