7 Simple Steps To Improve Self-Control

7 Simple Steps To Improve Self-Control

Renew Inspiration, Improve Self-Control, Goals
Renew Inspiration

Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. – James Allen

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s start August with a new way of thinking and make a plan to set some new goals. For example, self-improvement goals are always a great choice. Who doesn’t want to improve their life in some way or another, right? I would love to start this month’s discussion on learning how to improve self-control. Did you know that research has shown that possessing self-control can be important for your overall health and well-being? Believe it or not, it’s important to require some level of self-control if you plan to:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose weight
  • Eat healthier
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Give up unhealthy habits
  • Save money
  • Maintain healthy relationships
  • Learn how to create a healthy work/life balance

This list can go on and on, but we’re going to move right into the definitions so we can have a clear understanding of what self-control really is.


If you learn self-control, you can master anything. – Unknown Author

When ever I decide to write about a topic, I spend a lot of time understanding the definitions and any words that are related to the topic. So, let’s get started.

Self-control (noun) can be defined as:

The ability to regulate and alter your responses in order to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals.

Here’s some words that come to mind when you think about self-control:

  • Discipline (noun) – the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. (control) (regulation)
  • Determination (noun) – firmness of purpose; resoluteness. (resolution)(resolve)
  • Grit (noun) – courage and resolve; strength of character. (courage)
  • Willpower (noun) – control exerted to do something or restrain impulses. (determination)
  • Fortitude (noun) – courage in pain or adversity. (courage)(bravery)
Renew Inspiration, Improve Self Control
Renew Inspiration


Mastering self-control, the act of restraining one’s emotions is the true key to success. – Timothy Pina

Now, that we have a better understanding of what self-control is, it’s time to discuss the 7 simple steps to improve self-control in your life. Improving self-control has a lot to do with knowing who you are and understanding your personal interests as well as your own thought patterns.

Here’s 7 simple steps to improve self-control in your life:

#1 – Know Your True Self

When working to make any sort of change in your life, it’s important to know your true self. Begin to dig deep down inside and find out why you want to change in the first place. The best way to do this is to set aside quiet time for yourself every day to pray, meditate, and to recite positive mantras/affirmations.

#2 – Reconcile Your Past & Forgive Yourself

Even though we’ve all experienced hurt and pain in our past, it doesn’t mean we have to live with it in our present life. You’ll never know your true peace until you let go of feelings, such as insecurity, guilt, anger, and shame. Then, forgive yourself for past mistakes you’ve made and focus on the present.

#3 – Prioritize Your Life

In order to prioritize your life, you must have a written record of what’s important for you on a daily basis. Create a daily to-do list with your top 3 to 5 things that you want to get done. Always use this list as a guide, but also be flexible with yourself if you need to make changes throughout the day.

#4 – Remove Temptation

Removing temptation from your life is easier said than done. However, it’s an important step to making self-control a reality. When you remove temptation from your presence, you set yourself up for success by managing yourself and your surroundings.

#5 – Manage Stressful Situations

Learning how to manage stress in healthy ways ensures you have the positive energy to keep pressing forward during life’s most challenging times. Let’s face it, situations in our lives cause us to feel stress sometimes, but we have to learn how to not react in a negative way. Take a quick break and go walk outside.

#6 – Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is probably the fastest way to see ourselves through the eyes of others. You will learn how to observe the finer details in life and live in the present moment. You will gain a greater appreciation for not only yourself, but for those who are around you. Compliment others and notice the difference it makes in the moment.

#7 – Measure Your Progress

Like anything in life, it’s important to measure your progress. This will keep you focused on your goals, allow you to become an expert on your own behavior, and it makes habits less difficult to change. You can keep a journal or invest in a smart watch/phone to track your progress for various goals.

Believe in yourself, be patient, and always show yourself compassion. Be mindful of how you affect yourself with your daily choices, and you will be inspired to improve your self-control.  My challenge for you today is to gain greater self-control by setting realistic goals for yourself. Then, determine what works and don’t work for you. Make the necessary adjustments and you’ll be on your way to conquering the concept of self-control.

***Click here to receive your free 12 Growth Mindset Mantras***


If you lose self-control everything will fall. – John Wooden

Positive affirmations will help you to change your way of thinking and broaden your opportunities to receive great things. Consistency is key. Recite these positive affirmations each day until you honestly believe what you’re saying. This process is not as easy as it sounds, but it can be life changing.


  • I am brave, bold, and beautiful.
  • I am worthy to receive greatness.
  • I am free of worry and regret.
  • I am becoming more confident every day.
  • I am grateful for all that I have.


  • I will stay positive and work on a solution to my problem.
  • I will not let my thoughts control the way I feel.
  • I will not give in to sadness.
  • I will never, ever give up on my dreams and goals.
  • I will allow myself to be happy no matter what.


