Worry Less and Trust God

Worry Less and Trust God

Renew Inspiration, Worry Less and Trust God

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. It just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Thought for today – Not once does the Bible say, “Worry about it” or “Stress over it” or “Figure it out.” But over and over the Bible clearly says, “TRUST GOD.”

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! It has been more than two months since I’ve posted here. Lately, I have found it very difficult to focus on writing projects, to limit my worrying and to trust God for everything pertaining to my life. I had to take a mental break from researching and writing, but now I’m back. As I have stated before, I promised myself, that I would write about topics that I personally experience so I can help others who may be going through similar life changing situations. If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to worry less and trust God.


Old Testament Scripture – Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

New Testament Scripture – Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown

What’s my story related to worry and anxiety? I’m going to be honest, I never really worried a lot or felt anxiety to the point where I would not do certain things until my mother passed away in 2015. It was at this point that I felt like a total failure because I could not help my mother fight her Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It was so difficult just watching her breathing get worse and worse. My mother was a small woman with strength of a lion, but COPD broke her body down quickly right before my eyes.

Even as I write these words, emotions begin to stir around inside of me, but I continued writing so I can help someone else who may be experiencing the same thing. It’s hard to admit sometimes, but the grieving process has been very difficult for me, but I turned to writing as a way to release my pain and emptiness inside. I am glad to say that I no longer blame myself for my mother’s death. I realize I had no control of her chronic illness and God’s timing. This process has shown me that you can learn different ways to handle worry and anxiety throughout life, but it’s fair to say that it may never leave your body for good, it’s just resting inside waiting for an opportunity to arise.


Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. – Unknown Author

Did you know that worry and anxiety often times goes hand in hand? Let’s define both.

Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body. Anxiety can happen at any time, and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”.


Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strengths. – Corrie Ten Boom

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious, and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of which things trigger our anxiety.

Here’s a few questions to ask yourself when determining your worry triggers:

  • Is it when you’re in certain places?
  • Is it particular times of the day?
  • Is it when you’re around certain people?

Many different things can trigger worry and understanding your particular triggers can help you process and establish ways to respond to your anxious feelings. Keep in mind that anxiety can trick you into believing your thoughts are reality.


You can’t calm the storm…so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass. – Timber Hawkeye

When you’re feeling anxious, you struggle to distinguish what you’re actually experiencing and what your thoughts are projecting. Begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what is real around you. Pay attention to what you’re doing right now in this very moment, not on your worries or anxiety.

Here’s a few suggestions that you can use when you’re feeling overwhelmed:

  • Take slow, deep breaths, as many as you need to in order to feel calm.
  • While breathing slowly and deeply, visualize a peaceful, soothing place. Examples may include walking on the beach, taking a hike in the woods, reading a good book, sitting in a meditation pose, doing yoga, etc.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Drink a soothing, noncaffeinated tea. Great herbs for reducing anxiety include lavender, chamomile, passionflower, hawthorn, kava, ginseng and lemon balm.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Notice negative thoughts and replace them with simple positive ones. For example, I can’t handle this becomes I am handling this right now and I know this anxiety will soon pass.


Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere. – English Proverb

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some great ways to worry less and trust God:

  • Pray and read God’s Word daily.
  • Determine the source of the worry, so you can do something about it.
  • Allow yourself time to worry (10 to 15 minutes).
  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments of high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • Ditch the small stuff and put things in perspective.
  • Give into laughter and smile more.
  • Engage with positive people.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a mental health professional. Be open and honest.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.

Although experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem. Stop using your energy to worry. Instead, use your energy to believe, create, love, grow, manifest, heal, and trust God. Be blessed!


Affirmations can be used to change your current mindset, boost your self-confidence, mood, and self-esteem. Through the power of repetition, you’re able to reconstruct your thought patterns, beliefs, and ideals in your subconscious mind.

Here’s some affirmations to help you let go of stress, worry, and anxiety:

  • As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.
  • I am strong and courageous.
  • My thoughts and feelings are valid.
  • I live peacefully alongside all of my emotions and worry.
  • I accept what is happening in my life, moment by moment.
  • My acceptance gives me courage to face situations and people.
  • I live my life fully and freely, enjoying my life even when I feel anxious.
  • I feel grounded in this moment which helps me to move freely past the worry or anxious feeling.
  • I have survived my anxiety before, so I can do it again.
  • I let go of what I cannot control.
  • My anxiety does not define me.
  • I have the power to control my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.


To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. – Lao Tzu

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?


 No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. – Faraaz Kazi

Journal To Overcome Grief: A Personal Journey to Healing can be purchased via Amazon.com.  This beautiful grief journal includes thought provoking journal prompts and quotes that will help you navigate life after loss.

Journal To Overcome Grief


There will be times when you’ll want to cry and other times when you’ll smile as you explore your personal reflections. This is a unique way to honor your loved one and connect with their spirit through writing while creating your own personal keepsake for years to come.


Please share what helps you to worry less and trust God more? How do you choose to cope with worry and anxiety? I look forward to reading your comments and feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

7 Ways To Create Healthy Boundaries

7 Ways To Create Healthy Boundaries

Renew Inspiration, 7 Ways To Create Healthy Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are not walls to block others out. They are barriers that set us free to love the right people, most importantly ourselves. – Ann Lesuer

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I want to pause to say HAPPY MLK DAY! Hope you plan to reflect on how you can keep Martin Luther King’s dream alive. For me, I will continue to treat everyone with love and respect no matter the color of their skin. Also, I will continue to speak up when people of color are not treated fairly. It’s a shame that we are still speaking about this matter in 2022, but it is our reality.

