Ways To Improve Self-Love

Ways To Improve Self-Love

Renew Inspiration, Ways To Improve Self-Love

Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you who celebrate this beautiful day of love. Let’s take this opportunity to discuss a concept called self-love. When I think of self-love, I think of:

  • You accepting yourself fully with no exceptions.
  • You treating yourself with kindness and respect.
  • You nurturing your growth and well-being.

Without self-love, you may:

  • Be highly critical of yourself and others.
  • Fall into the “people pleasing” spectrum.
  • Tolerate abuse or mistreatment from others.
  • Neglect your own needs and feelings.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Self-Love Workbook


You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. – Unknown Author

Self-love like anything else can be defined in different ways by different people. Before we move on, let’s take a moment to define self-love:

Self-Love can be defined as love of self; an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue; regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.  

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Self-Love Workbook for Women


The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. – Maya Angelou

Next, it is important to note that self-love not only speaks about how you treat yourself, but it also involves your thoughts and feelings as well. When you show self-love to yourself, you portray an overall positive view of yourself.

Here’s some great ways to improve self-love:

  • Write down and recite affirmations. When you change your internal narrative, you change the way you view yourself. For example, if you are looking for evidence that you are worthy of love, you will truly find love.
  • Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Remember, you are human and sometimes you will make mistakes. Acknowledge the mistakes, then forgive yourself and move on.
  • Prioritize your health and well-being. Be intentional about what you put into your body and always plan for daily exercise.
  • Find ways to meet your own needs and hold yourself accountable. Always put yourself first and do things that make you happy. If you fall short, hold yourself accountable and make necessary adjustments. Then, move forward.
  • Accept your imperfections and find your happy place. Take a moment to embrace the here and now. Then, think of a place that makes it simple to just be happy.
  • Challenge yourself often. Take time to challenge yourself. Set realistic goals and pursue them daily.
  • Cultivate gratitude in your life. Gratitude helps lead you to happiness. Take time daily to write down what you’re grateful for. Visit this list often to reflect on the goodness of life and all that it brings.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – You Are A Badass Book


Love yourself and the rest will follow. – Unknown Author

Finally, being kind to yourself helps you bounce back faster, live healthier, and stay on track.

Here’s some uplifting self-love affirmations to practice daily:

  • I am beautifully made.
  • I accept myself as I am.
  • I am worthy to be loved
  • I am confident and empowered.
  • I am worthy of everything good in life.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • I am fearless and brave.
  • I am proud of my accomplishments.
  • I accept who I am and I love myself.
  • I am filled with kindness and gratitude.

Finally, I hope you have learned some different ways to help improve self-love in your life. Remember, self-love is the foundation of who you are which would allow you to be assertive, set boundaries, practice self-care, and create healthy relationships with others.


Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process sis the bravest thing that we’ll ever do. – Brene Brown

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • How do you practice self-love in your life?
  • What makes you happiest in life?
  • What does your dream life look like?
  • What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  • What are you proud of yourself for today?
  • What qualities do you think others admire about you?
  • What have you done lately that you didn’t get to brag about?
  • What is your self-care routine?
  • How much do you truly love yourself?
  • What have you learned from this journaling experience?
  • Write out your ideal vision of your “dream life”.
  • Write out 10 self-love affirmations.
  • Write out a perfect morning or evening self-care routine.
  • Write yourself a love letter.
  • Write out 15 compliments you can give yourself.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Anxiety On The Rise

Anxiety On The Rise

Renew Inspiration, Anxiety, Stress, Panic, Fear, Coronavirus, Hope, Kindness, Happiness

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. – Charles Spurgeon

Thought for today – Believe that you are stronger than your anxiety.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I pray that you and your families are staying healthy during this difficult time. Let’s face it, the rapid spread of the coronavirus has increased anxiety, wide-spread panic, fear and stress for most people around the United States and abroad. In fact, 70% of adults in the United States feel some level of stress and anxiety daily. People are nervous and scared which is a normal response to the issue at hand.

I don’t know about you, but I will be the first to tell you that my anxiety is on the rise, but it is also silent within. I try not to let my family, friends or co-workers know when my anxiety level increases. Today, I will not allow anxiety to dictate how I feel or how I interact with others. Today, I will not stress over things I cannot control. Instead, I choose to spread love, hope, peace, comfort, joy, happiness, kindness, encouragement and inspiration through my Renew Inspiration blog.



Anxiety has the ability to keep you from enjoying life and doing things you enjoy. – Unknown Author

Before you can work through an issue, it is important to understand what the issue is and how it can impact you as a whole. So, what is anxiety? Well, anxiety is defined as a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension; Feeling of worry; Fear characterized by behavioral disturbances.

It is important to note, that while there can be many causes for anxiety all around us, here’s some common causes of anxiety that often times impacts our lives or someone close to us:

• Stress that can result from work, school or personal relationships.

• Emotional trauma in our lives.

• Financial concerns.

• A chronic or serious medical condition.

• A major event or performance.

• Side effect of certain medications.

Be open and honest to your loved ones if your anxiety begins to interrupt your life on any level. Do not ever think you’re alone because you’re not. Overcome your fear by taking a step to work through this difficult chapter in your life’s story.



Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action. – Walter Anderson

Next, I want to provide the symptoms of anxiety to help you become aware of how you are feeling or if you notice any of these symptoms in others. Unfortunately, high levels of anxiety can cause various health conditions and/or symptoms, such as:

• Panic attacks

• Depression

• Constant and excessive worrying

• Feeling exhausted and fatigue

• Increase stress

• Restlessness

• Insomnia and non-restorative sleep

• Irritability

• Lack of concentration

• Irrational fears and phobias

• Avoiding social situations

It’s important to analyze these symptoms very closely. If you feel the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with daily life activities and continues for at least 6 months, you may want to consider seeing a licensed health professional.


Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. – Pema Chodron

Moreover, many people deal with anxiety on so many levels, and in some cases, they deal with this condition alone. Unfortunately, anxiety often times manipulates you by showing you the following:

Self-doubt – Anxiety makes us question ourselves and our beliefs.

Fear – Anxiety takes what is dear to you and makes you afraid of losing it.

Worries – Anxiety can take a thought and turn it into excessive worries.

Control – We don’t need our fears to manifest. Then, we strive to control everything.

Similar to the symptoms as noted above, it’s important to analyze how you’re feeling and request help from a licensed health professional so you can cope with life better.



Smile, breathe and go slowly. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Now, that we know the common causes for anxiety and the symptoms, it is important to find ways to reduce anxiety so we can live more productive lives.

Here’s some ways to help reduce anxiety:

• Increase your faith, read scripture and pray.

• Eat well-balanced diets.

• Add a daily exercise or yoga routine.

• Take medications or supplements that are prescribed by a licensed doctor.

• Enjoy aromatherapy by lighting a candle using essential oils (lavender, sandalwood, rose, roman chamomile, geranium, orange blossom).

• Express yourself and how you are feeling using a gratitude journal.

• Spend quality time with family and friends.

• Laugh and find the humor in every day life.

• Learn to avoid procrastination and prioritize what needs to be done.

• Practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques.

• Listen to soothing music.

• Maintain a positive attitude.

It’s important to take mental breaks as often as possible. Take a deep breath and remember to go easy on yourself. What ever you do today, let it be enough.



Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, how do you work through it.

• What are some of life challenges and/or triggers that increase your anxiety?

• How do you plan to overcome your anxiety?

• Interview your past & future self by asking questions that you need answers to.

• Use colorful markers or pens to write out all the things that make you happy.

Remember, to take care of yourself throughout this stressful time. Click on the image below to receive some Positive Affirmations. Read them daily until they resonate in your spirit. Then, share them with others. Write a comment below to let me know how my Renew Inspiration blog has helped you. Let’s overcome anxiety by sharing positive vibes, not panic or fear.


Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer, Merry Christmas, Gifts, Presents

Wishing you a season of gladness, a season of cheer, and to top it all off, a wonderful New Year. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – May the simple joys of Christmas warm your heart, fill your home, and last a lifetime.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Season’s Greetings and Merry Christmas! Always remember, the greatest gift you can ever own is not found in the shops or under your Christmas tree. It is found in the hearts of your loving family and your true friends. This should be a special time of the year filled with happiness, peace, and holiday cheer.

Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold, and your health is wealth. – Zig Ziglar



May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through. – Unknown Author

To begin with, holiday cheer can be defined as the comfort or encouragement one feels during the holiday season. Holiday cheer puts you in a good mood and put a happy tune in your heart. If we allow ourselves to be honest and feel the positive sensations inside, then we all could agree that life is always bursting with holiday cheer.

Here’s some ways to spread holiday cheer:

• Be kind toward yourself. Remember, you cannot give what you don’t have.

