Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Unknown
Something to Think About – A great attitude becomes a great mood. Which becomes a great day. Which becomes a great year. Which becomes a great life.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s talk about attitude awareness!
Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.
Awareness is defined as the quality or state of being aware; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.
Watch your attitude. It’s the first thing people notice about you. – Unknown
Today, I choose to have a positive attitude and look at my life in a new way. With this attitude, I receive beautiful blessings from on high. How about you my friend?
In life, two things define you:
1. Your patience when you have nothing.
2. And your attitude when you have everything.
***FREE***Journal Prompts***CLICK HERE***
Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are. As we travel along this journey called life, it is important to embrace the moment you’re in, which is a process called awareness. Well, what’s the best way to practice awareness? You start this process by training yourself to be mindfully aware of what is happening in your life right now, in this moment. Awareness balances thinking and reduces anxiety. Keep in mind, anxiety is focused on the past or the future and awareness is grounded in the present.

Benefits of Cultivating Body Awareness
• Quiets your mind so you can listen to your body.
• Helps you learn about your body’s unique response to stress and anxiety.
• Shows you where to focus your breathing and relaxation efforts.
• Cultivates lovingkindness for yourself and your body, as you gently notice and acknowledge your body’s cues.
Attitude awareness is the first step to building a positive attitude. As you go through life, always expose yourself to positive information and hang around positive people so you will achieve positive results. Whatever life throws at you at any given time, even if it hurts, plant your feet on solid ground and be strong. Remember, strong walls shake, but never collapse.
Quote to Live By
First, it is an intention.
Then a behavior.
Then a habit.
Then a practice.
Then a second nature.
Then it is simply who you are.
– Brendon Burchard

Time for Reflection – Journal Prompts – Improve Your Attitude
Journal prompts are given to help you write about tough topics or situations in your life. Here’s some journal prompts to help improve your attitude and your overall lifestyle, mind, body and spirit. Be honest and true to yourself when journaling. Journal writing is a self-reflection exercise to help you improve every aspect of your life.
• Meditate and think about only positive thoughts. Then, write about your thoughts.
• When you close your eyes, what do you always dream about? Write about it.
• If you could paint a picture of your favorite memory, what would it look like?
• Live in the moment right now, describe the feeling and everything around you.
• What is the most complicated part of your life right now?
• Do you adapt easily to change or is it hard for you?
• You’re looking through the window to your soul, what do you see?
• What is the biggest thing you want to change about yourself?
• Do you wish you could press the reset button on anything in your life? If so, what?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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Another great blog with ‘food for thought’…thank you Latisha…
Carpe Diem
“Well, what’s the best way to practice awareness? You start this process by training yourself to be mindfully aware of what is happening in your life right now, in this moment”
This has always been easier said than done for me because often times we get so distracted by all the variables in life that we don’t ever take a moment to be aware. We are constantly pushed and pulled in some many different directions than we don’t know where’s up and where’s down but God is able!
“Whatever life throws at you at any given time, even if it hurts, plant your feet on solid ground and be strong. Remember, strong walls shake, but never collapse.” This is so true and I appreciate you sharing this with us!
Diana, thank you so much for sharing your viewpoints on this platform. Have a blessed day!