Thanksgiving Blessing

Thanksgiving Blessing

Renew Inspiration, Thanksgiving Blessing

My life is not perfect, but I am thankful for everything I have. – Unknown Author

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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I don’t know about you, but I have so much to be thankful for on today. I am thankful for the gift of life and for those I am blessed to share this wonderful life with. I take nothing for granted during the holidays because I realize this can be a difficult and stressful time for most people for many reasons, such as the loss of a loved one, broken relationships, unemployment, depression, anxiety, pandemic, just to name a few.

Life is better when you smile from time to time, cry a little, laugh a lot, and are thankful for everything you’ve got. Every single struggle and setback I encountered has made me a stronger, wiser and humble person. I have learned how to love instead of hate and smile instead of frown. We have to humble ourselves in life, so we can learn from life lessons. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. For example, if I would not have gone through so much pain and heartache, my Renew Inspiration blog would not exist today or I wouldn’t have written my first book that will be published soon. For that, I am forever thankful!


There is always something to be thankful for. – Unknown Author

I am truly blessed with everything I need. I am working hard toward everything I want. And most of all, I appreciate and thank God for what I have. I want to pause and let you know that I am thankful for the part you played in my journey! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog posts, writing thoughtful and caring comments, and most of all, taking that leap of faith and subscribing to it.

Here’s just a few things that I am thankful for this year:

  • I am thankful for salvation and Jesus dying on the cross.
  • I am thankful to still be in the land of the living.
  • I am thankful for my loving husband, family and friends.
  • I am thankful for our lovely home.
  • I am thankful for reliable transportation.
  • I am thankful for being employed throughout this pandemic.
  • I am thankful for having a good portion of health and strength.
  • I am thankful for having food to eat and clean water to drink.
  • I am thankful for my Renew Inspiration blog.
  • I am thankful for my Journey from Grief to Healing Facebook Group.
  • I am thankful for my first writing project that will be published soon.
  • I am thankful for all of the support you give me throughout the year.

As you can see, there is always something to be thankful for. Would you agree? Yes, even when we are in the midst of a storm in our life, we have to hold our head up and thank God for giving us the strength to overcome the many obstacles that come and go throughout our personal journey called life.


Start every day with an attitude of gratitude. – Unknown Author

Gratitude affirmations will help to change your focus into looking for things to be grateful for throughout life. If you take the time each day and recite these affirmations, you will find yourself being happier and looking forward to living a more vibrant life.

Here’s a few of my favorite gratitude affirmations:

  • God is the source of my hope, strength, and gratitude.
  • I am the co-creator of my reality and I am grateful to be who I am on today.
  • My life is filled with an abundance of goodness.
  • The universe supports me and all my desires.
  • I am grateful for all the love that surrounds me, and happily give it back.
  • I express deep appreciation for the small steps I achieve each day.
  • I am taking the time to reflect on this past year and my heart fills with gratitude.
  • I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.
  • I am grateful for the food on my table and for the people I am blessed to share it with.
  • All challenges are an opportunity for growth and I am thankful for the chance to evolve.
  • I appreciate everything I have in my life and always keep the door open for more blessings.

Let’s remember the reason for this season. Thanksgiving is a way we should be living our lives each and every day. So, grab your journal and write down at least 10 things that you are thankful for. As the day goes by, review your list and add to it as you see fit. What are some of your obstacles throughout this process? Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!


The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart.

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Ready, set, write!

  • What are you thankful for and why?
  • What was the best thing that happened today?
  • What immediately comes to mind when you think of your blessings?
  • What accomplishments in your life have brought you most happiness?
  • What hard parts of your life may contain hidden blessings?
  • How can I make more space in my life for the things I love and enjoy?
  • What can I do to nurture my spirit more throughout the week?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Conquer Grief During the Holidays

Conquer Grief During the Holidays

Renew Inspiration, Conquer Grief During the Holidays
Renew Inspiration

The loneliest walk you’ll ever take is the one down the road of grief. – Author Unknown

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I don’t know about you, but I’ve found that the holidays can be a time of sadness, pain, anger or dread for anyone dealing with an illness, grief or the loss of a loved one. Let’s take a moment to identify some very important coping skills that will help you or someone you know conquer grief during the holidays.