• Smile. Don’t wait to be happy. Think of something good in your life, smile and see what happens.

• Transform your life by being optimistic and positive. Be helpful and give compliments to others.

• Surprise the people you love with a special gift or flowers just because.

• Say something good about someone or something. Be genuine and spread positive vibes and thoughts.

• Send a card, special note or letter to family, friends, co-workers or neighbors.

• Being authentic and courteous to others by saying words, such as “good morning” or “have a wonderful day”.

• Volunteer for a good cause where you can help others less fortunate than you are. For example, visit a nursing home, hospital, children’s group home or a homeless shelter.



Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year. – Unknown Author

On the other hand, while living your best life, it is important to find ways to relieve stress during the holiday season. Don’t wait for perfect circumstances to experience a stress-free atmosphere.

Here’s some ways to relieve stress during the holiday season:

• Take calm-down breaks to meditate, read a good book or just do nothing.

• Stay active and get moving by exercising, doing yoga, walking or trying a new class at the gym.

• Be generous and kind by volunteering at the local shelter/food bank or donating money to your favorite charity.

• Smile and laugh often by watching holiday movies, playing boardgames or enjoying quality time with family and friends.

• Plan a YOU day by getting a massage, manicure, pedicure or getting a new hair style.

As I stated before, feeling holiday cheer grows from the inside, then you are allowed to spread it to others along your journey. Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path you take towards holiday cheer. Don’t let the holidays become something you dread. Instead, take steps to prevent stress that can descend during the holidays. It can be quite a rewarding experience to brighten up someone’s day by extending an act of kindness or just simply smiling at someone as you pass by. However, it is essential for you to bring holiday cheer to yourself which leads to a happy and stress-free life.



May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! – Anon

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What action did you take today that spread holiday cheer?

• How do you plan to serve others during the Christmas holiday and beyond?

• Who made you smile during the holiday season?

• Write about 4 emotions that come to your heart on Christmas day and why?

• List 10 words that come to mind when you think of holiday cheer. Ready, set, go!

• How frequently do you make time for self-care?

• What are some ways to give back during this holiday season and beyond?

• How do you plan to reduce stress in your life?


Let’s talk. Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback! How do you plan to spend the holiday season? How do you plan to share some holiday cheer to those around you? Do you have any family traditions or recipes that you share every year?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Women's Health, Exercise, Well-Being, Fitness

You are capable of your healthiest and happiest life. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – The body achieves what the mind believes.

Women's Health, Fitness, Exercise
National Women’s Health and Fitness Day 2019

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today is a great day for women everywhere. Did you know that women all over the world is celebrating National Women’s Health and Fitness Day today? Well, I have to be honest, I did not know until I was doing some research online. National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotion event for women of all ages. This wonderful day has been observed the last Wednesday of September since 2002.

What better way to celebrate and honor women that to write an inspirational blog post, right? I not only wanted to bring awareness to this special day, but also provide some ways that you can participate today, tomorrow, and forever!

Across the country, an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 women of all ages plan to participate in health and fitness events in places, such as:

• Senior Centers
• Hospitals
• Health Clubs
• Schools
• Retirement Communities
• Houses of Worship
• Park and Recreation Centers
• Local Health and Service Organizations

The goal of this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health, to learn the facts they need to make smart choices, and to make time for regular physical activity throughout their personal journey.



It’s never too early or too late to work toward being the healthiest you. – Unknown Author

Take a moment and visualize your life as you want it to be. Go to a quiet, private environment for 15 minutes every day where you can close your eyes and imagine your body, environment, relationships, and life in ways that please you. Always remember, what has been has nothing to do with what will be, and what others experience has nothing to do with your experience. This is the moment where you must find a way to separate yourself from all of the past and from the others in order to be what you want to be. Then, you will be able to embrace your personal journey one step at a time.

Believe it or not, you have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. Do you believe this? Sometimes you have to be your own hero. Do you have the courage to do so? Just because you are struggling throughout your personal journey does not mean you are failing. Keep believing and the good things will happen. Always remember the one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell at all. Your purpose is to fully be all that you are. Now, think about that for a moment. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself with confidence – I BELIEVE IN THE PERSON I’M BECOMING!

Positive Mantra – Positive Mind + Positive Vibes = Positive Life

Make your own happiness and peace of mind a priority. Be more positive, be happier, think positive & find greater success by doing the following:

• Write yourself a love letter.
• Learn something new from someone today.
• Choose a positive mantra and repeat it throughout the day.
• Keep good on promises to yourself and continue to work towards your goals.



