9 Benefits of Journal Writing

9 Benefits of Journal Writing

Renew Inspiration, 9 Benefits of Journal Writing, Journaling, Journal, Notebook
Renew Inspiration

Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding. – Jennifer Williamson

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Getting started with journal writing can be frustrating for some people, but also can be life changing for others. I’ve learned when experiencing life challenges and temporary setbacks, it’s important to reflect on your amazing life as a whole, then write your thoughts and how you feel in your journal regularly. Journal writing will help you become wiser, be more enlightened, and be a better version of yourself.

In addition, journal writing also can help you to:

    • Preserve your memories
    • Improve your writing skills
    • Sharpen your senses
    • Understand your mood changes
    • Set the tone for your day

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Journal writing is a voyage to the interior. – Christina Baldwin

When doing anything in life, having a personal and well-defined purpose will encourage you to stick to it. After all, life is an endless journey and each day starts a new chapter in your life. Journal writing allows you to track patterns, trends, improvement and growth over time. By regularly recording your thoughts you will gain insight into your behaviors and moods. Journal writing may also provide the following benefits throughout your journey:

#1 Learn How to Practice Mindfulness & Meditation

Writing in your journal brings you into a peaceful state of mindfulness; past frustrations and future anxieties lose their edge in the present moment. Journal writing and mindfulness can assist you with developing a deeper connection with yourself as well.

  • What thought patterns do you have and how do they impact your life?
  • How can you improve your mindset so you can love yourself more?
  • What can make you develop a deeper connection with yourself?

#2 Include Self-Discipline in Your Lifestyle

Developing a set time to write in your journal is an act of self-discipline. The more you exercise this healthy habit, the better you become as a person. Your daily writing practice will spread to other areas of your life.

  • What do you really need to change in your life?
  • How do you plan to improve self-discipline?
  • What good habit do you want to develop over time?

#3 Achieve Goals & Dreams

Journal writing allows you to write down your personal goals and pursue your dreams so you can develop a solid plan to reach them.

  • What do you need to believe to accomplish this goal/dream?
  • What kind of energy could you approach this goal/dream with?
  • If you believed it was possible, what actions would you take to achieve your goals/dreams?

#4 Brainstorm Ideas & Organize Thoughts

Writing in your journal is a great way to help you brainstorm ideas and organize thoughts by keeping them in one safe place. At any point, you can go back to your journal to find connections, reminders, and to help birth new ideas.

  • Do you prefer to brainstorm ideas & organize thoughts during your writing process?
  • Do you think journal writing helps you sort through problems that may occur in life?
  • How often do you use journal writing to brainstorm ideas & organize your thoughts?

#5 Reduce Stressful Situations

If you allow yourself to write in your journal daily, you will reduce stressful situations in your life. Journal writing will help you to release all your negative thoughts and feelings so you will not keep them held up inside.

  • What can you do to reduce stress in your life?
  • What is one behavior that you need to let go of?
  • What methods do you use to reduce stress?

#6 Be Inspired and Spark Your Creativity

When you make the decision to be inspired, you will open up the flow of creativity in your life. Allow time to write in your journal every morning and in the evening before going to bed. This process will help you be consistent with your creative flow and explore many possibilities that exist within your environment.

  • What gives you inspiration on any given day?
  • How do you spark your creativity throughout your journey?
  • What helps you open up the flow of creativity in your life?

#7 Schedule Time for Self-Reflection

Pouring your inner thoughts and feelings out in your journal is a form of self-reflection. You may choose to look back at your journal entries and think about how you’ve changed as a person. Self-reflection can also result in mental clarity and allows writers to reconnect within.

  • What is your greatest quest in life?
  • What is your vision for your life in the next 3 years?
  • What advice do you need to give to yourself right now in this very moment?

 #8 Work Towards Total Healing

Journal writing is an expressive way to reduce stress in your life and guide you to a permanent form of healing. Remember, consistency is key to seeing life changing results.

  • What can you do to nurture your mind, body, and spirit more?
  • What is holding you back from total healing?
  • Are you willing to participate in the healing process often?

#9 Express Gratitude Daily

Journal writing is a positive way to express gratitude in your life. It is important to start every day with an attitude of gratitude. Whether it is big or small, find at least one thing to express gratitude about every day.

  • What are you grateful for today?
  • What do you value or appreciate?
  • Who has helped you in life?

Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Be honest with yourself and be willing to feel the words within your soul. If you allow yourself to escape for a moment, you may free yourself from emotional bondage. After a few writing sessions, you will find it easier to process your internal feelings and emotions easier.


Create healthy habits, not restrictions. – Unknown Author

It’s time to learn why creating healthy writing habits are so important to improve your overall lifestyle. People set out with the best intentions but often times fail to keep the momentum going throughout life. But why? Remember, when you start to create healthy writing habits, your enthusiasm is high, and you’re motivated to see positive changes within your life. Be patient and allow yourself to make mistakes along the way.

Here’s 5 tips to keep in mind when creating healthy writing habits:

Tip #1 – Start with a realistic, small and attainable writing goal.