    • Be kind and offer yourself some grace – Everyone has unique grief experiences. Give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you’re feeling. If you feel sad, allow the tears to come; if you feel angry, allow yourself to vent some steam in a safe manner.
    • Set realistic expectations for yourself – Remind yourself that this year is different. Be sure to get plenty of rest and nourishment. Do not take on more than you can handle.
    • Ask for and accept help – It’s okay to tell your loved ones the best way that they can help you during this difficult time. If you desire the affection of others, seek it out. Remember, ask and you shall receive.
    • Set healthy boundaries with family and friends – Allow yourself time to grieve and understand what you’re feeling inside. Decide new holiday routines when you’re ready and feel comfortable.
    • Surround yourself with people who love and support you – Sharing your feelings is often the best way to get through them and finding people you can talk to will help.
    • Write journal entries to express yourself – Don’t be afraid to express yourself and tune into your grief emotions while writing journal entries.
    • Make a difference in your community – Give to your favorite charity organization, purchase a gift for a needy child or consider volunteering at a homeless shelter. This can help you cope with your grief by contributing to the greater good within your community.


In this hollow I do grieve for all the things that cease to be. – Angie Weiland-Crosby

Choose to create a special way to memorialize your loved one this holiday season. Here’s some great ideas you can use to honor your loved one and keep their memories alive:

  • Light a candle.
  • Arrange to have a prayer vigil.
  • Create an online tribute.
  • Make a memorial ornament, wreath or holiday decoration.
  • Share your favorite story, quote or poem.
  • Release balloons or sky lanterns.
  • Plant a tree and create a stone garden.
  • Visit your loved one’s special place.
  • Recite a special prayer and choose to have a moment of silence.
  • Make a donation to a charity of your choice.

Keep in mind, the best gift you can give anyone you love is that of being true to yourself and living your life to the fullest, even as you adjust to the loss of a loved one during the holidays. With time, patience, and the right coping skills I am certain you will conquer grief during this holiday season and beyond!


God of love and mercy, embrace all those whose hearts today overflow with grief, unanswered questions and such a sense of loss. Immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms, and light. Grant them space to express their tears. Hold them close through the coming days. Amen.


Missing you comes in waves, tonight I’m drowning. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • Why are you grieving?
  • What is your fondest memory of your loved one?
  • What are some of your grief triggers?
  • Why do you feel lost and broken?
  • What was your high and low on today?
  • What do you know to be true in this moment?
  • How do you prefer to honor your loved one during the holiday season?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Healing From The Inside Out

Healing From The Inside Out

Renew Inspiration, Healing From The Inside Out, God Is My Healer, God's Word
Renew Inspiration

Your wound is probably not your fault…but your healing is your responsibility. – Megbyrnes

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Despite what you may be going through in your life, God wants to heal you from your emotional bondage that continues to hinder your spiritual growth to maturity. God wants to give you peace, love, and comfort throughout your journey. God wants to free you from those things that will harm you. It’s important for all of us to read, pray and meditate in God’s Word in order to begin healing from the inside out.


But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

There is no doubt in my mind that God is my healer. I ask God to bless me with vibrant health and overflowing joy every day. When you enter God’s presence with praise, God enters your circumstances with power. Yes, we should be confident and know that God is forever powerful within this Earthly realm.


And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:38)

As you may or may not know, the cross is God’s remedy for our emotional pain and distress. Without Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, no one would have eternal life. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). This verse explains the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The cross of Jesus Christ provides the way to heaven for sinful mankind, like you and I, who could never get there on our own.

    • Ways I want God to transform me…
    • Define an area in my spiritual life where I need to see God’s guidance is…


So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

Next, the healing power of God’s Word is shown throughout the Bible. God truly has unfailing love for His people. God has always challenged us through His Word to experience Him in a tangible, but loving way so that He could bless us with health through our obedience. The Word of God says, “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life” (Proverbs 6:23).