Don’t let the scale define you. Be active. Eat healthy. Be happy. – Unknown Author

Walking for fitness is such a great way to get in your exercise. Depending on the weather, you can walk outdoors around your neighborhood or you can visit your local park to walk through the nature trail. Well, in Michigan the weather can be somewhat tricky, especially in the winter, so I choose to do my walk workouts in the comfort of my own home. One good thing that I have found, is when you choose to walk for fitness, you are in control of how fast you move or when it is important for you to slow down and rest. Remember, a consistent, moderate pace offers good cardiovascular benefits, but interval training delivers those gains sooner and in a shorter workout. Also, there is no wrong or right way to do a walk workout, just get up and start walking for fitness!

Here’s some additional health benefits when walking for fitness:

• Boosting your spirits and creativity

• Helping to clear your mind

• Protecting you from heart disease

• Lowering the rate of weight gain

• Strengthening your memory

• Decreasing your risk from some cancers

Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s start WALKING for better health and fitness!



Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement.

Now, take a few minutes every day to pour out your soul. Be open and honest. Set goals, make plans to achieve them, and check your progress throughout the process. Ready, set, write!

Close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Then, use these helpful journal prompts to help you improve your health and fitness levels:

• What did you achieve today?

• What can you do right now to lift your mood?

• Define 3 things you can do to improve yourself.

• Describe a time when you had to make a really hard choice.

• Right now, my greatest challenge is _______________.

• My greatest qualities are _________________.

• What is most important in your life?



Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Do you like what you see in the mirror? What kind of healthy habits do you plan to start? How do you plan to increase your fitness levels? How do you plan to celebrate today? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Regaining Balance

Regaining Balance

Regaining Balance, Emotions, Life's Challenges, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts

In life, many things don’t go according to plan. If you fall, get back up. If you stumble, regain your balance. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s face it. Living in a chaotic and negative environment takes a lot out of you. In some ways, your life will seem out of balance and disconnected. You may even feel like you are out of control or just simply worn out with day-to-day activities.

When we find ourselves out of balance, our lives may include challenges, such as burnout, health problems, financial distress, emotional eating, isolation, and relationship issues just to name a few. Don’t worry, take a deep breath, and know that it happens to the best of us. It’s important for you to know that regaining balance in life is the key to your peace and happiness.


Life is a balance between holding on and letting go. – Rumi

While you’re traveling along your journey in life, it is important to understand the basic characteristics of maintaining emotional balance. After all, the characteristics of emotional balance allows you to participate in life to the fullest extent possible.

Here’s a list of the characteristics of emotional balance:

• A sense of contentment.

• A passion for living and enjoying life to the fullest.

• The ability to deal with stressful situations.

• The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change.

• The ability to bounce back from adversity.

• A healthy level of self-confidence and self-respect.

• The ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships.


To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life. – Elizabeth Gilbert

To overcome this difficult challenge in life, you must first acknowledge that your life is out of balance. Don’t be afraid to address anything in your life that do not align with your lifestyle and beliefs.

Here’s some examples you may encounter when your life is out of balance:

• You find yourself reacting to everything in a negative way.

• You have unidentified and reoccurring health issues, such as fatigue or stress.

• You feel like every little thing is an emergency in your mind.

• You may be too tired to recognize or enforce your own emotional, personal, and professional boundaries.


Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power. – Joyce Meyer

Once you’ve identified that there is an issue with your life, it is important to regain balance in your life by any means necessary.

Here’s some ways you can help regain balance in your life:

Slow down. It is important to establish control over your time by slowing down.

Live in the now. The fewer thoughts you have about your past or future, the more you’ll be present to your own inner spirit.

Let go of control. Allow things to progress at their own pace so that you develop trust in the flow of life.

Break old patterns. Simply breaking old habits one by one will begin to erode negative thought patterns and beliefs.

Explore triggers to emotional highs and lows. It is important to avoid problems by identifying the root cause of your emotional challenges.

Nurture yourself. Find time to be relaxed and happy throughout your day. For example, try meditation, getting a massage, reading a book, spending time in nature.


Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself. – Nishan Panwar

As you can see, journaling holds all of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in one sacred place. Journaling has a way to uncover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Journaling can be fun, but also can be a serious process to help you cope with many life’s challenges, such as depression, grief, or loneliness. The most important fact about journaling is you have total control throughout the experience. You can keep it secret or share it with others. No matter what you decide, always be open, honest, and willing to write from the heart.

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:


It all begins in your mind. What you think, you become. – Unknown Author

• How does journaling help to improve your mental state?
• What is the biggest life lesson you’ve learned to date?
• What quote(s) inspires you on a difficult day?
• What do you love about life?
• List 5 positive thoughts that you have. Ready, set, write.


I am strong, fit, and well-balanced. – Unknown Author

• Describe a difficult situation you’ve encountered. How did it make you feel?
• If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change and why?
• How can you incorporate self-care into your daily routine?
• What is something that you’ve overcome in life?
• List ways that you can relax each day.


You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved. – Unknown Author

• How has journaling helped to improve your spiritual well-being?
• What do I need to mute in my life in order to hear God’s voice?
• What can you do today to help yourself get better aligned spiritually?
• What does God’s presence feel like in my life?
• List a Bible verse about God’s love.

When you have made the decision to embrace life and regain balance, you will focus on making your own happiness and peace of mind a priority. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t wait. Start today.


Stay patient and trust your journey. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. When was the last time you lost your life balance? How do you regain balance? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.


Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Keep Life Simple

Keep Life Simple

flowers, beats, music, laptop, simple

The simpler my life, the happier I become.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for the weekA simple life is a beautiful life.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Keep Life Simple”? Well, I strive to keep life simple every day. Remember, to keep a simple life may not be easy. Some of the simplest things to do are often the most difficult. Sometimes we need to just STOP everything and take a break. Let loose, slow down, and unwind. Turn inward and rethink about your life. Ask yourself hard questions and connect to your inner voice. In order to live better, simple lives, we need to create a safe space to breathe, and to think.


Be kind, be happy, be peaceful, live well.

Be Present – Live in the moment. Be aware of everything that you’re doing, feeling, and telling yourself. Learn to fight through it. Learn to stop making excuses every time your body feels discomfort. Learn to do this with everything that you do.

Don’t Expect Too Much – There may be times where something may not go your way. It seems like there’s something missing. Take time to expect the worst, the best, and at the same time, nothing at all.

Be Kind – It takes less energy to be kind to those people who are around you.

Redefine Everything In Your Life – It’s important to define what matters most in your life. What makes you happy? What does success really mean to you? The American Dream philosophy may not work for you (college, good paying job, nice car, 6-pack abs, etc.), but it may work for someone else.

Do You – Stop focusing and worrying about how other people live their life. Life will become a whole lot better when you learn to shut out the outside noise, and focus on the most important noise inside your own mind.

Cultivate Morning Rituals – Practicing a morning ritual can help you create a positive mood and increase energy for the day. It’s a great opportunity to take care of your body and mind, and start the day with a healthy breakfast, some stretching or light exercise, a warm bubble bath, prayer and meditation, or planning your day by writing down the three most important things you need to do today.


Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

Meditate – Practicing daily meditation will help to increase focus, better memory, and emotional resilience. Also, meditation has a positive effect in treating anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking, and hostility.

Exercise Regularly – Exercise helps is essential for a happy and productive life. Our bodies were made to move throughout the day. Get up and go for a walk. Stretch while at your desk.

Eat Better and Healthier – The foods/drinks that you put into your body not only affects your health, but also your attitude and mood. Drink more water, increase whole grains, increase vegetables, decrease sugar and junk food.

Sleep More – Sleep is needed for restoring energy and emotional well-being. Sleep is essential for learning and memory, metabolism and weight, and to improve your mood.

Keep a Journal – Some people like using paper journals and others like using apps. How much and how often to write is up to you. Write about random creative ideas that come to you, things you are grateful for, your goals and aspirations, internal stuff that you need to process better, foods you eat, and other habits you are building or breaking.

Practice Smiling – Smiling is healthy and also improves your well-being. Believe it or not, smiling makes you live longer, look more attractive, and be more productive at work.

Write Down Goals – Take a moment and write down your three most important long-term goals in life. Are they translated into short-term goals and present actions for you? This process will highly increase the likelihood of you creating the simple life you want.

Nurturing Close Relationships – Nurturing meaningful and close relationships will bring you much more happiness and satisfaction in life.

Spend Time in Nature – Spending time in nature, even a 20-minute walk in the park, can improve your happiness and overall well-being. It also helps to increase your exercise and concentration.

