There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou
Thought for today – In order to write about life first you must live it.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I honestly love the thought for today. How about you? “Writing never gets easier you just get better.” Now, this is what I keep telling myself every day when I am researching topics for my blog, writing articles or just writing in my mood journal. According to Ralph Keyes, “serious writers write, inspired or not. Over time they discover that routine is a better friend than inspiration.” This quote means a lot to me because sometimes I just write with no topics in mind. Writing allows me to free my mind and to put my emotions in check. About a month ago, I started writing in my mood journal. I focus on how I feel, what I am thinking, and I include positive quotes/affirmations throughout to keep me motivated. Oh, I cannot forget about the other colorful decorations I use throughout the mood journal as part of my personal expression to describe what I am writing about. I don’t know about you, but I just love writing!

I want to pause right here to THANK YOU for not only subscribing to my blog, but also for reading the words that I post each week and for believing in me. THANK YOU for leaving comments as well as expressing how my blogs inspire and encourage you throughout your journey. Here’s a FREE TOKEN of LOVE to help you learn more about journaling using valuable TIPS and JOURNAL PROMPTS in order for you to start JOURNALING TO EXCEL:
Journaling to Excel – FREE Journal Prompts
Just because the process hurts doesn’t mean the results won’t be beautiful. – Unknown
Since I mentioned my mood journal, I wanted to discuss a topic that is dear to my heart…journaling! I truly believe that journaling is a powerful tool that can aid anyone in achieving a successful life. Journaling provides you the space to work out your problems and come up with positive solutions, but it’s also a meditative practice for some people. When journaling, it is important to set aside quality time in your day with minimum distractions to revisit your ideas, goals, strategies, emotions and plans. Those who journal swear by the benefits of this practice. How about you?
Here are some reasons why journaling can help you realize and reach your personal goals:
• Analyze Problems – Time to think, retrace steps, consider motivations, draw conclusions
• Self-Analyze – Help you figure out what is causing you to feel or act the way you do
• Help You Vent – Unload your feelings of anger, resentment and jealousy
• Deal with Trauma – Tap into your emotions and express feelings in a healthy way
• Self-Analysis – Reflect on old journals to learn more about yourself
• Write Down Goals, Affirmations & Quotes – Mental space for ideas and connections
• Plan and Strategize – Space to capture your plan to realize your personal goals
Wherever you go, you meet part of your story. – Eudora Welty
As you can see, there are many ways that a journal can help lead you to success. Whether you’re writing for therapeutic purposes or trying to envision your next steps in life, writing in a journal helps provide you with the privacy, time and space to organize your thoughts. Why not try journaling for yourself?
As you grow and evolve, it might feel like you’re losing your mind. But you’re just losing the old mindset that was holding you back. – Unknown
Have you decided to write in a journal? If no, why not? If yes, why do you spend time writing in your journal? What kinds of things do you write about? How often do you write in your journal and revisit your journal writing? Please share your thoughts and comments.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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