Journaling to Find Yourself

Journaling to Find Yourself

Inhale the future, exhale the past

flower, journal, earbuds, pen, cup

journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Stay patient and trust your journey

Now, let’s take the journaling process to the next level. How about using the journaling process to find yourself? Journaling is a way to capture ideas and keep your dreams alive until you can put them in motion. Ideas can be found all around you. Take a moment and look around you right where you are. Inspiration is not required to knock at your door twice. We have to be ready and willing to do what’s necessary to grow, to learn, and most importantly, to find yourself.

A little progress each day adds up to big results

cup, saucer, coffee, journal, pen

5 Tips for Capturing your Best Journal Ideas:

1. Take your journal everywhere you go to capture those special thoughts or moments as they happen. If your journal is too big, you can always buy a small notebook to use while you are on the go. Then, transfer or glue your notes in your journal at a later time.

2. Select a journal that feels right to you. You can purchase a beautifully crafted handmade journal, a hardcover book with unlined pages, a softcover notebook with lined pages, a 3-ring binder with loose paper, or just a spiral notebook. It really doesn’t matter your style, just make sure that your journal feels right to you and you can comfortably use it to capture your thoughts.

3. Handwrite your journal entries so you are unable to edit your thoughts. Handwriting keeps things more spontaneous and also gives you clues about your emotional state. If you’re anything like me, you can tell what you’re feeling just by analyzing the state of your writing.

4. Create an informal table of contents in the beginning of each journal. Number each page and try to list the topics covered as you go along. This makes finding stuff a lot easier down the road or when you just want to reflect on some of your past writings. Don’t worry about doing this each time you journal, but make sure to complete this step before starting your next journal.

5. Don’t worry about format, grammar, or spelling. Remember, this is your personal space and a written account for how you feel right now in this very moment. Don’t worry about following your traditional writing rules, just write.

dream, courage, inspire, harmony, stones

Here are 10 reasons why you should use journaling to find yourself:

1. To ponder and pen your big dreams – Your journal is an ideal place to write out all of your desires and dreams. If there were no limits, what would you want to become? Who would you want to meet? What would you have? Where would you go? Write it all down, describing in detail what your success would look like. By doing this, you can begin to put the laws of success attraction into motion.

2. To get clarity and solve problems faster – When you are unable to see a clear path in your life, it’s better to jot down all those thoughts swirling around in your head. Writing things out gives you the accurate perspective necessary to attract the right solutions. Take a moment to write down questions related to your problems. In fact, you should have an attitude of expectancy that you will find the right answers.

3. To chart what works – Journaling about your ideas, successes, and even failures empowers you to backtrack to see what’s working in your life and what’s not. It’s important to be honest with yourself and be willing to make the necessary adjustments where needed to live a rewarding life.

4. To track your past victories – Take a moment to celebrate your victories and write when and where you have excelled in life. It’s easy to remember your every mishap, but also make an effort to note what’s going right in your life as well.

5. To plan and strategize – Use your journal for both short-term and long-term planning. This process will allow you to work through specific strategies on how you will accomplish your goals. Plan everything from the week ahead to the entire year in your journal.

6. To create a success action routine – Your success action routine should consist of time for meditation and visualization, speaking positive affirmations and reviewing your goals. Visualize yourself completing your goals and feeling the benefits and rewards of doing so.

7. To take control over your future – Journaling about your ideal life and begin to act as if you have that life right now. Be descriptive and detailed in your writing. This will help you prepare for an opportunity that doesn’t exist yet, and ready yourself for the victory to come.

8. For self-improvement – Your journal is a safe place where you can truly be honest with yourself. This is your book, your story, your journey. You have no limitations or boundaries. Your journal is private so you can express yourself and get to know who you really are and what you truly desire.

9. To help you through the decision-making process – In your journal, you can list pros and cons when you are faced with having to make a difficult decision. Write out every possible outcome and use this to guide you through the decision-making process.

10. To keep you in a state of gratefulness – As you go through the process to find yourself, stay grateful throughout your journey. Express gratitude in your journal. Slowing down to make note of what you’re thankful for can relieve you of anxiety, stress, and help you to enjoy life to the fullest. In addition, the act of gratefulness also draws more positivity your way, helping you to create a cycle of success.

