Improving Confidence Within

Improving Confidence Within

Renew Inspiration, Improving Confidence Within, Self-Confidence, Affirmations, Journal Prompts, Flowers

Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Take this alone time during the pandemic to improve confidence within which is also known as self-confidence. Confidence is all about knowing and valuing yourself. In addition, confidence can bring about a high level of happiness and security knowing that you are fulfilling your destiny in life. If you’re honest, you have to admit that at one time or another you may have struggled with believing in yourself or allowing others to dictate what makes you happy. This is normal behavior, but if not careful, it can lead to confidence issues. My goal today is to boost your morale and show you how to improve confidence within. Let’s get started!


I breathe in confidence and I exhale fear. – Unknown Author

Before diving into the deep conversation, let’s define confidence and self-confidence.

Confidence (noun) – the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.

Self-confidence (noun) – a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.

AMAZON RESOURCE #1 – Book – The Confidence Gap


The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do. – Swati Sharma

Now, that we have a better understanding of what confidence means, let’s discuss some benefits of improving confidence. Believe it or not, confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy and fulfilling life. Think about your life for a moment. Everyone has experienced an uncomfortable moment where you just did not feel prepared enough for whatever was placed before you. Fast forward to right now, you will learn the benefits of improving confidence in any situation so you will not have to suffer alone and/or in silence.

Here’s some benefits of improving confidence:

  • Less fear and anxiety – You will calm the voice inside and take action
  • Boosts self-esteem – You will love yourself more and take charge of your life
  • Diminishes stress – You will be free from worry and feel less stress
  • Greater motivation – You will strive for greater accomplishments in life
  • More resilience – You will handle and be able to cope with temporary setbacks
  • Improved relationships – You will have healthy relationships and have deeper empathy
  • Makes us feel good about ourselves – You will believe in yourself and strive to be better
  • Stronger sense of your authentic self – You will celebrate your strengths, accept your weaknesses and know your self-worth

If you begin working on these benefits, your actions will be in line with your values and principles. Then, you will have a greater sense of purpose. You will hold your head high, know who you are, and what you stand for.

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Book – The Power of Self-Confidence


I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do today. – Unknown Author

Now, I want to share some life changing affirmations with you. Please take some time to recite these life changing affirmations every day. Not only recite them, but also believe every word. Feed your spirit life and you will become more confident and have a life full of happiness.

  • My mind is clear and focused.
  • I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and choices.
  • I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  • I have a strong and healthy body.
  • My body is balanced and thriving.
  • I am brave, bold, and beautiful.
  • I have a calm spirit.
  • I have unlimited potential.
  • I embrace happiness as my natural state of being.

I am sure you already know that improving confidence is not going to be an easy task. Nor is it easy to achieve or maintain throughout life. Like anything else in life, you have to practice improving confidence and put it in practice every day. What’s important to note is that as time goes on, confidence is something you will build through wisdom and experience. If you improve your confidence, you will become a happier person.


Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path.  Ready, set, write!

  • Who is someone you think embodies confidence and why?
  • What is your favorite quote(s) and why?
  • How well do you really know yourself?
  • What are 3 goals you want to accomplish this year?
  • How can you love yourself more?
  • What are at least 5 healthy habits you want to start this month?
  • What are some things that make you feel good?

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Journal – Let That Sh*t Go


Please accept this CONFIDENCE keepsake. Post it on your wall, mirror and/or social media accounts and cherish it always.

Renew Inspiration, Happiness, Choice
Renew Inspiration


Let’s talk. What specific experiences in your life do you think had the biggest negative effects on your self-confidence? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Keep Life Simple

Keep Life Simple

flowers, beats, music, laptop, simple

The simpler my life, the happier I become.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for the weekA simple life is a beautiful life.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Keep Life Simple”? Well, I strive to keep life simple every day. Remember, to keep a simple life may not be easy. Some of the simplest things to do are often the most difficult. Sometimes we need to just STOP everything and take a break. Let loose, slow down, and unwind. Turn inward and rethink about your life. Ask yourself hard questions and connect to your inner voice. In order to live better, simple lives, we need to create a safe space to breathe, and to think.


