5 Ways You Can Rise Above Writing Challenges

Renew Inspiration, 5 Ways You Can Rise Above Writing Challenges
Renew Inspiration

Write like it matters, and it will. – Libba Bray

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! First, I would love to say Happy Fourth of July to all my readers who celebrate this holiday.  I hope you’re enjoying fun times with family and friends. I’ve decided to spend my holiday weekend writing. I often ask myself why writing is so hard to do sometimes even though it’s an important way to express ourselves. Today, I want to share 5 ways you can rise above your writing challenges.

To begin with, always start out with clear and concise writing goals. For example, here’s my current writing goals:

  • To continue inspiring you with my Renew Inspiration blog.
  • To self-publish my first book project this year. Hint – It’s a grief journal.
  • To organize my thoughts and feelings during my journal writing sessions.


Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted. – Jules Renard

Next, we’re going to discuss the reasons why people love to write. Believe it or not, there are many reasons why people write. Some people have a piece of writing inside them that wants to come out and for other writers it’s important to use their personal stories to help others overcome challenges in their lives.

Let’s take a moment to look at some other reasons why people love to write. Writing can help you to:

  • Inspire, encourage and motivate others to do something
  • Teach and establish expertise in a specific area
  • Share ideas and your passion for writing
  • Cope with life and its many challenges
  • Express yourself and share creative writing with others
  • Make money by selling your own books and products
  • Expand your knowledge base and research

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You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. – Maya Angelou

Often times people live a life full of disappointment and unhappiness. I believe that it’s the writer’s responsibility to show people their inner potential and ability to create happiness in life. In addition, the writer can help people change their lifestyles and grow from within.

Here’s 5 ways you can rise above writing challenges:

  • #1 – Change your mindset – You must believe in yourself and stop the negative self-talk. Instead, build yourself up by reciting positive quotes and affirmations.
  • #2 – Create a writing schedule – Prioritize your writing time and create a writing schedule that you can stick to. However, be kind to yourself and provide grace when you need a break.
  • #3 – Turn off your inner critic – Give yourself permission to write freely and know that it’s okay to make mistakes. You have no time for self-doubt, but instead encourage yourself often.
  • #4 – Join writer’s groups or find an accountability partner – There’s something powerful about being around like-minded individuals. Check your social media accounts for interested writers or ask your family and friends.
  • #5 – Regular journal writing – Regular journal writing can help improve your overall writing skills. In addition, journal writing can provide you with additional writing topics as well.


A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. – Arthur Golden

As you set yourself up for success throughout this mindful journey, please keep these things in mind as you begin to change your mindset:

  • Positive thoughts equal positive outcomes
  • Admit that your thinking needs to be adjusted
  • Seek positive support from family, friends, support groups
  • Immerse yourself in personal growth – Read inspirational books or listen to positive speakers
  • Forward thinking will move your focus away from where you don’t want to be to where you could be

Finally, improving your life starts with improving your growth mindset.

  • Write in your journal every day.
  • Write thank you notes to people who help you throughout your journey.
  • Read positive affirmations and quotes often
  • Write a Wins Checklist based on your best experiences and accomplishments.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle. Look at how you sleep, what you eat and how much/little you exercise.

I have really enjoyed my blogging experiences and the time spent writing my first book. I have met so many wonderful and talented bloggers/authors along my writing journey. Although writing has helped me stay grounded in my life, inspiring people has got to be one of the most rewarding parts for being a writer. Today, I encourage you to keep rising above your writing challenges. Only this kind of persistence will allow you to pour your heart and soul into your written work. Peace, blessings, and happy writing!


To gain your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.  – Allen Ginsberg

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  • What inspires you to write, blog, and be creative?
  • What are your short-term and long-term writing goals?
  • How have you been getting in the way of achieving of your writing goals?
  • What makes you proud of yourself right now in this very moment?
  • How do you respond to setbacks and failure?
  • What is one behavior you need to let go this year?
  • How can you make more space in your life for the things you love to do?
  • What is keeping you from changing your mindset?
  • How do you plan to keep your positive and uplifting mindset?


Write what should not be forgotten. – Isabel Allende

Why do you enjoy writing? How long have you been writing? What are some helpful tips you can share with new writers? What are some of your writing goals? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

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    4 Comments|Add your own comment below

      1. H, Latisha!
        See, I’m here! Happy holidays to you and your family. Your blog gives so many practical suggestions! Many can apply not just to writing but also to other life and mindset challenges!

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