Believe it or not, you can improve your productivity while keeping life simple.


Inhale the future, exhale the past.

Tip 1 – Don’t watch a lot of TV in your spare time.

Tip 2 – Identify all the distractions in your life and eliminate them.

Tip 3 – Schedule time to spend on your social media accounts and stick to it.

Tip 4 – If you attend or schedule meetings, keep it short and simple.

Tip 5 – Exercise your craft daily, whatever it may be.


Life is joyfully simple. Let’s keep it that way. – Paul Jun

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track.

• How can I simplify my life in little ways?

• What are my priorities in life?

• What is on my mind right now, in this very moment?

• What do I need to let go of to make my life better?

• What is a short-term goal I’m confident I can achieve?

• Replace entertainment for prayer time for one day and write about it.

• Write about an experience where you heard God’s voice.

• Describe what God’s presence feels like.

• What is my favorite part of my daily routine?

• What am I most looking forward to this week?

• I am incredibly grateful for ____________________.

• When I am alone I love to ____________________.
My prayer for you today is that you will make your life a priority and choose to keep life simple. Focus on the things and people that help you grow as a person. Be productive throughout your day. Include time to learn, read, write, gain experience from others, share your thoughts and feelings with others, etc. Remember, your success is found in your daily routine so make a plan and stick to your plan. If it doesn’t seem to be working for you, re-evaluate your plan and make the necessary changes.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Moving, but Standing Still

Moving, but Standing Still

waterfall, woman, stillness, still, peace

Be not afraid of slow going, be afraid of standing still. – Chinese Proverb

Special Thought – Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Since we last spoke, have you taken time to renew your inspiration? Are you inspired to become better than you were yesterday? What drives you to push forward when obstacles arise in life? Who inspires you to reach for your dreams throughout this journey?

As you’re thinking about the previous questions, I have another one for you to think about. Have you ever felt like you keep moving and moving through life, but you are standing still? Yes, you are busy with life, spending time with your spouse, family and friends, caring for your children, working, shopping, cleaning, enjoying your favorite hobby, etc. But when you really think about your internal happiness, health and spiritual well-being, you have to be honest with yourself. Your life is really not changing in a positive way. There is no personal growth. You’re scared to be spontaneous and have fun. You never want to leave your comfort zone. There is very little sparkle within your circle of friends.

Now, if this sounds familiar have no fear. Just keep reading and I promise you will receive an inspirational word that will not only help you overcome this moving, but standing still season in your life, but you will be able to make a mental connection with your body and spirit as well.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. – Lao Tzu

step, stones, walking, moving

10 Steps to Stop Moving, but Standing Still

Step 1. Make sure to be realistic while putting your thoughts into perspective honoring your personal beliefs.

Step 2. Don’t be afraid to prioritize things that matter most to you in your life right now.

Step 3. Remove all negativity, both people and things.

Step 4. Don’t be afraid to say NO to others and think positive thoughts throughout your day.

Step 5. Start using a calendar or planner to organize your appointments and errands.

Step 6. Create a separate To-Do List daily to stay organized and stress free.

Step 7. Treat your body well and with respect.

Step 8. Exercise daily and eat a well-balanced diet to include plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Step 9. Set realistic goals, create a plan to reach your goals and track your progress.

Step 10. Spend time in prayer, meditation and reading God’s Word to receive the proper guidance in your life.

The fact that I’m still standing on my own two feet, in a world that has tried its best to knock me down over and over again, proves only one truth; I am unbreakable. – Stephanie Bennett-Henry

lilypad, flower, water, still

Still Standing – Written by Latisha Porter

Note – This poem was written based on Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God.

Despite what my life may look like from your perspective, I am still standing.

I have endured heartache and pain, but yet I am still standing.

I have been broken time and time again, but yet I am still standing.

I have known hardship and I have lost myself time and time again, but yet I am still standing.

I have experienced hurt like no other from a defiant child that I chose to adopt, but yet I am still standing.

I have suffered the loss of my parents which put a huge hole in my heart, but yet I am still standing.

I have struggled through the grieving process, anxiety and depression, but yet I am still standing.

I am standing on God’s Word which gives me inner strength to move forward in life and my faith which gives me these inspiring words to encourage you as well.

Remember my friend, God will make a way for you and me, we need only to be patient and be still.