Be kind, be happy, be peaceful, live well.

Be Present – Live in the moment. Be aware of everything that you’re doing, feeling, and telling yourself. Learn to fight through it. Learn to stop making excuses every time your body feels discomfort. Learn to do this with everything that you do.

Don’t Expect Too Much – There may be times where something may not go your way. It seems like there’s something missing. Take time to expect the worst, the best, and at the same time, nothing at all.

Be Kind – It takes less energy to be kind to those people who are around you.

Redefine Everything In Your Life – It’s important to define what matters most in your life. What makes you happy? What does success really mean to you? The American Dream philosophy may not work for you (college, good paying job, nice car, 6-pack abs, etc.), but it may work for someone else.

Do You – Stop focusing and worrying about how other people live their life. Life will become a whole lot better when you learn to shut out the outside noise, and focus on the most important noise inside your own mind.

Cultivate Morning Rituals – Practicing a morning ritual can help you create a positive mood and increase energy for the day. It’s a great opportunity to take care of your body and mind, and start the day with a healthy breakfast, some stretching or light exercise, a warm bubble bath, prayer and meditation, or planning your day by writing down the three most important things you need to do today.


Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

Meditate – Practicing daily meditation will help to increase focus, better memory, and emotional resilience. Also, meditation has a positive effect in treating anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking, and hostility.

Exercise Regularly – Exercise helps is essential for a happy and productive life. Our bodies were made to move throughout the day. Get up and go for a walk. Stretch while at your desk.

Eat Better and Healthier – The foods/drinks that you put into your body not only affects your health, but also your attitude and mood. Drink more water, increase whole grains, increase vegetables, decrease sugar and junk food.

Sleep More – Sleep is needed for restoring energy and emotional well-being. Sleep is essential for learning and memory, metabolism and weight, and to improve your mood.

Keep a Journal – Some people like using paper journals and others like using apps. How much and how often to write is up to you. Write about random creative ideas that come to you, things you are grateful for, your goals and aspirations, internal stuff that you need to process better, foods you eat, and other habits you are building or breaking.

Practice Smiling – Smiling is healthy and also improves your well-being. Believe it or not, smiling makes you live longer, look more attractive, and be more productive at work.

Write Down Goals – Take a moment and write down your three most important long-term goals in life. Are they translated into short-term goals and present actions for you? This process will highly increase the likelihood of you creating the simple life you want.

Nurturing Close Relationships – Nurturing meaningful and close relationships will bring you much more happiness and satisfaction in life.

Spend Time in Nature – Spending time in nature, even a 20-minute walk in the park, can improve your happiness and overall well-being. It also helps to increase your exercise and concentration.

Believe it or not, you can improve your productivity while keeping life simple.


Inhale the future, exhale the past.

Tip 1 – Don’t watch a lot of TV in your spare time.

Tip 2 – Identify all the distractions in your life and eliminate them.

Tip 3 – Schedule time to spend on your social media accounts and stick to it.

Tip 4 – If you attend or schedule meetings, keep it short and simple.

Tip 5 – Exercise your craft daily, whatever it may be.


Life is joyfully simple. Let’s keep it that way. – Paul Jun

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track.

• How can I simplify my life in little ways?

• What are my priorities in life?

• What is on my mind right now, in this very moment?

• What do I need to let go of to make my life better?

• What is a short-term goal I’m confident I can achieve?

• Replace entertainment for prayer time for one day and write about it.

• Write about an experience where you heard God’s voice.

• Describe what God’s presence feels like.

• What is my favorite part of my daily routine?

• What am I most looking forward to this week?

• I am incredibly grateful for ____________________.

