Worry Less and Trust God

Worry Less and Trust God

Renew Inspiration, Worry Less and Trust God

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. It just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – Not once does the Bible say, “Worry about it” or “Stress over it” or “Figure it out.” But over and over the Bible clearly says, “TRUST GOD.”

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! It has been more than two months since I’ve posted here. Lately, I have found it very difficult to focus on writing projects, to limit my worrying and to trust God for everything pertaining to my life. I had to take a mental break from researching and writing, but now I’m back. As I have stated before, I promised myself, that I would write about topics that I personally experience so I can help others who may be going through similar life changing situations. If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to worry less and trust God.


Old Testament Scripture – Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

New Testament Scripture – Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown

What’s my story related to worry and anxiety? I’m going to be honest, I never really worried a lot or felt anxiety to the point where I would not do certain things until my mother passed away in 2015. It was at this point that I felt like a total failure because I could not help my mother fight her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It was so difficult just watching her breathing get worse and worse. My mother was a small woman with strength of a lion, but COPD broke her body down quickly right before my eyes.

Even as I write these words, emotions begin to stir around inside of me, but I continued writing so I can help someone else who may be experiencing the same thing. It’s hard to admit sometimes, but the grieving process has been very difficult for me, but I turned to writing as a way to release my pain and emptiness inside. I am glad to say that I no longer blame myself for my mother’s death. I realize I had no control of her chronic illness and God’s timing. This process has shown me that you can learn different ways to handle worry and anxiety throughout life, but it’s fair to say that it may never leave your body for good, it’s just resting inside waiting for an opportunity to arise.


Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. – Unknown Author

Did you know that worry and anxiety often times goes hand in hand? Let’s define both.

Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body. Anxiety can happen at any time, and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”.


Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strengths. – Corrie Ten Boom

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious, and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of which things trigger our anxiety.

Here’s a few questions to ask yourself when determining your worry triggers:

  • Is it when you’re in certain places?
  • Is it particular times of the day?
  • Is it when you’re around certain people?

Many different things can trigger worry and understanding your particular triggers can help you process and establish ways to respond to your anxious feelings. Keep in mind that anxiety can trick you into believing your thoughts are reality.


You can’t calm the storm…so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. – Timber Hawkeye

When you’re feeling anxious, you struggle to distinguish what you’re actually experiencing and what your thoughts are projecting. Begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what is real around you. Pay attention to what you’re doing right now in this very moment, not on your worries or anxiety.

Here’s a few suggestions that you can use when you’re feeling overwhelmed:

  • Take slow, deep breaths, as many as you need to in order to feel calm.
  • While breathing slowly and deeply, visualize a peaceful, soothing place. Examples may include walking on the beach, taking a hike in the woods, reading a good book, sitting in a meditation pose, doing yoga, etc.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Drink a soothing, noncaffeinated tea. Great herbs for reducing anxiety include lavender, chamomile, passionflower, hawthorn, kava, ginseng and lemon balm.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Notice negative thoughts and replace them with simple positive ones. For example, I can’t handle this becomes I am handling this right now and I know this anxiety will soon pass.


Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere. – English Proverb

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some great ways to worry less and trust God:

  • Pray and read God’s Word daily.
  • Determine the source of the worry, so you can do something about it.
  • Allow yourself time to worry (10 to 15 minutes).
  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments of high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • Ditch the small stuff and put things in perspective.
  • Give into laughter and smile more.
  • Engage with positive people.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Be open and honest.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.

Although experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem. Stop using your energy to worry. Instead, use your energy to believe, create, love, grow, manifest, heal, and trust God. Be blessed!


Affirmations can be used to change your current mindset, boost your self-confidence, mood, and self-esteem. Through the power of repetition, you’re able to reconstruct your thought patterns, beliefs, and ideals in your subconscious mind.

Here’s some affirmations to help you let go of stress, worry, and anxiety:

  • As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.
  • I am strong and courageous.
  • My thoughts and feelings are valid.
  • I live peacefully alongside all of my emotions and worry.
  • I accept what is happening in my life, moment by moment.
  • My acceptance gives me courage to face situations and people.
  • I live my life fully and freely, enjoying my life even when I feel anxious.
  • I feel grounded in this moment which helps me to move freely past the worry or anxious feeling.
  • I have survived my anxiety before, so I can do it again.
  • I let go of what I cannot control.
  • My anxiety does not define me.
  • I have the power to control my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. – Lao Tzu

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?