Time for Reflection – Journal Prompts

• What do you think about you?
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• What are you feeling right now in this very moment?
• What makes you happy inside?
• What makes you smile?
• What brings you joy?
• What are your values?
• What do you believe in?
• What are you grateful for? List at 5 things and tell why.
• What are you having a hard time accepting? Why is it hard to let go?
• Write yourself a love letter. Make sure you talk yourself through a struggle.
• How can you create space for self-love in your life right now and in the future?

My dear readers, I sure hope you have read something today that has given you a boost of positive energy and some ideas to help you stop moving, but standing still throughout your personal journey. Please be so kind to share this blog with others who may need an encouraging word. Peace and blessings to you!

Time for Action
Please leave a comment and share what you have chosen to do differently in order to better organize your mind, body and spirt. Remember we learn from one another, so don’t be shy. I look forward to reading your comments.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participate in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Target.com

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Meditation from the Inside Out

Meditation from the Inside Out

yellow, flower, water, meditation

The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen. – Rumi

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday to my United States readers. I don’t know about where you live, but it was humid and in the 90’s. No grilling here! I cooked some steaks and hamburgers in the Air Fryer which makes for less cooking time and less mess to clean up in the kitchen. Well, enough about cooking and food. I want to discuss a very important topic today related to our mental state, relaxation and total well-being. The topic is called meditation.

meditation, yoga, pose, stillness, peaceful, water

Did you know…

• Meditation reduces stress?
• Meditation helps with clearing your thinking?
• Meditation increases our capacity for empathy and compassion?

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there. – Deepak Chopra

meditation, stones, relax, peace, nature

Thought for today – I am in perfect balance. I am physically and emotionally connected and healed. I am free of worry and I am at peace with who I am. Every day I grow stronger and more relaxed. I love myself and life.

The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you. – Unknown

Alright, let’s be honest here. Do you practice meditation daily? weekly? monthly? or never?

Meditation, when practiced regularly, can bring about a true personal transformation from the inside out. As you allow yourself to experience your inner peace and security, you will naturally begin to discover aspects of yourself that were previously hidden due to stress. Keep in mind, when practicing meditation, your body undergoes a structural change, which demonstrates the profound impact of simply sitting down, perfectly still, with your eyes closed, breathing deeply nice and slow. Meditation relaxes the entire brain and places your entire body in a calm way of living. Simply put, meditation is spending quality time with your soul and not allowing anything or anybody to distract you.

The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. – Sakyong Mipham

Physical Benefits of Meditation:

• Lowers high blood pressure
• Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks
• Decreases tension-related pain
• Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
• Improves the immune system
• Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Lao Tzu

Mental Benefits of Meditation:

• Anxiety decreases
• Emotional stability improves
• Creativity increases
• Happiness increases
• Gain clarity and peace of mind
• Problems become smaller
• Sharpens the mind by increasing focus

As you can see, meditation is your time to relax, unwind, and practice your deep breathing techniques. Even though you are free to meditate anywhere, it would be nice to create your very own personal space in or around your home dedicated to meditation.

Tips to Create Your Personal Meditation Space

Tip 1: Choose a location with nature in mind. For example, lush green trees, soothing blue water, beautiful flowery garden, next to a window, on a patio, porch, empty room decorated with nature colors and pictures, etc.

Tip 2: Keep the space clean. If the environment around you is clean, your mind can also be relaxed during meditation. Less clutter is better.

Tip 3: Invite lots of fresh air. An airy and well-ventilated room is surely going to make you enjoy your meditation better.

Tip 4: Light shades work better. Pastel shades give a more soothing feel compared to dark or bright colors. You may choose a room which has either white or light shade walls that helps you relax.

Tip 5: Light it up as you like. Allow sunlight to come through your windows or if it is evening you may want a specific type of lamp to help set the relaxing mood.

Tip 6: Smell the relaxation. You may choose from a variety of fragrances as per your choice. Whether it is aromatic incense sticks or essence oils, the choice is yours.

Tip 7: Think comfort. You may choose a soft yoga mat, a low-height mattress, soft cushion or a comfortable chair.

Tip 8: Play it soft. You may choose some soft instrumental music which helps enhance your experience.

Journal Prompts

Let’s make it common practice to write in your journal after you practice meditation.

• I like to practice meditation because ___________________________.
• When I practice mediation, I feel ___________________________.
• What are your daily habits?
• What is a habit you want to break?
• What is keeping you from changing?
• List 5 emotional trigger words. How do they make you feel?
• Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present or future?