  • My favorite passage of Scripture is…
  • One lesson I learned from Scripture this week is…


I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the Lord most high. (Psalm 7:17)

God is the only unchanging constant in our lives. When all is gone – health, family, friends, money, position, etc. God remains. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Isn’t that something to rejoice about? Not only is God present with us, but God’s Word also tells us that nothing can separate us from that great unconditional love.

  • Today or this week I was most blessed by…
  • The area where I need to put more trust in God is…

Renew Inspiration, Healing From The Inside Out, God Is My Healer, God's Word


Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. (Proverbs 1:23)

Believe it or not, it is a fact that God knew that we could not change our sinful ways or heal ourselves in our own strength. God gave us His Holy Spirit to live within us and to take up residence in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us new birth, makes us a new creation in God’s sight and places us into the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit helps us to better understand and apply Scripture to our daily lives. (I Corinthians 2:12-13)

  • I feel God’s presence most when…
  • I feel most distant from God when…


And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)

God’s Word tells us that God loves and accepts us, yet we strive to get love and acceptance from people we can see, hear and touch. If one part of the Christian body suffers, every other part suffers with it. So, if you are in a difficult situation, do not be alone. Reach out to Christian family members, friends, support groups, or spiritual counselors.

  • I am eager for God to…
  • My calling in life is…


For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. (Galatians 6:3)

Not only must we believe in God’s evaluation of us, but we need to reject what our own faulty experiences and emotions tell us. Remember, self-image doesn’t change because we focus on pleasing ourselves, but it changes because we believe God and accept His love for us.

    • An aspect of God’s character he recently revealed to me is…
    • God is leading me to make the following changes…


The soul always knows what to do heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. – Unknown Author

Healing affirmations are words, phrases, or statements that are filled with faith, sincerity, and conviction. If you release and allow them to, healing affirmations can guide you through the process of self-care and self-improvement. Treat yourself with respect, compassion and increased happiness that lies within you.

Here’s a few healing affirmations that will give you strength and resilience. Recite them daily or as often as you need to.

  • I give myself enough time to heal from within because I know, I deserve it.
  • I am gentle with myself and never push hard to achieve things that are not worthy.
  • I accept my sadness and inner pain; because it’s okay to feel like that.
  • Every hurtful situation is an opportunity to heal emotionally and evolve spiritually.
  • My inner wounds do not define my existence. I am worthy of attracting peace within.
  • I made mistakes because I am not perfect, and that’s okay.
  • I choose to forgive, and I choose to be free.

Always remember, nothing in this world is too big for our God. Don’t underestimate God in times of trouble or distress. Humble yourself and begin healing from the inside out. Allow God to guide your every thought and step along this journey called life. Why you ask? Because God is our healer today, tomorrow and forever!


Be like the lotus: Trust in the light, grow through the dirt, believe in new beginnings. – Healing Brave

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

    • My spiritual gifts are…
    • Define what brings me the most joy in life…
    • Sometimes I get angry with God about…
    • An act of obedience God is prompting me to take is…
    • Journaling has helped build my spiritual foundation by…


Listen to your soul. It knows the way. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. God can heal our entire being – mind, body, and spirit. Do you believe God is your healer on today? Why or why not? What is the most significant area of your life that is not finding its way into your journal? What are your favorite healing affirmations? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

Renew Inspiration, An Attitude of Gratitude
Renew Inspiration

Gratitude makes sense of the past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. – Melody Beattie

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! There’s something special about this time of the year that should remind you to start every day with an attitude of gratitude.


Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives all those around you. – Eileen Caddy

To begin with, gratitude can be defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

In addition, gratitude helps people:

  • Feel more positive emotions.
  • Relish good experiences.
  • Improve their overall health.
  • Deal with adversity.
  • Build strong relationships.

There are three stages of gratitude that’s important to keep in the forefront of your mind.

Stage 1Recognition. Recognize that you will be okay in any situation.

Stage 2Acknowledgment. Acknowledge that you are grateful for all that you have.

Stage 3Appreciation. Appreciate people in your life who have been there for you.


Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. – Henry Ward Beecher

Quite frankly, I believe that all good things come from gratitude. If you really think about it, gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. We should live in gratitude each and every day. When you are thankful for what you have, you are always rewarded with more.