Still stuck in a rut and have nothing to write, here are examples of ideas to include in your journal:

• Reactions to personal situations and world events
• Goals you’re working toward (weight loss, career, personal)
• Inspiring quotes or affirmations
• Poetry that moves you
• Pictures from magazines or photos you love
• Books to read
• Music you’ve heard that you may want to purchase
• Websites to explore
• To do lists or reminders
• Topic research or exploration
• Relationship successes or problems
• Travel plans
• Dreams to explore
• Feelings, thoughts, or emotions

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

woman, mountain, sky

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely and to help you think about mind, body, and spirit as you write. But today, think of journal prompts as a thought provoking exercise to help you find yourself.

• Name 5 things that you love about yourself.
• What did you learn about yourself this month? this week? today?
• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?
• Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present, or future?
• What feels like a struggle at the moment?
• What do I want to accomplish in my life today? tomorrow? next week? next month? next year?
• What has been going well in my life lately?
• How can I create more acceptance in my life?
• What traits do I like about myself?
• What are my character strengths?
• How have I been holding myself back?
• How can I take a step forward?

Dream. Plan. Do.

So, grab your journal and write your ideas so you’re able to retrieve your thoughts whenever needed. Your journal holds all of your pertinent life information so you can remember and reference at any time in your future. Remember, you shape your world for success. Begin to imagine and dream. Don’t be afraid of goal setting and planning. Have courage to move in a positive direction toward your personal growth and advancement.

If you do keep a journal, please share some of your organizing tips and techniques; pros and cons of journaling; journaling tips that help you continue your journey. We learn from one another so your comments are necessary in order for all of us to learn and grow. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Destined for Greatness

Destined for Greatness

Be the greatness God intended you to be. -Unknown

journey, trail, walk, path

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Despite what is happening in your life, right now in this very moment, you are destined for greatness. Do you believe that? I’ll give you a moment to think about it, but as you are thinking, why don’t we start our journey.

Let’s depart from this place and begin to visualize our journey to greatness. When it seems like you will not make it, take some time to reflect on positive thoughts and some of your personal accomplishments. Always remembering that storms may come in your life, but what matters most is that you make it through the storm without wavering your faith. Similarly, negative thoughts may come, but you must believe in your heart that you are destined for greatness no matter what.

Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things. You are greatness. -Unknown

sitting, alone, thinking, meditation

Since you had a moment to think about where you are right now, do you believe you are destined for greatness? Remembering that we are human and when negative thoughts show up make sure that you tell yourself that negative thoughts have no place in your mind and believe it. We have to start conditioning our thought patterns differently so we can regain control of our inner being. Because our inner being defines who we really are.

Surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it in yourself. -Unknown

Here’s another thought to think about while on your journey to greatness. People may come and go throughout your life time, but always remember that you are destined for greatness no matter how that person or people may treat you.

Don’t allow the world to define your greatness because most of this world is blind. -Unknown

Unfortunately, we live in a mean and cruel world these days. People can be harsh and say unkind words to you, but you have to shake it off and keep it moving in order to make it to that special place called acceptance. Yes, to be destined for greatness is to not only accept yourself, but to believe in yourself no if ands or buts about it.

The most defining moment in a woman’s life is when she discovers her own greatness! -Unknown

victory, success, achievements, winner

If you are struggling in this area along your journey, just begin to write down your thoughts (positive or negative) in your journal or in a notebook. It’s important to be honest and to focus on what matters most to you in your life right now, in this very moment. Keeping in mind that the enemy always fight the hardest when he knows God has something great in store for you. Before you know it, you will begin to take charge of your life again and know in your heart that I AM DESTINED FOR GREATNESS!

Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character. -Unknown


journal, writing, reflections, thoughts, feelings

Did you know that journaling can help you along your journey to greatness? Journaling is a positive way to help release what’s held captive inside you. Journaling allows you to say things that you would probably never say out loud. People cannot define journaling the same way because it is a personal written journey. You are the author who writes the beginning, the middle, and the ending.

