Don’t shush your inner voice, it’s who you really are. – Unknown
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever been sitting still and thoughts begin to run through your mind? Whether positive or negative, you begin to listen to your thoughts and maybe even recognize how you’re feeling in this moment. I call this process listening to my inner voice. I define inner voice as the wisdom of your entire being – mind, body and spirit. Your inner voice may come in the form of random thoughts, feelings within your body, or guidance coming to you from a higher power.
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Believe it or not, your inner voice can be destructive thoughts sent to cause you harm or often times your inner voice may discourage you from making bad decisions in life. Take a moment and think about this. All your life there has been an inner voice offering a sense of direction, gently and sometimes urgently. Sometimes you listened and other times you ignored it.
Be still. The quieter you become, the more you can hear. – Ram Dass
Finding your inner voice is a way to connect with your intuition so you can live your purpose. At times we may hear something in our thoughts or just simply feel a certain kind of way. Nevertheless, it is important to allow yourself to capture these thoughts and/or feelings. Here’s some effective ways to find your inner voice:
• Take time to quiet the mind through meditation.
• Listen to your emotions and feelings.
• Be more confident and stop asking others for their opinions.
• Make it personal and pay attention to your hopes and dreams.
• Follow what your intuition is telling you.
Your thoughts and feelings are a mirror of your soul. – Sydney Banks
You must be still to hear your inner voice so it is important to allow yourself quiet time on a regular basis. Once quiet with no distractions, look for some of these advantages of listening to your inner voice:
• Start a habit of looking inward every day. Empty your mind of all thoughts and let your heart be at peace.
• Let go of your ego and give your inner voice a chance to be heard.
• Trust your gut feeling, slow down, and allow your inner voice to direct your attention to what’s more important in your life.
• You will greatly reduce your stress levels and improve your health.
• Your trust levels will increase, which leads to improved relationships with yourself and others.
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track.
Morning Journaling Prompts
• What’s on your daily To-Do List?
• What am I grateful for this morning?
• What do I give permission for myself to do today?
• What do I want to get out of today?
• How will I practice self-kindness today?
My Inner Voice Journaling Prompts
• What can I hear right now in this very moment?
• What feelings did I experience today?
• What kinds of thoughts or feelings drains my energy?
• What kinds of thoughts or feelings leaves me feeling fulfilled?
• What am I feeling today and what thoughts are creating that feeling?
• What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?
• What makes your inner voice unique?
Evening Journaling Prompts
• What went well today?
• What am I proud of today?
• What strengths have I used today?
• What was challenging today?
• How can I better face these challenges next time?
Journaling Challenge
Journaling holds all of your emotions, thoughts, and feelings in one sacred place. Journaling has a way to uncover parts of yourself you never thought existed. Journaling can be fun, but also can be a serious process to help you cope with many life’s challenges, such as depression, grief, or loneliness. The most important fact about journaling is you have total control throughout the experience. You can keep it secret or share it with others.
Now, this Journaling Challenge is simple. Be open, honest, and willing to write in your journal.
• How does journaling help you?
• Where do you feel out of alignment with the things that bring you peace and joy?
• Write your own list of journaling prompts to explore and share a few of them in the comment section.
Always remember, your inner voice will bring about self-confidence. Speak life into your situation and spread positive vibes to those around you. You have total control of your inner voice, whether they are thoughts or feelings. Change how you receive, interpret, and react. Then, your outcome will be different and more effective. After all, your inner voice will help increase self-confidence, help you become more efficient, and you will notice much needed improvement within your life.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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