9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life

9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life

Renew Inspiration, 9 Ways Affirmations Can Improve Your Life
Renew Inspiration

One small positive thought in the morning can change your day. – Unknown Author

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, let’s talk about how affirmations can improve your life. To begin with, the word affirmation comes from the Latin affirmare, which means “to strengthen and make steady.” Affirmations are meant to help change your thoughts and move your attention to more empowering ideas that will ultimately create an improved result. Affirmations can be another form of positive self-talk that can:

• Help set the tone for your day.
• Be used to target and improve any area of your life.
• Help you overcome any negative thinking patterns.
• Provide a reflection of the kind of life you want to live.
• Offer ways to improve your mood and emotions.
• Increase your self-confidence and uplift your spirit.
• Help you set realistic goals and create a plan to reach them.

Simply put, when used consistently, affirmations have the power to transform lives despite what you’re going through.


Talk to yourself like someone you love. – Brene Brown

In order to receive the most benefits of reciting affirmations, it’s important for you to read and recite them aloud. Then, state them in the present tense as if they have already been accomplished. This process will make your mind believe that it’s already happening. Repetition is key. The more you say it, the more you may believe it. Affirmations can improve your life by:

1. Increasing self-awareness so you can acknowledge your daily thoughts and feelings.
2. Allowing you to become more grateful in any situation you are faced with.
3. Keeping you encouraged and more motivated to accomplish personal goals.
4. Helping you be in the present moment not worrying about the past or the future.
5. Teaching you how to be more open to new possibilities; not afraid to take risks.
6. Helping you to manage your feelings and emotions under stressful situations.
7. Reminding you to pay attention to your thought patterns.
8. Keeping you calm and at peace.
9. Helping you become more aware of what you want and your mind helps you get it.

During this process, focus on finding solutions and learning how to make positive changes in all areas of your life. After all, taking the time to recite affirmations daily can be the start of transforming your life.

If you want to want to get started with using affirmations, CLICK HERE to get my FREE Positive Affirmations Guide.


Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing. – John C. Maxwell

Next, in order for you to embrace this new way of thinking and living, it is important for you to feed your spirit with positive vibes on a daily basis. For example, I choose to feel good about myself and life’s journey each day. Even when I am feeling sad or depressed, deep inside I aspire to be a giver. A giver of life, a giver of good vibes, and a giver of strength. This kind of thinking will help you overcome life’s challenges and improve life’s journey.

Here’s a few positive affirmations to help you get started:

• I am blessed and in charge of my life.
• I am beautiful, brave, and ready to learn.
• I am fearless and capable of so much more.
• I am bold, strong, and free to make my own choices.
• I am enough and perfect just the way I am.

Repeat your daily affirmations 1 to 2 times per day so it will be a constant reminder of what you are aiming for. Shift your focus and attention towards thoughts and feelings that are both positive and constructive. Start using daily affirmations along with journal prompts today, and watch the quality of your life improve throughout your journey. Focus on positive changes and you will get positive results.


It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


• What thought patterns do you have and how do they impact your life?
• What did you do today that brought you closer to your dream?
• What is your life’s vision for the next 3 years?
• What is happening in your mind right now in this very moment?


• How can you love yourself today?
• What is one of life’s little pleasures that you appreciate?
• Who/What brings the most joy to your life?
• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?


• What do you need more of in your life?
• What is something you would love to learn in your lifetime?
• What are the best choices you have made in life so far?
• How do you keep your thoughts in check throughout the day?


How do you plan to use affirmations to improve your life? How often to you recite affirmations? Do you plan to add affirmations and writing in your journal to your daily routine? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Meditation 101

Meditation 101

meditation, growth, spiritual, life, knowledge

According to the Wikipedia, meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses his or her mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Remember, practice makes perfect so make sure to plan for meditation every day. It’s important to start with good breathing techniques when doing your meditation. In addition, create a peaceful and safe space where you will not be distracted during your meditation. It is important to let go of any and all frustrations throughout the meditation process. Meditation, when done correctly, offers one many benefits throughout his or her weight loss journey as well.

Benefits of meditation includes, but not limited to:
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Reduces impulsivity, cravings, and addictions
• Increases resilience in hard times
• Increases happiness and optimism
• Helps create loving, harmonious relationships
• Increases focus, creativity, and life satisfaction
• Increases memory, compassion, and productivity
• Produces a deep state of peace and well-being

How to Meditate:
• Sit Still – Just sit still and close your eyes – Outer stillness will lead to inner stillness
• Relax – It’s not a process – You just let go and surrender
• Pay Attention – To nothing in particular – Just be awake and focus on self-awareness

The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you -David Lynch

My spirit is grounded deep in the earth.
I am calm, strong, centered and peaceful.
I am able to let go of fear and trust that I am eternally safe.
I am worthy of all things BEAUTIFUL.
Written by – Carly Marie