 No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. – Faraaz Kazi

Journal To Overcome Grief: A Personal Journey to Healing can be purchased via Amazon.com.  This beautiful grief journal includes thought provoking journal prompts and quotes that will help you navigate life after loss.

Journal To Overcome Grief


There will be times when you’ll want to cry and other times when you’ll smile as you explore your personal reflections. This is a unique way to honor your loved one and connect with their spirit through writing while creating your own personal keepsake for years to come.


Please share what helps you to worry less and trust God more? How do you choose to cope with worry and anxiety? I look forward to reading your comments and feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety
Renew Inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything; it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to learn how to lessen worry and anxiety for good.

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of the things that trigger these emotions.

Here’s a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re in certain places?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious during a particular time of the day?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re around certain people?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have started the process to identify possible triggers that may cause you to worry or experience anxiety throughout your life.


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown Author

Before we go any further, let’s take a moment to define anxiety and worry. Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body, such as tightness in chest, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, headaches, trembling or trouble sleeping. It’s important to note that anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”. In addition, chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger many health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, irritability, muscle aches/tension, nausea, rapid breathing, dry mouth, dizziness, and nervous energy.

Here’s some common causes for anxiety and worry:

  • Stress that can result from work, school, personal relationship
  • Emotional trauma
  • Financial concerns
  • Stress caused by a chronic or serious medical condition
  • A major event or performance
  • Side effect of certain medications
  • Alcohol or drugs consumption
  • Lack of oxygen

As you can see, experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety


Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. – Unknown Author

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some lifestyle changes that can help lessen worry and anxiety in your life:

  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when you worry or when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments when you worry the most or experience high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Be open, honest, and willing to express how you truly feel.
  • Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to share your experiences. Listen to others and give/receive feedback.
  • Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.
  • Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

Finally, it’s important to get a clear understanding of what your triggers are and establish healthy ways to respond to them. Live in the moment and begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what you’re doing in the present. Like any change you pursue in life, remember that it takes time to change your way of thinking and feeling. Be patient with yourself while you lessen worry and anxiety in your life.



Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.



 Get Started (betterhelp.com)

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

17 Simple Ways to Relieve Worry, Stress, and Anxiety » Hope For Healing (hopeforhealingfoundation.org)

10 Crucial Differences Between Worry and Anxiety | Psychology Today


Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Renew Inspiration, Leap of Faith, Fear, Courage
Renew Inspiration

God is still writing your story. Don’t let go of your faith because of what you have to see. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s Welcome in February by taking a leap of faith.  Despite what you have experienced so far this year, be thankful that you are here today to speak about it and read my inspirational blog. It’s important to pour positivity into our lives so we can be better prepared to overcome obstacles. I think of this process as taking a leap of faith, removing fear as a temporary setback, and adding courage to step out of our comfort zone.


I choose faith over anxiety hope over worry love over fear. – Unknown Author

Faith can be defined as:

  • Complete trust or confidence in someone or something; Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Fear can be defined as:

  • An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Courage can be defined as:

  • As the ability to do something that frightens one and the strength to withstand in the face of danger, fear, difficulty, pain or grief.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Faith Prayer Journal


Faith isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice to trust God even when the road ahead seems uncertain. – Dave Willis

To begin with, I believe we all have some level of faith within us. Often times in life, we are scared to take the leap of faith which holds us back from fulfilling our potential and becoming the best version of ourselves. Starting today, believe in your heart and mind that you will receive whatever it is that you are praying for throughout your journey. No mountain is too big for our God. I always think of a mountain as any obstacle, problem, or situation that occurs within our life time. Now, let’s talk about the steps in the faith process.

STEP 1 – Take a Step Back

Throughout our journey, it would be nice if we could backtrack and start over from time to time without harming anyone along the way. But how did we get to the point where we want to press the reset button? For some of us, we try to learn from our mistakes which causes us to wonder why we made them in the first place. Retracing our steps helps us remember who we are and where we come from throughout the faith process. This means spending time reading God’s Word, meditating and praying often. Then, looking at our current situation to see where we may have taken the wrong turn.

STEP 2 – Apologize

Then, it is time to apologize for our mistakes if you have hurt someone along the way. For some people apologizing and asking for forgiveness is too hard to handle alone. In most cases, our pride stands in the way of apologizing to make someone else feel better. It is important to retrace our steps and learn how we should be honest to not just ourselves, but also to others. We should all strive to learn and grow from our mistakes. This learning and growing experience is not meant to be easy, but it is a necessary step in this learning and faith process.

STEP 3 – Make Amends

Then, it is time to make amends with those who we have done wrong. In some cases, amends can be straight forward and in other cases it can be quite messy. But nevertheless, be true and honest to yourself. Put everything you have into this faith process to amend your relationships and receive forgiveness from the person(s) in question.

STEP 4 – Move On

Then, the final step in this faith process is the time to prepare yourself to move on. Remember, it is good to ponder on your mistakes, but don’t let them shame you or make you think you are alone throughout the faith process. No matter how big our mistakes seem in life, God’s love and grace can help us through those darkest days. We shall be well and rise again. Just let go, release, and move on.

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Audiobook I Will Not Fear


Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small. – Ruth Gendler

Despite having faith in your life, it is important to discuss how fear can also creep in. Fear is a normal reaction that warns our bodies to be careful. Everyone experiences some level of fear in their life from time to time. However, coping with everyday fears can be frightening for most people. Keep in mind, it is impossible to think clearly when you’re feeling overwhelmed or fearful. You must be ready to face your fears head on so you can dictate how your story will end. Remember, you are the root cause of your fears, and most importantly, you can be the solution to them as well.

Here’s some ways to help you overcome fear:

  • Name your fear and face it. Believe it or not, fear is not always obvious.
  • Arm yourself by replacing fear with God’s presence.
  • Imagine your success, not your failures.
  • Act out your new story and visualize your happy place.
  • Don’t try to be perfect. Take time out to rest and reset.
  • Practice mindfulness and focus on your breathing techniques.
  • Identify your fears by writing in your journal.

What makes you afraid? Questions help trigger your fears and bring them to the surface. Remember, fear will consume you if you allow it. Dig deep inside to gain encouragement and strength to move passed your fear so you can proceed with taking the leap of faith that you desire.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Color Me Fearless


Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. – Winston S. Churchill

Next, many situations occur in life that call upon us to do something we find scary, upsetting, uncomfortable, anxiety provoking, or distressing. We have to learn how to move out of our comfort zone throughout this journey called life, so we can develop, grow, and expand both our mental and physical capacity. Are you up for the challenge? I sure hope you are.

Here’s some ways to help boost your courage:

  • Don’t overthink it. Once you’ve decided to do anything in life that requires courage, don’t wait, proceed to act.
  • Commit yourself ahead of time. Stating intentions to your support system will make you be accountable and you will follow through with the activity.
  • Do the activity with a friend. Recruit a friend or family member to participate in the activity. Interacting with another person is a true way of managing fear and anxiety.
  • Think of how good you’ll feel afterwards. Give some serious thought to how great you’ll feel about yourself after you take this leap of faith. You will feel more confident and increase your determination.
  • Think of the doors that would open for you. If you struggle with courage and anxiety issues, you may need to seek help from a mental health professional or support group. Take some time to consider all the ways your life could be different if you were able to tackle your issue(s) successfully and use the motivation this process gives you to take the necessary step.

My prayer for you today is that you take the words from this blog post and hide them deep in your heart. Take time to reflect on them often throughout your journey. The moment you take that first step on your journey is the moment you start working toward your dream. You will notice the little seeds of courage starting to sprout all around you. Take a deep breath and capture the moment. Despite the fear you may feel because you are entering an unknown territory, embrace your true feelings and take a leap of faith knowing that courage is not just around you, but within you. Faith is all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them. -Unknown

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • Take a moment to think about the concept of having faith. What is the best way to increase your faith today?
  • List five ways you’ve become stronger and more faithful today, this week, or this month.
  • Why is it difficult to face your fears?
  • What would you do if you knew how to overcome fear?
  • What does it look like for you to take a step of courage today?
  • Write about a door you know God has closed in your life. How did you find the courage to work through this experience?
  • Have there been times in your life when you’ve needed to be courageous? Take a moment to write about the situation and what you did to overcome your fears.
  • Describe an area of your life in which you wish you were more courageous. What is it, and how would you benefit?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Less Worry More Faith

Less Worry More Faith

Renew Inspiration, Happy Easter, Worry, Faith, Anxiety, Easter Lily, Journal Prompt

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Happy Easter to you and your families. Despite what you have experienced throughout the week, be thankful that you are here today to speak about it and read my inspirational blog. Now, I don’t know about you, but lately, I have found it very difficult to shake off worry and anxiety. If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to strive for less worry and more faith.


DEFINITIONS – Worry & Faith

God is still writing your story. Don’t let go of your faith because of what you have to see. – Unknown Author

Worry can be defined as:

• To allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life.

• Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”.

Faith can be defined as:

• Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

• Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.



Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. – Unknown Author

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of which things trigger our anxiety.

• Is it when we’re in certain places?

• Particular times of the day?

• When we’re around certain people?

• Is there certain thoughts, emotions or feelings?



Smile, breathe, and go slowly. – Thich Nhat Hahn

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

• Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when your worry escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?

• Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments of high worry? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.

• Schedule therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Be open and honest.

• Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your worrying. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences, listen to others and give/receive feedback.

• Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

• Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.

• Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.

• Find ways to cope with worry and anxiety by purchasing The Ultimate Anxiety Workbook.



Faith is building on what you know is here so you can reach what you know is there. – Cullen Hightower

While most communities are still sheltered in place, take this very sensitive time to build a true relationship with God so you can increase your faith. Believe it or not, your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them. You must believe in your heart and mind that you will receive whatever it is that you are praying for throughout your journey. No mountain is too big for our God. I always think of a mountain as any obstacle, problem, or situation that happens in our lives throughout the journey.

Here’s some ways to increase your faith:

• Read and study God’s Word.

• Pray to God throughout your day.

• Listen to positive and uplifting gospel music.

• Read a devotional to strengthen your faith.

• Practice praise and worship ushering in God’s presence.

• Meditate on God’s Word and spend time journaling.

Begin to create a safe space for God to work wonders in your spiritual life by reading God’s Word, praying often, and submitting to God’s healing. God wants your heart, gratitude, and honesty which will bring you to His everlasting peace. Remember, less worry, more faith should be your living roadmap.



I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What positive things will begin to take the place of worry?

• What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry?

• What are some of your worry triggers?

• When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?

• What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

• What is the best way to increase my faith?

• List five ways you’ve become stronger and more faithful this month.

• How can I strengthen my faith in God?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Mental Break

Mental Break


The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. – Sakyong Mipham

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Well, it is officially summer and our schedules are all over the place. Now, that school is out, most families have to juggle working outside of the home, taking children to summer programs, and planning fun activities to do as a family. I am sure all of the parents can relate, right?

In addition, this is also a time where people can become mentally drained due to stress and anxiety. Tis the season to be happy one moment and sad in another. When your emotions seem to be all over the place, it is important to take a mental break from life as you know it so you can put your mental state in check. During this time, remember, you are not alone during this process. Make sure to change your focus and have your support network established.


Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax. – Bryant McGill

Believe it or not, relaxing the mind is very important when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Take time to observe how you really feel and don’t be afraid to challenge your thoughts.

Here’s some ways to help relax the mind:

• Sit or lay in a quiet place

• Visualize yourself calm and at peace

• Take slow, deep breaths with your eyes closed

• Practice mindful meditation or prayer

• Listen to soothing music

• Read a good book

• Write in your journal or notebook

• Exercise or go for a walk outdoors

• Talk to someone you trust (family, friends, co-workers, therapist)

• Soak in a warm bath with your eyes closed


Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it. – Crystal Andrus

Stop trying to please everyone and putting yourself down. At some point, you have to make positive changes in your life in order to see positive results. Don’t live in the past. Instead, take a moment to release all pain, suffering, worry, and anxiety.

Today I release all of the following:

• Toxic thoughts and emotions

• Unhealthy environments

• Unfruitful relationships

• Thoughts of revenge and unforgiveness

• Thoughts of envy and strife

• Negative words I spoke about others

• Negative words I have spoken to myself

I totally let all of these things go on today, right now in this very moment. I live a life filled with love, peace, and freedom from this day forward.


Make your mental health a priority. – Unknown Author

Today I embrace the memory of the past and the strength of the future. I am grateful for all that life has given me. I acknowledge that I did the best I could at the time, and now I am ready to clear my mind of all negative thoughts. I am in perfect balance. I am physically and emotionally connected and healed. I am free of worry and I am truly at peace with who I am. Every day I plan to set aside quality time for mental wellness so I can become stronger and more relaxed. I love myself and life as I know it.


Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers. – Unknown Author

Now, it is time to put your journaling efforts to work. Throughout the mental break process, put all previous mistakes and misfortunes behind you so you’re moving forward with a clear mind. Believe in yourself and stand in your new experience. After awhile this new experience and lifestyle will become priority. Nothing else will matter.

• What is on your mind right now in this very moment?

• What are some of your thoughts that you want to change?

• What are some of your thoughts holding you back right now?

• What was the last self-care thing you did to improve your mental state?


If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. – Unknown Author

Let’s talk. Taking a mental break can be difficult for most people. It not only takes courage, but it takes a strong level of commitment. How often do you take a mental break from life’s priorities and challenges? Do you feel guilty or do you look forward to this time to refresh your mental state?

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Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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Shake Off Worry and Anxiety

Shake Off Worry and Anxiety

flower, worry, anxiety, renew, inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything, it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown

Thought for today – Not once does the Bible say, “Worry about it” or “Stress over it” or “Figure it out.” But over and over the Bible clearly says, “TRUST GOD.”

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Lately, I have found it very difficult to shake off worry and anxiety. I have promised myself, that I would write about topics that I personally experience so I can help others who may be going through similar life changing situations. If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to SHAKE OFF worry and anxiety for good. Are you with me?

What’s my story related to worry and anxiety? I’m going to be honest, I never really worried a lot or felt anxiety to the point where I would not do certain things until my mother passed away in 2015. It was at this point that I felt like a total failure because I could not help my mother fight her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It was so difficult just watching her breathing get worse and worse. My mother was a small woman with strength of a lion, but COPD broke her body down quickly right before my eyes.

Even writing these words stirred up emotions inside of me, but I continued so I can help someone else who may be experiencing the same thing. The grieving process has been very difficult for me, but I turned to writing as a way to release my pain and emptiness inside. In addition, I found a great therapist as well to help me cope with my emotions, thoughts and feelings. I am glad to say that I no longer blame myself for my mother’s death. I realize I had no control of her chronic illness and God’s timing. This process has shown me that you can learn different ways to handle worry and anxiety, but it’s fair to say that it may never leave your body for good, it’s just resting inside waiting for an opportunity to arise.

Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown

Did you know that worry and anxiety often times goes hand in hand? Let’s define both.

Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body. Anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”.

Experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

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Worry Triggers

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of which things trigger our anxiety.

• Is it when we’re in certain places?

• Particular times of the day?

• When we’re around certain people?

Many different things can trigger worry and understanding your particular triggers can help you process and establish ways to respond to your anxious feelings. Keep in mind that anxiety can trick you into believing your thoughts are reality. When you’re feeling anxious, you struggle to distinguish what you’re actually experiencing and what your thoughts are projecting. Begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what is real around you. Pay attention to what you’re doing right now in this very moment, not on your worries or anxiety.

Feeling Overwhelmed

• Take slow, deep breaths, as many as you need to in order to feel calm.

• While breathing slowly and deeply, visualize a peaceful, soothing place. Examples may include walking on the beach, taking a hike in the woods, reading a good book, sitting in a meditation pose, doing yoga, etc.

• You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.

• Drink a soothing, noncaffeinated tea. Great herbs for reducing anxiety include lavender, chamomile, passionflower, hawthorn, kava, ginseng and lemon balm.

• Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.

• Notice negative thoughts and replace them with simple positive ones. For example, I can’t handle this becomes I am handling this right now and I know this anxiety will soon pass.

Finding What Works for You

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

• Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?

• Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments of high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.

• Schedule therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Be open and honest.

• Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Don’t be afraid to share your experiences, listen to others and give/receive feedback.

• Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

• Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.

• Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.

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Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations help to change your current mindset and boost your self-confidence.

• May I live peacefully alongside all of my emotions and worry.

• May I accept what is happening in my life, moment by moment.

• May my acceptance give me courage to face situations and people.

• May I live my life fully and freely, enjoying my life even when I feel anxious.

• May my loved ones enjoy this acceptance and freedom, too.

water, worry, anxiety, renew, inspiration

Time for Reflection – Journal Prompts

Find time for reflection and write answers to the journal prompts in your journal or notebook.

• What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?

• What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?

• What are some of your worry triggers?

• When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?

• Where are you when this worry is at its peak?

• What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

Prayer for Worry and Anxiety

Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Renew Inspiration is a participate in the Target Affiliate Program which is an advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Target.com

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