  • My life is great with all the positive and negative things in it.
  • My thoughts become my reality.
  • My gifts and talents are unique to me.
  • My possibilities are endless.
  • My past has shaped me into something wonderful.


The main factor behind success is self-control. – Rig Veda

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  • Do you find yourself struggling with self-control often? Why or why not?
  • What are your short-term and long-term goals for your life?
  • How have you been getting in the way of achieving of your goals?
  • What are some of your life lessons and what have you learned from them?
  • What inspires you to improve overall life and self-control?


Self-control is not an easy task to master in life. Do you plan to improve your self-control? Why or why not? How can you use positive affirmations or journal prompts to improve your self-control? What would it take for you to include reciting positive affirmation and/or writing in your journal every day? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journaling for Self-Improvement

Journaling for Self-Improvement

Journaling, Self-Improvement, Journaling Benefits, Self-Reflection Benefits, Creating Healthy Habits, Positive Affirmations, Journal Prompts, Time to Share

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection. – Mark Twain

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – I take time to reflect on my amazing life, then write in my journal.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Getting started with journaling can be frustrating for some people, but also can be life changing for others. When doing anything in life, having a personal and well-defined purpose will encourage you to stick to it.

Here’s some questions you can ask yourself:

• Do you want to journal to relieve stress and anxiety?
• Do you want to deal with a childhood trauma?
• Do you want to journal to a new you for 2020?
• Do you want to journal for self-improvement?

Whatever your reason, the results will be the same. Once you begin the journaling process, you’ll become wiser, more enlightened, and all-around better version of yourself.



I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. – Maya Angelou

To begin with, journaling allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement and growth over time. By regularly recording your thoughts you will gain insight into your behaviors and moods. In addition, journaling has been proven to improve not only mental and physical health, but it has increased self-esteem in some people as well.

In addition, journaling benefits can help you:

• Clarify your thoughts and feelings

• Know yourself better

• Reduce stress

• Solve problems more effectively

• Resolve disagreements with others

Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Be honest with yourself and be willing to feel the words within your soul. If you allow yourself to escape for a moment, you may free yourself from emotional bondage.



Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away. – Barbara DeAngeles

Moreover, journaling and self-reflection goes hand in hand. Self-reflection can be defined as meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions and motives. Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things, then better yourself throughout the process.

Here’s some other benefits of self-reflection:

• Self-reflection allows you to notice negative patterns in your life. Consider alternate approaches to your situation(s) and begin to move away from the stressors altogether.

• Self-reflection keeps you focused on the bigger picture. Identify a clear vision of where you want to see yourself in the future. Write it down and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish.

• Self-reflection prevents you from worrying about things out of your control. Instead, direct your energy toward things you can absolutely improve within your life.

• Self-reflection helps you face your fears. Recognize and admit your fears to yourself and eventually learn how to handle them.

• Self-reflection allows you to clearly define happiness on your own terms. When are you most happy? Who do you most enjoy spending time with? What accomplishments are you most proud of and why? By recognizing the positive life events, you can apply your knowledge to future goals and endeavors.

Keep in mind, self-reflection is an incredible gift so please embrace it every day. It can make our journey through life more peaceful if you allow it to. In the mirror we find a reflection of our appearance, but in the heart, we find a reflection of our soul.



Create healthy habits, not restrictions. – Unknown Author

Now, we know more about the benefits of journaling and self-reflection, it’s time to learn why creating healthy habits are so important for self-improvement.

Well, it is that time of the year when a lot of people set new goals or resolutions to create healthy habits for the new year. People set out with the best intentions but often times fail to keep the momentum throughout the year for various reasons.

Please keep these important tips in mind when creating healthy habits:

• Start with a realistic, small and attainable goal.

• Work it into your schedule and write it down like any other appointment.

• Track your progress in a journal or online.

• Figure out strategies to overcome what might hold you back.

• Enlist a friend to work on the goal with you.

• Reward yourself for small victories.

• Forgive yourself if you slip up and keep trying. Giving up is not an option.

• Use triggers to your advantage. For example, meditate before bed time every night or lay out your workout clothes every morning before you leave for work.

Remember, when you start to create healthy habits your enthusiasm is high, and you’re motivated to see positive changes within your life. Be patient and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way. Our greatest capacity to have influence over our health is with creating healthy habits.



The key to success is to start before you are ready. – Marie Forleo

Positive affirmations are one of the tools I’ve been using to focus more on self-improvement, believing in myself, and being my own inspiration along my journey. I know that my best is yet to come. I believe in myself and trust in my abilities to succeed in all I do.

Here’s a few positive affirmations to help you boost your self-improvement:

• Today is going to be a great day.

• I choose to be happy and to love myself today.

• I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and choices.

• I have the power to create change.

• I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

• My possibilities are endless.

Every day you wake up begin to speak positive affirmations into your life. Words are powerful and if spoken daily, will change your life forever. As we look ahead to 2020, we’ve got gratitude on our minds. Continue to focus on your healthy living and fitness journey. I wish you a new year filled with joy, peace, hope, love, family, friends and laughter! Don’t procrastinate any longer. Get a journal and start journaling for self-improvement.


Everything you’ve ever wanted, is one step outside your comfort zone. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!


• What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?

• What takes your mind away from positive thoughts? Peaceful thoughts?

• What is one thing I can do this week to improve my meditation time?


• What is happening in my body right now?

• How can I honor my body on today?

• Does your self-care need improvement? How would you improve it?


• What am I grateful for and why?

• What do I need to be free from and surrender to God?

• How much you are trusting God with your life right now?


You become what you believe. – Oprah Winfrey

Let’s talk. Do you plan to start journaling for self-improvement? How often do you write in your journal? What healthy habits do you plan to create for 2020? Have you included positive affirmations in your daily routine? Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Fall Back in a Healthy Way

Fall Back in a Healthy Way

Fall Back, Healthy Way, Renew Inspiration, Autumn, Set Goals, Stay Motivated, Be Productive, Mindset, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts

Don’t just focus on weight loss, focus on living your life in a healthy way. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I want to talk about a very important topic that we experience every year. On the first Sunday of November, our clocks will move back an hour at 2 a.m., and we will gain an hour of sleep as we “fall back” as Daylight- Saving Time officially ends. Unfortunately, that extra hour of rest will come at a cost to our daily routines.


For those of us who live in cooler climates like Michigan, the end of Daylight-Saving Time reminds us that we will:

• Sleep one extra hour each day, but still feel tired.
• Feel the chilly winds very soon.
• Pull out our sweaters and jackets.
• Have less daylight in the evening hours.
• Stay indoors a lot more due to the weather and darkness.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Purchase this item to improve your healthy journey.


The secret to living well is – eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure. – Tibetan Proverb

However, for many people, the end of Daylight-Saving time may increase cases of depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), cluster headaches, and other health concerns, such as drowsiness and irritability. Even though there’s nothing you can do to fully compensate for the sudden time change, it’s important to make this experience as healthy as you can.

Here’s some tips to fall back in a healthy way:

Advance Preparation for the fall time change. Move your clock backwards on Saturday night and think about readjusting your bed time to better align with the time change.

Don’t stay up later. Be sure to go to bed on time. Allow your body to readjust to the time change in a healthy way.

Limit all alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine on the Saturday before. These items can impact your ability to fall asleep and they can also trigger headaches.

Get a lot of sunshine. Go outside and get a lot of sunshine. If it’s too cold, open your blinds. Try to go for walks during the day to help boost your mood and energy.

Exercise daily. Mild exercise, such as walking can help keep you from crashing on the couch after work.

Ditch the naps. Although a power nap during the day is tempting, don’t do it. If you get tired, get up and take a walk or do a vigorous exercise routine.

Resist sleeping in. Do not sleep in. Get up like you normally do. It’s important to jump right into your daily routine.

Adjust lighting. Adjusting the amount of light and dark in your home/office can help make the transition less difficult.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 2 – Purchase this item to learn more about setting goals.


A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. – Arthur Golden

Now, it’s time to focus on what really matters, right? Not the time change, but life, family, careers, households, hobbies, etc. Whether you are trying to focus on some personal goals for yourself or trying to pursue a new career, it’s important to set goals, stay motivated, be productive, and change your mindset.

Set Goals

• Evaluate your current situation – What do you want to change?
• Determine your goals – What do you want to improve?
• Write down your goals and revisit your goals daily
• Write down a plan to reach your goals
• Establish a reward system when you reach milestones
• Check your progress and readjust your goals as necessary

Stay Motivated

• Recite positive affirmations and quotes
• Read inspirational and motivational books
• Pick a healthy habit to work on daily
• Join a supportive group to receive encouragement and feedback
• Determine weaknesses and strengths
• Think positive and remind yourself of your goals
• Track your progress throughout the week

Be Productive

• Strive for consistency while working on projects
• Observe how you plan your days – Use a daily To-Do List
• Define your priorities – What’s important to you?
• Have a positive mindset daily
• Define your focus

Change Your Mindset

• Positive thoughts equal positive outcomes
• Admit that your thinking needs to be adjusted
• Seek positive support from family, friends, support groups
• Immerse yourself in personal growth – Read inspirational books or listen to positive speakers
• Forward thinking will move your focus away from where you don’t want to be to where could be

I hope these tips will help you approach the upcoming Daylight-Saving Time in a more positive way.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Purchase this item to improve your journaling skills.


