Badass Blogger Award – Blogging With A Purpose

Renew Inspiration, Badass Blogger Award Blogging With A Purpose

I am a blogger – that is an amazing thing for me, because it captures a moment in time every day. – Mena Grabowski Trott

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I am using my blogging platform to have some fun while supporting other bloggers. Earlier this month, I was nominated by Deandra, the creator of The Black Princess Diaries website, for the Badass Blogger Award. Deandra, thank you for uplifting me and my Renew Inspiration blog. This is such a humbling experience that I don’t take lightly.

In addition, I want to pause at this time to thank Katie, the creator of the Dating Bitch website for creating the Badass Blogger Award. The goal of the Badass Blogging Award is to show appreciation for other bloggers and inspire confidence within the writing process. Don’t doubt yourself, but instead keep publishing informative and uplifting content for your readers.

It has been a long time since I’ve received a blogger award from another blogger. Believe it or not, receiving blogger awards help to motivate you as a writer, keep you focused on your blogging goals, and build a sense of trust within the blogging community. For example, it has been four years since I stepped out on faith and created my Renew Inspiration blog. I stayed committed and focused throughout my blogging journey posting inspirational and uplifting blog posts. My ultimate goal was to inspire, encourage, and motivate everyone who visit my webpage.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Blogging for Dummies Book


  • List the rules and display the award logo in your post.
  • Mention the creator and link back to the original blog post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you (and link back to their post).
  • List 3 things about you that make you a badass.
  • Answer your nominator’s 6 questions (so, there will be a total of 7 questions).
  • Create 6 new questions of your own.
  • Nominate 7 more badass bloggers and notify them of their win.


  • List 3 things that make you a badass.

I’d say 3 things that make me a badass are – 1) Always inspiring others to be the best version of themselves. 2) Not being afraid to move out of my comfort zone to do what makes my soul happy. 3) My willingness to help others reach their goals or higher potential.

  • What’s your favorite activity to do on the weekend?

Since I work a full-time job Monday – Friday, I love to sleep in on Saturday. Then, I spend time doing chores around the house and running errands. After grocery shopping and meal prepping for the upcoming week, I like to spend time writing, reading, and meditating. Sometimes we have family time which includes watching movies, playing board games or video/VR games.

  • Do you prefer to write blog posts that are on the longer or shorter side?

Great question. I have to say that most of my blog posts are on the shorter side. I normally choose a topic of my choice and write just enough to inform my readers of the topic’s importance. In addition, I always include journal prompts at the end of my blog posts that inspires my readers to improve themselves in various areas of their lives.

  • Could you see yourself being a blogger forever? Why/why not?

Yes, I could see myself being a blogger forever because I love to write inspirational blog posts and use my blogging platform to help others reach their personal achievements.

  • What’s something that makes you, you?

I am a woman of my word. I am a kind and compassionate person. I love to spread inspiration and happiness all around me like confetti.

  • Which would you prefer, reading or listening to a podcast?

I honestly prefer reading and holding a physical book in my hands, but I listen to podcasts for inspiration sometimes as well.

  • What do you think makes your blog different from all of the others?

My Renew Inspiration blog was created from a painful experience after my mom passed away in 2015. I used my grief journal entries to create my blogging platform and then decided to expand my blogging entries to reflect everything surrounding inspiration.


  • List 3 things that make you a badass.
  • What is it that makes you who you are?
  • Why do you enjoy writing blogs?
  • Do you consider yourself a unique blogger? Why or why not?
  • Where do you find inspiration?
  • What do you believe stands between you and complete happiness?
  • What’s something you think every person should experience in their lifetime?

Badass Blogger Award



Let’s use this opportunity to improve our blogging community by:

  • Continuing to support and uplift one another.
  • Finding new bloggers in your niche to support.
  • Reading blogs often and writing a helpful comment.
  • Encouraging other bloggers to keep blogging.
  • Asking for help or support when you need it.

As you can see blogging can be a rewarding opportunity for most people who choose to do it but launching a new blog can still be a scary experience for many. It’s important for new bloggers to keep learning, be flexible, ask for help, and be willing to adjust with the blogging industry standards. Deandra, thanks again for nominating me for this amazing award! Happy Blogging!

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – This Year I will 52-Week Guided Journal


Blogging is not rocket science, it’s about being yourself, and putting what you have into it. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path.  Ready, set, write!

1) How would blogging benefit you right now in this very moment?

2) What is your purpose for blogging in this season of your life?

3) What are your top 5 blogging goals for this year?

4) How does your blog stand out from all the rest?

5) How do you plan to improve your blog?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

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