Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it. – Maya Angelou
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Well, I have to be honest. I don’t know anyone who would not want to experience some level of success in their life at some point or another. Now, take a moment to think about your life. Do you consider yourself success driven? Whether it is graduating from high school or college, finding the career of your dreams, buying your first home, getting married or starting a family; the feeling of success brings happiness to your life every time. If you’re honest, you will agree that everyone strives to be successful at one point or another throughout life. Unfortunately, life has a way of placing roadblocks in our path which makes it even harder to achieve success along our journey. Today, I want to talk about what is needed to be success driven.
When I think of someone being success driven, I think of an individual that is not afraid of following these necessary steps throughout life:
• Step 1 – Make a commitment to yourself to become success driven.
• Step 2 – Set some realistic goals for yourself and write them down.
• Step 3 – Make a plan to meet your goals and revisit your plan often.
• Step 4 – Put your plan to work by focusing on tasks that will help you achieve your goals.
As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you the first time around. – Oprah Winfrey
Here’s some healthy habits to add to your daily routine:
• Set goals and make a plan to achieve your goals.
• Never stop researching and learning.
• Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.
• Surround yourself around successful people.
• Wake up early and plan for a productive day.
• Strive to be an inspiration to others.
Success isn’t about how your life looks to others. It’s about how it feels to you. – Michelle Obama
Here’s the qualities of an over achiever:
• Motivation – You must have some level of motivation. What is motivation? Motivation is the force which drives you to take action.
• Commitment – You must be willing to make a commitment. What is commitment? Commitment is simply giving your heart and soul to completing your objective, and really caring about the outcome.
• Determination – You must have self-determination. What is determination? Determination is the quality of resoluteness to achieving your objectives. To be determined means that you have decided to achieve a goal and will not waver until you achieve the goal.
• Persistence – You must show persistence throughout life. What is persistence? Persistence is the quality of remaining resolute to your goals while you are in the process of bringing them to reality.
• Discipline – Your must have the will power to remain disciplined in all facets of life. What is discipline? Discipline is the quality of self-mastery that allows you to make progress on your goal even though something inside you want to quit.
Here’s some valuable qualities to incorporate into your lives that will put you on track to reach your goals:
• Be positive, kind and optimistic
• Be patient with yourself and with others
• Be resilient
• Be adaptable and ready to learn
• Be authentic
• Be truthful
• Challenge yourself often
• Be thoughtful and have a grateful heart
• Live your dreams
• Remain calm and humble
Along the way, while living our best life, mistakes happen and problems arise from time to time. When temporary setbacks occur in life always remember to:
• Embrace Failure – During this journey called life, it’s important to understand that we may fail. Remember, it’s not about how you fall, but it’s about how you get up and how you learn from your mistakes.
• Have Purpose – If you don’t have purpose in life, you will not succeed. You have to find out the reason you’re preparing yourself and working hard to achieve your goals.
• Practice Reliability – It’s important to be a person of your word. Simply put, successful people are reliable. Believe it or not, people will take notice and opportunities will come your way so be ready.
The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles. Remember, it’s important to know that it will not always be easy throughout the process, but never give up. Change your mindset, be faithful, and stay the course until you receive the positive benefits of reaching the top. Since we all are different, our definitions of being success driven may vary from person to person. Allow yourself to be creative and open minded. After all, we were put on this Earth for a purpose that is much greater that we are, right?

Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. – Tim Fargo
• What’s your biggest dream?
• What’s your goal(s) for the next month?
• What is your vision for the next year?
• Where do you want to be in 5 years?
• What are you struggling with at the moment?
• What would you like to change in your daily routine?
• What old habit do you want to eliminate from your life?
• What good habit do you want to develop?
• What’s holding you back from being success driven?
• What’s the hardest challenge you have overcome?
Let’s talk. Do you consider yourself success driven? Why or why not?
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Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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