• When I am alone I love to ____________________.
My prayer for you today is that you will make your life a priority and choose to keep life simple. Focus on the things and people that help you grow as a person. Be productive throughout your day. Include time to learn, read, write, gain experience from others, share your thoughts and feelings with others, etc. Remember, your success is found in your daily routine so make a plan and stick to your plan. If it doesn’t seem to be working for you, re-evaluate your plan and make the necessary changes.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

The Gift of Friendship

The Gift of Friendship

The most valuable gift you can receive is an honest friend. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Teddy Bears, Hugs, Friendship, Gift, Renew Inspiration

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Well, I don’t know about where you live, but Michigan has been extremely cold over the last week or so. The schools have been closed all week and we are not due for relief until the weekend. Nevertheless, today I want to talk about the gift of friendship. Take a moment and think about what friendship means to you. Friendship can be defined as a relationship of mutual affection between people. So, what makes a perfect friendship? How do we maintain friendships with the demands of our family, jobs, and other responsibilities? Think of that person who you can call at any time of the day when you need some advice, are feeling down, or when you just need a good laugh. Now, let’s make this clear. I’m not talking about your online friends and followers. For example, here’s a list of my social media accounts and the number of Friends/Followers that I currently have:

Facebook – 911 Friends

Instagram – 758 Followers

Twitter – 2,211 Followers

Pinterest – 4,196 Followers

We have to remember to sign out of our social media accounts from time to time and make a greater effort in our busy lives to find ways to connect face to face with friends.


The more we are invested in our friendships, the less we become single-minded and forget about the things that actually matter. It’s important to find friends who uplift your soul, who are full of life, and who are excited about your new ideas and want to see you fulfill your hopes and dreams.

Here’s some of the friendship traits to look for:

• Friends who are empathetic usually are active listeners.

• Friends who are selfless usually helps solve the problems of others.

• Friends who are trustworthy reminds you that you are not alone.

• Friends with shared interests, such as education, values, hobbies, goals or religion.

• Friends with different perspectives and backgrounds have the ability to transform into a growth mindset.

• Friends who are humorous often times bring joy, hope and comfort even in the midst of life’s most difficult situations.

• Friends who are a team player will put the needs of others before their own.

Sunflower, Gift, Friendship, Renew Inspiration


Everyone has a friend during each stage of life. But only lucky ones have the same friend in all stages of life. – Unknown Author

It’s important to keep friendships strong even when the going gets tough, right?

Here’s some valuable tips to help you keep friendships strong:

• Tip 1 – Show respect to get respect.

• Tip 2 – Communicate honestly with your friends.

• Tip 3 – Spend quality time with your friends doing what you both enjoy.

• Tip 4 – Admit when you are wrong and apologize.

• Tip 5 – Let go of the past and move forward.

• Tip 6 – Keep your promises throughout the friendship.

• Tip 7 – Give your friends their personal space.


A best friend is someone who loves you when you have forgotten how to love yourself. – Unknown Author

• A true friend will accept everything about you, including your flaws.

• A true friend will stick with you through the good and bad times.

• A true friend will always be happy for your successes and encourage you through your failures.

• A true friend will always meet you halfway in any situation.

• A true friend makes you feel happier, not drained and stressed.

• A true friend won’t talk about you behind your back.

• A true friend will always find it in their heart to forgive you.

Journal, Writing, Gift, Friendship, Reflection, Renew Inspiration


Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said “I’m here for you” and proved it. – Unknown Author

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely about your life and to strengthen your friendships/relationships.

• What are some of your childhood memories?

• Who were some of your childhood friends?

• Who inspires you and why?

• Who do you want to be surrounded by?

• Who makes me feel the most loved?

• Who brings the most joy to my life?

• What old stories or memories are holding you back?

• Who do you miss the most in your life?

As you can see, friendship takes work and courage from both parties involved. Friends give us hope in life’s most difficult situations, help us to de-stress our lives, and provide affirmation of your life’s paths. Now, take another moment and reflect on what friendship means to you after reading this blog post. Then, write and send a letter to a friend who has been there for you before. Thank him or her. Tell your friend how much he or she means to you. Peace and blessings!
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Moving Forward in Faith

Moving Forward in Faith

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

water, forward, faith, dock, sunset

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Well, here’s to another wonderful and blessed week! Would you agree? Despite what you have experienced throughout the week, be thankful that you are here today to speak about it, read my inspirational blog, or write in your journal. It’s important to speak positive words into our lives so we can receive the benefit which is a positive outcome to our negative situation. I always think of it as moving forward in faith.

Don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith. -Elisabeth Elliot

With that said, let’s have a spiritual discussion concerning “FAITH”. Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them. Now, what is your understanding of this statement? Well, it’s quite simple. You must believe in your heart and mind that you will receive whatever it is that you are praying for throughout your journey. No mountain is too big for our God. I always think of a mountain as any obstacle, problem, or situation that happens in our lives throughout the journey. Unfortunately, some mountains can destroy relationships and break up happy homes.

Faith is all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will. -Unknown

Take a Step Back
Throughout our journey, it would be nice if we could backtrack and start over from time to time without harming anyone along the way. But how did we get to the point where we want to press the reset button? For some of us, we try to learn from our mistakes which causes us to wonder why we made them in the first place. Retracing our steps helps us remember who we are and where we come from throughout the faith process. This means spending time in meditation and prayer. Then, looking at your current situation to see where we may have taken the wrong turn.

Faith isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice to trust God even when the road ahead seems uncertain. -Dave Willis

Then, it is time to apologize for our mistakes if you have hurt someone along the way. How awful we must feel, right? For some people apologizing and asking for forgiveness is too hard to bare alone. In most cases, our pride stands in the way of apologizing to make someone else feel better. It is important to retrace our steps and learn how we should be honest to not just ourselves, but also to others. We should all strive to learn and grow from our mistakes. This learning and growing experience is not meant to be easy, but it is a necessary step in this learning and faith process.

God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggle and a reward for your faithfulness. Trust Him and don’t give up. -Dave Willis

Make Amends
Then, it is time to make amends with those who we have done wrong. In some cases, amends can be straight forward and in other cases it can be quite messy. But nevertheless, be true and honest to yourself. Put everything you have into this faith process to amend your relationships and receive the much needed forgiveness from the person(s) in question.

Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them. -Unknown

Move On
Then, the final step in this faith process is the time to prepare yourself to move on. Remember, it is good to ponder on your mistakes, but don’t let them shame you or make you think you are alone throughout the faith process. No matter how big our mistakes seem in life, God’s love can help us through those darkest days. Simply put, we shall be well and rise again. Just let go, release, and move on.

I choose faith over anxiety hope over worry love over fear. -Unknown

Journal Prompts
• How can I strengthen my faith in God?
• What feels like a struggle in my life right now?
• What stresses me out? What can I do to reduce this stress?
• How can I support myself more? How can I support others too?
• How can I make more space in my life for the things or people I love?

Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love. Until next time, believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

Journaling to Find Yourself

Journaling to Find Yourself

Inhale the future, exhale the past

flower, journal, earbuds, pen, cup

journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Stay patient and trust your journey

Now, let’s take the journaling process to the next level. How about using the journaling process to find yourself? Journaling is a way to capture ideas and keep your dreams alive until you can put them in motion. Ideas can be found all around you. Take a moment and look around you right where you are. Inspiration is not required to knock at your door twice. We have to be ready and willing to do what’s necessary to grow, to learn, and most importantly, to find yourself.

A little progress each day adds up to big results

cup, saucer, coffee, journal, pen

5 Tips for Capturing your Best Journal Ideas:

1. Take your journal everywhere you go to capture those special thoughts or moments as they happen. If your journal is too big, you can always buy a small notebook to use while you are on the go. Then, transfer or glue your notes in your journal at a later time.

2. Select a journal that feels right to you. You can purchase a beautifully crafted handmade journal, a hardcover book with unlined pages, a softcover notebook with lined pages, a 3-ring binder with loose paper, or just a spiral notebook. It really doesn’t matter your style, just make sure that your journal feels right to you and you can comfortably use it to capture your thoughts.

3. Handwrite your journal entries so you are unable to edit your thoughts. Handwriting keeps things more spontaneous and also gives you clues about your emotional state. If you’re anything like me, you can tell what you’re feeling just by analyzing the state of your writing.

4. Create an informal table of contents in the beginning of each journal. Number each page and try to list the topics covered as you go along. This makes finding stuff a lot easier down the road or when you just want to reflect on some of your past writings. Don’t worry about doing this each time you journal, but make sure to complete this step before starting your next journal.

5. Don’t worry about format, grammar, or spelling. Remember, this is your personal space and a written account for how you feel right now in this very moment. Don’t worry about following your traditional writing rules, just write.

dream, courage, inspire, harmony, stones

Here are 10 reasons why you should use journaling to find yourself:

1. To ponder and pen your big dreams – Your journal is an ideal place to write out all of your desires and dreams. If there were no limits, what would you want to become? Who would you want to meet? What would you have? Where would you go? Write it all down, describing in detail what your success would look like. By doing this, you can begin to put the laws of success attraction into motion.

2. To get clarity and solve problems faster – When you are unable to see a clear path in your life, it’s better to jot down all those thoughts swirling around in your head. Writing things out gives you the accurate perspective necessary to attract the right solutions. Take a moment to write down questions related to your problems. In fact, you should have an attitude of expectancy that you will find the right answers.

3. To chart what works – Journaling about your ideas, successes, and even failures empowers you to backtrack to see what’s working in your life and what’s not. It’s important to be honest with yourself and be willing to make the necessary adjustments where needed to live a rewarding life.

4. To track your past victories – Take a moment to celebrate your victories and write when and where you have excelled in life. It’s easy to remember your every mishap, but also make an effort to note what’s going right in your life as well.

5. To plan and strategize – Use your journal for both short-term and long-term planning. This process will allow you to work through specific strategies on how you will accomplish your goals. Plan everything from the week ahead to the entire year in your journal.

6. To create a success action routine – Your success action routine should consist of time for meditation and visualization, speaking positive affirmations and reviewing your goals. Visualize yourself completing your goals and feeling the benefits and rewards of doing so.

7. To take control over your future – Journaling about your ideal life and begin to act as if you have that life right now. Be descriptive and detailed in your writing. This will help you prepare for an opportunity that doesn’t exist yet, and ready yourself for the victory to come.

8. For self-improvement – Your journal is a safe place where you can truly be honest with yourself. This is your book, your story, your journey. You have no limitations or boundaries. Your journal is private so you can express yourself and get to know who you really are and what you truly desire.

9. To help you through the decision-making process – In your journal, you can list pros and cons when you are faced with having to make a difficult decision. Write out every possible outcome and use this to guide you through the decision-making process.

10. To keep you in a state of gratefulness – As you go through the process to find yourself, stay grateful throughout your journey. Express gratitude in your journal. Slowing down to make note of what you’re thankful for can relieve you of anxiety, stress, and help you to enjoy life to the fullest. In addition, the act of gratefulness also draws more positivity your way, helping you to create a cycle of success.

Still stuck in a rut and have nothing to write, here are examples of ideas to include in your journal:

• Reactions to personal situations and world events
• Goals you’re working toward (weight loss, career, personal)
• Inspiring quotes or affirmations
• Poetry that moves you
• Pictures from magazines or photos you love
• Books to read
• Music you’ve heard that you may want to purchase
• Websites to explore
• To do lists or reminders
• Topic research or exploration
• Relationship successes or problems
• Travel plans
• Dreams to explore
• Feelings, thoughts, or emotions

One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

woman, mountain, sky

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely and to help you think about mind, body, and spirit as you write. But today, think of journal prompts as a thought provoking exercise to help you find yourself.

• Name 5 things that you love about yourself.
• What did you learn about yourself this month? this week? today?
• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?
• Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present, or future?
• What feels like a struggle at the moment?
• What do I want to accomplish in my life today? tomorrow? next week? next month? next year?
• What has been going well in my life lately?
• How can I create more acceptance in my life?
• What traits do I like about myself?
• What are my character strengths?
• How have I been holding myself back?
• How can I take a step forward?

Dream. Plan. Do.

So, grab your journal and write your ideas so you’re able to retrieve your thoughts whenever needed. Your journal holds all of your pertinent life information so you can remember and reference at any time in your future. Remember, you shape your world for success. Begin to imagine and dream. Don’t be afraid of goal setting and planning. Have courage to move in a positive direction toward your personal growth and advancement.

If you do keep a journal, please share some of your organizing tips and techniques; pros and cons of journaling; journaling tips that help you continue your journey. We learn from one another so your comments are necessary in order for all of us to learn and grow. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Spring Forward, Change Is Coming

Spring Forward, Change Is Coming

flowers, butterfly, spring, outdoors

Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be -Unknown

Even though Michigan weather is in the 30’s today, the first day of spring is March 20th. Spring is one of the four conventional temperate seasons, following winter and preceding summer. Spring is the season of new beginnings for many people. Take time and look around you when the flowers, plants, and trees begin to bloom, days become longer, and the weather is warmer.

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow -Unknown

spring, outdoors, yard, plants, flowers, trees, grass

So, here’s the life lesson I want to discuss with you on today. Just like the seasons change, so do our mind, body, and spirit.

He health the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. -Psalm 147:3

Life Lesson – Mind
As spring starts to surface and the trees begin to bloom, we can see God’s reminder to align our hearts to the new thing He’s doing all around us. Keep in mind that everything changes except God. People change, circumstances change, our bodies change, and our desires and passions change. There is certainty in life…change!

Our thoughts are the first things we need to deal with during change because thoughts directly affect our emotions and determine our behavior. When circumstances change, make the transition mentally and your emotions will be a lot easier to manage. The next time sudden change happens in your life, act on God’s Word and not merely reacting to the situation, you will be able to manage your emotions instead of allowing them to manage you. Now, repeat after me…I don’t resist and dread change, and I adapt when I need to.

Life Lesson – Body & Spirit

depression, woman, sadness

Moving right along to the next life lesson. Unfortunately, the change in seasons will affect some people in ways that most cannot explain. Many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which is a depression related to the change in seasons.

Some of the symptoms are as follows:

• Moodiness
• Low Energy
• Difficulty Sleeping
• A Lack of Interest in Activities
• A Lack of Interest in Relationships
• Feeling Hopeless

To help you prepare for the change in seasons, ask yourself the following questions:

• Do you find yourself sleeping more?
• Are you struggling to get out of bed?
• Is it harder or easier to exercise now?
• Do you feel less patient?
• Are you easily annoyed or irritated?
• Do you feel more energized and productive?
• Has there been a shift or change in any of your relationships?
• Are you actively involved in activities?

Answering these questions will give you some insight about how the change of seasons may or may not affect you personally. Regardless of whether you are affected by SAD, there are three important points that will help you navigate and manage this process.

First, you need to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes per day. Moving your body on a regular basis has a positive effect on your physical and emotional health. Keep in mind, you don’t have to spend countless hours in the gym to satisfy this requirement. You can walk around your neighborhood, run and play with your children, or do an at home workout.

Second, you need to get more sunlight. People need to be exposed to sunlight on a daily basis. Our bodies absorb vitamin D, important to our health, from sunlight. And the energy and emotional boost that we get from a few minutes in the sun is well worth it.

Third, you need to talk it out. It’s always easier when you’re sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone, such as your spouse, friend, coworker, or therapist. This process not only strengthens your relationships, but also it provides you with positive support during this difficult time.

spring, showers, rain, outdoors, woman, umbrella

Journal Prompts – Mind in Bloom
April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Why do you think so?

Write about the perfect spring day and include details, such as smells, sights, sounds, touch, tastes.

Spring is thought to be a time of new beginnings. Write about a time when you started something new.

spring, walking, outdoors, exercise, body, moving

Journal Prompts – Body Moving
Write about how you plan to move forward physically in 2018.

Set some realistic exercise goals for yourself and write them down.

Write about one way you would like to grow physically in the next year.

spring, fishing, boat, outdoors, water, relax

Journal Prompts – Spirit Renewed
Write a personal poem about spring. What does spring time inspire in you. Write about it.

Write about how God has blessed you. Be specific and give examples.

Write about something you feel strongly about.

What’s on your mind?
Don’t be shy. Please share your thoughts and/or feelings concerning this blog by leaving a comment so we can have an open dialogue. I would love to hear from you!