Nothing looks as good as healthy feels. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Ready, set, write!

• Write down everything in life that gives you pleasure or joy.
• What in my life makes me feel alive and energized?
• What are your successes and struggles?
• How can I love myself on today?
• What can I do to take better care of myself?

• Today, I can honor my body by ___________________________.
• Dear body, I love you because ______________________.
• When I look in the mirror, I feel ____________________.
• How do I connect food with my body?
• What are my fitness goals?

• What do I need more of in my life?
• What words do I wish someone would say to me right now?
• How can I give that to myself today…this week…this month…this year?
• What is my vision for the next 3 months?
• List 5 to 7 new habits you’d like to adapt in the new year.

AMAZON RESOURCE #4 – Purchase this item to enhance your mind, body & spirit.


Focus on your health. Not your weight. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Are you prepared for the end of Daylight-Saving Time? If not, how do you plan to prepare yourself? What is one thing you need to change in your life right now in this very moment? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

Women's Health, Exercise, Well-Being, Fitness

You are capable of your healthiest and happiest life. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – The body achieves what the mind believes.

Women's Health, Fitness, Exercise
National Women’s Health and Fitness Day 2019

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today is a great day for women everywhere. Did you know that women all over the world is celebrating National Women’s Health and Fitness Day today? Well, I have to be honest, I did not know until I was doing some research online. National Women’s Health and Fitness Day is the nation’s largest annual health promotion event for women of all ages. This wonderful day has been observed the last Wednesday of September since 2002.

What better way to celebrate and honor women that to write an inspirational blog post, right? I not only wanted to bring awareness to this special day, but also provide some ways that you can participate today, tomorrow, and forever!

Across the country, an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 women of all ages plan to participate in health and fitness events in places, such as:

• Senior Centers
• Hospitals
• Health Clubs
• Schools
• Retirement Communities
• Houses of Worship
• Park and Recreation Centers
• Local Health and Service Organizations

The goal of this national event is to encourage women to take control of their health, to learn the facts they need to make smart choices, and to make time for regular physical activity throughout their personal journey.



It’s never too early or too late to work toward being the healthiest you. – Unknown Author

Take a moment and visualize your life as you want it to be. Go to a quiet, private environment for 15 minutes every day where you can close your eyes and imagine your body, environment, relationships, and life in ways that please you. Always remember, what has been has nothing to do with what will be, and what others experience has nothing to do with your experience. This is the moment where you must find a way to separate yourself from all of the past and from the others in order to be what you want to be. Then, you will be able to embrace your personal journey one step at a time.

Believe it or not, you have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you. Do you believe this? Sometimes you have to be your own hero. Do you have the courage to do so? Just because you are struggling throughout your personal journey does not mean you are failing. Keep believing and the good things will happen. Always remember the one who falls and gets back up is so much stronger than the one who never fell at all. Your purpose is to fully be all that you are. Now, think about that for a moment. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself with confidence – I BELIEVE IN THE PERSON I’M BECOMING!

Positive Mantra – Positive Mind + Positive Vibes = Positive Life

Make your own happiness and peace of mind a priority. Be more positive, be happier, think positive & find greater success by doing the following:

• Write yourself a love letter.
• Learn something new from someone today.
• Choose a positive mantra and repeat it throughout the day.
• Keep good on promises to yourself and continue to work towards your goals.



Don’t let the scale define you. Be active. Eat healthy. Be happy. – Unknown Author

Walking for fitness is such a great way to get in your exercise. Depending on the weather, you can walk outdoors around your neighborhood or you can visit your local park to walk through the nature trail. Well, in Michigan the weather can be somewhat tricky, especially in the winter, so I choose to do my walk workouts in the comfort of my own home. One good thing that I have found, is when you choose to walk for fitness, you are in control of how fast you move or when it is important for you to slow down and rest. Remember, a consistent, moderate pace offers good cardiovascular benefits, but interval training delivers those gains sooner and in a shorter workout. Also, there is no wrong or right way to do a walk workout, just get up and start walking for fitness!

Here’s some additional health benefits when walking for fitness:

• Boosting your spirits and creativity

• Helping to clear your mind

• Protecting you from heart disease

• Lowering the rate of weight gain

• Strengthening your memory

• Decreasing your risk from some cancers

Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s start WALKING for better health and fitness!



Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement.

Now, take a few minutes every day to pour out your soul. Be open and honest. Set goals, make plans to achieve them, and check your progress throughout the process. Ready, set, write!

Close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Then, use these helpful journal prompts to help you improve your health and fitness levels:

• What did you achieve today?

• What can you do right now to lift your mood?

• Define 3 things you can do to improve yourself.

• Describe a time when you had to make a really hard choice.

• Right now, my greatest challenge is _______________.