Remember, once you get into the habit and experience the mental clarity, emotional stability, physical relaxation that the meditation practice offers, not practicing meditation seems unimaginable. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s set aside some quality time today to renew inspiration – mind, body and spirt by practicing meditation!

If you practice meditation, please share your favorite place to meditate. What is your favorite time of the day to meditate? Do you like music playing in the background when you are meditating? Were you aware of the health benefits when practicing meditation? Have you experienced any positive health benefits while doing meditation? If so, please share in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Embrace Who You Are

Embrace Who You Are

Embrace and love your body. It’s the most amazing thing you will ever own. -Unknown

personal, person, surrender, embrace, nature

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So glad you have returned for more uplifting inspiration that comes from within. Today, let’s focus on this topic: Embrace Who You Are! Now, think about that for a moment and define what that means to you, right now in this very moment. Then, answer this question: What is your personal vision for your life? Take a moment and visualize your life as you want it to be. Go to a quiet, private environment for 15 minutes every day where you can close your eyes and imagine your body, environment, relationships, and life in ways that please you. Always remember, what has been has nothing to do with what will be, and what others experience has nothing to do with your experience. This is the moment where you must find a way to separate yourself from all of the past and from the others in order to be what you want to be. Then, you will be able to embrace your personal journey one step at a time.

The more you embrace and surrender to change, the more you will be supported. -Unknown

hero, embrace, woman, power, strength

You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. Do you believe this? Sometimes you have to be your own hero. Do you have the courage to do so? Just because you are struggling throughout your journey does not mean you are failing. Keep believing and the good things will happen. Do you have the faith to believe in yourself? Always remember the one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell at all. Your purpose is to fully be all that you are. Now, think about that for a moment. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself with confidence – I BELIEVE IN THE PERSON I’M BECOMING!

Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. -Unknown

sunrise, birds, sky, water, embrace

Make your own happiness and peace of mind a priority. Be more positive, be happier, think positive & find greater success by doing the following:

• Write yourself a love letter.
• Learn something new from someone today.
• Choose a positive mantra and repeat it throughout the day.
• Take a moment to write down your values. What is most important in your life?
• Keep good on promises to yourself. Do at least 1 thing to work towards your goals.

Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway. -Unknown

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything

When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere. -Unknown

woman, praying, grateful

So, let’s define gratitude as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. Simply put, gratitude changes everything. Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside no matter what you might be going through in life. Gratitude changes the way we start the day, spend the day, and look back on the day. For me, my day always begins and ends with gratitude. How about yours?

Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway of grace. -Arianna Huffington

plant, new, fresh, start

Gratitude Affirmation – I am grateful for another opportunity that life offers me on today. I am grateful for a fresh start, a brand- new way of thinking and a positive outlook on life. I am grateful for the fact that I can learn from my mistakes, and then let them go. I am grateful for my mind, body, and spirit functioning in a way to inspire others using encouraging words from the soul. I am grateful to have God as my guide, my supporter, and my protector. I am grateful for my husband, children, close family, friends, and readers like you who offers me support every step of the way. I am grateful just to have another chance to get my life right and back on track.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. I Chronicles 16:34 NIV

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57 NIV

Gratitude is a lifestyle that you choose. Overtime, choosing gratitude means choosing joy. It’s a choice that requires constantly renewing of your mind with the truth of God’s Word, setting your heart to inspire others with creativity from within, and disciplining your tongue to speak words that reflect God’s goodness and His grace. Honestly, I believe a grateful spirit, rooted in the soil of God’s goodness and grace, will impact how you view and respond to everything in your life. When gratitude becomes your default setting, life changes.

It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. -Unknown

journal, gratitude, writing

Gratitude Journal
A gratitude journal is a diary of things for which one is grateful. Gratitude journals are used by individuals who wish to focus their attention on the positive things in their lives.

ACTION – Start a gratitude journal to include a personal reflection (goals, thoughts, feelings), affirmation, scriptures, poems, quotes, kind gestures (writing notes, letters, or making phone calls). Be creative and honest. This process will change your life in a positive and uplifting way.

Here are some Gratitude Journal Prompts to help you get started:

• What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
• What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
• What book(s) are you grateful for?
• What’s a tradition that you’re grateful for?
• What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?
• What mistake or failure are you grateful for?
• What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?
• Look around the room and write about everything you see that you’re grateful for.
• Write about some place you’ve been that you’re grateful for.
• What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?