Positive benefits of journaling:

• Helps us make space for our hearts
• Turns memories into reality
• Gives us time to process our personal experiences
• Helps to create an energetic and visual level of comfort
• We are allowed to fully express ourselves
• There are no boundaries and no limits set to what we can write
• There is no set format, just write, write, write
• We are able to be creative with no set criteria or instructions
• We are free to write until our mind, body, and spirit are one

dream, courage, inspire, harmony, stones

• Define your biggest dream.
• Share a vivid dream.
• How do you see the world?
• What is your vision for the next year?
• Discuss one way you would like to grow in the next year.
• What is your goal/goals for next week?
• What were your highs and lows this week?
• What did you do today that brought you closer to your dream?
• Discuss at least one lesson you learned today.
• What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
• What behavior you need to let go?
• What makes you proud?
• What is my proudest accomplishment?
• What is my biggest failure?
• What do I do to show myself self-compassion and self-care?
• What new activities am I interested in or willing to try?

My Inner Voice

My Inner Voice

Love Me

Renew Inspiration has given me my inner voice to express my thoughts toward important topics that are dear to my heart. Thank you for spending this time with me on today. I don’t take your time for granted so allow my words to bless you and resonate in your spirit on today. Come along with me on this journey to experience my inner voice.

I didn’t give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you -Unknown

My inner voice cries out for all the children who are neglected and abused. My heart opens up for children who needs to be nurtured and loved despite their rough backgrounds. My thoughts are always racing about ways I can help children overcome obstacles that was not no fault of their own. Even though your inner voice cries out, you know that you are unable to help or save them all, so what do you do?

Where there is great love, there are always miracles -Unknown

My inner voice cries out for not just my own children who were adopted at a young age, but I strive to make a positive impact on the lives of every child I come into contact with. Some days your smile, your kind words, uplifting compliment or just a kind gesture are the only positive moments a child may experience throughout their busy day. Once again, I realize I cannot reach them all, so what do you do?

God knew that it doesn’t matter how your children get to your family. It just matters that they get there. -Kira Mortenson

My inner voice cries out for children who were blessed to find a loving family to take them into a safe and loving home, but to a child that has experienced abuse and/or neglect it’s hard for them to adjust properly due to the trauma of their pasts. In some cases, the new parents have no idea what the child has experienced, therefore it is difficult to help the child cope with his or her feelings. Sometimes it takes more than a prayer, hot meal, a warm hug, or a kind word to make these children feel the love that you are willing to share.

Let’s stay here for a moment. Now, what is happening right now, in this very moment. There is a new family unit being built with a foundation of love, prayer, and positive support. So that should be enough, right? Unfortunately, I can speak to this from my current experience. I call this creative parenting because you have to make adjustments daily in order to meet the child where they are for that moment. Even outside therapy sessions are not enough to deal with the emotional stress that families experience when trauma was introduced to children at young, tender ages.

We do not need to know the beginning of a child’s story to change the ending -Fi Newood

With that being said, my inner voice cries out to all parents who have sacrificed everything in order to provide for their children, both biological and adopted. The willingness to put your life on hold in order to provide a positive structure and future for a child shows your character. The child’s total well-being is always in the forefront of your mind. I strive to advocate for both of my sons each and every day. When children have special needs, it’s even another layer of difficulty put on the family unit. You have to make sure that the necessary resources and time is set into place not only at home, but also at school and extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, hobbies, etc. You are the voice for your children and must advocate for them in every waking moment. In return, you must teach your children how to advocate for themselves as well.

My inner voice cries out each and every day that I wake up knowing that I am responsible for two children that look up to me waiting on direction and guidance. It’s not always easy, but the experience strengthens you and changes your life forever. Let’s not give up on our children throughout our journey called life. Help support our children who may not have the positive support at home. Be a mentor, volunteer at your local schools, volunteer at local youth agencies, be a foster care parent, or even adopt a child. There are so many ways to give back to those children who need it most. I do realize WE cannot save them all, but even if we save one, that’s better than doing nothing at all.