How has 2022 been treating you so far? I have to be honest there’s a few areas of my life that have been stressing me out lately, but I continue to move forward each and every day. One area in particular that concerns me the most is the idea of setting personal boundaries to protect my mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. With that in mind, I want to share ways to create healthy boundaries within your current lifestyle. Although, creating healthy boundaries can be empowering and life changing, this process will also help you to:

  • Honor your personal values and beliefs.
  • Communicate your needs in a relationship.
  • Make time and space for positive interactions.
  • Set limits in a relationship in a way that is healthy.
  • Strengthen your inner self, mind, body, and spirit.

When you recognize the need to set and enforce limits that impacts your life in a positive way, you not only feel a sense of freedom, but you also improve your self-esteem, maintain self-respect, and enjoy healthy relationships along the way.


Boundaries are limits you set for yourself that determine what you will or won’t participate in. – Unknown Author

Before going any further, let’s take a moment to define boundaries.

Boundaries (noun):

Guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for themselves what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them and how they will respond when some people steps outside those limits.

It’s important to note that unhealthy boundaries may cause emotional imbalances in your life that can lead to dependency of alcohol or drugs, depression, anxiety, or other stressed-induced physical illnesses. However, if you commit to creating healthy boundaries within your lifestyle, you will:

  • Have good mental and emotional health.
  • Develop your own personal identity.
  • Avoid mental, emotional, and physical burnout.
  • Influence others’ behavior.
  • Improve self-awareness.  
  • Maintain healthy and friendly relationships.

Remember, to always strive to live a well-balanced life throughout this process. I want to share the following barriers you may experience if you don’t establish healthy boundaries within your lifestyle:

    • Fear of rejection.
    • Fear of abandonment.
    • Fear of confrontation.
    • Feeling guilty.
    • Lack of understanding.
    • Safety concerns.
    • Poor self-esteem.


I allow myself to set healthy boundaries. To say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does. Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me. – Lee Horbachewski

Creating healthy boundaries is an important aspect of loving one-self and practicing self-care. Many people strive to understand the benefits of creating healthy boundaries throughout this fascinating journey called life. It’s important to have a set of values, principles, morals, and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life, then using those principles to guide your actions. Finding meaning and purpose may be a lifelong process for most people that evolves based on unique circumstances or individual life experiences.

The benefits of creating healthy boundaries allow you to:

  • Improve your self-esteem and self-respect.
  • Establish trusting relationships with others.
  • Protect your physical and emotional space.
  • Establish an equal partnership where responsibility and power are shared.
  • Separate your needs, thoughts, feelings, and desires from others.
  • Recognize your boundaries and needs are different from others.
  • Empower yourself to make healthy choices and take responsibility for yourself.

Keep in mind that it’s natural to experience a variety of emotions, such as hope, forgiveness, acceptance, doubt, fear, disappointment, or conflict along the path to creating healthy boundaries. Just be open, honest and allow yourself to feel all of the emotions that are taking place throughout your journey.


A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect. – Unknown Author

So, how do you create healthy boundaries while living your best life? The answer is quite simple. You must practice and implement a consistent self-care routine. Self-care is nourishment for your entire soul, mind, body, and spirit. Self-care can also help people become the best version of themselves when they learn effective ways to navigate through life.

Here’s some great ways to create healthy boundaries in your life using self-care:

  • Clearly define your desired boundaries and limitations to protect your well-being.
  • Communicate well while keeping your personal needs and values in the forefront.
  • Give yourself permission to express how you feel in any given situation.
  • Keep it simple and don’t feel the need to over explain yourself to anyone.
  • Seek positive support from people you trust.
  • Be assertive and bold when expressing yourself to others.
  • Set consequences and voice your concerns when people fail to respect your boundaries.

Learning to create healthy boundaries takes time and effort on your part. Set your healthy boundaries in your own time frame, not when someone else suggest you do so. Give yourself permission to take time out for you. From time to time, make an appointment with yourself. Don’t wait for good moments to arise, they rarely come. Plan your time wisely and create healthy boundaries that help nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Peace, love and blessings!


Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others. – Brene Brown

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey, and everyone takes their own path.  Ready, set, write!


  • Meditate on peaceful thoughts. Define those thoughts in detail and write about them.
  • What is your favorite memory or life experience?
  • Write about a mental obstacle you overcame today.
  • Did you make time for mental relaxation today?


  • What do you feel right now in this very moment? Listen to your body and write about it.
  • Name one area of physical health you excel in, and one you would like to improve.
  • Write down 5 ways to relax and commit to doing at least 1 per day.
  • What gives your life meaning and purpose?


  • How do you cope with spiritual struggles that occur in your life?
  • What set a spark in your soul today? this week? this month?
  • How do you respond to setbacks or failures? How could you change from within?
  • How does your spiritual values guide my daily decisions and actions?


The only people who get upset about you setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none. – Unknown Author

As I stated before, I look forward to hearing from you. Please take a moment to reflect on these questions. Then, share your answers in the comment section below. You’ll be surprised how much we learn from one another. How often do you spend time journaling? What kind of improvements do you need to make in your life? Have you defined your meaning and purpose in life?  Do you ever spend time reflecting on healthy boundaries? Why or why not?  How do I get through tough times? Where do I find comfort?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2022 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety
Renew Inspiration

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything; it just clouds your mind and steals your happiness. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! If you live your life constantly worrying about things that are out of your control or have anxiety that cause you to stray away from things you love to do, then it’s time to learn how to lessen worry and anxiety for good.

Let’s face it, we all have issues that we worry about, right? Sometimes we’re not even aware of why we’re worrying, when we’re doing it or what we tend to worry about the most. We just know that we often feel anxious and we find ourselves stuck in a vicious cycle of worry. One of the ways to break this vicious cycle is to be aware of the things that trigger these emotions.

Here’s a few questions that you can ask yourself:

  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re in certain places?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious during a particular time of the day?
  • Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious when you’re around certain people?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you have started the process to identify possible triggers that may cause you to worry or experience anxiety throughout your life.


Anxiety comes from trying too hard to control the future. – Unknown Author

Before we go any further, let’s take a moment to define anxiety and worry. Anxiety can be defined as a feeling that lives inside us and blocks us from fully living the life we want to live. Anxiety has various symptoms that can be felt anywhere in the body, such as tightness in chest, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, headaches, trembling or trouble sleeping. It’s important to note that anxiety can happen at any time and it can influence our thoughts, emotions, actions and physical health.

On the other hand, worry can give way to anxiety or unease. Worry allows one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles surrounding one’s life. Worries are a chain of thoughts based in words. For example, “What will happen if” … “It will be terrible when” … “What if I can’t”. In addition, chronic worry and emotional stress can trigger many health problems, such as fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, irritability, muscle aches/tension, nausea, rapid breathing, dry mouth, dizziness, and nervous energy.

Here’s some common causes for anxiety and worry:

  • Stress that can result from work, school, personal relationship
  • Emotional trauma
  • Financial concerns
  • Stress caused by a chronic or serious medical condition
  • A major event or performance
  • Side effect of certain medications
  • Alcohol or drugs consumption
  • Lack of oxygen

As you can see, experiencing worry and anxiety in our lives are natural, but when they become chronic and trapping your mind in vicious cycles with no resolutions, is when they become a problem.

Renew Inspiration, How to Lessen Worry and Anxiety


Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. – Unknown Author

It’s impossible for you to completely eliminate worry and anxiety from your life, but you can significantly lessen its hold over your life. Part of this process is learning when it might show up (triggers) and coming up with a plan to deal with it when it does (solutions).

Here’s some lifestyle changes that can help lessen worry and anxiety in your life:

  • Understand your specific symptoms. What are your thoughts when you worry or when your anxiety escalates? In what situations do your symptoms intensify? Lessen?
  • Know what works for you. Which strategies are helpful in moments when you worry the most or experience high anxiety? Examples could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness exercises, meditation, journaling or talking with a support person.
  • You can pair deep breathing exercises with aromatherapy using a candle or essential oil diffuser to infuse the air with a calming, relaxing scent such as lavender, rose, bergamot or chamomile.
  • Ground yourself physically in a way that feels comfortable. For example, you may sit in a chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor or you can stand with your feet planted on the floor and your back pressed against a wall.
  • Schedule therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional. Be open, honest, and willing to express how you truly feel.
  • Find a support group in your area or online to help you gain another perspective on your anxiety. Face your fears and don’t be afraid to share your experiences. Listen to others and give/receive feedback.
  • Spend some time regularly doing meditation, mindfulness exercises or yoga along with deep breathing exercises.
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal or notebook. Then, reflect on them throughout your journey.
  • Visit your local library and check out some books on worry and anxiety.

Finally, it’s important to get a clear understanding of what your triggers are and establish healthy ways to respond to them. Live in the moment and begin to divert your attention from the thoughts inside your head to what you’re doing in the present. Like any change you pursue in life, remember that it takes time to change your way of thinking and feeling. Be patient with yourself while you lessen worry and anxiety in your life.



Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)


Heavenly Father, I am feeling worried, anxious, and stressed on today. Too many things occupy my mind. Won’t you help me feel calm? Show me Lord, your order and your plans for my life. Teach me to trust in your will alone. Your Word tells me where there is love, there is no fear. Your perfect love drives out all fear from my mind and my life. Let me be filled with your love. The perfect love that tells me I am not condemned, but I am saved through your amazing grace. I can do all things, through you who strengthens me. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.



 Get Started (betterhelp.com)

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

17 Simple Ways to Relieve Worry, Stress, and Anxiety » Hope For Healing (hopeforhealingfoundation.org)

10 Crucial Differences Between Worry and Anxiety | Psychology Today


Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  •  What positive things will begin to take the place of worry and anxiety?
  • What are your biggest challenges that prevent you from overcoming worry and anxiety?
  • What are some of your worry triggers?
  • When do you find yourself worrying about these triggers?
  • Where are you when this worry is at its peak?
  • What makes your worry or anxiety worse? What makes it better?

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

10 Ways to Improve Attitude Awareness

10 Ways to Improve Attitude Awareness

Renew Inspiration, Attitude Awareness, Purpose, Positive Attitude, Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Grateful
Renew Inspiration

Watch your attitude. It’s the first thing people notice about you. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I cannot believe it’s been over a week since I’ve sent out an inspirational blog post to encourage you in some way. I truly apologize, but some days I find it difficult to maintain a positive attitude while trying to cope with life challenges. For example, every time you look around we are forced to deal with racial injustices and gun violence happening all around us. In addition, I am still working from home while helping my children with their virtual learning each day and trying to stay on track with writing my first book.

Despite all of this going on around me, today I choose to have a positive attitude and look at my life in a new way. By making this one choice, I will set myself up to receive beautiful blessings from on high. I will focus on what I have control over and nothing else. After all, a great attitude becomes a great mood. Which becomes a great day. Which becomes a great year. Which becomes a great life.

In life, two things define you:

  • Your patience when you have nothing.
  • And your attitude when you have everything.


Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Unknown Author

Let’s start this discussion off with the definitions of attitude and awareness.

Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

Awareness is defined as the quality or state of being aware; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.

Now, your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are on the inside and out. As you travel along this journey called life, it is important to embrace the moment you’re in which provides opportunities for self-awareness.



If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou

Well, what’s the best way to improve attitude awareness? You start this process by training yourself to be mindfully aware of what is happening in your life right now, in this moment. Awareness balances thinking and reduces anxiety. Keep in mind, anxiety is focused on the past or the future and awareness is grounded in the present.

Here’s 10 ways to improve attitude awareness in your life:

#1 – In life, always act with a purpose.

Make sure that your actions are aligned with your values and who you are as a person. Have a true understanding of why you’re doing whatever it is that you’ve set out to do.

#2 – Stretch yourself past your limits every day.

Create a daily to-do list and strive to push yourself out of your comfort zone. As Brian Tracy says, “You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” This will keep your life fresh and exciting while challenging yourself to get to the next level.

#3 – Don’t expect huge results, just do your best.

Set goals and make decisions without pressuring yourself about the outcome. After all, we want to achieve greatness in life without feeling disappointment if we miss the mark. Plan ahead and do your best.

#4 – Use setbacks to improve your skills.

Examine where you are in this moment to see if there is any room for improvement. Remember, the results you receive prepares you for the results you want to achieve.

#5 – Seek out those who share your positive attitude.

Choose to be around people who share your same values, thoughts and positive attitude. You want to have people in your life to lift you up, not tear you down.


#6 – Always say “Please” and “Thank you”.

Being polite to others helps keep you grounded in positivity. If you want to improve your attitude use “Please” and “Thank you” with a smile on your face every single time you are given the opportunity.

#7 – Don’t compare yourself to others.

I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t spend a lot of time comparing yourself to others. This one action may cause you to begin thinking negatively towards your own life. Spare yourself the grief and focus on your own life and adjust your attitude accordingly.

#8 – Start your day with prayer, meditation, and stretching.

Every day when we rise, it’s important to be grounded on a positive foundation. Recite a simple prayer from your heart, then meditate on your words allowing your mind to be free. Afterwards, spend time stretching your body. You will feel refreshed and ready to take on any task that presents itself.

#9 – Live in the present moment.

Become more mindful and take each day one moment at a time. Plan ahead using a daily to-do list, calendar or a planner. Be careful not to over extend yourself by overlapping appointments. Allow time to take a walk outside or to do nothing at all. Your body will thank you.

#10 – Be grateful for everything you have.

Start every day with an attitude of gratitude. Give thanks for all that you have each and every day. When you rise in the morning, thank God for waking you up and for being your provider. Then, write down some things in your journal that you are grateful for. Repeat this action in the evening before you go to bed as well.

Attitude awareness is the first step to building a positive attitude. As you go through life, always expose yourself to positive information and hang around positive people so you will achieve positive results. Whatever life throws at you at any given time, even if it hurts, plant your feet on solid ground and be strong throughout the process. Remember, strong walls shake, but never collapse. Peace and blessings!



Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


  • Meditate and think about only positive thoughts. Then, write about your thoughts.
  • When you close your eyes, what do you always dream about? Write about it.
  • If you could paint a picture of your favorite memory, what would it look like?


  • Live in the moment right now, describe the feeling and everything around you.
  • What is the most complicated part of your life right now?
  • Do you adapt easily to change or is it hard for you?


  • You’re looking through the window to your soul, what do you see?
  • What is the biggest thing you want to change about yourself?
  • Do you wish you could press the reset button on anything in your life? If so, what?


How do you plan to improve your attitude awareness? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Renew Inspiration, Leap of Faith, Fear, Courage
Renew Inspiration

God is still writing your story. Don’t let go of your faith because of what you have to see. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Let’s Welcome in February by taking a leap of faith.  Despite what you have experienced so far this year, be thankful that you are here today to speak about it and read my inspirational blog. It’s important to pour positivity into our lives so we can be better prepared to overcome obstacles. I think of this process as taking a leap of faith, removing fear as a temporary setback, and adding courage to step out of our comfort zone.


I choose faith over anxiety hope over worry love over fear. – Unknown Author

Faith can be defined as:

  • Complete trust or confidence in someone or something; Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Fear can be defined as:

  • An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Courage can be defined as:

  • As the ability to do something that frightens one and the strength to withstand in the face of danger, fear, difficulty, pain or grief.

AMAZON RESOURCE # 1 – Faith Prayer Journal


Faith isn’t a feeling. It’s a choice to trust God even when the road ahead seems uncertain. – Dave Willis

To begin with, I believe we all have some level of faith within us. Often times in life, we are scared to take the leap of faith which holds us back from fulfilling our potential and becoming the best version of ourselves. Starting today, believe in your heart and mind that you will receive whatever it is that you are praying for throughout your journey. No mountain is too big for our God. I always think of a mountain as any obstacle, problem, or situation that occurs within our life time. Now, let’s talk about the steps in the faith process.

STEP 1 – Take a Step Back

Throughout our journey, it would be nice if we could backtrack and start over from time to time without harming anyone along the way. But how did we get to the point where we want to press the reset button? For some of us, we try to learn from our mistakes which causes us to wonder why we made them in the first place. Retracing our steps helps us remember who we are and where we come from throughout the faith process. This means spending time reading God’s Word, meditating and praying often. Then, looking at our current situation to see where we may have taken the wrong turn.

STEP 2 – Apologize

Then, it is time to apologize for our mistakes if you have hurt someone along the way. For some people apologizing and asking for forgiveness is too hard to handle alone. In most cases, our pride stands in the way of apologizing to make someone else feel better. It is important to retrace our steps and learn how we should be honest to not just ourselves, but also to others. We should all strive to learn and grow from our mistakes. This learning and growing experience is not meant to be easy, but it is a necessary step in this learning and faith process.

STEP 3 – Make Amends

Then, it is time to make amends with those who we have done wrong. In some cases, amends can be straight forward and in other cases it can be quite messy. But nevertheless, be true and honest to yourself. Put everything you have into this faith process to amend your relationships and receive forgiveness from the person(s) in question.

STEP 4 – Move On

Then, the final step in this faith process is the time to prepare yourself to move on. Remember, it is good to ponder on your mistakes, but don’t let them shame you or make you think you are alone throughout the faith process. No matter how big our mistakes seem in life, God’s love and grace can help us through those darkest days. We shall be well and rise again. Just let go, release, and move on.

AMAZON RESOURCE #2 – Audiobook I Will Not Fear


Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small. – Ruth Gendler

Despite having faith in your life, it is important to discuss how fear can also creep in. Fear is a normal reaction that warns our bodies to be careful. Everyone experiences some level of fear in their life from time to time. However, coping with everyday fears can be frightening for most people. Keep in mind, it is impossible to think clearly when you’re feeling overwhelmed or fearful. You must be ready to face your fears head on so you can dictate how your story will end. Remember, you are the root cause of your fears, and most importantly, you can be the solution to them as well.

Here’s some ways to help you overcome fear:

  • Name your fear and face it. Believe it or not, fear is not always obvious.
  • Arm yourself by replacing fear with God’s presence.
  • Imagine your success, not your failures.
  • Act out your new story and visualize your happy place.
  • Don’t try to be perfect. Take time out to rest and reset.
  • Practice mindfulness and focus on your breathing techniques.
  • Identify your fears by writing in your journal.

What makes you afraid? Questions help trigger your fears and bring them to the surface. Remember, fear will consume you if you allow it. Dig deep inside to gain encouragement and strength to move passed your fear so you can proceed with taking the leap of faith that you desire.

AMAZON RESOURCE #3 – Color Me Fearless


Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. – Winston S. Churchill

Next, many situations occur in life that call upon us to do something we find scary, upsetting, uncomfortable, anxiety provoking, or distressing. We have to learn how to move out of our comfort zone throughout this journey called life, so we can develop, grow, and expand both our mental and physical capacity. Are you up for the challenge? I sure hope you are.

Here’s some ways to help boost your courage:

  • Don’t overthink it. Once you’ve decided to do anything in life that requires courage, don’t wait, proceed to act.
  • Commit yourself ahead of time. Stating intentions to your support system will make you be accountable and you will follow through with the activity.
  • Do the activity with a friend. Recruit a friend or family member to participate in the activity. Interacting with another person is a true way of managing fear and anxiety.
  • Think of how good you’ll feel afterwards. Give some serious thought to how great you’ll feel about yourself after you take this leap of faith. You will feel more confident and increase your determination.
  • Think of the doors that would open for you. If you struggle with courage and anxiety issues, you may need to seek help from a mental health professional or support group. Take some time to consider all the ways your life could be different if you were able to tackle your issue(s) successfully and use the motivation this process gives you to take the necessary step.

My prayer for you today is that you take the words from this blog post and hide them deep in your heart. Take time to reflect on them often throughout your journey. The moment you take that first step on your journey is the moment you start working toward your dream. You will notice the little seeds of courage starting to sprout all around you. Take a deep breath and capture the moment. Despite the fear you may feel because you are entering an unknown territory, embrace your true feelings and take a leap of faith knowing that courage is not just around you, but within you. Faith is all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.


Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them. -Unknown

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes, and failures. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Ready, set, write!

  • Take a moment to think about the concept of having faith. What is the best way to increase your faith today?
  • List five ways you’ve become stronger and more faithful today, this week, or this month.
  • Why is it difficult to face your fears?
  • What would you do if you knew how to overcome fear?
  • What does it look like for you to take a step of courage today?
  • Write about a door you know God has closed in your life. How did you find the courage to work through this experience?
  • Have there been times in your life when you’ve needed to be courageous? Take a moment to write about the situation and what you did to overcome your fears.
  • Describe an area of your life in which you wish you were more courageous. What is it, and how would you benefit?

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow, and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2021 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Become Hopeful Again

Become Hopeful Again

Renew Inspiration, Become Hopeful Again, Hopeful Affirmations, Journal Prompts
Renew Inspiration

Learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. – Unknown Author

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! This has been a year to remember, but I don’t want to focus on the negative moments. I want to dig deeper and become hopeful again. Sometimes in life, hope is all we have to hold on to. Hope is what we feel when we think that life is worth living, when we are happy and thinking positive thoughts. Remember, happiness and optimism cannot exist without hope, but hope can exist without happiness or optimism.


In addition, hope is a necessary emotion that helps us engage with life. Hope is directly related to our sense of possibility. The greater our perception of possibilities, the greater our hope. Now, let’s take a moment to look at the definitions of hopeful:

  • Hopeful (adjective) – feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event.
  • Hopeful (noun) – a person likely or hoping to succeed.



And sometimes against all odds, against all logic, we still hope. – Unknown Author

So, where does the choice to become hopeful again come from? It’s simple. Deep inside we feel an expectation that something good will happen in the future. Despite all the negativity that goes on around us, most people strive to anticipate positive outcomes in their lives.

Here’s some benefits to become hopeful again:

  • Offers one a reason for living
  • Helps build resilience in the face of adversity
  • Helps control your emotions and sets the mood for the day
  • Gives you room for self-expression
  • Allows you to believe in your dream
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Essential for creating self-worth
  • Supports mental strength and happiness
  • Improves overall health and encourages a healthy lifestyle



Hope is the feather that reminds us we have wings. – Unknown Author

It’s important to embrace the concept of becoming hopeful again in all aspects of your life. After all, hope is our energy, our fuel for living each day. Without hope in our lives, we lack the necessary energy to engage with life. Living a hopeful life is to recognize that everything and everyone matters, even you.

Here’s some ways to embrace the concept of becoming hopeful again within your life:

  • Be mindful of your expectations and shift them when necessary.
  • Regain control of your life and destiny.
  • Recognize that you can change your life at any time.
  • Look for meaning in the most challenging moments.
  • Listen to another person’s story to help clear your head.
  • Find creative ways to handle stress and disappointment (yoga, meditation, reading).
  • Establish a daily self-care routine that helps to calm you (journaling, to-do list).
  • Create honest and authentic relationships with active listeners and learn to forgive.
  • Develop a daily journal writing habit to release negative experiences and emotions.



Being hopeful during difficult times will not be easy, but is necessary. It is important to no longer hold onto what has happened in your past. Choose to think positive in the midst of hard times or while going through obstacles.

Here’s some hopeful affirmations that you should practice daily:

  • I am hopeful, amazing, enough and complete.
  • I am smart, confident and kind.
  • I am worthy of all my dreams.
  • I am brave, bold and beautiful.
  • I am strong in mind, body and spirit.
  • I am free of worry and regret.
  • I am excited about today and the future.
  • I am resilient and can get through anything.

Remember, hope exists and is all around us every day. Hope is incredibly important in life for health, happiness and success. Have an open mind to something new and you will find healthier ways to overcome life’s struggles. Then, you will be at ease and have a peace of mind while moving forward in life. After all, life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. Don’t lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring!



I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

  • List 5 hopeful quotes that provide you with encouragement.
  • What are you hopeful for on today?
  • Have you ever given up hope on something or someone?
  • Did you ever regain that hope again over time?
  • How can you change your negative thought patterns and become hopeful?
  • What words inspire you, move you and make you feel hopeful?





Let’s talk. Hope helps us to appreciate life and everything life has to offer. Do you struggle with being hopeful while living in a negative world? Do you find yourself hoping for a brighter future? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Overcoming Pandemic Fatigue

Overcoming Pandemic Fatigue

Renew Inspiration, Overcoming Pandemic Fatigue, covid-19, fear, anxiety, grief, depression
Renew Inspiration

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. – Pema Chodron

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! I don’t know about you, but I am experiencing pandemic fatigue in 2020. As we watch the covid-19 case numbers and deaths rise again across the country, it’s important to realize that the stress and the fatigue of the covid-19 pandemic is still hanging over our heads. These feelings and emotions can often times cause people to be exhausted, scared and worried about some of the following:

• Catching and/or spreading covid-19 to others
• Being sick, isolated and dying in the hospital alone
• Financial concerns and losing jobs
• Caring for loved ones who has covid-19
• Going through the grieving process alone
• Feeling isolated and depressed

At the end of the day, I am at peace because my intentions are good, and my heart is pure. My main goal is to keep me and my loved ones safe during this difficult time by overcoming pandemic fatigue.


Your storm is bigger than you are, but your Jesus is bigger than your storm. -Ron Hutchcraft

Believe it or not, it’s perfectly normal to feel burned out while trying to overcome pandemic fatigue. Pandemic fatigue can be caused from a number of emotions you’ve experienced during the pandemic, such as:

• Fear
• Anxiety
• Grief
• Loneliness
• Depression
• Hopelessness

Even though it is challenging to adapt to the increased uncertainty of the pandemic, we must find our inner peace that will help us pay attention to our emotional and physical needs.

Here’s some healthy ways to help you overcome pandemic fatigue:

Take care of your body – Make sure to get plenty of sleep, rest, and exercise. Also, eat a balance and nutritious diet.
Lower your stress – Focus on activities that are calming or bring you joy, such as yoga, nature walks, reading, writing in your journal, practicing meditation and breathing exercises, or watching a comedy.
Connect with others – Remember, we are social creatures by nature. Try to connect with others by making phone calls, arrange video meetings, chat on social media, join a virtual group, take a virtual class or attend online religious services.
Accept your feelings – Acknowledge and name your feelings. Then, refocus your mind and energy on things you can do to feel better.
Create new traditions – Set aside Sundays for self-care, Fridays as family game night or Saturday as movie night. Be creative and come up with ideas that work best for you and your loved ones.



Today I choose: calm over chaos; serenity over stress; peace over perfection; grace over grit; faith over fear. – Mary Davis

Even in the midst of life’s many storms and challenges, such as the covid-19 pandemic, we have the capacity to stand in the center of our own peace. Did you know that it is important to speak peace into your life every day? Take a moment to recite the following statements with confidence:

• Today, I am totally safe and surrounded by love, light, peace, and joy.
• Today, I invite peace and harmony to dwell in me and surround me at all times.
• Today, I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.
• Today, I believe in myself and will be my own inspiration.
• Today, I plan to water my roots, so my soul can blossom.

Keep in mind, it is important for you to know that you already have peace within you, right now, in this very moment.


One thing that I have learned in life, whether your storm is BIG or small, it takes internal strength and peace to overcome many obstacles in life. Just because you may be struggling or find yourself isolated right now, does not mean you are failing life forever. After all, as long as we are living on Earth, we will always experience some type of storm. Keep believing in yourself and stay safe while overcoming pandemic fatigue.



I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

• Have you experienced pandemic fatigue?
• What is your life’s purpose?
• How do you cope with every day struggles of life?
• Do you include affirmations in your daily routine?
• How do you plan to overcome pandemic fatigue?



Let’s talk. Spend time preparing your mindset with peaceful thoughts, such as scriptures, prayers, affirmations or inspirational quotes. What is your favorite scripture, prayer, affirmation or quote? Please share your thoughts in the comments section. I look forward to reading your feedback!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Improving Attitude Awareness

Improving Attitude Awareness

Renew Inspiration, Improving Attitude Awareness
Renew Inspiration

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! Today, I choose to have a positive attitude and look at my life in a new way. With this brand-new attitude, brings a positive mindset and beautiful blessings from on high.

As we travel along this journey called life, it is important to embrace the moment you’re in, which is a process called awareness. Well, what’s the best way to practice awareness? You start this process by training yourself to be mindfully aware of what is happening in your life right now, in this moment. Awareness balances thinking and reduces anxiety. Keep in mind, anxiety is focused on the past or the future and awareness is grounded in the present.

Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

Awareness is defined as the quality or state of being aware; concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.



The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. – Oprah Winfrey

 In life, two things define you: 1) Your patience when you have nothing and 2) And your attitude when you have everything. Attitude awareness is the first step to building a positive attitude. Believe it or not, our attitude plays a big part in our every day lives and can affect the outcome of our future. Always remember, attitude is a choice. We can choose whether to have a good or a bad attitude at any given time.

Here’s six valuable ways to help improve your attitude:

Live in the present moment – Learn how to stop, sit and be quiet even if it is just for 10 minutes per day. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you later.

Act with a sense of purpose – Your actions must be in line with your personal values and who you are as a person. It is important to live your life with purpose.

Expect the best out of every situation – Don’t complain or think negative. Instead, replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Use setbacks to improve your skills – Don’t be afraid to look back at your actions so you can learn important life lessons from your mistakes.

Spend time with like-minded individuals – The people you surround yourself will reflect upon you and how you live your life.

Take action and then let it go – Holding on to your past is not an option. Take appropriate action and let go of everything that is holding you back mentally, physically and spiritually.



Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Unknown Author

As you go through life, always expose yourself to positive information and hang around positive people so you will achieve positive results. Whatever life throws at you, even if it hurts, press forward and plant your feet on solid ground and be strong. Remember, strong walls shake, but never collapse.


 Don’t be ashamed of your story. It just might inspire someone. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!


Meditate and think about only positive thoughts. Then, write about your thoughts.

When you close your eyes, what do you always dream about? Write about it.

If you could paint a picture of your favorite memory, what would it look like?


Live in the moment right now, describe the feeling and everything around you.

What is the most complicated part of your life right now?

Do you adapt easily to change or is it hard for you?


You’re looking through the window to your soul, what do you see?

What is the biggest thing you want to change about yourself?

Do you wish you could press the reset button on anything in your life? If so, what?



Let’s talk. How do you plan to improve your attitude awareness? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Becoming Grounded Within

Becoming Grounded Within

Renew Inspiration, Becoming Grounded Within, Black Woman Praying
Renew Inspiration

Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing. – Joanne Rapits

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! In case you were wondering, I took some time off to gather my thoughts. This has been a stressful year to say the least. I appreciate YOU and all of the support you give. Let’s WELCOME OCTOBER in with a positive mindset, a calm spirit, and a more balanced lifestyle. This week I want to focus on becoming grounded within.

During my research, I’ve learned that becoming grounded within can help you:

  • Clear your mind from negative thoughts
  • Recharge your energy
  • Strengthen your instincts
  • Calm your feelings and emotions



Stay humble, stay grounded, remember what got you to that level and that’s hard work. – Tim Howard

Before learning how to become grounded in your life, it is important to learn and understand the meanings of grounded and ungrounded.

  • Grounded (adjective) – well balanced and sensible.
  • Ungrounded (adjective) – having no base or justification; unfounded.

Just like any major decision you make in life, becoming grounded within requires a level of commitment like no other. However, it’s important to know the warning signs of being ungrounded so you can make the necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.

Here’s a few warning signs of being ungrounded that you may experience:

  • Poor sleep patterns
  • Easily distracted
  • Daydreaming often
  • Constant fatigue
  • Over-think situations
  • Experience anxiety and perpetual worrying
  • Overly obsessed with your personal image

Keep in mind that there may be some overlap with other symptoms or health conditions which may cause a misdiagnosis.


Unfortunately, many of us struggle to overcome obstacles in life and don’t understand that the root cause is often times hidden within. Whether you sometimes feel stressed out, anxious or depressed, there’s one important fact that you need to remember. You need to learn more about yourself and how you operate at your best. Your mind, body and spirit must become ONE in order for you to be at your best.


Most people appreciate a calm mind only when under pressure, when they are worried or when they need to focus. However, it is important for you to find effective ways to help calm your mind regularly, such as:

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Stay in the present
  • Broaden your view
  • Try guided meditation
  • Reflect often and write in your journal


Our bodies are made to move. Movement helps release tension, lift depression, and you get better sleep. Here’s some great ways to calm your body:

  • Fuel your body with healthy food options
  • Exercise daily (cardio, strength & stretching)
  • Try new yoga positions
  • Use effective breathing techniques
  • Go outside and get fresh air
  • Change your focus and environment
  • Listen to Music
  • Re-engage with like-minded people


 If there is a need to calm your spirit, then you must first address the root cause of your stress. Once you complete this task, then you are ready to find better ways to calm your spirit:

  • Learn how to regulate your breathing
  • Pamper yourself (Take a warm bath, read a good book, and get a massage)
  • Practice meditation 15 – 30 minutes per day
  • Focus on gratitude and find what you are grateful for
  • Setup a daily routine (Use a To-Do List or Checklist)
  • Write in your journal


Even though we know how important it is to feel more grounded throughout life, it is difficult to do without feeling less stress and more confident. As we go about our day-to-day lives, it’s best to find what makes you feel grounded and calm. We all are different and unique, but I do know that our minds, bodies, and spirit must be as ONE in order for you to feel complete.


 Don’t be ashamed of your story. It just might inspire someone. – Unknown Author

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey and be patient with yourself. Ready, set, write!

 Do you feel grounded right now in this very moment?

  • What is your greatest quest in life?
  • How have you been holding yourself back?
  • What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned?
  • How are you mistreating your body or comprising your health?
  • How do you plan to feed your spirit on today?



 Let’s talk. How do you plan to become more grounded in life? What are some things you do to help calm your mind, body & spirit? Please share your honest response in the comment section. I cannot wait to hear from you.

 Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

 Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Copyright © 2020 – Renew Inspiration – All Rights Reserved

Escape Through Journaling

Escape Through Journaling

Renew Inspiration, Escape, Journaling, Mental, Physical, Spiritual

Journaling helps you to become a better version of yourself. – Asad Meah

Affiliate Disclaimer: This site contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you purchase through any of the links (at no additional cost to you).

Welcome back to Renew Inspiration! My prayer today is that this blog post will encourage and inspire you in some way while we are still struggling to fight the covid-19 virus around the world. Let’s take a moment to welcome May in with an inspiring writing piece related to journaling. Journaling is a powerful tool that involves the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores personal thoughts and feelings surrounding the events of your life.

Have you taken the time to evaluate your mental, physical and spiritual well-being lately?

Mental – Your mind will always believe everything you tell it.

Physical – Your body is healthy and beautiful.

Spiritual – Everything you need is within you.

Especially during difficult times like these, here’s some great questions to help you escape through journaling:

• Why do I write in my journal?
• What do I want to learn about myself?
• What am I afraid of?
• How do I shine from day to day?
• How do I evaluate my daily stress level?



A journal is your completely unaltered voice. – Lucy Dacus

Well, I hope you have your journal/diary/notebook and something to write with. I love to write in my journal because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Journal writing is a form of personal expression. Journal writing can be whatever you want it to be. Remember, journal writing is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures.

Here’s some great journaling tips to help you get started with your journaling adventure:

Create a safe place – Declutter your space; You should feel good, happy and calm in your space

Let it all out – Allow your thoughts to flow freely and write about anything and everything

Dedicate time and write regularly – Try to write in your journal on a regular basis; Every day is ideal to build health journaling habits

Try new things – Write letters to yourself or to loved ones (past or present), write poetry, to-do lists, etc.

Don’t get too negative – Shift your writing in another direction; Avoid rereading your negative writing

Make it easy – Set yourself up for success; Keep your pen and paper handy at all times

Be free – Write whatever feels right; Your writing doesn’t need to follow any certain structure

Keep it private – Use your journal as you see fit; You don’t need to share it with others



Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time. – Mina Murray

In addition, a journal is a reflection of who you are, it’s a repository for all of the things that interest and inspire you throughout life and beyond. A journal provides a safe environment to experiment with your writing style and technique as well. Simply put, when you write in a journal it becomes your personal journey of creative and heart felt thoughts. The methods you choose can depend on your needs at the time and your personality. Don’t over complicate it, just write what feels right.

Even though there are many benefits of journaling, here’s some of the most important ones to consider while on your journey:

• Journaling helps to improve your mood

• Journaling helps to prioritize problems, fears and concerns

• Journaling helps to recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them

• Journaling provides an opportunity for positive self-talk

• Journaling identifies negative thoughts and behaviors

• Journal helps to manage anxiety, depression symptoms and reduce stress

However, to get the most benefits of journaling, be sure to always:

• Relax and meditate often

• Eat a healthy, balanced diet

• Exercise regularly and get in some activity every day

• Treat yourself to plenty of sleep each night



Journal to awaken your mind and transform your life. – Asad Meah

I love journaling because it is a safe place for me to put my feelings and emotions into words, then put my words into action. Remember, journaling is your very own personal journey throughout life, your ups and downs, your successes and failures. In addition, journaling is a powerful way to process events in your life, build self-awareness, get more clarity, and keep yourself on track. Journaling also allows for past reflection, future insight, and present surrender. Keep in mind that this is a journey. Everyone takes their own path. Ready, set, write!

• What did you learn about yourself this month? this week? today?

• What are you inviting into your life with your actions?

• What feels like a struggle at the moment?

• How can I create more acceptance in my life?

• How have I been holding myself back?

• How can I take a step forward each day?

• What stresses me out? What can I do to reduce the stress?

• What can you do right now to lift your mood?

• What matters most to me right now in this very moment?

• As of today, what is my vision for my life in one year, two years, three years?



Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love.

Let’s take a moment to share with one another. Journaling can help you overcome any problem or obstacle that you face in life. Have you already tried journaling to overcome challenges in life? If so, please share your experience(s).

Please share your responses in the comment below so we can learn and grow together. I am excited to hear from you. Until next time, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!

Believe in yourself today, tomorrow and forever!

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