Journaling Through Grief and Isolation

Journaling Through Grief and Isolation

Renew Inspiration, Journaling, Grief, Isolation
Renew Inspiration

Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding. – Jen Williamson

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Despite the unrest, hatred, loneliness, and fear that is often times experienced during grief and isolation, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope with our thoughts and feelings. Today, I want to share how journaling through grief and isolation can help you take back your life during this difficult time.


A journal is your completely unaltered voice. – Lucy Dacus

Before we get started with our discussion, let’s go over a few definitions to help us better understand journaling, grief, and isolation.

  • Journaling (verb) – Keeping a written record of our thoughts and feelings that helps to create a meaningful connection with ourselves.
  • Grief (noun) – Deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.
  • Isolation (noun) – The process of being separated; loneliness.


You will never change your life, until you change something you do daily. – Unknown Author

Journaling is my safe place, my time to just write how I feel and scream on paper and no one will ever know. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. When you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Here’s some benefits of journaling through grief and isolation:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety – Expressive writing has been shown to lower stress and anxiety levels during any situation.
  • Improve your memory – Regular journal writing can improve your short-term memory.
  • Stay organized – Keeping a journal such as a weight loss diary or grief journal lets you maintain an organized record of your progress.
  • Strengthen your self-discipline – Journaling helps you to keep a regular writing schedule until it becomes a habit.
  • Prioritize problems and fears – Journaling helps you to see your triggers more clearly so you can prioritize and solve your problems and fears.
  • Allow yourself to self-reflect – Don’t over think your written entries, just write honestly and make time for self-reflection.
  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings – Jot down your thoughts and feelings with no editing and you will get in touch with your internal being.
  • Be creative – Add photos and positive quotes to enhance your written entries.

As you can see, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement, and growth over time.  Make sure to reflect on these thoughts often throughout your journey.

***Grab your FREE Benefits of Journaling Through Grief and Isolation Checklist today***


God restores everything. When I submit the broken pieces of my life to Him. He restores me to a beauty far more than what I prayed for. – Unknown Author

As I sit here today thinking about how great God is in our lives, I cannot help but wonder why we will not just be still, get out of God’s way and allow Him to restore our lives. Often times, we read God’s Word, pray, and meditate but forget to let God order our daily steps and thoughts. We have to remember that we cannot restore ourselves as we go through the grief and isolation period, but we must be restored by God, our Maker and Creator. What better way to be totally restored than to spend quality time journaling through grief and isolation?

  • Rest when your body says rest. When you listen to your body and give yourself the rest you need, you’ll rebuild your energy over the long-term.
  • Cultivate stillness within you. Allow yourself to feel the stillness around you, letting it soak into your body.
  • Practice whole-body breathing. Feel your breath inside your body and notice how far it reaches within you.
  • Nourish your body wholeheartedly. Be conscious and heartfelt in how you nourish your body by choosing healthy foods that feel inherently good for you.
  • Explore gentle and restorative movement. Light walking, stretching, yoga can help you regain energy in your body and life.
  • Have compassion for yourself. Be gentle with yourself when you’re exhausted and treat yourself kindly. Be kind in your thoughts and feelings towards yourself.

Finally, whether you’re just starting to journal through grief and isolation or you’ve been doing this process for some time now, it’s important to realize that you have the power to cultivate positive energy within your body in any given moment. Yes, even when you are exhausted, burned out, experiencing grief, going through isolation, and feel like you’ve got nothing left to give, your body can guide you to a peaceful place of greater vitality, and inner strength.  Remember, it’s important not to forget where God has taken us from but knowing that God still has plans for our lives. To be totally restored takes time as well as our precious minds focused on God and His greatness. Then, and only then will God renew us with hope and joy leaving us with much needed anticipation for eternity.


Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. – Oprah Winfrey

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Then, use these helpful journal prompts to help you enjoy your autumn activities:

  • Do you plan to start journaling through grief and isolation?
  • What is grief trying to tell you?
  • How can you begin to make space for grief instead of avoiding it?
  • What are some of your saddest moments when you feel stuck in isolation?
  • How has God restored your soul?
  • What wisdom have you learned from grief?
  • What are the most important life lessons you have learned?