• My greatest qualities are _________________.

• What is most important in your life?



Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Do you like what you see in the mirror? What kind of healthy habits do you plan to start? How do you plan to increase your fitness levels? How do you plan to celebrate today? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Success Driven

Success Driven

Success Driven, Renew Inspiration

Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it. – Maya Angelou

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Well, I have to be honest. I don’t know anyone who would not want to experience some level of success in their life at some point or another. Now, take a moment to think about your life. Do you consider yourself success driven? Whether it is graduating from high school or college, finding the career of your dreams, buying your first home, getting married or starting a family; the feeling of success brings happiness to your life every time. If you’re honest, you will agree that everyone strives to be successful at one point or another throughout life. Unfortunately, life has a way of placing roadblocks in our path which makes it even harder to achieve success along our journey. Today, I want to talk about what is needed to be success driven.

When I think of someone being success driven, I think of an individual that is not afraid of following these necessary steps throughout life:

• Step 1 – Make a commitment to yourself to become success driven.

• Step 2 – Set some realistic goals for yourself and write them down.

• Step 3 – Make a plan to meet your goals and revisit your plan often.

• Step 4 – Put your plan to work by focusing on tasks that will help you achieve your goals.

As you become more clear about who you really are, you’ll be better able to decide what is best for you the first time around. – Oprah Winfrey


Here’s some healthy habits to add to your daily routine:

• Set goals and make a plan to achieve your goals.

• Never stop researching and learning.

• Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.

• Surround yourself around successful people.

• Wake up early and plan for a productive day.

• Strive to be an inspiration to others.

Success isn’t about how your life looks to others. It’s about how it feels to you. – Michelle Obama


Here’s the qualities of an over achiever:

• Motivation – You must have some level of motivation. What is motivation? Motivation is the force which drives you to take action.

• Commitment – You must be willing to make a commitment. What is commitment? Commitment is simply giving your heart and soul to completing your objective, and really caring about the outcome.

• Determination – You must have self-determination. What is determination? Determination is the quality of resoluteness to achieving your objectives. To be determined means that you have decided to achieve a goal and will not waver until you achieve the goal.

• Persistence – You must show persistence throughout life. What is persistence? Persistence is the quality of remaining resolute to your goals while you are in the process of bringing them to reality.

• Discipline – Your must have the will power to remain disciplined in all facets of life. What is discipline? Discipline is the quality of self-mastery that allows you to make progress on your goal even though something inside you want to quit.


Here’s some valuable qualities to incorporate into your lives that will put you on track to reach your goals:

• Be positive, kind and optimistic

• Be patient with yourself and with others

• Be resilient

• Be adaptable and ready to learn

• Be authentic

• Be truthful

• Challenge yourself often

• Be thoughtful and have a grateful heart

• Live your dreams

• Remain calm and humble
Along the way, while living our best life, mistakes happen and problems arise from time to time. When temporary setbacks occur in life always remember to:

• Embrace Failure – During this journey called life, it’s important to understand that we may fail. Remember, it’s not about how you fall, but it’s about how you get up and how you learn from your mistakes.

• Have Purpose – If you don’t have purpose in life, you will not succeed. You have to find out the reason you’re preparing yourself and working hard to achieve your goals.

• Practice Reliability – It’s important to be a person of your word. Simply put, successful people are reliable. Believe it or not, people will take notice and opportunities will come your way so be ready.
The key to success is to focus on goals, not obstacles. Remember, it’s important to know that it will not always be easy throughout the process, but never give up. Change your mindset, be faithful, and stay the course until you receive the positive benefits of reaching the top. Since we all are different, our definitions of being success driven may vary from person to person. Allow yourself to be creative and open minded. After all, we were put on this Earth for a purpose that is much greater that we are, right?

Success Drive, Renew Inspiration, Flower


Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today. – Tim Fargo

• What’s your biggest dream?

• What’s your goal(s) for the next month?

• What is your vision for the next year?

• Where do you want to be in 5 years?

• What are you struggling with at the moment?

• What would you like to change in your daily routine?

• What old habit do you want to eliminate from your life?

• What good habit do you want to develop?

• What’s holding you back from being success driven?

• What’s the hardest challenge you have overcome?


Let’s talk. Do you consider yourself success driven? Why or why not?

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Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Keep Life Simple

Keep Life Simple

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The simpler my life, the happier I become.

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Thought for the weekA simple life is a beautiful life.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Keep Life Simple”? Well, I strive to keep life simple every day. Remember, to keep a simple life may not be easy. Some of the simplest things to do are often the most difficult. Sometimes we need to just STOP everything and take a break. Let loose, slow down, and unwind. Turn inward and rethink about your life. Ask yourself hard questions and connect to your inner voice. In order to live better, simple lives, we need to create a safe space to breathe, and to think.


Be kind, be happy, be peaceful, live well.

Be Present – Live in the moment. Be aware of everything that you’re doing, feeling, and telling yourself. Learn to fight through it. Learn to stop making excuses every time your body feels discomfort. Learn to do this with everything that you do.

Don’t Expect Too Much – There may be times where something may not go your way. It seems like there’s something missing. Take time to expect the worst, the best, and at the same time, nothing at all.

Be Kind – It takes less energy to be kind to those people who are around you.

Redefine Everything In Your Life – It’s important to define what matters most in your life. What makes you happy? What does success really mean to you? The American Dream philosophy may not work for you (college, good paying job, nice car, 6-pack abs, etc.), but it may work for someone else.

Do You – Stop focusing and worrying about how other people live their life. Life will become a whole lot better when you learn to shut out the outside noise, and focus on the most important noise inside your own mind.

Cultivate Morning Rituals – Practicing a morning ritual can help you create a positive mood and increase energy for the day. It’s a great opportunity to take care of your body and mind, and start the day with a healthy breakfast, some stretching or light exercise, a warm bubble bath, prayer and meditation, or planning your day by writing down the three most important things you need to do today.


Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

Meditate – Practicing daily meditation will help to increase focus, better memory, and emotional resilience. Also, meditation has a positive effect in treating anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking, and hostility.

Exercise Regularly – Exercise helps is essential for a happy and productive life. Our bodies were made to move throughout the day. Get up and go for a walk. Stretch while at your desk.

Eat Better and Healthier – The foods/drinks that you put into your body not only affects your health, but also your attitude and mood. Drink more water, increase whole grains, increase vegetables, decrease sugar and junk food.

Sleep More – Sleep is needed for restoring energy and emotional well-being. Sleep is essential for learning and memory, metabolism and weight, and to improve your mood.

Keep a Journal – Some people like using paper journals and others like using apps. How much and how often to write is up to you. Write about random creative ideas that come to you, things you are grateful for, your goals and aspirations, internal stuff that you need to process better, foods you eat, and other habits you are building or breaking.

Practice Smiling – Smiling is healthy and also improves your well-being. Believe it or not, smiling makes you live longer, look more attractive, and be more productive at work.

Write Down Goals – Take a moment and write down your three most important long-term goals in life. Are they translated into short-term goals and present actions for you? This process will highly increase the likelihood of you creating the simple life you want.

Nurturing Close Relationships – Nurturing meaningful and close relationships will bring you much more happiness and satisfaction in life.

Spend Time in Nature – Spending time in nature, even a 20-minute walk in the park, can improve your happiness and overall well-being. It also helps to increase your exercise and concentration.

Believe it or not, you can improve your productivity while keeping life simple.


Inhale the future, exhale the past.

Tip 1 – Don’t watch a lot of TV in your spare time.

Tip 2 – Identify all the distractions in your life and eliminate them.

Tip 3 – Schedule time to spend on your social media accounts and stick to it.

Tip 4 – If you attend or schedule meetings, keep it short and simple.

Tip 5 – Exercise your craft daily, whatever it may be.


Life is joyfully simple. Let’s keep it that way. – Paul Jun

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track.

• How can I simplify my life in little ways?

• What are my priorities in life?

• What is on my mind right now, in this very moment?

• What do I need to let go of to make my life better?

• What is a short-term goal I’m confident I can achieve?

• Replace entertainment for prayer time for one day and write about it.

• Write about an experience where you heard God’s voice.

• Describe what God’s presence feels like.

• What is my favorite part of my daily routine?

• What am I most looking forward to this week?

• I am incredibly grateful for ____________________.

• When I am alone I love to ____________________.
My prayer for you today is that you will make your life a priority and choose to keep life simple. Focus on the things and people that help you grow as a person. Be productive throughout your day. Include time to learn, read, write, gain experience from others, share your thoughts and feelings with others, etc. Remember, your success is found in your daily routine so make a plan and stick to your plan. If it doesn’t seem to be working for you, re-evaluate your plan and make the necessary changes.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com, Target.com, Bluehost.com and WordPress.com

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Getting Organized

Getting Organized

Getting Organized, Renew Inspiration, Flower

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Getting organized is a sign of self-respect. – Gabrielle Bernstein

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration and Happy New Year! Let’s get organized in 2019. Did you know that the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine? If you take the time to organize and commit to your daily routine, you will become happier, successful and strive to keep and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now, let’s define a healthy lifestyle as a process and a personal journey created by focusing on various healthy choices or habits each day.

When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and good, orderly direction to enter. – Julia Cameron

Remember, this process is personal so think about what you want different in your life or how you want to change your current situation. Then, build your healthy choices or habits on a strong foundation (your goals, beliefs and values). In addition, take time to learn more about your life, nutrition, fitness, spiritual-being to help you become a better version of you in 2019. Have fun and make the best of it!

Getting Organized, Renew Inspiration, Desk, Work Area, Writing


For me, a calm house equals a calm heart, equals a calm life. – Erica Layne

Let’s start with getting our house organized. A cluttered home can drain your energy and have you living in a chaotic state of mind. Take a moment from your busy schedule and go to every room in your house to place everything in its correct place. You may need to create a new space for some things as well to become more organized.

Here’s some organization suggestions:

• Toss old or broken items in the trash.

• Donate slightly used items to your local charity.

• Store, sort and label items for easy access.

• Clean, organize and purge your desk/work/closet areas.

For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. – Benjamin Franklin

Do you find yourself constantly rushing through your day or forgetting things? If so, you need to focus on organizing your time. Getting organized and proper time management can impact your life in a positive way and help you cross things off your daily to-do list.

Here’s some organization and time management suggestions:

• Use one calendar or planner to manage your daily activities.

• Don’t overbook yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no sometimes.

• Use a daily to-do list as a quick checklist and make necessary adjustments.

• Schedule in “ME” time or time to just relax just like any other appointment.


When we throw out the physical clutter, we clear our minds. When we throw out the mental clutter, we clear our souls. – Gail Blanke

Here’s some positive ways to organize your mind throughout this process:

• Think Positive – read inspirational quotes or positive affirmations daily

• Spend Time in Meditation – quiet your mind, calm your spirit throughout your day

• Set Personal Goals throughout the process.

• Track Progress of your personal goals throughout the process.

• Keep a Personal Journal or Blog capturing your thoughts and feelings.


Organization isn’t about perfection, it’s about efficiency, reducing stress & clutter, saving time & money & improving your overall quality of life. – Christina Scalise

Here’s some positive ways to organize your body throughout this process:

• Schedule “ME” time often.

• Practice Self-Care activities, such as haircut, manicure, pedicure, facial, warm bath, etc.

• Create a Daily Ritual. For example, reading before bedtime or exercising in the morning.

• Exercise Daily, no exceptions.

• Planning and Cooking Healthy Meals.

• Schedule Time to Relax. For example, read a good book, dance, write or family outings.


Seek God first. Everything else will fall into place. – Unknown Author

One of the tactics the enemy uses against believers is to keep us disorganized and feeling scattered throughout life. The enemy wants to replace our godly priorities with worldly distractions.

To avoid feeling disconnected from God, you should do the following:

• Read and Study Scriptures Daily – sacrifice time to read and study scriptures

• Hide Scriptures in your Heart – know scriptures so you can speak to your situation

• Keep a Journal – scriptures, prayers, thoughts or feelings, notes from scriptures or books

• Pray and Meditate – be in constant communication with God

• Listen to the Holy Spirit – stay connected with God so you can hear His voice


Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year. – Unknown Author

Take time daily to repeat these positive affirmations:

• I am whole, feel complete and I continue to believe in me.

• I acknowledge my own self-worth and my confidence is soaring.

• I can do anything I put my mind to.

• I give myself permission to make choices.

• I deserve love, compassion and empathy.

• I honor my commitments to myself.

• I choose to be happy and positive each day.

• I am open and ready to learn.

• I have the power to make all my dreams come true.

• I am free of worry and am at peace with who I am.

Getting Organized, Renew Inspiration, Journal Prompts


A little progress each day adds up to big results. – Unknown Author

• What is your vision for 2019 and beyond?

• What is your priority for the next week? month?

• What did you do today that helped you get organized?

• What are you struggling with at the moment?

• What would you like to change your daily routine?

• What’s holding you back from improving your lifestyle?

• Write about someone who inspires you and why.

• Write about your favorite way to recharge your energy levels.

• Write about what’s on your mind right now.

So, the best way to get things organized in your life is to simply begin. It’s important to remember that getting organized is your personal journey. Your personal roadmap to a successful and prosperous life.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Target.com, Bluehost.com and WordPress.com

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Shifting Your Mindset

Shifting Your Mindset

Shifting, Mindset, Reflection, Healthy, Habits, Vision Board, Resolutions

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

You don’t need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset. – Hazel Hira Ozbek

Special Thought – Life is only as good as your mindset.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I cannot believe it is two days before Christmas and 9 days before the new year. Time really flies when you’re having fun, right? I want to spend some time discussing a very important concept called – Shifting Your Mindset. Honestly, I feel it is necessary to not only shift your mindset, but also you should evaluate your life from time to time. It is important to use positive activities, such as practicing self-reflection, creating healthy habits, or maybe even preparing a vision board for the upcoming year.

Shifting, Mindset, Reflections


Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away. – Barbara DeAngeles

Self-reflection can be defined as meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions and motives. Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things, then better yourself throughout the process.

