Escape Through Journaling

Escape Through Journaling

Renew Inspiration, Escape, Journaling, Mental, Physical, Spiritual

Journaling helps you to become a better version of yourself. – Asad Meah

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! My prayer today is that this blog post will encourage and inspire you in some way while we are still struggling to fight the covid-19 virus around the world. Let’s take a moment to welcome May in with an inspiring writing piece related to journaling. Journaling is a powerful tool that involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores personal thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life.

Have you taken the time to evaluate your mental, physical and spiritual well-being lately?

Mental – Your mind will always believe everything you tell it.

Physical – Your body is healthy and beautiful.

Spiritual – Everything you need is within you.

Especially during difficult times like these, here’s some great questions to help you escape through journaling:

• Why do I write in my journal?
• What do I want to learn about myself?
• What am I afraid of?
• How do I shine from day to day?
• How do I evaluate my daily stress level?



A journal is your completely unaltered voice. – Lucy Dacus

Well, I hope you have your journal/diary/notebook and something to write with. I love to write in my journal because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Journal writing is a form of personal expression. Journal writing can be whatever you want it to be. Remember, journal writing is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures.

Here’s some great journaling tips to help you get started with your journaling adventure:

Create a safe place – Declutter your space; You should feel good, happy and calm in your space

Let it all out – Allow your thoughts to flow freely and write about anything and everything

Dedicate time and write regularly – Try to write in your journal on a regular basis; Every day is ideal to build health journaling habits

Try new things – Write letters to yourself or to loved ones (past or present), write poetry, to-do lists, etc.

Don’t get too negative – Shift your writing in another direction; Avoid rereading your negative writing

Make it easy – Set yourself up for success; Keep your pen and paper handy at all times

Be free – Write whatever feels right; Your writing doesn’t need to follow any certain structure

Keep it private – Use your journal as you see fit; You don’t need to share it with others



Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time. – Mina Murray

In addition, a journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you throughout life and beyond. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique as well. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts. The methods you choose can depend on your needs at the time and your personality. Don’t over complicate it, just write what feels right.

Even though there are many benefits of journaling, here’s some of the most important ones to consider while on your journey:

• Journaling helps to improve your mood

• Journaling helps to prioritize problems, fears and concerns

• Journaling helps to recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them

• Journaling provides an opportunity for positive self-talk

• Journaling identifies negative thoughts and behaviors

• Journal helps to manage anxiety, depression symptoms and reduce stress

However, to get the most benefits of journaling, be sure to always:

• Relax and meditate often

• Eat a healthy, balanced diet

• Exercise regularly and get in some activity every day

• Treat yourself to plenty of sleep each night



Journal to awaken your mind and transform your life. – Asad Meah

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What did you learn about yourself this month? this week? today?

• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?

• What feels like a struggle at the moment?

• How can I create more acceptance in my life?

• How have I been holding myself back?

• How can I take a step forward each day?

• What stresses me out? What can I do to reduce the stress?

• What can you do right now to lift your mood?

• What matters most to me right now in this very moment?

• As of today, what is my vision for my life in one year, two years, three years?



Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.

Let’s take a moment to share with one another. Journaling can help you overcome any problem or obstacle that you face in life. Have you already tried journaling to overcome challenges in life? If so, please share your experience(s).

Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Trust the Timing

Trust the Timing


Hold the vision, trust the timing and process. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I pray that you and your families are still healthy during this coronavirus pandemic. My message to you on today is to be patient and trust the timing. Trust the timing mentally, physically, and spiritually. Remove your expectations of when it should happen or what it should look like, and live in the present.

Now, repeat after me – I am in perfect balance. I am physically and emotionally connected and healed. I am free of worry and I am at peace with who I am. Every day I grow stronger and more relaxed. I love myself and life. Before moving on, take a moment and allow these words to resonate with you. Keep re-reading these words until you believe each and every word.



I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand. – Mila Bron

To begin with, I know that you may not have all the answers right now, but the truth is none of us do. In life we all know that there is never a dull moment. Despite all of the unknowns in life, I still strive to trust the timing and want to encourage you to do the same. While it is easy for us to give up or to lose hope, I suggest for us to do the opposite. Dig deep down within to find the courage, the peace, and the strength to trust the timing in ways that will make you come out of this difficult time a better person.

Here’s a few ways to trust the timing within your life:

Be present. Take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Focus on your breath and this will instantly bring you to the present moment. Notice that with every breath, things change within you and all around you.

Give thanks. Acknowledge where you are right now and what it took to get you there. Then, say THANK YOU from the heart for your life and for your family. Feel the gratitude for what has gone well and for the many blessings that are coming your way.

Be open and honest. Remember that life is all about learning and honesty. Be curious to experience a different way of doing or being, with yourself and with others.

Make time for reflection. Sit in silence to just be with yourself and your thoughts. Be honest about how you feel and what you’re thinking. Write in your journal for a few minutes everyday and gradually increase your time each week.

Have unwavering faith in yourself. Know that everything is unfolding as it should and one day, you’ll be able to look back and connect the dots. Recognize and celebrate small wins. Keep a journal to track your accomplishments and lessons learned.

Repeat a daily positive affirmation. Find or create a daily positive affirmation that resonates with you and what you want to embody. I’ve included a few of my favorites in the next section of this blog post.



The best is yet to come. – Unknown Author

As we cope with high anxiety, lots of worrying, and the stress of everyday life, it is important to keep our inner thoughts on positive and inspiring words of encouragement. I encourage you to take a moment each day to repeat a daily positive affirmation to uplift your spirits and to give you strength to endure all that you may experience.

Here’s some encouraging and positive affirmations to consider:

• I face today with an open mind.

• I am grateful for all that I receive.

• Today I lead with love and speak with kindness.

• My actions reflect the words that flow from my mouth.

• I am gentle with me and will act with good intention.

• I believe it is safe for me to honor my needs first.

• I allow others to support and love me.

• I have the ability to achieve and succeed.

• I set myself free because I forgive myself.

• I feel it is safe for me to choose and every choice is an opportunity.

As I am writing this blog post, my prayer for you is to become all that you want to become during this crisis and beyond. Your future is far better than your past. Remember to listen and trust what it is you need and the rest will follow. Believe this in your mind, body, and spirit. Know that no obstacle will stand in your way. Why you ask? Simply, because your potential is limitless my friend. Your faith should never waver. What God has for you, is for you. Trust God’s timing. Trust God’s plan for your life.



I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!


• What is on your mind right now in this very moment?

• How does the thought of gratitude bring you peace and comfort?

• What negative thought patterns do you have? How do you plan to correct them?

• Have you spent more time today thinking about the past, present or future?

• How often do you spend time practicing meditation?


• What are you proud of yourself for today?

• What have you done lately for yourself?

• What does your self-care routine look like?

• How much do you truly love yourself?

• How are you mistreating your body or compromising your health?


• Where did you see God in your life today?

• What attribute of God is most significant to you?

• What prayer have you seen answered recently?

• How can you have peace in the midst of chaos?

• Where does your true spiritual power reside?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Hoping Takes Courage

Hoping Takes Courage

Renew Inspiration, Hoping, Courage, Being Hopeful, Spiritual Hope, Journal Prompts

Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – When the world says, “give up.” Hope whispers “try it one more time.”

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! During this difficult time in our nation, all we can hold on to is hope. Hoping takes courage from deep within. Hope is another one of those words that can be defined on a personal level and may change from situation to situation; or person to person.

Before we get started, take a moment and think about the following questions:

• How much hope do you have right now?

• Do you consider yourself a courageous person? Why or why not?

• Why do you reflect and spend time journaling?


And sometimes against all odds, against all logic, we still hope. – Unknown Author

According to the Webster Dictionary, hope is defined as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen; a feeling of trust. Now, it’s your turn. What does hope mean to you? Do you hope for anything great on today or in the near future? When I think of hope, I think of beauty and positive vibes. Hope is like a beautiful flower that thrives on sunlight and water.

Here’s the essentials needed to keep hope alive within your life:

• Praise and Worship Experience

• Reading God’s Word

• Meditation/Prayer

• Keeping a Positive Mindset



Never give up hope because your miracle could be right around the corner. – Unknown Author

Now, the flip side of this conversation is how pain can bring about hopelessness in our lives as the enemy relentlessly attempts to destroy us. But God holds His hand out to us every day. The wonderful hope of God’s good plans for our lives, hope that is rooted in God’s amazing love for us. My hope for you today is that you will work on building and strengthening your personal relationship with God for the rest of your life.


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Moreover, did you know that having hope will give you courage in the midst of a storm? Despite what you may be experiencing in your life right now, never stop believing in hope because miracles happen every day. The importance of hope is immeasurable. Especially during dark times like we are facing now, many of us need to look forward to the future. Hope is what helps us deal with grief we often feel, find positives in our current situation, push us to continue searching for something better, and to have faith that everything will work out.



Hope is that beautiful place between the way things were and the way things are yet to be. – Unknown Author

Let’s face it, most of us did not just wake up one day and have a successful career, a beautiful home, respectful children, a healthy fitness routine, etc. You had to first decide what you wanted to work on, then you had to plan, then you had to execute your plan into action. In reality, most people fail many times before they succeed so never stop hoping for positive change to happen in your life.

Here’s some ways to stay hopeful along your journey:

• Set realistic goals and incorporate them into your current lifestyle. You may need to rearrange your work schedule, ask for help around the house from family or friends, etc.

• Begin to visualize yourself after your goals are achieved. Take a moment and ask yourself what life looks like after the goals are reached, then spend a few minutes every day picturing yourself in that very same life.

• Evaluate your progress as you move through the steps you’ve identified as necessary to reach your goals and adjust your efforts as needed.

• Prepare for your journey. Look at what you’ve already achieved, think about your strengths, think about what’s important to you, and where you want to go in life.

• Set out on your journey. Build the knowledge you need to succeed, focus on the basics, set small goals and achieve them.

• Make time for self-reflection to examine one’s own thoughts, feelings, and sensations to gain better insight of one’s life.

Remember, hoping takes courage. Believe in yourself. Be brave and take risks. After all, nothing can substitute your true experience, whether it is positive or negative. So, keep hoping and praying for a positive outcome to happen in your life. Peace and blessings!



Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What do you hope for each day?

• I feel hopeful/hopeless because…

• What matters most to me right now in this very moment?

• What am I ashamed of and/or what do I fear?

• As of today, what is my vision for my life in one year, two years, three years?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Spiritual Breakthrough

Spiritual Breakthrough

Renew Inspiration, Spiritual, Breakthrough, Orange Flowers

Sometimes it takes an overwhelming breakdown to have an undeniable breakthrough. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Special Thought – When you pray, God listens. When you listen, God talks. When you believe, God responds. Amen.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s welcome 2020 in with a spiritual breakthrough! Before I begin, I want to thank you for believing in me and supporting my blogging endeavors. I don’t know about you, but I am putting 2019 behind me and planning to have a much more productive and spiritual year ahead. How about you?

Sometimes I just sit and think about everything that life throws at us from day to day…from hour to hour…from minute to minute! For some of us, this experience can be very difficult to manage throughout this journey called life. We depend on support from family and friends to help us through these challenging times. For me, I pick up a pen and my notebook, then just start writing.



There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou

Spiritual breakthrough can be defined as a process of removing spiritual obstacles to your spiritual walk with God. When someone says, “I need a breakthrough”, they are usually experiencing a time when they feel like heaven is closed and God is not moving.



Stop trying to calm the storm. Calm yourself, the storm will pass. – Unknown Author

Whichever way you choose to release this negative energy is good, the most important thing, is to release it. However, some people are not that fortunate. They have to face these hard times alone. As we move throughout life, it is important to know if we’re on the right course to reach our spiritual breakthrough. Whether you believe in a God or a Higher Power, we all want to make sense of where we are being led and by whom.

Here’s the keys to spiritual breakthrough:

Call on the Name of Jesus – It is important to note that we cannot experience our spiritual breakthrough until we first receive and believe in Jesus Christ. We do this by calling on His Name to save us. Through His blood we are reconciled to God. (Romans 10:13)

Prayer and Fasting – Often the spiritual breakthroughs we need are brought about through prayer, not by asking favors of people. Tune out the background noise of life and trust in the power of prayer. Then, start storming the gates of heaven through prayer and fasting. (Ephesians 6:12)

Faith – Faith is one of the most essential ingredients of healthy daily Christianity. Remember, it is not enough to just pray about something. We need to pray with faith and confidence in our gracious and Heavenly Father who rewards us when we diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

Alignment with God’s Will – We need God to give us new and better desires that are pleasing to Him. Focus on what really matters. Learn how to listen to God by spending quality time in God’s Word. (I John 5:14)

Patience – Often we do not receive what we are praying for right away. We must pray with persistence and patience while trusting God. (Hebrews 6:12)

Forgiveness – Forgiveness is not an emotion in life, it is a choice. Sometimes a choice you need to make on a daily basis, to forgive as Christ commanded you. God will strengthen you to be able to forgive, when you don’t feel you can. (Matthew 6:14-15)

Repent – Surrendering your whole life to Christ in repentance, and giving Him access to be Lord over all of your life will assuredly bring about a powerful personal breakthrough. (Hebrews 12:1)


The spiritual breakthrough process allows you to share love, peace, joy, and gratitude with others each and every day. Your spiritual foundation will always be there tucked deep inside just waiting for the right time to assist you, but we have to learn how to get out of the way. No matter how difficult it may be, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and enjoy the spiritual breakthrough experience.


Maybe you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved. -Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What does God’s presence feel like?

• Are you currently living in spiritual bondage?

• How can I be more spiritually engaged in life?

• What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned and how did you learn it?

• Are you praying for a spiritual breakthrough in life?

• How can I hear God’s voice while going through the spiritual breakthrough process?



Her soul is fierce. Her heart is brave. Her mind is strong. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. What can lead us on the path to spiritual breakthrough?
Share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Journaling to Move Mountains

Journaling to Move Mountains

Renew Inspiration, Journaling, Move Mountains, Problems, Obstacles, Goal Setting, Self Confidence, Self Care, Spiritual Foundation, Affirmations

My mind is focused, my body is healthy, and my spirit is calm. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Believe in yourself. Be brave and take risks. After all, nothing can substitute an experience, whether it is positive or negative. Today, I want to talk about Journaling to Move Mountains. Let’s take a moment and think about the following questions.

• Why do I write in my journal?
• What do I want to learn about myself?
• What am I exceptionally good at?
• How do I shine from day to day?
• Do I have any talents or special skills?
• How do I stand out in a crowd?

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Purchase this item to help improve your personal journey!


Believe with all your heart that you will do what you were made to do. – Orison Swett Marden

Mind – Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.

Body – Your body is healthy and beautiful.

Spirit – Everything you need is within you.

Well, I hope you have your journal and something to write with. I love to write in my journal because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Journal writing is a form of personal expression. Journal writing can be whatever you want it to be. Remember, journal writing is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures.

So, when you first read the title Journaling to Move Mountains, what were you thinking? What does the title Journaling to Move Mountains mean to you and your current situation? Whenever you make the decision to move mountains, you must put in some hard work and dedication. Let’s face it, most of us did not just wake up one day and have a successful career, a beautiful home, a healthy fitness routine, etc. You had to first decide what you wanted to work on, then you had to plan, then you had to execute your plan into action. In reality, most people fail many times before they succeed so never give up on your dreams.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 2 – Purchase this book to learn how to set SMART goals.

Well, in order to use journaling to move mountains, you must begin to think and act differently. Here’s a few concepts to keep in mind throughout this wholesome journey:


Goal setting is important in every aspect of your life. To pursue new ideas or strive to reach your dreams, you must have a plan to do so. Here’s some steps to follow when goal setting:

• Identify what you want and name your specific goal(s). You can brainstorm each area of your life and identify one or two things you want most and set these as your beginning goals, such as weight loss, exercising more, building stronger relationships, being a better person, etc.
• Write your goal(s) down and write the steps needed to facilitate the goal(s). Make sure to include changes in habits and lifestyle that must take place.
• Take each of the steps you wrote down and incorporate them into your current lifestyle. You may need to rearrange your work schedule, ask for help around the house from family or friends, etc.
• Begin to visualize yourself after your goals are achieved. Take a moment and ask yourself what life looks like after the goals are reached, then spend a few minutes every day picturing yourself in that very same life.
• Evaluate your progress as you move through the steps you’ve identified as necessary to reach your goals and adjust your efforts as needed.


Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, but if we are honest with ourselves, we sometimes struggle to find it throughout our everyday lives. Did you know that gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success in life? Unfortunately, people who lack self-confidence find it difficult to become successful. There are two main things that contribute to self-confidence: self-efficacy (when we see ourselves and others mastering skills and achieving goals) and self-esteem (we cope with what’s going on in our lives and know that we have a right to be happy). Here’s some ways for you to build self-confidence:

• Prepare for your journey. Look at what you’ve already achieved, think about your strengths, think about what’s important to you, and where you want to go in life.
• Set out on your journey. Build the knowledge you need to succeed, focus on the basics, set small goals and achieve them.
• Accelerate towards success. By this point, you should feel your self-confidence building from within. Keep yourself grounded and always aware of how you feel throughout this process.


Prioritizing everyone else in your life may seem honorable, but the reality is, totally neglecting yourself isn’t good for anyone. In order to take care of others, you first need to take care of yourself. Here’s some great ways to practice self-care:

• Make time for exercise or yoga.
• Read an inspirational book or read positive affirmations.
• Listen to soothing music with your eyes closed.
• Create a relaxing routine (warm bath, meditation, reading, writing in your journal).
• Get out in nature (go for a walk, run, or hike).


Without a strong spiritual foundation, you cannot withstand the storms of life that you may be facing, whether they are financial, emotional, or relational. Although society and culture may offer many solutions to help you brace against the struggles of daily living, here’s the three essentials needed in your spiritual life to weather any storm you might be dealt:

• Praise and Worship
• The Word of God
• Prayer

These spiritual essentials will help you build strength (your spiritual foundation) and begin to experience a powerful new sense of God’s presence and purpose in your life.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Purchase this item to improve your spiritual self.


Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Upon entering the journaling process, you will find that you are able to reflect freely without judgement. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Grab your pen/pencil. Open your journal or notebook. Ready, set, write!

• What are your short-term goals and long-term goals?
• What are your strengths and weaknesses?
• What is your proudest accomplishment?
• What is your biggest failure?
• What are some of your mountains that seem too hard to overcome?
• As of today, what is my vision for my life in one year, two years, three years?
• What is overwhelming in my life right now?
• How can I reduce this overwhelming feeling?

AMAZON RESOURCES #4 – Purchase these items to start a new and refreshing journey!


You have the power to heal yourself, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds. Claim and consciously use your power. – Louise Hay

Let’s talk. You were given this life because you are STRONG ENOUGH to live it. What kind of thoughts do you have on a regular basis? Do you enjoy journaling? Do you think journaling will allow you to move mountains in and around your life? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Growth Through Grace

Growth Through Grace


When there is no growth, there is no life. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Grace is that attribute of God that enables us to break free of our sinful nature and follow God’s lead. Grace gives us strength, protection, and much needed direction. Grace changes everything. Grace has been defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings”. Simply put, grace is “undeserved favor from God.”

God’s grace is adequate for anything and everything that you experience in this life. Despite what prompted the hurt you’ve experienced throughout your journey, know that God’s grace can bring peace, hope, and healing. One beautiful thing about grace is that God does not withdraw His grace when you stumble or fall. Instead, acting with grace, God gently picks you up and enables you to take the next step. You can always find at God’s throne of grace whatever help you need whenever you need it. You can run to the Lord in times of trouble, when your heart is breaking, at life’s crossroads, and during the darkest and loneliest nights. Remember, God is waiting for you with open arms. Now, give God some praise for His sincere love for us.

By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

God offers us an extravagant gift: His grace. The best thing about that, it cost Him everything, but it costs us nothing. The only payback God asks is that we reach out and take the gift and then rest in it with guilt-free comfort knowing that you are saved through faith. If you find yourself in a small place, God knows you’re there. He’s with you, and He can do something mighty big. Trust his amazing grace.

I don’t know exactly what’s next but I’m stepping forward with grit, anchored in grace. -Julie Graham

One thought I often meditate on is that when you trust in the Lord, you will never be disappointed. Spiritual growth begins with salvation given to us as a gift from God. Our daily spiritual growth is also utterly dependent on this grace of God. There are many ways to increase one’s growth through grace, such as reading God’s Word, allowing God’s Word to dwell in you, and staying in prayer through good and bad times while on your spiritual journey.
It’s important to have a clear and thorough understanding throughout this process. Keeping an open mind and meditating on God’s Word will allow you to apply God’s grace in your life so you can break free of your sinful nature.


Even though there are many Bible verses that include the word “GRACE”, I won’t list them all, but here’s a few of my favorites:

“Indeed, we have all received grace after grace from His fullness” (John 1:16)

“Also through Him, we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand” (Romans 5:2)

“But by God’s grace I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not ineffective. However, I worked more than any of them, yet not I, but God’s grace that was with me” (I Corinthians 15:10)

“But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness’” (II Corinthians 12:9)

“Now grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of the Messiah’s gift” (Ephesians 4:7)

“Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time” (Hebrews 4:16)


Heavenly Father, Master Grace Giver, thank you for giving me grace each and every day. Help me to become an extender of grace to others even when they don’t deserve it. I will never forget the price you paid to set me free, and for this I want to say thank you. Amen


A spiritual journal is a great way to track how you are growing spiritually. This type of journal is different from the traditional journal or diary in that it focuses on your spiritual self. A spiritual journal can aid you in becoming who you wish to be and it is a wonderful life-giving spiritual practice. Here’s some journal prompts to help you get started on your journal writing journey:

Growth Journaling Prompts

• What has prevented you from increasing spiritual growth?

• How can I improve my spiritual walk?

• In what area do I need to improve self-discipline?

• What is one thing I can do to improve my prayer life?

• What do I need more of in my life?

• What does God’s grace feel like?

• What do I need to mute in my life in order to hear God’s voice?
Prayer Journaling Prompts

• Heavenly Father, you are…

• Heavenly Father, I thank you for…

• Prayer for peace when it comes to…

• Prayer for moments when I am….

• Heavenly Father, please give me patience to…

• Heavenly Father, I pray healing over…

• Heavenly Father, I love you because…

Without God’s grace, we will not have growth and we would be lost souls. The more grace we have and ask God for, the more mature as Christians we will be. As I sit here typing this blog post, I am thankful God, in His grace, has given us His Son to save us, His Spirit to dwell within us, His Word to instruct us, and His people to encourage us.


Let’s talk. If you write in a journal, how has this practice brought you closer to God? If you don’t keep a journal, what is your biggest obstacle to writing one?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Calmness Within

Calmness Within

Calmness Within, Renew Inspiration, Easter Lily, Happy Easter, Spiritual Growth, Inner Peace

Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity. – Thich Nhat Hanh

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for the weekSometimes, its really ok if the only thing you did today was breathe.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Easter to you and your family! Well, I really feel the need to discuss an issue that I struggle with often – finding the calmness within. I honestly feel that you will find the calmness within when you love yourself and truly believe in yourself. Would you agree? Finding the calmness within means that you’re at peace with yourself and you’re at peace with those around you.


Today I choose: calm over chaos, serenity over stress, peace over perfection, grace over grit, faith over fear. – Mary Davis

In order to find ways to calm your spirit, it’s important to make your life a priority. Make time now to care for yourself. Remember, stress and anxiety can form major health concerns, such as depression, high blood pressure, heart disease and all the other stress related illnesses that can form in your body. Don’t hesitate to calm your spirit and find peace within yourself.

There are many ways to calm your spirit, such as:

• Meditation

• Reading the Bible

• Practicing Yoga or Exercise

• Journaling

• Reading inspirational books

• Praying

• Finding a hobby

• Taking a walk outdoors

Now, for the truth to be told. How do you find the calmness within? Throughout life it’s important to allow yourself to grow and change. After all, your future self is waiting. Striving for personal and spiritual growth is a must. For example, I spend time writing and journaling to find my calmness within. Everyone needs to find a moment where there is no one else around judging you or adding his or her opinion to the situation that will only impact your life.


Sure sign of spiritual growth: you want more freedom, and less stuff. – Lisa Villa Prosen

Growth in general is often uncomfortable, messy, and full of feelings you weren’t expecting. But it’s necessary for you to go through the growth process. However, spirituality is less about doing and more about being our truest most authentic self everywhere we go.

Here’s some suggestions to help you improve spiritual growth:

Read your Bible daily. For some people it’s as simple as just picking up the Bible and start reading it from cover to cover. For others, it’s a difficult process and you must develop a reading plan that’s right for you. Keep in mind that the easiest way to truly experience spiritual growth is to make Bible reading a priority.

Meet together with other believers regularly. Attending church regularly or gathering with other believers is fundamental to spiritual growth. According to Acts 2:42-47, being in the presence of other believers is for teaching, fellowship, worship, communion, prayer, and to build one another up in the faith.

Get involved in a ministry group. The best way to stay in church, is to participate often. Most churches offer small groups and many ministry opportunities. Pray and ask God for guidance in this area. In addition, some churches offer classes or counseling to help you find the appropriate place that’s right for you.

Pray daily. Did you know that prayer is simply talking to God? There are no right or wrong words to say. Just be honest and be yourself. Give God thanks for your salvation. Pray for others in need. Pray for direction. Pray and ask God to fill you daily with His Holy Spirit. Simply put, there is no limit to prayer. Remember, pray often anytime and anywhere.


Holy Spirit, please encircle me, come hold me safe and secure in your loving arms.
Wrap my mind up with your truth. Guide my thoughts and calm my fears.
Steady my emotions, Holy Spirit that you would guide my feelings.
May I not be overcome with anger. Please Holy Spirit sustain my soul, with vision for the future, and hope for tomorrow. I need you in my life today and forever more. Amen.


Be kind. Be calm. Be joyful. Be humble. Be thankful. – Mary Davis

Our lives are always so busy with work, school, sports, hobbies, etc. Learning how to remove yourself from the madness of busyness can often times be very difficult, but necessary. You become more confident and you learn how to calm your spirit.

Here’s some helpful suggestions to assist you with calming your spirit:

• Address the root of your stress or discomfort.

• Take time to be alone to analyze your thoughts and feelings.

• Learn how to find stability in life by regulating your breath during stressful situations.

• Don’t be afraid to see a health professional or therapist to discuss issues in a safe place and no judgement zone.

• Establish a reward system to pamper yourself from stress to a more calming spirit. For example, read a book, do some journaling/writing, go for a walk or just sit and do nothing.


You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. – Timber Hawkeye

As always, I want to give you some journal prompts that will help you find the calmness within. Believe in yourself and choose to shine while journaling your way to happiness. If you’re honest with yourself, you will achieve what ever you set your heart and mind to.

• What do I need to mute or remove from my life in order to hear God’s voice?

• How can I have peace and calmness in my life in the midst of chaos?

• When was the last time I felt truly calm and at peace?

• How does gratitude bring me peace?

• How can I simplify my life in little ways?

• What are some ways in which God’s presence is felt in my life?

• I cannot get enough of God’s presence because __________________.

• When I meditate on God’s goodness I __________________.

My prayer for you today is that you will find the right way to embrace the calmness within during any stressful moment in life. Now, are you ready to find your calmness within? If so, please share how you plan to find your calmness within along your journey. Remember, to stay patient and trust and your journey.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

My Present Place

My Present Place

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. This is my happy place. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Wow, I cannot believe it has been a whole week already! Time really flies when you’re having fun, right? Before I dive into my topic today, I want to express appreciation for ALL OF YOU who have subscribed/followed Renew Inspiration. It really means a lot to me. My prayer each and every day is to find the right words to say to help you along this journey called life. I look forward to reading your personal thoughts in the blog comment section for each post. It’s not only refreshing to hear your point of view, but it is also healthy to have on-going dialogue with others.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my present place. Am I happy or sad? Am I willing to make the necessary changes that are needed to excel in all aspects of my life? Am I content right now or willing to step out of my comfort zone to explore new endeavors? These are just a few questions that I have found myself thinking about this week. Have you ever just sat down in a quiet place and allowed yourself to think without interruption? This process is called self-reflection. It’s really important to spend quality time in self-reflection mode whether you have all your stuff together (you think) or you’re still trying to find your way (most of us).


Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things…then better yourself. – Unknown Author

Before moving forward, I think it is important to understand what self-reflection is before you can commit to practicing it on a regular basis. Self-reflection can be defined as meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions, and motives. To take it a step further, you must be willing to learn more about your fundamental nature, purpose, and essence of life. Take a moment and look in a mirror. What do you see? You see a reflection of who you are on the outside. For example, you notice your physical facial features, the color of your skin, your hair color and style, etc. However, self-reflection is not only your outward appearance, but it is a way of assessing yourself deep within – mind, body, and spirit.

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts


As you begin to practice self-reflection in your life, you will notice a shift in your mindset, an increase of positivity in your life, and discover a deeper connection within. Here’s some healthy ways to practice self-reflection throughout your journey:

• Prayer and meditation – Take a moment to quiet your mind, read a scripture, pray, and meditate. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to only connect with God so you can hear His voice.

• Yoga and exercise – Every day is important to do some form of yoga and exercise. Movement gives you more energy and helps keep you healthy.

• Reading inspirational books – Reading keeps your brain healthy, but reading inspirational books also keeps you in a positive mood.

• Reciting positive affirmations – Reciting positive affirmations will give you hope and encourage you to focus on your goals/dreams.

• Writing or journaling – Writing is a form of self-expression. Capture every moment of your life in a journal so you can pause to reflect on the good times and make changes to avoid bad situations.

• Drawing and painting – Showing your creative side will help to open your mind to different aspects of life. You become calm and relaxed as if you have no care in the world.

• Vision board – Create a vision board so you can have a road map to success. Be creative and use pictures from magazines or from online, quotes, goals, etc.


Self-reflection is a personal way for you to learn more about yourself. It’s important to find your zone and comfort level so you can reap the positive benefits of self-reflection. Here’s some helpful tips to help you find your zone for self-reflection:

Tip 1 – Be honest with yourself. Honesty is key to success. Be honest with the process and with yourself. It’s important to remind yourself how things are going and how you are behaving throughout the process.

Tip 2 – Notice behavior patterns. Be aware of your behavior patterns so you can strengthen the positive/healthy ones and remove the negative/unhealthy ones from your life.

Tip 3 – Be able to articulate your core values. Take time to identify what’s most important to you so you can evaluate if you’re living those values throughout life. Your lifestyle has to shift at some point, and you should notice the change from the inside out.

Tip 4 – Be forgiving. Be gentle with yourself when you don’t seem to get it right along the journey. Remember, we’re all human and we all make mistakes.

Tip 5 – Keep track of your self-reflection. Start a journal where you record your observations and monitor your personal growth throughout this process.

My Present Place, Renew Inspiration, Self-Reflection, Meditation, Journal Prompts


My body is healthy, my mind is focused, my soul is calm. – Unknown Author

Journal Prompts are given to inspire you to write freely about your life and to improve yourself. Take time to think about your thoughts, to acknowledge how you feel, and to strive to be spiritually grounded throughout your personal journey. You have to dig deep inside yourself and do the serious work to truly understand your present place. Keep in mind, this is an on-going process because life is always changing.


• What am I thinking right now in this very moment?

• What thought patterns do I have and how do they impact my life?

• How does meditation guide me through my day?

• Has your mind spent more time today focused on the past, present or future?

• How do I deal with difficult thoughts or failures?


• How do I feel right now in this very moment?

• What is one old habit you want to eliminate in your life?

• What do you consider to be your most challenging flaw?

• How often do you exercise during the week?

• How do relax your body?


• Am I spiritually grounded right now in this very moment?

• What is something I need to be free from and surrender to God today?

• What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

• Are there areas of my life where I need to learn to trust in God?

• How has journaling helped me get closer to being spiritually grounded?


• What is the number one problem you would like to solve (or see solved) in the world?

• What is the number one thing missing from your life right now?

• What is one of life’s little pleasures that I appreciate?

• When was the last time you felt fully alive?

• What can I do to nurture my mind, body, and spirit?

• In what ways are you different from the person you were 2 years ago? 1 year ago?

Instead of sadness, anxiety, and depression, choose to practice self-reflection to help you cope with life challenges. You will think differently, feel better, and strengthen your spiritual being. Your whole being will thank you and those people surrounding you each day will thank you as well. Peace and blessings!


As I stated before, I look forward to hearing from you. Please take a moment to reflect on this blog and answer these questions in the comment section. You’ll be surprised how much we learn from one another. What are your thoughts related to self-reflection? How often do you practice self-reflection? How has self-reflection changed your life?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Amazon, Target, Blue Host and WordPress Affiliate Programs which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

God’s Promises

God’s Promises

God's Promises, God's Love, Reflection

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (II Peter 1:4 NIV)

Something to Think About – My imperfections will never override God’s promises.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Did you know that people who believe God’s promises have an advantage over people who don’t? If you read and study the Word of God, you will find that for every problem in life, God has given us a promise. When struggles threaten our lives, it is important to find hope by not only reading God’s Word, but also focusing on God’s promises. Some of God’s promises are positive which are the assurance of blessings, and others are negative which are the guaranteed consequences. However, all are binding, for not only is God a promise maker; God is a promise keeper. We have to dig deep within to find hope by praying God’s promises to existence within our lives.


Let’s be who we were made to be – People of the Promise. Let’s hide these promises in our weary hearts.

• You will know God (See Hebrews 8:11) – Everything in creation gives evidence of God’s existence. It’s important to realize that we can know God’s heart, his joy, his passion, his plan, and his sorrows.

• You were created by God, in God’s image, for God’s glory (see Genesis 1:26) – God created us to be more like him than anything else he made. Remember, this is an on-going process as we are shaped into God’s likeness.

• You are made right by faith (See Romans 4:16) – God’s promise to us is salvation by faith. Make sure to increase your faith and stand on God’s promise.

• God will guide you (See John 20:30-31) – As you read God’s Word, make sure to trust God’s promise that he will show you the way you should go.

• You are an heir of God (See Romans 8:16-17) – You are an heir of God and have divine resources deposited in your heart. God is rich in mercy, love, wisdom and grace.

• God sent Jesus Christ to be our Redeemer (See Psalm 34:22) – Our Redeemer is here to rescue us, protect us from evil. In addition, our Redeemer offers a safe, secure and loving future in His presence.

• Our prayers have power (See James 5:16-18) – Prayers should be the first step for believers. God delights in and will answer our prayers. Just trust and believe.

• God is near (See Judges 6:12) – God’s presence is all-encompassing which means God is with you throughout your journey today, tomorrow and forever.


God’s promises are like the stars, the darker the night the brighter they shine.

• Trust in God’s timing.

• Rely on God’s promises.

• Wait for God’s answers.

• Believe in God’s miracles.

• Rejoice in God’s goodness.

• Relax in God’s presence.


• I will make the knowledge of God my highest pursuit.

• I will trust God with all that is within me.

• I will guard my heart and mind with God’s truth.

• I will respond to troubles with increasing faith.

• I will live freely because his grace has rescued me.

• I will rest in the assurance of salvation.

• I will build my life on the promises of Scripture.

• I will no longer live as a slave, but as a free child of God.

• I will lay claim to the nearness of God.

• I will trust that I have been redeemed and my salvation is secure.

• I will make prayer and meditation my priority and passion.

• I will find comfort in Jesus Christ, who fully understands every desire, pain and need that I have.

• I will live with eternity in mind, knowing the best is yet to come.

God's Promises, Reflection, Bible, PInk Flower


Poor choices, wasted years, mistakes we’ve made – God answers the mess of you with one word – GRACE!

• Do you believe in God’s promises? Why or why not?

• Have you ever felt forsaken by God?

• The area where I need to put more trust in God is ____________________.

• I feel God’s presence most when ______________________.

• What is one thing I could do to improve my spiritual walk?


You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey him. – A.W. Tozer

God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it’s worth the wait. Always remember, God has a reason for allowing things to happen in our lives. We may never understand his wisdom, but we simply have to trust his well. Do trust God’s will on today? Have you ever experienced some of God’s promises?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program, Blue Host Affiliate Program and the Affiliate Program which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Spiritual Balance

stones, spiritual balance, meditation, peace, God's Word

Life is all about balance. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it’s perfectly okay, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing. – Lori Deschene

Something to Think About – Balance is not something you find. It’s something you create.

Thy word is thy lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, let’s talk about spiritual balance. How often do you read and study God’s Word? Do you just read your favorite Bible verse, pray, then move on with your day? In order to find spiritual balance in our lives, it is important to schedule quality time to not only read God’s Word, but also to write down our personal thoughts about the verses read and to determine how we can apply the verses to our own lives.

Here’s my suggestions for beginning this spiritual journey:

• Set a time to better engage in God’s Word and stick to your plan.
• Gather your materials, such as Bible, Notebook/Journal, Pens, Highlighters, Sticky Notes, Bible Concordance, Dictionary, etc.
• Designate a quiet space with no distractions, such as cellphones, televisions, people, noise, etc.
• You may want to play some soft music in the background to set a relaxing mood.
• Make sure your study area is free of clutter and well lit.
• Pray and meditate while studying God’s Word to open your mind and heart.
• Speak to God often to strengthen your relationship and ask Him to direct your study time.

My Motto – Each day I need to let God’s Word interrupt me, rearrange me and redirect me.
To strive for spiritual balance, it is important to face each day with a positive attitude. Dig deep inside to strive for new opportunities that surround us every day. Focus on right now and not what ifs. Believe it or not, even as I type these words, it seems easier said than done. I realize it will not be easy for some, but to move to a better place in life, we sometimes need to place ourselves in uncomfortable situations and/or conversations. Involve yourself with like-minded individuals who build you up and not tear you down.

Here’s some ways to help you find spiritual balance within your life:

• Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal
• Read and be grounded in God’s Word
• Meditate and be prayerful
• Practice yoga and stretch routines
• Read inspirational and spiritual books
• Set some attainable goals for yourself
• Post positive quotes where you can read them daily
• Recite positive affirmations throughout your day

My mind and body are in perfect balance. I am a harmonious being. – Louise Hay

meditation, spiritual balance, peace

When thinking about spiritual balance, it is important to prepare your mind, body and spirit for the journey. From experience, it is difficult to have spiritual balance without first getting the mind ready to receive our spiritual gifts from God. So, in addition to reading and studying God’s Word, it is also important to practice meditation regularly. Meditation can be defined as a practice where an individual focuses his or her mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. Remember, practice makes perfect so make sure to plan for meditation every day. It’s important to start with good breathing techniques when doing your meditation. In addition, create a peaceful and safe space where you will not be distracted during your meditation. It is important to let go of any and all frustrations throughout the meditation process. Meditation, when done correctly, offers many benefits throughout his or her weight loss journey as well.

Benefits of meditation includes, but not limited to:

• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Reduces impulsivity, cravings, and addictions
• Increases resilience in hard times
• Increases happiness and optimism
• Helps create loving, harmonious relationships
• Increases focus, creativity, and life satisfaction
• Increases memory, compassion, and productivity
• Produces a deep state of peace and well-being

How to Meditate:

• Sit Still – Just sit still and close your eyes – Outer stillness will lead to inner stillness
• Relax – It’s not a process – You just let go and surrender
• Pay Attention – To nothing in particular – Just be awake and focus on self-awareness

Spiritual Balance Quotes:

By God’s wise designing we are wonderfully made, every part essential and in perfect balance laid. – Anon

Spiritual balance is the principle that allows the mind to be still. You cannot expect the world to settle down, everything to work out, in order for you to be happy. You have to get control of your mind. – Frederick Lenz

Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others. – M. Russell Ballard

pink, flower, journal, book, write, pen

My Journal Prompts – Time for Reflection

The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. – Sakyong MIpham

• What are your priorities in life?
• What do you need to be content?
• Write down something that you want to remember. Why is it important to you?
• Write 5 things you would like to do more and make a plan to do them.
• What do you love about yourself?
• Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
• What are you thankful for? Why?
• What are my values? What do I believe in?
• Identify one way you would like to grow in the next year.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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