Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. (I Chronicles 16:11)
Thought for today – Allow God to amaze you with what He can do for your situation.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! How often do you seek God’s face? For some, seeking God’s face is done on a daily basis and for others seeking God’s face is done on an as needed basis. What does it really mean to seek God’s face? Well, I believe seeking God’s face simply means to seek God’s presence in your life. Presence is a common translation of the Hebrew word “face”. Literally, we are to seek his face throughout our lives.
Here’s some ways for us to seek God’s face throughout our lives:
• Read God’s Word, study it and meditate on it
• Fasting and praying regularly
• Confessing your sins and repenting to God regularly
• Reading daily devotions
• Singing praise and worship songs
• Attending church services regularly
When you think that everything is against you remember God is always with you.
Journal Prompts – Time for Reflection
Let’s spend some quality time seeking God’s face while writing in our journals.
• What is on my mind right now?
• What do I need to meditate and/or pray about?
• What feels like a struggle in my life right now?
• What advice do I need to receive from God?
• Am I prepared to receive God’s advice?
• How can I strengthen my relationship and faith in God?
• How much time do you spending reading God’s Word, praying or meditating?
As you travel throughout your spiritual journey, there are always obstacles that we encounter while living our lives on Earth, but we must work around them in order to seek God’s face and see him clearly. It is always important to stay away from anything and anyone who blocks us from being in the presence of God. Through this spiritual process, remember to seek God’s face by calling and pleading for Him to fill your presence with His anointing from on high. Only then will you receive the necessary peace, comfort, security and healing from God. Be peaceful, be happy, be whole.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
How much time do you spend seeking God’s face? Challenge yourself and spend some quality time reflecting on the answers to the journal prompt questions noted above. Please share your thoughts and comments. Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. – Pema Chodron
Thought for today – At the end of the day, I am at peace because my intentions are good, and my heart is pure.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! It seems like it has been so long since I have shared a blog post with you. Unfortunately, life happens to the best of us, right? Today, I want to talk about the “Peace in the Midst of a Storm”. Whether your storm is BIG or small, it takes internal strength to overcome many obstacles in life. After all, as long as we are living on Earth, we will always experience some type of storm. So, instead of living your life worrying about the “what ifs”, spend time preparing your mindset with peaceful thoughts, such as scriptures, prayers, positive affirmations, inspirational quotes, uplifting words, etc.
Today I choose: calm over chaos; serenity over stress; peace over perfection; grace over grit; faith over fear. – Mary Davis
Today, I am totally safe and surrounded by love, light, peace, and joy. Today, I invite peace and harmony to dwell in me and surround me at all times. Today, I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire. It is important to speak peace into your life every day. How about you? Can you honestly say these statements with confidence? It is important for you to know that you already have peace within you, right now, in this very moment. Just because you may be struggling right now, does not mean you are failing life forever. Keep believing in yourself and good things will happen in the near future.
In the midst of life’s greatest storms, do not forget your divine heritage as a son or daughter of God. -Ronald A. Rasband
In the midst of it all, what do you feel? What are your thoughts? How do you cope with every day struggles of life? Now, I realize my struggles may be different from your struggles, but can we agree that it takes a strategy to not only cope with the struggles of life, but to overcome such struggles?
Let’s face it, painful life experiences often leave heart-deep scars within us. Even though danger is long past, fear still lingers around us. It affects our present relationships and experiences, and even our perception of God. We may never know why it has happened to us, but we do know that we can and will survive it. We also know that God has given us a new day and a new season to reach out for His blessings in joy and gratitude. Painful experiences leave scars within us, but they also leave strength and wisdom in the midst of the storm, giving us the opportunity to help those enduring similar trials.
Storms of Life
Your storm is bigger than you are, but your Jesus is bigger than your storm. -Ron Hutchcraft
Even in the midst of life’s many storms, we have the capacity to stand in the center of our own peace. Now, let’s think about that for a moment before we proceed. When you are faced with the storms of life, think about how God is your strength and power; God is your protector and He will guide you through the storms of life if you let Him. Needless to say, it is always our choice. Will we allow God to lead us or will we try to handle our storms ourselves?
Here’s some storms of life examples:
• Stress
• Health Issues
• Financial Difficulties
• Unemployment
• Wayward Children
• Divorce
• Lack of Transportation
• Mental Illness (Depression, Anxiety)
• Imprisonment
• Grieving the Loss of a Loved One
• Various Addictions To Overcome Life’s Obstacles
God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life. (Romans 8:28)
When was the last time you not only experienced a storm in your life, but you push through the storm with your inner strength? If you struggle in this area, please follow these tips to overcome life’s obstacles:
• Stay focused on positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts
• Don’t ever give up
• Challenge yourself and try new things every day
• Each day you should choose happiness
• Choose to shine and smile
• Don’t compare yourself to others and find time to celebrate your little accomplishments
Journal Prompts – Time for Reflection
Are you ready to write yourself into a peaceful state? If so, grab your journal and let’s get started. Journaling should be a safe place for you to write how you feel and to reflect on your heart felt thoughts. This is your personal journey so make sure you are honest throughout the process.
MIND – Meditate on peaceful thoughts. Define those thoughts in detail and write about them.
BODY – What do you feel right now in this very moment? Listen to your body and write about it.
SPIRIT – How do you cope with struggles? What set a spark in your soul? Write about it.
Remember, my storm may be different from yours, but at the end of the day we both are in the midst of something that makes us uncomfortable. Instead of ignoring and judging others, let’s be more supportive to others who may be experiencing difficult life situations. Sometimes just lending a listening ear will do wonders. Life is not about weathering the storm, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
Please share what brings peace into your life. How do you find peace within? How do you overcome obstacles in life? Can you write yourself into a peaceful state? I look forward to reading your comments and feedback!
Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
According to the Wikipedia, meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses his or her mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Remember, practice makes perfect so make sure to plan for meditation every day. It’s important to start with good breathing techniques when doing your meditation. In addition, create a peaceful and safe space where you will not be distracted during your meditation. It is important to let go of any and all frustrations throughout the meditation process. Meditation, when done correctly, offers one many benefits throughout his or her weight loss journey as well.
Benefits of meditation includes, but not limited to:
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Reduces impulsivity, cravings, and addictions
• Increases resilience in hard times
• Increases happiness and optimism
• Helps create loving, harmonious relationships
• Increases focus, creativity, and life satisfaction
• Increases memory, compassion, and productivity
• Produces a deep state of peace and well-being
How to Meditate:
• Sit Still – Just sit still and close your eyes – Outer stillness will lead to inner stillness
• Relax – It’s not a process – You just let go and surrender
• Pay Attention – To nothing in particular – Just be awake and focus on self-awareness
The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you -David Lynch
My spirit is grounded deep in the earth.
I am calm, strong, centered and peaceful.
I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe.
I am worthy of all things BEAUTIFUL. Written by – Carly Marie