Moreover, here’s some additional important facts about gratitude:

  • Gratitude shields you from negativity.
  • Gratitude makes you at least 25% happier.
  • Gratitude helps to rewire your brain.
  • Gratitude eliminates stress and heals your body.


Your ability to see beauty and possibility is proportionate to the level at which you embrace gratitude. – Dr. Steve Maraboli

Next, choosing gratitude in your life offers you an opportunity to see the world with God’s grace and teaches you to appreciate your life as a whole. There are other benefits of showing gratitude in your life, such as gratitude:

  • Helps improve your sleep quality.
  • Deepens your relationships with family and friends.
  • Reduces unnecessary stress in life.
  • Reduces negative emotions and boosts happiness.
  • Helps you feel peace and comfort.
  • Enhances self-esteem and helps you focus on your own abilities.
  • Increases productivity by increasing levels of alertness, confidence, and determination.

Remember, your ability to have and show gratitude in your daily life opens your mind, body, and spirit to an abundance of positivity. May your days be filled with love, happiness, laughter, and gratitude.


I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • How have you shown gratitude in your life on today?
  • What made you smile today?
  • How often do you practice gratitude?
  • Do you keep a gratitude journal? Why or why not?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Recognize God’s Favor As You Grieve

Recognize God’s Favor As You Grieve

Renew Inspiration, Recognize God's Favor As You Grieve, Grief, Grieve, Spiritual, Comfort
Renew Inspiration

If you have God’s presence, you have favor. One minute of God’s presence can accomplish more than 20 years of your striving. – Heidi Baker

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, please take a moment and think about this question – Do you recognize God’s favor in your life as you grieve? If you answered no to this question, then it’s important for you to continue reading this inspiring blog post.

To begin with, God’s favor can be described as a divine kindness, or an act of true compassion on the part of God Himself toward needy and undeserving people. You can identify God’s favor in or around your life when you see three spiritual things happening:

  • God has sovereignly chosen a recipient of His grace.
  • God has blessed that recipient in one way or another.
  • God has intentions that His blessing be shared with others.

It’s important to note that sometimes it’s easier to see God’s favor in someone else’s life rather than your own. Continue to be grounded in God’s Word, in prayer, and in constant communication with Him so you can hear His voice speak into your life.


When God grants you His favor, nothing can stop the blessings He has in store. – Unknown Author

You receive God’s favor in your life when your heart, words, and actions line up with the Word of God. But how do you recognize God’s favor as you grieve? Learning how to safely navigate through the grieving process can be scary for some and hard for others. It requires you to feel vulnerable. It forces you to find your way through the sense of loss and loneliness. At times you feel like pushing everyone and everything away. Instead of running away from your pain, heartache, and misery, choose to invite God in to comfort you during this difficult time.

Here’s how you can recognize God’s favor as you grieve:

  • God’s favor is God’s grace. God’s favor is the reason you and I are saved. We are saved by God’s favor and His grace. Take time to deepen your understanding of God’s character throughout your journey.
  • God’s favor affects every area of your life. Every part of your life is impacted by the grace and favor of God. This means you are delivered, protected, preserved, healed, and made whole. Be patient in the process and listen with your spiritual ear.
  • God began showing you His favor even before you were born again. Salvation is the greatest expression of God’s favor in our lives. God continues to pour out grace and more favor to us every moment of our lives, if we only receive it.
  • God’s favor surrounds you continually. As a born-again Christian, you have been made righteous by Jesus and that righteousness came with God’s favor which surrounds you continually. Don’t compare your suffering with others, but instead invite others in who you trust.
  • You must realize and accept God’s favor to experience it fully. Before you can receive the benefits from God’s favor, you must know that they are yours to begin with. Just as with every other spiritual benefit, you must receive them by faith.

Whether you realize it or not, God’s favor is on your life even as you grieve. God seeks out those who love Him and love His commandments so that He can bless, guide, and protect them at all times. God’s gracious kindness is His to give, and He gives it when, to whom, and how he chooses. One touch of God’s favor can change everything in your life. Stay faithful and trust in His timing. God’s favor is yours now and forever.