Let’s take a moment to share with one another. God is fixing the broken pieces of your life. Get ready for restoration. God is preparing you for everything you prayed for. Do you enjoy journaling through grief and isolation? How do you spend time restoring yourself? Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Restore Yourself

Restore Yourself

Renew Inspiration, Restore Yourself, Refresh Your Mind, Renew Your Spirit, Ways to Restore Yourself, Journal Prompts
Renew Inspiration

Come to the water. Live in the moment, and be. Refresh your mind. Rest your body. Renew your spirit. Regain a gentle heart and peaceful soul. Reclaim yourself. Restore in the power that is greater than you. – Bonnie L. Mohr

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! As I sit here thinking about how great God is in our lives, I cannot help but wonder why we will not just be still, get out of God’s way and allow Him to restore our souls. Now, let’s think about that for a moment. We read God’s Word, pray, meditate, and attend church services week after week, right? So, why do we forget to let God order our daily steps and thoughts? We have to remember that we cannot restore ourselves, but we must be restored by God.

You must include these three spiritual principles in your life to help restore your soul:

  • Rest – Enjoy a time of relaxation in God’s presence. Read God’s Word, pray and meditate.
  • Reflection – As we look back over our lives, we should feel protected, safe and secure under the leadership of God.
  • Replenishment – Now that we are living a renewed life for God, we cannot help but anticipate being with God forever in the future.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Restore Yourself: The Antidote for Professional Exhaustion by Edy Greenblatt, Ph. D.


When something is renewed, restored, or resurrected, it’s never the same as it was before. God has something better! – Jana Carlson

After you have embraced the three principles noted above, it’s important to realize that you have the power to cultivate positive energy within your own body as well. Yes, even when you are exhausted, burned out, and feel like you’ve got nothing left to give, your body can guide you to a more peaceful place of greater vitality, inner strength, and well-being.

Here’s some helpful ways to restore yourself at any given time in life:

  • Rest when your body says rest. When you listen to your body and give yourself the rest you need, you’ll rebuild your energy over the long-term.
  • Practice self-awareness and cultivate stillness within you. Allow yourself to feel the stillness around you, letting it soak into your body.
  • Practice whole-body breathing. Feel your breath inside your body and notice how far it reaches within you.
  • Nourish your body wholeheartedly. Be conscious and heartfelt in how you nourish your body by choosing healthy foods that feel inherently good for you.
  • Develop a self-care routine that may include practicing restorative movement, light walking, stretching, and yoga. This will help regain energy in your body.
  • Have compassion for yourself and treat yourself kindly. Be kind in your thoughts and feelings towards yourself. Do this in Christ’s strength, not your own.
  • Nurture what inspires you, the simple pleasures of life through your thoughts, energy and actions.
  • Don’t neglect your own needs. Learn to guard your time like the precious gift that it is.

Remember, to be totally restored takes time as well as our precious minds focused on God and His greatness. Then, and only then will God renew us with hope and joy leaving us with much needed anticipation for eternity.

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – The Christian Meditation Journal by Rhonda Jones


I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

    • How has God restored your soul?
    • Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new, whether you planned to or not. What was today’s lesson for you?
    • What made you smile today? Make a list of all the things that brought you happiness.
    • Every day is an opportunity to become better than you were yesterday. Set at least 3 short-term goals for yourself. On your mark, get set, write.
    • What are some of your proudest moments, and why?
    • Life is all about balance. Some days you’ll be happy and others, not so much. Write down a brief description of one of the saddest moments you’ve ever experienced. How did you cope with your sadness?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Healing Power

Healing Power

Renew Inspiration, Healing Power, God's Word, Prayer, Mind, Body, Spirit
Renew Inspiration

When God heals and restores, He brings you out better than you were before. – Joel Olsteen

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, miracles and His healing power. God is our healer today, tomorrow and forever! Do you believe this on today? Despite what we may be going through in our lives, God wants to heal us from our emotional bondage that continues to hinder our spiritual growth to maturity. God wants to give us peace, love, and comfort throughout our lives. God wants to free our minds, bodies, and spirits from those things that will harm us. God does not want us to live in pain and misery. It’s important for all of us to read, pray and meditate in God’s Word.

Here’s some life challenges that you may be facing during this difficult time:

  • MIND – Mental Illness, Depression, Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Schizophrenia, Anxiety Disorders, Personality Disorders, Worry
  • BODY – Physical Aches and Pains, Stress, Eating Disorders, Arthritis, Stroke, Heart Attack, High or Low Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer
  • SPIRIT – Lost in Sin, Nonbelievers



God has an amazing way of taking all the pieces of our life and transforming them into a beautiful design. – Stacy L. Sanchez

God is a healer. By faith, receive your healing today. There is no doubt in my mind that God is my healer. No matter what my mind is telling me or how my body may feel, I trust God to heal me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I ask God to bless me with vibrant health and overflowing joy every day. When you enter God’s presence with praise, God enters your circumstances with healing power.

Here’s some spiritual tools to assist us in the healing process:

The Cross of Jesus Christ

The cross is God’s remedy for our emotional pain and distress. Without Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, no one would have eternal life. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). This verse explains the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus Christ provides the way to heaven for sinful mankind, like you and I, who could never get there on our own.

 God’s Word

The healing power of God’s Word is shown throughout the Bible. God truly has unfailing love for His people. God has always challenged us through His Word to experience Him in a tangible, but loving way so that He could bless us with health through our obedience. The Word of God says, “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life” (Proverbs 6:23).

Rejoicing and Praise

God is the only unchanging constant in our lives. When all is gone – health, family, friends, money, position, etc. God remains. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Isn’t that something to rejoice about? Not only is God present with us, but God’s Word also tells us that nothing can separate us from that great unconditional love.

The Holy Spirit

It is a fact that God knew that we could not change our sinful ways or heal ourselves in our own strength. God gave us His Holy Spirit to live within us and to take up residence in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us new birth, makes us a new creation in God’s sight and places us into the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit helps us to better understand and apply Scripture to our daily lives. (I Corinthians 2:12-13)

God’s Body, the Church

God’s Word tells us that God loves and accepts us, yet we strive to get love and acceptance from people we can see, hear and touch. If one part of the Christian body suffers, every other part suffers with it. So, if you are in a difficult situation, do not be alone. Reach out to Christian family members, friends, support groups, or spiritual counselors.



During these difficult times, trust God and believe in good things to come. God has a perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it’s worth the wait. Yes, we should be confident and know that God is forever powerful within this Earthly realm.  Always remember, nothing in this world is too big for our God. Don’t underestimate God in times of trouble or distress. Humble yourself and turn it all over to God to handle. Allow God to guide your every thought, your every step along this journey called life. As I stated earlier, God is my healing power today, tomorrow and forever!


Heal yourself, heal the world. – Eileen Anglin

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • Define what brings me the most joy in life…
  • Today or this week I was most blessed by…
  • The area where I need to put more trust in God is…
  • An act of obedience God is prompting me to take is…


  • Ways I want God to transform me…
  • An aspect of God’s character he recently revealed to me is…
  • God is leading me to make the following changes…
  • The most significant area of my life that is not finding its way into my journal is…


  • I feel most distant from God when…
  • One lesson I learned from Scripture this week is…
  • Journaling has helped build my spiritual foundation by…
  • Define an area in my spiritual life where I need to see God’s guidance is…



Let’s talk. Give God your weakness and He’ll give you His strength. Do you believe in God’s healing power? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

You Are Enough

You Are Enough

Renew Inspiration, You Are Enough, Affirmations, Journal Prompts, Purple Flower, Stones

Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! So glad you have returned for more uplifting inspiration that comes from within. Let’s take a moment and visualize your life as you want it to be. Go to a quiet, private environment for at least 15 minutes every day where you can close your eyes and imagine your body, environment, relationships, and life in ways that please you. This is the moment where you must find a way to separate yourself from all of the past in order to be what you want to be. Then, you will be able to embrace your personal journey one step at a time and truly know you are enough.


You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. – Unknown Author

Always remember, what has been has nothing to do with what will be, and what others experience has nothing to do with your experience. Throughout your journey, it’s important to realize that you are enough. Surround yourself with positive people and adapt to a positive mindset.

Here’s some positive & uplifting affirmations for you to practice every day:

  • I choose to feel good about myself each day.
  • My body is healthy, strong and beautiful.
  • I can quiet my mind and my thoughts whenever I want.
  • Everything always works out for me.
  • Everything I need is within me.
  • I welcome miracles into my life.
  • I am totally safe and surrounded by love, peace and joy.
  • My best is yet to come.



Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway. – Unknown Author

In addition, it’s important to realize that you have the power to cultivate positive energy within your body in any given moment. Yes, even when you are exhausted, burned out and feel like you’ve got nothing left to give, your body can guide you to a peaceful place of greater vitality, inner strength and well-being.

Here’s some great ways to help restore your mind, body & spirit:

  • Rest when your body says rest. When you listen to your body and give yourself the rest you need, you’ll rebuild your energy over the long-term.
  • Cultivate stillness within you. Allow yourself to feel the stillness around you, letting it soak into your body.
  • Practice whole-body breathing. Feel your breath inside your body and notice how far it reaches within you.
  • Nourish your body wholeheartedly. Be conscious and heartfelt in how you nourish your body by choosing healthy foods that feel inherently good for you.
  • Explore gentle and restorative movement. Light walking, stretching, yoga can help you regain energy in your body and life.
  • Have compassion for yourself. Be gentle with yourself when you’re exhausted and treat yourself kindly. Be kind in your thoughts and feelings towards yourself.
  • Nurture what inspires you. Feed and nurture what truly inspire you through your thoughts, energy and actions.
  • Be vigilant with your time. Learn to guard your time like the precious gift that it is. Schedule plenty of quality time and space to care for yourself.

Sometimes you have to be your own hero or cheerleader. Just because you may be struggling throughout your journey does not mean you are failing. Keep believing and good things will happen. Always remember the one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell at all. Your purpose is to fully be all that you are.



Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path.  Ready, set, write!


Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love. – Unknown Author

  • What are your biggest personal milestones?
  • What is your greatest passion and how do you nurture it?
  • What are some of your peaceful thoughts?


Your body is healthy and beautiful. – Unknown Author

  • What does self-image mean to you?
  • What 10 words best describe how you see yourself and why?
  • What do you think it means to be true to yourself?


Everything you need is within you. – Unknown Author

  • When was the last time you allowed the Holy Spirit to guide you?
  • Are you willing to empty yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to enter in?
  • How well are you currently balancing your spiritual life?



My mind is focused, my body is healthy, and my spirit is calm. – Unknown Author

Please accept this YOU ARE ENOUGH keepsake. Post it on your wall, mirror and/or social media accounts and cherish it always.

Renew Inspiration, You Are Enough, Yoga Pose, Affirmations
You Are Enough Keepsake


Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever. – Roy T. Bennett

Let’s talk. Remind yourself of what you’ve been able to overcome. All the times you felt like you weren’t going to make it through, you proved yourself wrong. You’re stronger than you think. What honestly keeps holding you back from achieving great things in life? Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journaling Through Isolation

Journaling Through Isolation

Renew Inspiration, Journaling, Isolation, Journal Prompts

Isolation is the one sure way to human happiness. – Glenn Gould

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Despite the unrest, hatred, loneliness, and fear that is often times experienced during difficult times, it is important for me to continue writing positive and uplifting messages to inspire you. As I sit here today thinking about how great God is in our lives, I cannot help but wonder why we will not just be still, get out of God’s way and allow Him to restore our souls. We read God’s Word, pray, meditate, and attend church services week after week but why do we forget to let God order our daily steps and thoughts? We have to remember that we cannot restore ourselves, but we must be restored by God, our Maker and Creator. What better way to be totally restored than to spend quality time journaling through isolation?


You will never change your life, until you change something you do daily. – Unknown Author

Journaling is my safe place, my time to just write how I feel and scream on paper and no one will ever know. Let’s take a moment to define journal. A journal is a personal reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all the things that interest and inspire you. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Here’s some benefits of journaling through isolation:

• Reduce stress – Expressive writing has been shown to lower stress levels.

• Improve your memory – Regular journal writing can improve your short-term memory.

• Stay organized – Keeping a journal such as a weight loss diary lets you maintain an organized record of your progress.

• Strengthen your self-discipline – Journaling helps you to keep a regular writing schedule until it becomes a habit.

• Allow yourself to self-reflect – Don’t over think your written entries, just write honestly and make time for self-reflection.

• Be creative – Add photos and positive quotes to enhance your written entries.

• Clarify your thoughts and feelings – Jot down your thoughts and feelings with no editing and you will get in touch with your internal being.

As you can see, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement, and growth over time. Make sure to reflect on these thoughts often throughout your journey.



God restores everything. When I submit the broken pieces of my life to Him. He restores me to a beauty far more than what I prayed for. – Unknown Author

During this journey we call life, it’s important to realize that you have the power to cultivate positive energy within your body in any given moment. Yes, even when you are exhausted, burned out and feel like you’ve got nothing left to give, your body can guide you to a peaceful place of greater vitality, inner strength and well-being.

• Rest when your body says rest. When you listen to your body and give yourself the rest you need, you’ll rebuild your energy over the long-term.

• Cultivate stillness within you. Allow yourself to feel the stillness around you, letting it soak into your body.

• Practice whole-body breathing. Feel your breath inside your body and notice how far it reaches within you.

• Nourish your body wholeheartedly. Be conscious and heartfelt in how you nourish your body by choosing healthy foods that feel inherently good for you.

• Explore gentle and restorative movement. Light walking, stretching, yoga can help you regain energy in your body and life.

• Have compassion for yourself. Be gentle with yourself when you’re exhausted and treat yourself kindly. Be kind in your thoughts and feelings towards yourself.



The world has slowed so you can rediscover yourself. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• Do you plan to start journaling through isolation?

• How has God restored your soul?

• Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new, whether you planned to or not. What was today’s lesson for you?

• What made you smile today? Make a list of all the things that brought you happiness.

• Every day is an opportunity to become better than you were yesterday. Set at least 3 short-term goals for yourself. On your mark, get set, write.

• What are some of your saddest moments when you feel stuck in isolation?

Remember, it’s important not to forget where God has taken us from but knowing that God still has plans for our lives. To be totally restored takes time as well as our precious minds focused on God and His greatness. Then, and only then will God renew us with hope and joy leaving us with much needed anticipation for eternity.



Your elevation may require your isolation. – Unknown Author

Let’s take a moment to share with one another. God is fixing the broken pieces of your life. Get ready for restoration. God is preparing you for everything you prayed for. How do you spend time restoring yourself? Do you enjoy journaling through isolation?

Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Season to Season

Season to Season

Season to Season, Autumn, Fall, Leaves, Tree, Outdoors

Every season is one of becoming. But not always one of blooming. Be gracious with your ever-evolving self. – B. Oakman

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – I am in perfect balance. I am physically and emotionally connected and healed. I am free of worry and I am at peace with who I am. Every day I grow stronger and more relaxed. I love myself and life.

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s welcome September in today with a positive attitude and discussion related to the following topics – seasons, meditation, personal changes, and restoring our soul.

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there. – Deepak Chopra

Now, that summer is coming to an end, what comes to mind as you think about moving from season to season? How can you connect your mind, body, and spirit during this time? For me, I always associate seasons with personal change. Changes in the weather, changes in your attitude, changes in your home, changes in relationships, etc. In some ways moving from season to season offers you an opportunity to reflect on meditation (mind), personal changes (body), and restoring your soul (spirit).

Did you know…

• Meditation reduces stress?
• Meditation helps with clearing your thinking?
• Meditation increases our capacity for empathy and compassion?

Meditation, when practiced regularly, can bring about a true personal transformation from the inside out. As you allow yourself to experience your inner peace and security, you will naturally begin to discover aspects of yourself that were previously hidden due to stress. Keep in mind, when practicing meditation, your body undergoes a structural change, which demonstrates the profound impact of simply sitting down, perfectly still, with your eyes closed, breathing deeply nice and slow. Meditation relaxes the entire brain and places your entire body in a calm way of living. Simply put, meditation is spending quality time with your soul and not allowing anything or anybody to distract you.

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Lao Tzu

Here’s some mental benefits of meditation:

• Anxiety decreases
• Emotional stability improves
• Creativity increases
• Happiness increases
• Gain clarity and peace of mind
• Problems become smaller
• Sharpens the mind by increasing focus

Here’s some physical benefits of meditation:

• Lowers high blood pressure
• Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks
• Decreases tension-related pain
• Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
• Improves the immune system
• Increases the energy level, as you gain an inner source of energy


As you can see, meditation is your time to relax, unwind, and practice your deep breathing techniques. Even though you are free to meditate anywhere, it would be nice to create your very own personal space in or around your home dedicated to meditation.

• Tip 1: Choose a location with nature in mind. For example, lush green trees, soothing blue water, beautiful flowery garden, next to a window, on a patio, porch, empty room decorated with nature colors and pictures, etc.

• Tip 2: Keep the space clean. If the environment around you is clean, your mind can also be relaxed during meditation. Less clutter is better.

• Tip 3: Light it up as you like. Allow sunlight to come through your windows or if it is evening you may want a specific type of lamp to help set the relaxing mood.

• Tip 4: Smell the relaxation. You may choose from a variety of fragrances as per your choice. Whether it is aromatic incense sticks or essence oils, the choice is yours.

• Tip 5: Think comfort. You may choose a soft yoga mat, a low-height mattress, soft cushion or a comfortable chair.


Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong. – Unknown Author

Here’s some ways to help you adjust to change:

• Read and study God’s Word. Plant the scriptures in your heart.

• Seek God’s face each day through prayer and meditation. Make your requests known.

• Pray a specific prayer for positive change in and around your life.

• Set personal goals and a plan to achieve them. Put it in writing and look at it often.

• Journaling practice helps to get your thoughts on to paper and out of your head.

• Make time for self-reflection. Go for a walk, spend time journaling, reading, drawing, meditating or coloring. Do what makes your soul happy and keeps your mind relaxed.

• If you feel that your mental stability is getting worse, seek Professional help in the form of therapy from a licensed therapist or social worker, medication to treat depression or anxiety, or support groups to help share your feelings with like-minded individuals.

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Rest – Enjoy a time of relaxation in God’s presence. Examples: Read God’s Word, pray and meditate

Reflection – As we look back over our lives, we should feel protected, safe and secure under the leadership of God.

Replenishment – Now that we are living a renewed life for God, we cannot help but anticipate being with God forever in the future.

Remember, once you get into the habit and experience the mental clarity, emotional stability, physical relaxation that the meditation practice offers, not practicing meditation seems unimaginable. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s set aside some quality time during this season to renew inspiration – mind, body and spirit!


You will never change your life, until you change something you do daily. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:

Let’s make it common practice to write in your journal after you practice meditation.

• I like to practice meditation because ___________________________.
• When I practice mediation, I feel ___________________________.
• What are your daily habits?
• What is a habit you want to break?
• What is keeping you from changing?
• List 5 emotional trigger words. How do they make you feel?
• Have you spent more time today focused on the past, present or future?
• How has God restored your soul?


Let’s talk. If you practice meditation, please share your favorite place to meditate. What is your favorite time of the day to meditate? Do you like music playing in the background when you are meditating? Were you aware of the health benefits when practicing meditation? Have you experienced any positive health benefits while doing meditation? If so, please share in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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