Tip #2 – Write down your goal(s) and work them into your daily schedule.

Tip #3 – Track your progress in a journal, notebook or online.

Tip #4 – Figure out strategies to overcome what might temporarily hold you back.

Tip #5 – Reward yourself often for small victories.

Forgive yourself if you slip up and keep trying. Giving up is not an option. Our greatest capacity to have influence over our health is with creating healthy habits, not restrictions.

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Journal writing is a wonderful pathway to self-awareness. – Rand Olson

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • What thoughts stand in the way of your happiness?
  • What takes your mind away from positive or peaceful thoughts?
  • What is one thing you can do this week to improve your meditation time?


  • What is happening in your body right now?
  • How can you honor your body on today?
  • Does your self-care need improvement? Why or why not?


  • What are you grateful for on today?
  • What do you need to be free from so you can surrender to God?
  • How much are you trusting God with your life right now?


Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time. – Mina Murray

Have you experienced any of these benefits while journal writing? How often do you write in your journal? Do you plan to continue journal writing as a part of your daily routine? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

7 Ways to Express Self-Gratitude

7 Ways to Express Self-Gratitude

Renew Inspiration, Express Self-Gratitude, Gratitude, Thankful
Renew Inspiration

Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway of grace.  – Arianna Huffington

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s start today’s conversation with a question. How do you express self-gratitude? Self-gratitude is defined as being grateful for yourself, what you have, and the life around you. A simple act of expressing self-gratitude is powerful and can be compared to concepts, such as self-care or self-love.

AMAZON RESOURCE #1 – Gratitude Journal


When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere. – Unknown Author

Self-gratitude is a lifestyle that you choose. Overtime, choosing gratitude means choosing joy for your life. It’s a choice that requires constantly renewing of your mind with truth, setting your heart to inspire others with creativity from within, and disciplining your tongue to speak words that reflect God’s goodness and His grace. Keep in mind there are limitless ways to express self-gratitude. For the sake of time, here’s my 7 favorite ways to express self-gratitude:

  • Keep a gratitude journal full of favorite lists, artwork or memories.
  • Take a walk and notice the beauty in nature each day.
  • Smile more often and compliment yourself in the mirror.
  • Watch inspiring videos or listen to uplifting podcasts.
  • Include an act of kindness in your life each day.
  • Tell someone you love them and how much you appreciate them.
  • Live mindfully in the present, not worrying about the past or future.

As you can see, gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside no matter what you might be going through in life. Believe it or not, gratitude changes the way we start the day, spend the day, and look back on the day.

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – The Gratitude Journal for Women


It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  • What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?
  • What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
  • What’s a tradition that you’re grateful for?
  • What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?
  • What mistake or failure are you grateful for?
  • What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?
  • Write about some place you’ve been that you’re grateful for.
  • What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?


Be the change you want to see in the world by making self-gratitude a part of each day. If we all practice gratitude more regularly, the world will be a better place. How do you plan to express self-gratitude in your life? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

10 Ways to Improve Attitude Awareness

10 Ways to Improve Attitude Awareness

Renew Inspiration, Attitude Awareness, Purpose, Positive Attitude, Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Grateful
Renew Inspiration

Watch your attitude. It’s the first thing people notice about you. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I cannot believe it’s been over a week since I’ve sent out an inspirational blog post to encourage you in some way. I truly apologize, but some days I find it difficult to maintain a positive attitude while trying to cope with life challenges. For example, every time you look around we are forced to deal with racial injustices and gun violence happening all around us. In addition, I am still working from home while helping my children with their virtual learning each day and trying to stay on track with writing my first book.

Despite all of this going on around me, today I choose to have a positive attitude and look at my life in a new way. By making this one choice, I will set myself up to receive beautiful blessings from on high. I will focus on what I have control over and nothing else. After all, a great attitude becomes a great mood. Which becomes a great day. Which becomes a great year. Which becomes a great life.

In life, two things define you:

  • Your patience when you have nothing.
  • And your attitude when you have everything.


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Unknown Author

Let’s start this discussion off with the definitions of attitude and awareness.

Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

Awareness is defined as the quality or state of being aware; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.

Now, your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are on the inside and out. As you travel along this journey called life, it is important to embrace the moment you’re in which provides opportunities for self-awareness.



If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou

Well, what’s the best way to improve attitude awareness? You start this process by training yourself to be mindfully aware of what is happening in your life right now, in this moment. Awareness balances thinking and reduces anxiety. Keep in mind, anxiety is focused on the past or the future and awareness is grounded in the present.

Here’s 10 ways to improve attitude awareness in your life:

#1 – In life, always act with a purpose.

Make sure that your actions are aligned with your values and who you are as a person. Have a true understanding of why you’re doing whatever it is that you’ve set out to do.

#2 – Stretch yourself past your limits every day.

Create a daily to-do list and strive to push yourself out of your comfort zone. As Brian Tracy says, “You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” This will keep your life fresh and exciting while challenging yourself to get to the next level.

#3 – Don’t expect huge results, just do your best.