I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • What takes your mind away from God, thus robbing you from God’s favor?
  • Do you sometimes block God’s favor in your life? Why or why not?
  • How do you plan to recognize God’s favor as you grieve?
  • What are some ways you can become stronger and more courageous?
  • What kind of support do you need while grieving?
  • Where do you see the unmistakable mark of the creator?
  • When have you seen God use something small to produce a big outcome?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journal To Transform Your Mindset

Journal To Transform Your Mindset

Journal to Transform Your Mindset, Renew Inspiration
Renew Inspiration

You don’t need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset. – Hazel Hira Ozbek

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, let’s learn how to journal to transform your mindset. After all, your life is only as good as your mindset, right? I want to erase all my negative thoughts and feelings from my inner being. I want to replace all negativity with a new pattern of positive thoughts and feelings; a new wave of emotional balance and well-being; a new connection to my life as I know it, think it and feel it. There will be a new belief system inscribed within me. This powerful mental process will not only help you to transform your mindset, but you will also learn how to:

  • Develop a positive attitude.
  • Spend quality time focusing on self-reflection.
  • Commit to writing in your journal consistently.


The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to. – Hannah Hinchman

A journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you. In addition, a journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Journal (noun) – A daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.

Transform (verb) – Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form or appearance.

Mindset (noun) – The established set of attitudes held by someone.


A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes. – Unknown Author

First, it is important for you to face each day with a positive attitude. Dig deep inside to strive for new opportunities that surround you every day. Focus on right now and not what ifs.

Here’s some great ways to develop a positive attitude right now in this very moment:

  • Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal
  • Set some attainable goals for yourself
  • Read and be grounded in God’s Word
  • Meditate and be prayerful
  • Read inspirational and spiritual books often
  • Post positive quotes where you can read them daily
  • Recite positive affirmations throughout your day
  • Practice yoga and stretch routines regularly
  • Seek professional help from a licensed therapist

I realize it will not be easy for some, but to move to a better place in life, we sometimes need to place ourselves in uncomfortable situations and/or conversations. Involve yourself with like-minded individuals who build you up and not tear you down.


Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away. – Barbara DeAngeles

Next, self-reflection can be defined as meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions and motives. Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things, then better yourself throughout the process. In addition, self-reflection:

  • Allows you to notice negative patterns in your life. Consider alternate approaches to your situation(s) and begin to move away from the stressors altogether.
  • Keeps you focused on the bigger picture. Identify a clear vision of where you want to see yourself in the future. Write it down and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish.
  • Prevents you from worrying about things out of your control. Instead, direct your energy toward things you can absolutely improve within your life.
  • Helps you face your fears. Recognize and admit your fears to yourself and eventually learn how to handle them.
  • Allows you to clearly define happiness on your own terms. When are you most happy? Who do you most enjoy spending time with? What accomplishments are you most proud of and why? By recognizing the positive life events, you can apply your knowledge to future goals and endeavors.

Keep in mind, self-reflection is an incredible gift so please embrace it every day. Meditation can make our journey through life more peaceful if you allow it to. In the mirror we find a reflection of our appearance, but in the heart, we find a reflection of our soul.


Journaling is a good way to help us to stop, take a step back and reflect on ourselves. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • What is happening in your mind right now? in your body? in your spirit?
  • What does my vision for tomorrow look like? for next month?
  • What are the best choices I have made in life so far?
  • What is one of life’s little pleasures that I appreciate?
  • Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present or future?
  • How do you keep your thoughts in check throughout the day?
  • What are you inviting into your life with your actions or thoughts?


Let’s talk. How do you plan to transform your mindset? Do you consider yourself having a positive attitude? Do you plan to implement self-reflection into your daily routine? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety
Renew Inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything; it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to learn how to lessen worry and anxiety for good.

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of the things that trigger these emotions.

Here’s a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re in certain places?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious during a particular time of the day?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re around certain people?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have started the process to identify possible triggers that may cause you to worry or experience anxiety throughout your life.


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown Author

Before we go any further, let’s take a moment to define anxiety and worry. Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body, such as tightness in chest, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, headaches, trembling or trouble sleeping. It’s important to note that anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”. In addition, chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger many health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, irritability, muscle aches/tension, nausea, rapid breathing, dry mouth, dizziness, and nervous energy.

Here’s some common causes for anxiety and worry:

  • Stress that can result from work, school, personal relationship
  • Emotional trauma
  • Financial concerns
  • Stress caused by a chronic or serious medical condition
  • A major event or performance
  • Side effect of certain medications
  • Alcohol or drugs consumption
  • Lack of oxygen

As you can see, experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety


Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. – Unknown Author

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some lifestyle changes that can help lessen worry and anxiety in your life:

  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when you worry or when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments when you worry the most or experience high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Be open, honest, and willing to express how you truly feel.
  • Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to share your experiences. Listen to others and give/receive feedback.
  • Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.
  • Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

Finally, it’s important to get a clear understanding of what your triggers are and establish healthy ways to respond to them. Live in the moment and begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what you’re doing in the present. Like any change you pursue in life, remember that it takes time to change your way of thinking and feeling. Be patient with yourself while you lessen worry and anxiety in your life.



Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.



 Get Started (

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

17 Simple Ways to Relieve Worry, Stress, and Anxiety » Hope For Healing (

10 Crucial Differences Between Worry and Anxiety | Psychology Today


Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Finding Peace and Comfort During Grief

Finding Peace and Comfort During Grief

Renew Inspiration, Finding Peace and Comfort During Grief
Renew Inspiration

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. – Pema Chodron

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I want to talk about finding peace and comfort during grief. Whether your grief experience is recent or not, it takes internal strength to find true peace and comfort while coping with the pain after the death of a loved one. So, instead of living your life worrying about the “what ifs”, spend time preparing your mindset with peaceful thoughts. Here’s a few examples to help you get started:

  • Find & recite your favorite scripture or prayer
  • Recite positive affirmations & quotes
  • Listen to motivational podcasts
  • Read an inspirational book
  • Receive uplifting words from a family member or friend

At the end of the day, what’s important is that you’re at peace because your intentions are good, and your heart is pure.


Grief…for those of us who understand, no explanation is needed. For those of us who do not, no description is possible. – Fran Solomon, Founder

Now, let’s go over a few important facts about grief. First, we all experience grief differently. Second, there are no set rules to follow when grieving. Third, grief is often described in five stages as described by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross:

  • Denial – This can’t be happening.
  • Anger – Why did this happen? Who is to blame?
  • Bargaining – Make this not happen and I will …
  • Depression – I can’t bear this: I’m too sad to do anything.
  • Acceptance – I acknowledge that this has happened, and I cannot change it.

Although grief is often described in stages, each stage may last for a different period of time and  it’s important to note that everyone may not experience all of the stages. Either way, make sure you acknowledge some or all of the stages as you experience them so you will understand what may be happening in your life.


I’m unsure which pain is worse…the shock of what happened or the ache for what never will.  – Unknown Author

Next, let’s discuss the common signs and symptoms of grief so we can begin the healing process a lot sooner.

  • Shock and disbelief – You may feel numb or question whether the loss really happened.
  • Sadness – Profound sadness can lead to a feeling of isolation.
  • Guilt – You may feel guilt over things you said or did.
  • Anger – You may be angry with the person, caregivers or God/Higher Power.
  • Fear – You may begin to fear your own mortality or facing life without your loved one.
  • Physical – Nausea, fatigue, lowered immunity, weight loss or gain, insomnia, aches and pains.

It’s my hope that you may be able to cope with life once you understand what’s happening during the grief process.

Renew Inspiration, Finding Peace and Comfort During Grief


Today I choose: calm over chaos; serenity over stress; peace over perfection; grace over grit; faith over fear. – Mary Davis

You can find peace and comfort during grief by speaking peace into your life every day. Examples – 1) Today, I am totally safe and surrounded by love, light, peace, and joy. 2) Today, I invite peace and harmony to dwell in me and surround me at all times. 3) Today, I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

Here’s a few more ways to find peace and comfort during grief:

  • Talk to someone you trust – family, friends, therapist, grief counselor, etc.
  • Take a walk outside and enjoy nature.
  • Listen to your favorite music to help calm your spirit.
  • Practice meditation and deep breathing exercises.
  • Establish a self-care routine for yourself.
  • Find something that you enjoy doing – a new hobby, learn a new skill, take a class, etc.
  • Stop feeling shame and guilt.
  • Make gratitude a part of your life.
  • Acknowledge and release negativity.
  • Practice doing relaxing activities – writing in a journal, reading, painting, coloring, etc.

