I am worthy of the very best in life, and I now lovingly allow myself to accept it. – Louise Hay
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I am worthy. I am loved. I am whole. I am enough. I choose to shine bright on today. How about you? Now, it’s important to note that the ways I choose to shine may be different than yours on any given day, but the end result should be the same, we’re worthy enough to shine! Our lives should be an example and reflect positive vibes through the eyes of others. For example, it seems like random people always offer me positive compliments regarding my smile or grateful compliments for the kind gestures that I showed them (holding the door open or just saying hello or good morning). Despite how dark it is all around us, we are all worthy enough to shine so let’s get to it.
The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people the power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude. – Mandy Hale, SimpleReminders.com
Remember, that at any moment you can choose to feel whole again and worthy, no matter what is or isn’t in your life. You need nothing to feel worthy except your realization that you are. Nowadays, it’s so important to know your worth.
Here’s some great ways to know your worth:
- Be yourself and be your own inspiration.
- Set reasonable goals for yourself.
- Be kind to yourself and take back your personal power.
- Build on your strengths, not weaknesses.
- Be decisive and take risks.
- Have faith, show gratitude, and stay hopeful.
Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. – Unknown Author
Even when I am not feeling well or just simply having a bad day, I try hard not to reflect my negative vibes and feelings toward others. As we travel along this journey called life, we will experience some ups and downs. However, the way we respond to life’s challenges is the key to overcoming the obstacles that occur in our lives.
Here’s some great ways to shine throughout your life during difficult times:
- Read God’s Word, pray and meditate.
- Smile and believe in yourself. Yes, believe in the awesome person you’re becoming.
- Show kindness everywhere you go. Especially, to unkind people.
- Forgive people who don’t deserve it. Then, let it go.
- Acknowledge your patterns of stress and release them into the atmosphere.
- Move out of your comfort zone throughout your journey so you can grow.
- Allow yourself time to heal from life’s challenging moments.
- Be gentle and patient with yourself. Practice self-care routines.
- Love unconditionally. Find time for self-reflection and to write in your journal.
Every situation in life is meant to be temporary. When life is going as planned, make sure to enjoy every moment. And when life is not going as planned, know that it will not last forever and better days are sure to follow.
Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author
I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
- Do you feel worthy enough to shine?
- How well do you really know yourself?
- Where does your mind wander throughout the day?
- Do you strive to learn something new every day?
- What do you need to do to become healthier (inside and out)?
- What are some things that you want to change in your life?
- What would you do if you can travel into the past?
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You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody. – Maya Angelou
Please accept this WORTHY ENOUGH TO SHINE keepsake. Post it on your wall, mirror and/or social media accounts and cherish it always.

Your worth can never be determined by someone else. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. – Unknown Author
Let’s talk. Remember, your actions will always reflect who you are so the closer you get to being who you are meant to be…the brighter you shine! How do you choose to shine during life’s most difficult times? Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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