Wishing you a season of gladness, a season of cheer, and to top it all off, a wonderful New Year. – Unknown Author
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Special Thought – May the simple joys of Christmas warm your heart, fill your home, and last a lifetime.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Season’s Greetings and Merry Christmas! Always remember, the greatest gift you can ever own is not found in the shops or under your Christmas tree. It is found in the hearts of your loving family and your true friends. This should be a special time of the year filled with happiness, peace, and holiday cheer.
Today be thankful and think how rich you are. Your family is priceless, your time is gold, and your health is wealth. – Zig Ziglar
May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through. – Unknown Author
To begin with, holiday cheer can be defined as the comfort or encouragement one feels during the holiday season. Holiday cheer puts you in a good mood and put a happy tune in your heart. If we allow ourselves to be honest and feel the positive sensations inside, then we all could agree that life is always bursting with holiday cheer.
Here’s some ways to spread holiday cheer:
• Be kind toward yourself. Remember, you cannot give what you don’t have.
• Smile. Don’t wait to be happy. Think of something good in your life, smile and see what happens.
• Transform your life by being optimistic and positive. Be helpful and give compliments to others.
• Surprise the people you love with a special gift or flowers just because.
• Say something good about someone or something. Be genuine and spread positive vibes and thoughts.
• Send a card, special note or letter to family, friends, co-workers or neighbors.
• Being authentic and courteous to others by saying words, such as “good morning” or “have a wonderful day”.
• Volunteer for a good cause where you can help others less fortunate than you are. For example, visit a nursing home, hospital, children’s group home or a homeless shelter.
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year. – Unknown Author
On the other hand, while living your best life, it is important to find ways to relieve stress during the holiday season. Don’t wait for perfect circumstances to experience a stress-free atmosphere.
Here’s some ways to relieve stress during the holiday season:
• Take calm-down breaks to meditate, read a good book or just do nothing.
• Stay active and get moving by exercising, doing yoga, walking or trying a new class at the gym.
• Be generous and kind by volunteering at the local shelter/food bank or donating money to your favorite charity.
• Smile and laugh often by watching holiday movies, playing boardgames or enjoying quality time with family and friends.
• Plan a YOU day by getting a massage, manicure, pedicure or getting a new hair style.
As I stated before, feeling holiday cheer grows from the inside, then you are allowed to spread it to others along your journey. Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path you take towards holiday cheer. Don’t let the holidays become something you dread. Instead, take steps to prevent stress that can descend during the holidays. It can be quite a rewarding experience to brighten up someone’s day by extending an act of kindness or just simply smiling at someone as you pass by. However, it is essential for you to bring holiday cheer to yourself which leads to a happy and stress-free life.
May peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! – Anon
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
• What action did you take today that spread holiday cheer?
• How do you plan to serve others during the Christmas holiday and beyond?
• Who made you smile during the holiday season?
• Write about 4 emotions that come to your heart on Christmas day and why?
• List 10 words that come to mind when you think of holiday cheer. Ready, set, go!
• How frequently do you make time for self-care?
• What are some ways to give back during this holiday season and beyond?
• How do you plan to reduce stress in your life?
Let’s talk. Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback! How do you plan to spend the holiday season? How do you plan to share some holiday cheer to those around you? Do you have any family traditions or recipes that you share every year?
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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