Keep in mind that you already have peace within you, right now, in this very moment. Instead of ignoring and judging others, let’s be more supportive to others who may be struggling with finding peace and comfort during grief. After all, just lending a listening ear will do wonders.


Journal writing is a voyage to the interior. – Christina Baldwin

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • Meditate on peaceful thoughts. Define those thoughts in detail and write about them.
  • What takes your mind away from peaceful thoughts?
  • What is one thing I can do this week to improve my meditation time?


  • What do you feel right now in this very moment? Listen to your body and write about it.
  • How can I honor my body on today?
  • Does your self-care need improvement? How would you improve it?


  • How do you cope with struggles? What set a spark in your soul? Write about it.
  • Wat am I grateful for and why?
  • How much you are trusting God with your life right now?


Please share what brings peace into your life during grief. What stages of grief are you currently experiencing? Are you familiar with any of the common signs and symptoms of grief? How do you find peace within? How can you write yourself into a peaceful state? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journaling for Life’s Purpose

Journaling for Life’s Purpose

Renew Inspiration, Journaling for Life's Purpose
Renew Inspiration

Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. – Viktor Frankl

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s Welcome Autumn in with a life changing discussion centered around journaling for life’s purpose. When I think of autumn, I think of seasons changing right before my eyes. One good example would be the colorful leaves falling from the trees as nature begins its seasonal transition from summer to autumn. Soon after, the weather will become much cooler and we will see sunlight less and less each day. During this time, it’s important to grab your journal to capture every moment.

So, how can the seasons changing relate to journaling for life’s purpose? Well, for one, our lives are constantly changing just like the seasons. In addition, there are many journaling benefits that will help you throughout your life journey. Here’s some questions to help guide you through the process of journaling for life’s purpose:

  • What is my purpose for journaling in this season of my life?
  • How would journaling benefit me right now in this very moment?
  • Do I have any unresolved issues in my life, such as stress, anxiety or childhood trauma?

Once you begin the process of journaling for life’s purpose, you’ll become wiser, more enlightened, and will notice a better version of yourself.


Journaling is a good way to help us to stop, take a step back and reflect on ourselves. – Journey Cloud

To begin with, there are many benefits associated with journaling. The process of journaling helps you to organize your life, express your thoughts, and improves your mood. Journaling allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement and growth over time. In addition, journaling can improve not only mental and physical health, but it has increased self-esteem in some people as well.

In addition, journaling helps you to:

  • Clarify your thoughts and feelings.
  • Improve personal growth and development.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Unlock creativity within.
  • Set and achieve personal goals for your life.
  • Cultivate mindfulness patterns.
  • Solve problems more effectively and improves relationships.

As you can see, there are limitless benefits of journaling from mental clarity to improving creativity and communication.

Renew Inspiration, Journaling for Life's Purpose


Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding. – Jen Williamson

While getting started with journaling can be frustrating for some people, for others it can be a life changing habit that takes little effort. Remember when doing anything new in life, such as journaling, it’s important to have a personal and well-defined purpose that will encourage you to stick to your new habit. Journaling for life’s purpose can help you:

  • Understand and embrace changes that may occur in life
  • Practice gratitude and enjoy simple things you already have
  • Adjust your outlook on life and learn new life skills
  • Focus on your goals, reflect on the past and plan for the future
  • Let go and release those things that no longer serves you well
  • Cultivate positive thinking and be mindful of your thoughts and emotions

As you begin the journaling process for life’s purpose, think of the empty pages as your future, soon to become your past. Do not make excuses, but instead find time to reflect on your amazing life while journaling.


Journal writing is a voyage to the interior. – Christina Baldwin

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?
  • What takes your mind away from positive and peaceful thoughts?
  • What is one thing I can do this week to improve my meditation time?


  • What is happening in my body right now?
  • How can I honor my body on today?
  • Does your self-care need improvement? How would you improve it?


  • Wat am I grateful for and why?
  • What do I need to be free from and surrender to God?
  • How much you are trusting God with your life right now?


Have you taken the time to determine your life purpose? When do you plan to start journaling for life’s purpose? Do you enjoy the journaling process as a whole? If so, how often do you write in your journal? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

9 Ways To Find Hope When Grieving

9 Ways To Find Hope When Grieving

Renew Inspiration, Hope, Grieving, Grief
Renew Inspiration

When the world says, “give up.” Hope whispers “try it one more time.” – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, let’s talk about different ways to find hope when grieving. Having hope is having an expectation that something good will happen in the future or that something bad won’t happen. In reality, the death of a loved one or any loss for that matter, may cause you to live with lots of pain and feeling hopeless.

While losing hope when grieving often times happen, it’s important to pause here to remind you that grief can also help you:

  • Create new and healthy connections
  • See things differently and in a more positive light
  • Appreciate life and living more in the present
  • Take everything as a sign from a higher power or source

As you can see, hope is another one of those words that can be defined on a personal level and may change from situation to situation; or person to person. When I think of hope, I think of beauty and positive vibes. Hope is like a beautiful flower that thrives on sunlight and water. In a spiritual sense, hope relies on your daily commitment to God’s Word, meditation, and prayer.


Never lose hope. Just when you think it’s over, God sends you a miracle. – Unknown Author

To begin with, hope is a portion or part of faith. Often times hope is defined in the spiritual sense when God has promised that something is going to happen in our lives and you put your trust in that promise. You find confidence deep down within that something will come to pass because God promised it will come to pass. Remember, hope comes from the promises of God rooted in the work of Christ.

Here’s some steps to help you build a solid foundation of hope that will carry you through the storms of life:

  • Step 1 – Submit yourself to God. God is the source of our hope. Come to God in humility and He will restore you.
  • Step 2 – Strengthen your faith. Allow God’s previously fulfilled promises from the Holy Bible to renew your hope.
  • Step 3 – Trust God’s timing. Remember, sometimes God answers prayers quickly and at other times God allows us to wait.
  • Step 4 – Thank God today. Every day set time aside to thank God, read God’s Word, pray, and meditate.

Despite what you may be experiencing in your life right now, never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day.

Renew Inspiration, Hope, Grieving, Grief


Each day, there is a new beginning, a new chance, a new hope, a new light! – Unknown Author

It’s important to note that everyone experiences grief when we lose something or someone precious to us. After losing our loved one, it can be hard to cope with the shock and sadness. Did you know that having hope when grieving will give you courage in the midst of your storm? Hope is seeing light in spite of being surrounded by darkness.

Here’s 9 ways to find hope when grieving:

  • Treat each day like a precious gift.
  • Practice acts of kindness to those around you.
  • Lean on your faith and prayer during difficult times.
  • Look for meaning in the most challenging moments.
  • Show gratitude and compassion toward others.
  • Reflect on past and happy memories.
  • Reframe negative thought patterns and shift your expectations.
  • Lean into honest, authentic connections with people and nature.
  • Think about the essential goodness of humanity and volunteer.

The importance of hope is immeasurable. Continue to seek out positivity and recognize you can change your life at any point. Many of us need to look forward to the future. Hope is what helps us deal with grief, find positives in our current situation, help us continue searching for something better, and to have faith that everything will work out.  Never lose hope. You never know what tomorrow may bring. Until next time, peace, love, and hope to you and your family!


Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom. – Rumi

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • How do you define hope while you’re grieving?
  • What is happening in your mind right now in this very moment?
  • What thought patterns do you have and how do they impact your mental state?


  • How can you feel hopeful on today?
  • What is one of life’s little pleasures that you appreciate?
  • How do you plan to practice self-care while feeling hopeless?


  • What do you need more of in your spiritual life?
  • What do you hope for each day?
  • How do you stay hopeful throughout the day while grieving?


How do you plan to find hope when grieving? What keeps you feeling hopeful in difficult situations? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved