The Attributes of the Holy Spirit

The Attributes of the Holy Spirit

Renew Inspiration, The Attributes of the Holy Spirit

God speaks through a variety of means. In the present God primarily speaks by the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church. – Henry Blackaby

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Fill me up, Holy Spirit. Fill me up while I continue my journey here on earth. Fill me up with your presence as I write these inspirational words for my readers on today. Holy Spirit guide my every step and give me positive thoughts in the midst of turmoil. Strengthen my heart and comfort my spirit as we discuss the attributes of the Holy Spirit.


The mere whisper of the Holy Spirit can drown out the thundering noise of an entire world. – David Jeremiah

Before we get started, let’s take a moment to define Holy Spirit:

Holy Spirit (noun): (In Christianity) the third person of the Trinity; God as spiritually active in the world.

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Spirit, the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of the Lord. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is sometimes called the Spirit of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is included in the Trinity, which is made up of 3 distinct persons: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit serves as a teacher, counselor, comforter, strengthener, inspiration, revealer of the Scriptures, convincer of sin, caller of ministers and intercessor in prayer.


The Holy Spirit wants to convert the words of Scripture into transformed personalities. – David Jeremiah

The Holy Spirit helped in creation with the Father and Son, filled the prophets with the Word of God, assisted Jesus and the apostles in their missions, inspired the men who wrote the Bible, give guidance to the church, and sanctifies believers in their walk with Christ. The Holy Spirit acts as Christ’s presence on earth, counseling and encouraging Christians as they struggle with the temptations of the world. In addition, the Holy Spirit is the Comforter sent by Jesus to dwell in us and to comfort our souls during challenging times in life, such as the death of loved one, divorce, losing a job, etc.

Here’s the attributes of the Holy Spirit:

  • The Holy Spirit is a loving Comforter. He has loved us since before the creation of the world. Remember, he is the only one able to truly comfort our hearts in times of trouble. (Romans 5:5)
  • The Holy Spirit is a faithful Comforter. Remember, he loved us while we were still dead in our sins. He loves us even to the end and will never turn away from us. (Romans 15:13)
  • The Holy Spirit is an untiring Comforter. Despite our murmuring and complaining, he never loses heart or feels weary while helping us work through our issues. (John 14:26)
  • The Holy Spirit is a wise Comforter. He finds what is causing the disease within you and cures it. He offers healing to us that is acceptable in the eyes of God. (I Corinthians 2:10)
  • The Holy Spirit is a safe Comforter. The comfort of the Holy Spirit is safe for us to rest in it as well as trust it. (I Corinthians 2:13)
  • The Holy Spirit is an active Comforter. He intercedes for us, reminding us of God’s great promises and His grace. He actively leads and guides us to the perfect will of the Father. (Romans 8:26-27)
  • The Holy Spirit is an ever-present Comforter. He is always right there with us. Remember, he will never leave us alone, nor forsake us. (John 14:16)

As Christians we’re privileged to have the Holy Spirit available to us to comfort, guide, and strengthen us. We should be so grateful that Jesus thought so much of us, to give us the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives within us and will guide you through the challenges of life. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead your decision making and hide the scriptures in your heart for years to come.


Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!


You must learn to master a new way to think before you can master a new way to be. – Marianne Williamson

  • Write about personal beliefs or things that held you back in the past? How do you plan to avoid them in the future?
  • How can you create a space to help clear your mind so you can hear the Holy Spirit speak to you?
  • What are some of your mental obstacles in life that are holding you back from peace, love, and happiness?


These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb. – Najwa Zebian

  • Imagine what a new beginning would look like or how it would feel. Write about it.
  • Sit or stand very still. What are you feeling right now in this very moment?
  • What are you having a hard time accepting in your life?


Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24)

  • What steps do I need to take to become spiritually grounded in God’s Word?
  • What is holding you back from trusting and believing in God?
  • Does my life reflect what my heart desire? If not, what changes can I make?


No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. – Faraaz Kazi

Journal To Overcome Grief: A Personal Journey to Healing can be purchased via  This beautiful grief journal includes thought provoking journal prompts and quotes that will help you navigate life after loss.

Journal To Overcome Grief


There will be times when you’ll want to cry and other times when you’ll smile as you explore your personal reflections. This is a unique way to honor your loved one and connect with their spirit through writing while creating your own personal keepsake for years to come.


The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom so that we can stay on the right path that God has destined for us. Do you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you throughout your day? Why or why not? Do you notice when the Holy Spirit speaks to you? If so, how do you respond?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journal To Overcome Grief

Journal To Overcome Grief

Renew Inspiration, Journal To Overcome Grief

Grief never ends, but it changes. In passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love. – Unknown Author

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Hope you’ve enjoyed your Easter holiday so far! Today, let’s discuss how to journal to overcome grief. Grief hits everyone differently. Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. Even though you may associate grieving with the death of a loved one, there are other losses that may occur in one’s life that may cause you grief, pain, and heartache, such as:

  • Divorce or relationship breakup
  • Loss of health
  • Losing a job
  • Loss of financial stability
  • A miscarriage
  • Retirement
  • Death of a pet
  • Loss of a cherished dream
  • A loved one’s serious illness
  • Loss of a friendship
  • Loss of safety after a trauma

Despite the unrest, hatred, loneliness, and fear that is experienced during the grief process, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom. – Rumi

Journaling is a proven coping tool for exploring grief and other complicated emotions. I don’t know about you, but journaling is my safe place, my time to just write how I feel and scream on paper, and no one will ever know. A journal provides a safe environment for you to express your heart felt thoughts. Every person’s grief journal will be different based on the persons expectations, goals, experiences, and preferences.

There are benefits of journaling through grief, such as:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety – Expressive writing can lower stress and anxiety levels during any situation.
  • Improve your memory – Regular journal writing can improve your short-term memory.
  • Stay organized – Keeping a journal such as a weight loss diary or grief journal lets you maintain an organized record of your progress.
  • Strengthen your self-discipline – Journaling helps you to keep a regular writing schedule until it becomes a habit.
  • Prioritize problems and fears – Journaling helps you to see your triggers more clearly so you can prioritize and solve your problems and fears.
  • Allow yourself to self-reflect – Don’t over think your written entries, just write honestly, and make time for self-reflection.
  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings – Jot down your thoughts and feelings with no editing and you will contact your internal being.
  • Be creative – Add photos and positive quotes to enhance your written entries.

As you can see, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement, and growth over time. Make sure to reflect on these thoughts often throughout your journey.


No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. – Faraaz Kazi

Today, I’m excited to share my new book called Journal To Overcome Grief: A Personal Journey to Healing that can be purchased via  This beautiful grief journal includes thought provoking journal prompts and quotes that will help you navigate life after loss.

Journal To Overcome Grief

There will be times when you’ll want to cry and other times when you’ll smile as you explore your personal reflections. This is a unique way to honor your loved one and connect with their spirit through writing while creating your own personal keepsake for years to come.


The irony of grief is that the person that you need to talk to about how you feel is the person who is no longer here. – Unknown Author

Grief affirmations may offer you hope when you feel there is none left. Grief affirmations can help shift your mindset in a positive direction. Take a moment each day to recite the following grief affirmations with confidence. Then, you’ll watch your life change right before your eyes.

  • No matter what you say, I know my grief matters.
  • I am strong because of what I have been through.
  • I heal with curiosity, presence, and hope.
  • Grief gives me wings with which I spread love.
  • I am always healing, and never alone.
  • My life is a celebration of their life.
  • Grief is a call for me to wake up and live, and love, even more.

Designate a time in the morning and at night when you can recite affirmations aloud. By saying them aloud, you hear the powerful words, and it can help you internalize them as true. The key to seeing a positive change in life is to say the affirmations with conviction and make it personal.


You never really get over the death of someone you love. You simply get through it. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

  • How do you define grief?
  • Do you plan to start journaling through grief? Why or why not?
  • What is grief trying to tell you through this experience?
  • What triggers your grief when you’re alone?
  • How can you begin to make space for grief instead of avoiding it?
  • What are your saddest moments when you feel stuck in isolation?
  • What wisdom have you learned from grief?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved