Self-confidence is a super power. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts happening. – Unknown Author
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Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Take this alone time during the pandemic to improve confidence within which is also known as self-confidence. Confidence is all about knowing and valuing yourself. In addition, confidence can bring about a high level of happiness and security knowing that you are fulfilling your destiny in life. If you’re honest, you have to admit that at one time or another you may have struggled with believing in yourself or allowing others to dictate what makes you happy. This is normal behavior, but if not careful, it can lead to confidence issues. My goal today is to boost your morale and show you how to improve confidence within. Let’s get started!
I breathe in confidence and I exhale fear. – Unknown Author
Before diving into the deep conversation, let’s define confidence and self-confidence.
Confidence (noun) – the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
Self-confidence (noun) – a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.
AMAZON RESOURCE #1 – Book – The Confidence Gap
The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do. – Swati Sharma
Now, that we have a better understanding of what confidence means, let’s discuss some benefits of improving confidence. Believe it or not, confidence is linked to almost every element involved in a happy and fulfilling life. Think about your life for a moment. Everyone has experienced an uncomfortable moment where you just did not feel prepared enough for whatever was placed before you. Fast forward to right now, you will learn the benefits of improving confidence in any situation so you will not have to suffer alone and/or in silence.
Here’s some benefits of improving confidence:
- Less fear and anxiety – You will calm the voice inside and take action
- Boosts self-esteem – You will love yourself more and take charge of your life
- Diminishes stress – You will be free from worry and feel less stress
- Greater motivation – You will strive for greater accomplishments in life
- More resilience – You will handle and be able to cope with temporary setbacks
- Improved relationships – You will have healthy relationships and have deeper empathy
- Makes us feel good about ourselves – You will believe in yourself and strive to be better
- Stronger sense of your authentic self – You will celebrate your strengths, accept your weaknesses and know your self-worth
If you begin working on these benefits, your actions will be in line with your values and principles. Then, you will have a greater sense of purpose. You will hold your head high, know who you are, and what you stand for.
AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Book – The Power of Self-Confidence
I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do today. – Unknown Author
Now, I want to share some life changing affirmations with you. Please take some time to recite these life changing affirmations every day. Not only recite them, but also believe every word. Feed your spirit life and you will become more confident and have a life full of happiness.
- My mind is clear and focused.
- I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and choices.
- I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
- I have a strong and healthy body.
- My body is balanced and thriving.
- I am brave, bold, and beautiful.
- I have a calm spirit.
- I have unlimited potential.
- I embrace happiness as my natural state of being.
I am sure you already know that improving confidence is not going to be an easy task. Nor is it easy to achieve or maintain throughout life. Like anything else in life, you have to practice improving confidence and put it in practice every day. What’s important to note is that as time goes on, confidence is something you will build through wisdom and experience. If you improve your confidence, you will become a happier person.
Your greatest obstacle and your greatest strength stare back at you in the mirror every day. – Unknown Author
I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!
- Who is someone you think embodies confidence and why?
- What is your favorite quote(s) and why?
- How well do you really know yourself?
- What are 3 goals you want to accomplish this year?
- How can you love yourself more?
- What are at least 5 healthy habits you want to start this month?
- What are some things that make you feel good?
AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Journal – Let That Sh*t Go
Please accept this CONFIDENCE keepsake. Post it on your wall, mirror and/or social media accounts and cherish it always.

Let’s talk. What specific experiences in your life do you think had the biggest negative effects on your self-confidence? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.
Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!
Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).
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