• Self-reflection allows you to notice negative patterns in your life. Consider alternate approaches to your situation(s) and begin to move away from the stressors altogether.

• Self-reflection keeps you focused on the bigger picture. Identify a clear vision of where you want to see yourself in the future. Write it down and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish.

• Self-reflection prevents you from worrying about things out of your control. Instead, direct your energy toward things you can absolutely improve within your life.

• Self-reflection helps you face your fears. Recognize and admit your fears to yourself and eventually learn how to handle them.

• Self-reflection allows you to clearly define happiness on your own terms. When are you most happy? Who do you most enjoy spending time with? What accomplishments are you most proud of and why? By recognizing the positive life events, you can apply your knowledge to future goals and endeavors.

Keep in mind, self-reflection is an incredible gift so please embrace it every day. Meditation can make our journey through life more peaceful if you allow it to. In the mirror we find a reflection of our appearance, but in the heart, we find a reflection of our soul.

Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted – it is an intimate date with yourself. – Paul TP Wong


Create healthy habits, not restrictions. – Unknown Author

Well, it is that time of the year when a lot of people set new goals or resolutions to create healthy habits for the new year. People set out with the best intentions but often times fail to keep the momentum throughout the year for various reasons.

Please keep these important tips in mind when creating healthy habits:

• Start with a realistic, small and attainable goal.

• Work it into your schedule and write it down like any other appointment.

• Track your progress in a journal or online.

• Figure out strategies to overcome what might hold you back.

• Enlist a friend to work on the goal with you.

• Reward yourself for small victories.

• Forgive yourself if you slip up and keep trying. Giving up is not an option.

• Use triggers to your advantage. For example, meditate before bed time every night or lay out your workout clothes every morning before you leave for work.

Remember, when you start to create healthy habits your enthusiasm is high, and you’re motivated to see positive changes within your life. Be patient and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way. Our greatest capacity to have influence over our health is with creating healthy habits.

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. – Unknown Author

Shifting, Mindset, Vision Board


Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe. – Oprah Winfrey

Have you ever created a vision board for yourself or your family? If not, what better time to think about creating one. A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals/dreams. By placing visual representations of your goals into one space, you can easily visualize them frequently.

Follow these important tips to create an awesome and inspiring vision board:

• Create a list of goals you’d like to achieve in the next year. In order to visualize your goals, first you need to know what they are. What do you want your ideal life to look like?

• Collect a bundle of old magazines with beautiful pictures. Our local library sells older magazines for $0.25 or ask your family/friends.

• Find pictures that represent your goals and inspire you. Focus on how the images make you feel.

• Make a collage out of your photos. Once you have collected enough photos, it’s time to make your vision board.

• Add motivational “affirmation words” that represent how you want to feel. For example, I want to feel joyful, powerful, fearless, loved, strong, healthy, loving and financially free.

• Take a few moments to contemplate your vision board every day. Place your vision board somewhere you can see it every day. Then, make time to look at it once or twice a day.

Don’t forget to write down when you created your vision board. It’s a good idea to create a new vision board each year. As you continue to grow, evolve and expand, your dreams/goals will too. Now, let’s reflect on the concept shifting your mindset for a moment. Hold your vision board in your hands and really internalize the future it represents. Read your daily affirmations and inspirational words aloud. Feel yourself in the future you have designed. Believe it is already yours. Be grateful for the good that is already present in your life. Acknowledge any goals you have already achieved and acknowledge the presence of God in your life.

If you don’t have a vision, you’re going to be stuck in what you know, and the only thing you know is what you’ve already seen. – Iyanla Vanzant

time, watch, book, past, flower, future, present


Your deepest struggle can, if you’re willing and open, produce your greatest strength. – Oprah Winfrey

• On a scale 1 – 10 my mental health is a ___________ because ___________________.

• What is happening in your mind right now? in your body? in your spirit?

• What does my vision for tomorrow look like? for 2019?

• What are the best choices I have made in life so far?

• What is one of life’s little pleasures that I appreciate?

• What challenged you today?

• What is something I need to be free from and surrender to God?

• Write about an area of your life you need more support in right now.

• Write about a goal or area of your life you need to be more committed to.

• List some new healthy habits you’d like to adapt in the new year.

As we look ahead to 2019, we’ve got gratitude on our minds. Continue to focus on your healthy living and fitness journey. I wish you a new year filled with joy, peace, hope, love, family, friends and laughter!


Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant. – Unknown Author

Becoming more self-aware provides an understanding of what we truly want in life. Now, it may not be easy, but as you can see, it is necessary, so you can make changes that will impact your life in a significant way. How do you plan to shift your mindset for the new year?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Target.com, Bluehost.com and WordPress.com

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved