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Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. – Charles Spurgeon
Thought for today – Believe that you are stronger than your anxiety.
Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I pray that you and your families are staying healthy during this difficult time. Let’s face it, the rapid spread of the coronavirus has increased anxiety, wide-spread panic, fear and stress for most people around the United States and abroad. In fact, 70% of adults in the United States feel some level of stress and anxiety daily. People are nervous and scared which is a normal response to the issue at hand.
I don’t know about you, but I will be the first to tell you that my anxiety is on the rise, but it is also silent within. I try not to let my family, friends or co-workers know when my anxiety level increases. Today, I will not allow anxiety to dictate how I feel or how I interact with others. Today, I will not stress over things I cannot control. Instead, I choose to spread love, hope, peace, comfort, joy, happiness, kindness, encouragement and inspiration through my Renew Inspiration blog.
Anxiety has the ability to keep you from enjoying life and doing things you enjoy. – Unknown Author
Before you can work through an issue, it is important to understand what the issue is and how it can impact you as a whole. So, what is anxiety? Well, anxiety is defined as a nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness and apprehension; Feeling of worry; Fear characterized by behavioral disturbances.
It is important to note, that while there can be many causes for anxiety all around us, here’s some common causes of anxiety that often times impacts our lives or someone close to us:
• Stress that can result from work, school or personal relationships.
• Emotional trauma in our lives.
• Financial concerns.
• A chronic or serious medical condition.
• A major event or performance.
• Side effect of certain medications.
Be open and honest to your loved ones if your anxiety begins to interrupt your life on any level. Do not ever think you’re alone because you’re not. Overcome your fear by taking a step to work through this difficult chapter in your life’s story.
Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action. – Walter Anderson
Next, I want to provide the symptoms of anxiety to help you become aware of how you are feeling or if you notice any of these symptoms in others. Unfortunately, high levels of anxiety can cause various health conditions and/or symptoms, such as:
• Panic attacks
• Depression
• Constant and excessive worrying
• Feeling exhausted and fatigue
• Increase stress
• Restlessness
• Insomnia and non-restorative sleep
• Irritability
• Lack of concentration
• Irrational fears and phobias
• Avoiding social situations
It’s important to analyze these symptoms very closely. If you feel the symptoms are severe enough to interfere with daily life activities and continues for at least 6 months, you may want to consider seeing a licensed health professional.
Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. – Pema Chodron
Moreover, many people deal with anxiety on so many levels, and in some cases, they deal with this condition alone. Unfortunately, anxiety often times manipulates you by showing you the following:
• Self-doubt – Anxiety makes us question ourselves and our beliefs.
• Fear – Anxiety takes what is dear to you and makes you afraid of losing it.
• Worries – Anxiety can take a thought and turn it into excessive worries.
• Control – We don’t need our fears to manifest. Then, we strive to control everything.
Similar to the symptoms as noted above, it’s important to analyze how you’re feeling and request help from a licensed health professional so you can cope with life better.
Smile, breathe and go slowly. – Thich Nhat Hanh
Now, that we know the common causes for anxiety and the symptoms, it is important to find ways to reduce anxiety so we can live more productive lives.
Here’s some ways to help reduce anxiety:
• Increase your faith, read scripture and pray.
• Eat well-balanced diets.
• Add a daily exercise or yoga routine.
• Take medications or supplements that are prescribed by a licensed doctor.
• Enjoy aromatherapy by lighting a candle using essential oils (lavender, sandalwood, rose, roman chamomile, geranium, orange blossom).
• Express yourself and how you are feeling using a gratitude journal.
• Spend quality time with family and friends.
• Laugh and find the humor in every day life.
• Learn to avoid procrastination and prioritize what needs to be done.
• Practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques.
• Listen to soothing music.
• Maintain a positive attitude.
It’s important to take mental breaks as often as possible. Take a deep breath and remember to go easy on yourself. What ever you do today, let it be enough.
Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
• Do you suffer from anxiety? If so, how do you work through it.
• What are some of life challenges and/or triggers that increase your anxiety?
• How do you plan to overcome your anxiety?
• Interview your past & future self by asking questions that you need answers to.
• Use colorful markers or pens to write out all the things that make you happy.
Remember, to take care of yourself throughout this stressful time. Click on the image below to receive some Positive Affirmations. Read them daily until they resonate in your spirit. Then, share them with others. Write a comment below to let me know how my Renew Inspiration blog has helped you. Let’s overcome anxiety by sharing positive vibes, not panic or fear.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
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