Set goals and make decisions without pressuring yourself about the outcome. After all, we want to achieve greatness in life without feeling disappointment if we miss the mark. Plan ahead and do your best.

#4 – Use setbacks to improve your skills.

Examine where you are in this moment to see if there is any room for improvement. Remember, the results you receive prepares you for the results you want to achieve.

#5 – Seek out those who share your positive attitude.

Choose to be around people who share your same values, thoughts and positive attitude. You want to have people in your life to lift you up, not tear you down.


#6 – Always say “Please” and “Thank you”.

Being polite to others helps keep you grounded in positivity. If you want to improve your attitude use “Please” and “Thank you” with a smile on your face every single time you are given the opportunity.

#7 – Don’t compare yourself to others.

I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t spend a lot of time comparing yourself to others. This one action may cause you to begin thinking negatively towards your own life. Spare yourself the grief and focus on your own life and adjust your attitude accordingly.

#8 – Start your day with prayer, meditation, and stretching.

Every day when we rise, it’s important to be grounded on a positive foundation. Recite a simple prayer from your heart, then meditate on your words allowing your mind to be free. Afterwards, spend time stretching your body. You will feel refreshed and ready to take on any task that presents itself.

#9 – Live in the present moment.

Become more mindful and take each day one moment at a time. Plan ahead using a daily to-do list, calendar or a planner. Be careful not to over extend yourself by overlapping appointments. Allow time to take a walk outside or to do nothing at all. Your body will thank you.

#10 – Be grateful for everything you have.

Start every day with an attitude of gratitude. Give thanks for all that you have each and every day. When you rise in the morning, thank God for waking you up and for being your provider. Then, write down some things in your journal that you are grateful for. Repeat this action in the evening before you go to bed as well.

Attitude awareness is the first step to building a positive attitude. As you go through life, always expose yourself to positive information and hang around positive people so you will achieve positive results. Whatever life throws at you at any given time, even if it hurts, plant your feet on solid ground and be strong throughout the process. Remember, strong walls shake, but never collapse. Peace and blessings!



Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • Meditate and think about only positive thoughts. Then, write about your thoughts.
  • When you close your eyes, what do you always dream about? Write about it.
  • If you could paint a picture of your favorite memory, what would it look like?


  • Live in the moment right now, describe the feeling and everything around you.
  • What is the most complicated part of your life right now?
  • Do you adapt easily to change or is it hard for you?


  • You’re looking through the window to your soul, what do you see?
  • What is the biggest thing you want to change about yourself?
  • Do you wish you could press the reset button on anything in your life? If so, what?


How do you plan to improve your attitude awareness? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Ways To Improve Self-Love

Ways To Improve Self-Love

Renew Inspiration, Ways To Improve Self-Love

Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you who celebrate this beautiful day of love. Let’s take this opportunity to discuss a concept called self-love. When I think of self-love, I think of:

  • You accepting yourself fully with no exceptions.
  • You treating yourself with kindness and respect.
  • You nurturing your growth and well-being.

Without self-love, you may:

  • Be highly critical of yourself and others.
  • Fall into the “people pleasing” spectrum.
  • Tolerate abuse or mistreatment from others.
  • Neglect your own needs and feelings.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Self-Love Workbook


You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously. – Unknown Author

Self-love like anything else can be defined in different ways by different people. Before we move on, let’s take a moment to define self-love:

Self-Love can be defined as love of self; an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue; regard for one’s own well-being and happiness.  

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Self-Love Workbook for Women


The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. – Maya Angelou

Next, it is important to note that self-love not only speaks about how you treat yourself, but it also involves your thoughts and feelings as well. When you show self-love to yourself, you portray an overall positive view of yourself.

Here’s some great ways to improve self-love:

  • Write down and recite affirmations. When you change your internal narrative, you change the way you view yourself. For example, if you are looking for evidence that you are worthy of love, you will truly find love.
  • Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Remember, you are human and sometimes you will make mistakes. Acknowledge the mistakes, then forgive yourself and move on.
  • Prioritize your health and well-being. Be intentional about what you put into your body and always plan for daily exercise.
  • Find ways to meet your own needs and hold yourself accountable. Always put yourself first and do things that make you happy. If you fall short, hold yourself accountable and make necessary adjustments. Then, move forward.
  • Accept your imperfections and find your happy place. Take a moment to embrace the here and now. Then, think of a place that makes it simple to just be happy.
  • Challenge yourself often. Take time to challenge yourself. Set realistic goals and pursue them daily.
  • Cultivate gratitude in your life. Gratitude helps lead you to happiness. Take time daily to write down what you’re grateful for. Visit this list often to reflect on the goodness of life and all that it brings.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – You Are A Badass Book


Love yourself and the rest will follow. – Unknown Author

Finally, being kind to yourself helps you bounce back faster, live healthier, and stay on track.

Here’s some uplifting self-love affirmations to practice daily:

  • I am beautifully made.
  • I accept myself as I am.
  • I am worthy to be loved
  • I am confident and empowered.
  • I am worthy of everything good in life.
  • I deserve to be happy.
  • I am fearless and brave.
  • I am proud of my accomplishments.
  • I accept who I am and I love myself.
  • I am filled with kindness and gratitude.

Finally, I hope you have learned some different ways to help improve self-love in your life. Remember, self-love is the foundation of who you are which would allow you to be assertive, set boundaries, practice self-care, and create healthy relationships with others.


Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process sis the bravest thing that we’ll ever do. – Brene Brown

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • How do you practice self-love in your life?
  • What makes you happiest in life?
  • What does your dream life look like?
  • What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  • What are you proud of yourself for today?
  • What qualities do you think others admire about you?
  • What have you done lately that you didn’t get to brag about?
  • What is your self-care routine?
  • How much do you truly love yourself?
  • What have you learned from this journaling experience?
  • Write out your ideal vision of your “dream life”.
  • Write out 10 self-love affirmations.
  • Write out a perfect morning or evening self-care routine.
  • Write yourself a love letter.
  • Write out 15 compliments you can give yourself.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Be Grateful Day 1

Be Grateful Day 1

Renew Inspiration, Be Grateful, Sunflower, Gratitude, Affirmation, Journal Prompt, Keepsake

Start each day with a grateful heart. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I have always been taught that the best time to be grateful is always. Despite how I feel each day, I make it a point to be grateful in my heart, mind, body, and soul. Also, I speak positive affirmations into my soul daily. It’s important to note that you cannot be grateful without showing gratitude. After all, gratitude changes everything in your life and around your very being. Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside no matter what you might be going through in life. Gratitude changes the way we start the day, spend the day, and look back on the day. For me, my day always begins and ends with gratitude. How about yours?


A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. – Unknown Author

I am grateful for the blessings I receive daily. The most powerful weapon against your daily battles is finding the courage deep down within to be grateful anyway. If you are grateful where you are, you have to respect the road that got you there. Let’s pause this week and take a BE GRATEFUL JOURNEY.


Stay grateful. – Unknown Author

Before we get started on this journey, I would like to take a moment to define grateful and gratitude. Whenever you strive to make a change in your life, first take a moment to understand how the change will impact your life as a whole.

Grateful (adjective): Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.

Gratitude (noun): The quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.



Expect nothing and be grateful for everything. – Unknown Author

Believe it or not, there’s not a right or wrong way to become more grateful or to show gratitude. I have found that you need to find what works for you and your situation. As we embark on this journey, here’s a few ways that have helped me become more grateful.

Keep a Gratitude Journal. Select a journal or notebook. Then, set aside time daily to practice being grateful and showing gratitude. Remind yourself of the gifts, grace, benefits and good things in life you enjoy.

Acknowledge Your Senses. There’s so much we can learn from our ability to touch, see, smell, taste and hear. Seen through the lens of gratitude, our body is a unique gift that helps us appreciate more and more each day.

Go Through the Motions. With practice, going through the grateful motions, such as smiling, saying thank you, keeping a gratitude journal and writing letters of gratitude should trigger the emotion of gratitude in our daily lives.

Think Outside the Box. Don’t be afraid to show your creativity while looking for new situations and circumstances in which to feel grateful. For example, take walks or hikes in nature, enjoy the arts, try new foods and places, travel, etc.

Make a Commitment to Practice Gratitude. Research shows that making a commitment to perform a behavior increases the likelihood that the action will be executed. Make a commitment today and post it somewhere where you will be reminded each day. Your commitment can be as simple as:

Today, I commit to being grateful and showing gratitude each day.


When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere. – Unknown Author

I am grateful for another opportunity that life offers me on today. I am grateful for a fresh start, a brand- new way of thinking and a positive outlook on life. I am grateful for the fact that I can learn from my mistakes, and then let them go. I am grateful for my mind, body, and spirit functioning in a way to inspire others using encouraging words from the soul. I am grateful to have God as my guide, my supporter, and my protector. I am grateful for my husband, children, close family, friends, and readers like you who offers me support every step of the way. I am grateful just to have another chance to get my life right and back on track.



The world has slowed so you can rediscover yourself. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?

• What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?

• What’s a tradition that you’re grateful for?

• What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?

• What mistake or failure are you grateful for?

• Look around the room and write about everything you see that you’re grateful for.

• Write about some place you’ve been that you’re grateful for.

• What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?

While on this journey, remember that when you’re grateful, an invisible blanket of peace covers you. Gratitude is a lifestyle that you choose. Overtime, choosing gratitude means choosing joy. It’s a choice that requires constantly renewing of your mind with the truth of God’s Word, setting your heart to inspire others with creativity from within, and disciplining your tongue to speak words that reflect God’s goodness and His grace. Honestly, I believe a grateful spirit, rooted in the soil of God’s goodness and grace, will impact how you view and respond to everything in your life. When gratitude becomes your default setting, life changes.



There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. – Ralph H. Blum

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. Please accept this gratitude keepsake. Post it on your social media accounts and cherish it always.

Renew Inspiration, Be Grateful, Stay Grateful, Journal Prompts, Gratitude, Keepsake
Gratitude Keepsake – Renew Inspiration


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. – Unknown Author

Let’s take a moment to share with one another. All good things come from gratitude. Do you show gratitude in your life? If so, how does this experience help you grow into a better person?

Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Trust the Timing

Trust the Timing


Hold the vision, trust the timing and process. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – Trust the wait and embrace the uncertainty.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I pray that you and your families are still healthy during this coronavirus pandemic. My message to you on today is to be patient and trust the timing. Trust the timing mentally, physically, and spiritually. Remove your expectations of when it should happen or what it should look like, and live in the present.

Now, repeat after me – I am in perfect balance. I am physically and emotionally connected and healed. I am free of worry and I am at peace with who I am. Every day I grow stronger and more relaxed. I love myself and life. Before moving on, take a moment and allow these words to resonate with you. Keep re-reading these words until you believe each and every word.



I am learning to trust the journey even when I do not understand. – Mila Bron

To begin with, I know that you may not have all the answers right now, but the truth is none of us do. In life we all know that there is never a dull moment. Despite all of the unknowns in life, I still strive to trust the timing and want to encourage you to do the same. While it is easy for us to give up or to lose hope, I suggest for us to do the opposite. Dig deep down within to find the courage, the peace, and the strength to trust the timing in ways that will make you come out of this difficult time a better person.

Here’s a few ways to trust the timing within your life:

Be present. Take a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Focus on your breath and this will instantly bring you to the present moment. Notice that with every breath, things change within you and all around you.

Give thanks. Acknowledge where you are right now and what it took to get you there. Then, say THANK YOU from the heart for your life and for your family. Feel the gratitude for what has gone well and for the many blessings that are coming your way.

Be open and honest. Remember that life is all about learning and honesty. Be curious to experience a different way of doing or being, with yourself and with others.

Make time for reflection. Sit in silence to just be with yourself and your thoughts. Be honest about how you feel and what you’re thinking. Write in your journal for a few minutes everyday and gradually increase your time each week.

Have unwavering faith in yourself. Know that everything is unfolding as it should and one day, you’ll be able to look back and connect the dots. Recognize and celebrate small wins. Keep a journal to track your accomplishments and lessons learned.

Repeat a daily positive affirmation. Find or create a daily positive affirmation that resonates with you and what you want to embody. I’ve included a few of my favorites in the next section of this blog post.



The best is yet to come. – Unknown Author

As we cope with high anxiety, lots of worrying, and the stress of everyday life, it is important to keep our inner thoughts on positive and inspiring words of encouragement. I encourage you to take a moment each day to repeat a daily positive affirmation to uplift your spirits and to give you strength to endure all that you may experience.

Here’s some encouraging and positive affirmations to consider:

• I face today with an open mind.

• I am grateful for all that I receive.

• Today I lead with love and speak with kindness.

• My actions reflect the words that flow from my mouth.

• I am gentle with me and will act with good intention.

• I believe it is safe for me to honor my needs first.

• I allow others to support and love me.

• I have the ability to achieve and succeed.

• I set myself free because I forgive myself.

• I feel it is safe for me to choose and every choice is an opportunity.

As I am writing this blog post, my prayer for you is to become all that you want to become during this crisis and beyond. Your future is far better than your past. Remember to listen and trust what it is you need and the rest will follow. Believe this in your mind, body, and spirit. Know that no obstacle will stand in your way. Why you ask? Simply, because your potential is limitless my friend. Your faith should never waver. What God has for you, is for you. Trust God’s timing. Trust God’s plan for your life.



I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!


• What is on your mind right now in this very moment?

• How does the thought of gratitude bring you peace and comfort?

• What negative thought patterns do you have? How do you plan to correct them?

• Have you spent more time today thinking about the past, present or future?

• How often do you spend time practicing meditation?


• What are you proud of yourself for today?

• What have you done lately for yourself?

• What does your self-care routine look like?

• How much do you truly love yourself?

• How are you mistreating your body or compromising your health?


• Where did you see God in your life today?

• What attribute of God is most significant to you?

• What prayer have you seen answered recently?

• How can you have peace in the midst of chaos?

• Where does your true spiritual power reside?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Improve Gratitude Through Journaling

Improve Gratitude Through Journaling

journal, writing, reflection, gratitude, grateful, affirmation

Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway of grace. – Arianna Huffington

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! My hope for you today is that you and your family is safe and healthy during this difficult time. This is a great time to share ways to improve gratitude through journaling.


Inhale the future, exhale the past. – Unknown Author

First, let’s take a moment to define journal and gratitude.

A journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts.

Gratitude as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness. Simply put, gratitude changes everything. Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside no matter what you might be going through in life. Gratitude changes the way we start the day, spend the day, and look back on the day. For me, my day always begins and ends with gratitude. How about yours?



Gratitude is the healthiest of all emotions. – Unknown Author

Now, let’s take journaling to the next level. How about improving gratitude through journaling? After all, journaling is a way to capture ideas and keep your dreams alive until you can put them in motion, right? Ideas can be found all around you. Take a moment and look around you right where you are. Inspiration is not required to knock at your door twice. We have to be ready and willing to do what’s necessary to grow, to learn, and most importantly, to be grateful.


Stay patient and trust your journey. – Unknown Author

1. Take your journal everywhere you go to capture those special thoughts or moments as they happen. If your journal is too big, you can always buy a small notebook to use while you are on the go. Then, transfer or glue your notes in your journal at a later time.

2. Select a journal that feels right to you. You can purchase a beautifully crafted handmade journal, a hardcover book with unlined pages, a softcover notebook with lined pages, a 3-ring binder with loose paper, or just a spiral notebook. It really doesn’t matter your style, just make sure that your journal feels right to you and you can comfortably use it to capture your thoughts.

3. Handwrite your journal entries so you are unable to edit your thoughts. Handwriting keeps things more spontaneous and also gives you clues about your emotional state. If you’re anything like me, you can tell what you’re feeling just by analyzing the state of your writing.

4. Create an informal table of contents in the beginning of each journal. Number each page and try to list the topics covered as you go along. This makes finding stuff a lot easier down the road or when you just want to reflect on some of your past writings. Don’t worry about doing this each time you journal, but make sure to complete this step before starting your next journal.

5. Don’t worry about format, grammar, or spelling. Remember, this is your personal space and a written account for how you feel right now in this very moment. Don’t worry about following your traditional writing rules, just write.



The most beautiful way to start and end your day is with a grateful heart. – Unknown Author

Moreover, gratitude is a lifestyle that you choose. Overtime, choosing gratitude means choosing joy. It’s a choice that requires constantly renewing of your mind with the truth of God’s Word, setting your heart to inspire others with creativity from within, and disciplining your tongue to speak words that reflect God’s goodness and His grace. Honestly, I believe a grateful spirit, rooted in the soil of God’s goodness and grace, will impact how you view and respond to everything in your life. When gratitude becomes your default setting, life changes in a positive way.


Today I am grateful for all that I am, all that I have and all that is. – Unknown Author

I am grateful for another opportunity that life offers me on today. I am grateful for a fresh start, a brand- new way of thinking and a positive outlook on life. I am grateful for the fact that I can learn from my mistakes, and then let them go. I am grateful for my mind, body, and spirit functioning in a way to inspire others using encouraging words from the soul. I am grateful to have God as my guide, my supporter, and my protector. I am grateful for my husband, children, close family, friends, and readers like you who offers me support every step of the way. I am grateful just to have another chance to get my life right and back on track.



Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you already have. – Unknown Author

A gratitude journal is a diary of things for which one is grateful. Gratitude journals are used by individuals who wish to focus their attention on the positive things in their lives. Start a gratitude journal to include a personal reflection (goals, thoughts, feelings), affirmation, scriptures, poems, quotes, kind gestures (writing notes, letters, or making phone calls). Be creative and honest. This process will change your life in a positive and uplifting way.

Here’s some tips to help you start a gratitude journal:

• Choose a journal or notebook that will inspire you to write. You can purchase a journal or make a it. Some people prefer lined pages and other people prefer unlined pages. It’s up to you.

• Determine when you’ll write. When you want to create a new habit, the easiest thing is to do it together with something you’re already doing in your life. For example, add journaling to your morning or bed time routine. Yes, it is that simple.

• Use journal prompts to help you get the most from your journaling experience. When you use different journal prompts, you will quickly learn which gives you the best feeling and inspire you to change. Note – I include journal prompts at the end of each blog post.

• Connect with the emotion. When you experience that feeling, write down what you’re grateful for and enjoy the feeling of gratefulness. Be open and honest throughout the process.

• Do what works for you. Remember, there are no rules to follow. Try it throughout this difficult time and I am sure you will not be disappointed.



All good things come from gratitude. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What did I learn about myself this week?

• What is a simple pleasure that I’m grateful for?

• What do I want to accomplish in my life today? tomorrow? next week? next month?

• What has been going well in my life lately?

• How can I create more acceptance in my life?

• What mistake or failure am I grateful for?

• How have I been holding myself back?

• How can I take a step forward?

• What is something that I’m grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?

So, grab your journal or notebook. Then, write your ideas so you’re able to retrieve your thoughts whenever needed. Your journal holds all of your pertinent life information so you can remember and reference at any time in your future. Remember, you shape your world for success even through difficult times like these. Begin to imagine and dream. Don’t be afraid of goal setting and planning. Have courage to move in a positive direction toward your personal growth and advancement. Forever be grateful for each and every day! Peace and blessings!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Finding Kindness Within

Finding Kindness Within

Renew Inspiration, Finding Kindness Within, Pink Flower, Mind, Body, Spirit, Affirmations, Self-Reflection, Journal Prompts

Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. – Mark Twain

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Finding kindness within is not as easy as it sounds. Recently, I have made a commitment to find kindness within and to practice kindness toward others on a daily basis. But what does this really mean? For me, it’s quite simple. To practice kindness, you first must find kindness within (mind, body, spirit) so you can share it with others. You must be kind hearted and be a gentle soul. You must naturally care for others and not be fake about it. Then, you have to show that you’re not selfish by showing compassion toward others as well as refraining from criticizing and/or judging people throughout your journey.

Believe it or not, kindness actually reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, kindness can put us and others at ease while we’re interacting with one another. Try it next time you’re out and about. Offer a kind word or gesture to someone you meet, to someone who serves your community, or even a family member. Notice what happens. From a learning perspective, you’ll see that the effects are cumulative. The more we practice kindness, the better we get at it, it helps build our character, and it becomes who we are.


Kindness (noun) – the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate; a kind act.


Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change. – Bob Kerrey

• World Kindness Day is a day that was started in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. This day is celebrated on November 13th in several countries all over the world, such as United States, Italy, India, Singapore, Nigeria, Japan, Australia, and Canada.

• Kindness is considered a virtue and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions.

• National Random Acts of Kindness Day was started in 2004 by New Zealand and is observed on February 17th. This day can be celebrated by individuals, groups, and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness.

• Kindness is a natural antidepressant because it causes a release of serotonin in our brain.

• Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK) is a US nonprofit that was founded in 1995 and has its headquarters in Denver, CO.


Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. – Seneca

Here’s some ways to practice kindness throughout your day:

Be kind to yourself. Notice your self-talk. Recite positive affirmations. Practice meditation and engage in basic self-care routines.

Use your manners often. Saying thank you and you’re welcome are expressions of gratitude. A grateful heart is all it takes to express kindness.

Smile at everyone you pass or encounter. I always greet people with a warm smile and a kind word. Whether they respond or not, it makes me feel good.

Greet people with a friendly hug. A good hug can lift someone’s spirits or make them feel loved and appreciated.

Be generous and give from the heart. Donate money or clothes to charity, volunteer your time to help the needy, or even bring a gift or souvenir whenever you visit a friend. Even at home, we can lend a helping hand by offering to wash the dishes, vacuum the floor, or clean the bathrooms.

Help a stranger. You can help someone put their bags in the car, let someone go ahead of you in line, hold the door or elevator, run errands for your friend or neighbor, or hold an umbrella for someone who needs a hand.

Send good wishes. Kindness always begins with a thought. Secretly send people good intentions, wishes, and prayer.

Give praises. Giving a sincere praise to someone is an act of kindness. By giving recognition to others, we can help them to develop confidence in themselves.

Call a loved one or friend. Take a moment to call a loved one or a friend to catch up instead of sending a text. It’s refreshing to have a heart-to-heart conversation over the phone.

Send greeting cards. Send a greeting card just because to let someone know you’re thinking of them. Sometimes, the unexpected cards are the best, and they’ll make a lasting, positive impression.


In a world where you can be anything, be kind. – Unknown Author

Here’s some great examples of how you can speak kindness into your life:

• I believe in myself and trust in my abilities to succeed in all I do.

• I am a beautiful soul that radiates a vibrant and beautiful form. All is well in my body and mind.

• I let the events of today go. I forgive myself and others for any mistakes that were made. I am ready to start fresh with a new day tomorrow.



Choose kindness because it changes everything. – Unknown Author

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Now, open your journal or notebook and practice journaling each day by using these helpful journal prompts:

• How do you define kindness?

• How will you practice self-kindness today?

• How often do you share kindness with others?

• How is gratitude and kindness related?

• Do you plan to celebrate World Kindness Day (November) or National Random Acts of Kindness Day (February) in the future? If so, what do you plan on doing?

Remember, it’s important to make it a daily habit to overwhelm others with your kindness. Kindness is the most fundamental value as a human. Being kind is the powerful way to connect with others. People will develop trust in you and remember you because of tiny acts of kindness you practice. Make a commitment to yourself to find kindness within (mind, body, spirit) and share it with others.


Let’s talk. Be merciful, gracious, and have a tender temperament. It’s important to choose kindness daily. Always help someone. You might be the only one that does. How do you plan to show kindness toward others today or in the future? What is your favorite way to practice kindness? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2019 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Spreading Joy

Spreading Joy

Spreading Joy, Gratitude, Kindness

Joy is the sound of love, the color of gratitude, and the song of hope. – Mary Davis

Something to Think About – The root of joy is gratefulness.

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today I choose joy. Joy is the echo of God’s life in us.

HOW TO CHOOSE JOY (www.flowingwithchange.com)

• Decide to choose joy.
• Daily affirm, “I feel joy today.”
• When other things seem to be more important like worrying, start over with the first one.

If we allow ourselves to be honest and feel the positive sensations inside, then we all could agree that life is simply bursting with joy. Joy grows from the inside, then you are allowed to spread it to others along your journey. Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path you take towards joy. No one makes you joyous, it comes from within. Simply put, it is your responsibility to choose joy throughout life. Now, you may be wondering how you choose joy from day to day? Well, you can choose joy by showing kindness, love and a grateful heart. In addition, there are some basic ways that you can spread joy to other people as well. It can be quite a rewarding experience to brighten up someone’s day by extending an act of kindness or just simply smiling at someone as you pass by. However, it is essential for you to bring joy to yourself first by empowering yourself and leading a happy and stress free life.


• Be kind toward yourself. Remember, you cannot give what you don’t have.

• Smile. Don’t wait to be happy. Think of something good in your life, smile and see what happens.

• Transform your life by being optimistic and positive. Be helpful and give compliments to others.

• Surprise the people you love with a special gift or flowers just because.

• Say something good about someone or something. Be genuine and spread positive vibes and thoughts.

• Send a card, special note or letter to family, friends, co-workers or neighbors.

• Being authentic and courteous to others by saying words, such as “good morning” or “have a wonderful day”.

• Volunteer for a good cause where you can help others less fortunate than you are. For example, visit a nursing home, hospital, children’s group home or a homeless shelter.

You are free to think thoughts of worry or joy, and whatever you choose will attract the same kind back to you. Worry attracts worry. Joy attracts joy. – Rhonda Byrne

5 WAYS TO FIGHT FOR JOY – (www.moreradiance.com)

• Sing your favorite song
• Focus on the Good
• Smile throughout your day
• Surround yourself with joyful people
• Talk about joyful things

While living your best life, it is important to find joy along the journey. Don’t wait for perfect circumstances to experience the joy God wants to give in this moment. Remember, life doesn’t have to be perfect to be filled with joy. Begin to live life on your own terms or you will have other people sucking the joy out of you before you can spread it to anyone else. Find joy by walking in gratitude. Joy is contagious. Pass it on!

Spreading Joy, Gratitude, Joyful Affirmations


Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, and sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hahn

• Today I choose and welcome joy into my life.

• My day begins with gratitude and joy.

• I radiate joy and vitality throughout my life.

• I am worthy of love and joy.

• I am a joyful breeze entering a room.

• I am peaceful. I am joyful. I am thankful.

• I handle my own life with joy and ease.

• Life is filled with joy and abundance.

• Nourishing myself is a joyful experience.

• Today I spread love, joy and happiness.

Spreading Joy, Gratitude, Holidays


Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. – Karl Barth

• What’s the role of gratitude in your life?

• What is one thing you’d like to improve in yourself?

• How frequently do you make time for self-care?

• What is your life motto?

• What needs to happen in your life to increase joy?

• When was the last time someone was wowed by something you did?

• What are some ways to give back during this holiday season and beyond?


Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. – Mother Teresa

Sprinkle joy throughout your day. Shared joy is double joy which is incredible joy. Be joyful always. Is it difficult for you to spread joy to others? What kinds of challenges do you face concerning spreading joy?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Give Thanks, Holiday, Be Thankful

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 107:1)

Something to Think About – I’m thankful for today, tomorrow and forever!


Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I am thankful for the gift of life and for those I am blessed to share this wonderful life with. I take nothing for granted during the holidays because I realize this can be a difficult and stressful time for most people for many reasons, such as the loss of a loved one, broken relationships, unemployment, depression, anxiety, just to name a few. Unfortunately, this is me in a nutshell. Despite experiencing all of these things in my life at one point or another, I am still thankful for all of it. Everything that I have gone through has helped mold and shape me into the beautiful and smart woman I am today. Every single struggle and setback I encountered has made me a stronger, wiser and humble person. I have learned how to love instead of hate and smile instead of frown. We have to humble ourselves in life, so we can learn from life lessons. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Believe it or not, if I would not have gone through so much pain and heartache, my Renew Inspiration blog would not exist today.

Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be genuine, but most of all be thankful.

I am truly blessed with everything I need. I am working hard toward everything I want. And most of all, I appreciate and thank God for what I have. Thank you for your part in my journey! I appreciate you taking the time to read my Renew Inspiration blog, writing thoughtful and caring comments, and most of all, taking that leap of faith and subscribing to my blog. Remember, be kind and be mindful of how others may be feeling during this holiday season. Lastly, take care of yourself because you cannot pour from an empty cup.

When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.

Happy Thanksgiving, Be Thankful, Grateful, Meditate, Yoga Pose


Nothing diminishes anxiety or stress faster than action.

• Pray and meditate to help clear your mind and uplift your spirit.

• Practice journaling often to express yourself. Remember, written expressions open doors to your soul.

• Read inspirational blogs, books or quotes to help boost self-confidence.

• Plan quiet time alone to gather your thoughts and feelings.

• Be honest with yourself and others. Never hold back how you feel. Open communication is healthy.

• Practice yoga or do stretches to help strengthen your body and help you relax.

• Exercise daily to move your body and boost energy.

• Participate in therapy sessions with a professional therapist for encouragement and support.

Happy Thanksgiving, Reflection, Sunset, Peaceful, Water


The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart.

• What are you thankful for and why?

• What was the best thing that happened today?

• What immediately comes to mind when you think of your blessings?

• What accomplishments in your life have brought you most happiness?

• What hard parts of your life may contain hidden blessings?


Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participant in the Target Affiliate Program, Blue Host Affiliate Program and the WordPress.com Affiliate Program which are advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Target.com, Bluehost.com and WordPress.com

Copyright © 2018 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved